Uncovered Passion Read online

Page 4

  “Okay, that sounds fine.” Sasha’s eyes didn’t meet his and a becoming little blush was back on her cheeks again.

  Taking her by the arm, they made their way towards the doors. Exiting the hotel, Garrick wondered what the source of this uncomfortable silence was. It seemed that Sasha had a way of moving from hot to cold and back again in the space of a few moments.

  Opening the cab door so that Sasha could climb inside, Garrick found his eyes riveted on her tempting backside. The flared hips and full round cheeks of her derriere made it the finest he had ever seen. But, what really got him going was the thong underwear prominently on display as her jeans hung low on her pelvis. His fingers ached to fondle her behind as she climbed into the taxi. He sometimes wondered if all this exposure to her delectable body was going to give him a case of perma-erection.

  Sasha couldn’t stop the smile that broke out across her face at his silly musings. She was secretly flattered by his acute arousal over her body. She could also completely sympathize with him because she had already started to think that she would never be able to wear underwear again without them becoming wet.

  Laying her head on Garrick’s shoulder, she wished she could talk about those moments of disquiet with him. Sasha knew the source. The problem was that the moment she revealed it to him then she would have to confess who she was and why she had approached him in the first place. To put it simply, both of them wanted to take this attraction to a higher level only to do so would mean that they would have to come completely clean with one another. Something Sasha just could not do.

  Silence reigned as the cab pulled up to the Okhotny Ryad Trade Complex. Sasha looked at the large building. She had seen it a few days ago across the street when she had ‘bumped’ into Garrick at the Kremlin. While she had heard of the mega shopping center, she had never actually been in it before.

  “Wow, it’s pretty big. I think the flyer said it had 120 arcade games. I think that’s more than enough for you to gain the experience.” It had to be the largest mall that Garrick had ever seen. The shopping complex was three stories high with a large central court on the main floor. Having spent the majority of his life in small rural towns, he wasn’t completely immune to the effect of mega shopping malls and strangely enough the sight of it seemed familiar to him. “Have you ever been here before?” probably a silly question since she lived here but it was out before he could stop himself.

  “No, I’ve been by it a few times but I’ve never actually gone inside.”

  That was strange. You’d think she’d been to everything since she lived in the city. Garrick couldn’t help but observe that in many ways her country seemed new and different to her. Of course, maybe he was just imagining it. Locals didn’t always spend a great deal of time cruising the tourist traps. It seemed logical to him that she would have at least have visited the places that young people so often spend most of their time in. Although, maybe she was just different than her peers? It wasn’t like he could be stereotyped as the average American, far from it in fact. “How about that? Another first we’re sharing.”

  Sasha was at a loss. How could she explain the fact she’d never been anywhere in the city? She was surprised Garrick hadn’t come right out and asked her yet. Some part of her was dying to tell him what all she was. That way, some other soul would truly know her and want to spend time with her regardless of her abilities or job title. “Amazing how that works huh?”

  Sasha allowed Garrick to pay for the cab and escort her into the grandest set of shops she had ever seen. “Wow, look a racetrack!” Sasha blurted out before she could stop herself. That wasn’t very ladylike at all to be screaming like a little child. Adrenaline had just rushed into her system at the new and amazing things. Being at the facility Sasha had never witnessed a real race car let alone driven a small one herself. This was part of her reluctance when it came to finishing her assignment. Even though she wanted to prove herself to Petre and Nessa, she was thoroughly enjoying her time with Garrick. She had been wondering if this is how ‘normal’ people felt all the time. The fierce attraction she had for him only seemed to intensify when she caught his aroused thoughts.

  Trying to stifle a laugh, Garrick smiled at Sasha’s enthusiasm. Maybe he wasn’t imagining that she was different from other people her age. It was as if the curiosity and excitement of a child was wrapped up in a deliciously, provocative package. The thought of unwrapping that luscious package had Garrick trying to hide his body’s reaction from Sasha. “Would you like to drive the car first? We could start with that and then do the arcade and dinner if you like.”

  “Really? That would be great. Do you really have to know how to drive a car in order to drive one of these? I’m afraid I don’t have a license.”

  “I’m pretty sure you don’t need a license but since the cars are built for two do you want to ride with me first and then see if you want to drive one yourself?” The thought of her body pressed against his in the small seat of the car had him aching to feel her curves. Sasha nearly dragged Garrick along in her haste to get inside the car. Sliding in next to her, Garrick fought hard to stifle the moan of pleasure as her petite body molded itself to his. The seats were really small for which Garrick was even now thanking God for.

  Garrick quickly started the small vehicle and hit the gas. This was one experience he wanted Sasha to remember for the rest of her life. Slamming his foot on the pedal as far as it would go, the small car leapt into action with squealing tires. Barely missing the track barrier, Garrick maneuvered the race car around the looping track with ease. At one sharp turn, Sasha grabbed onto Garrick’s leg to support herself.

  A blush bloomed on Sasha’s cheeks as she realized just where she had her hand on Garrick’s leg. Quite close to the top of his thigh, she could feel his jeans strain to contain him. A flush of arousal went through her body at the thought of what lay so close beneath the denim. Sasha wanted to be bold. She knew they wouldn’t be together long. In a rash decision Sasha moved her hand high to cover his denim encased erection.

  The car swerved on the track just as Sasha moved her palm slowly back and forth along the hard ridge. A small seductive smile slid onto her face as she saw his surprise and appreciation. Sasha suppressed a giggle at the lascivious thoughts running through Garrick’s head. Some of the things he had been thinking Sasha thought might be physically impossible. However, she was beginning to think she just might be willing to try.

  As the car slowed down, Garrick could barely contain his excitement. In the short time he had been with Sasha she had never initiated any of the physical aspects of the relationship. Hope bloomed in his heart. Maybe he could experience a more special part of Russia before he had to leave. Garrick mentally scolded himself. He couldn’t believe he had just entertained a thought akin to an eighteen year old boy’s fantasy. However much he wanted to feast upon Sasha’s delectable body, Garrick could tell she was innocent. Every move she had made until now had proved that. Somewhere between the cab and now Sasha had completed a 180 degree change. From uncomfortable silences to obvious groping, Garrick was lost. What was he supposed to think now?

  The remainder of the evening was spent playing each one of those 120 arcade games at least once as well as dinner at a kid’s café located near the racetrack. Garrick had watched in amazement as Sasha came alive with each video game they had played. Wonder alighted her eyes as she went from game to game. By the end of the evening, Garrick was pretty sure any game with racing was among Sasha’s favorites while she was eerily precise with each shooting game. As they waited for the cab for the return trip to his hotel, Garrick decided to go for it.

  “Sasha, would you like to come up to my room for some to drink before you go? It isn’t very late and I’d really like to spend more time with you.”

  Drawing a steadying breath, Sasha fought for an answer. Should she go and possible spend all night with him? Or should she refuse and not know what would have or would not have occurred?

’d love to Garrick. However, I cannot stay extremely long. It has been a long day and I really must catch up on my laundry.” Sasha knew it for the lame excuse it was, however she just had to have some excuse. While a large part of her wanted nothing more than to experience all the pleasure she knew Garrick wanted to give her, another more hidden part was scared witless. She had only dated a few times previously and the thoughts she picked up from those men made her feel nasty. Garrick’s thoughts however, made her feel tingly and needy; for what she wasn’t sure.

  “In that case, let’s grab the cab. After you.” Garrick escorted Sasha into the waiting cab and gave the directions to the hotel. A second uncomfortable silence ensued. However, this time Garrick knew the silence was one of anticipation and anxiousness. He played over the evening in his mind. Except for the silent cab ride on the way to the shopping complex, Sasha had had a good time. Her excitement and exuberance had shown all evening. He was unsure of what she expected from him tonight but he promised himself that he would only go as far as she allowed him. Of course, he hoped she would allow him many of the fantasies he had been having over the past few days. It seemed all he could think about was Sasha and her incredible body. He also appreciated her mind and had an incredible time with her no matter the occasion but his dreams were not about conversations unless you count asking her to strip so he could worship her body.

  “So…what did you think of the arcade? Did you find a favorite game?”

  “Well, those racing games were really fun. They made you feel like you were really driving. For me, that is the best experience. I’ve never been allowed to drive before so that was great!”

  “Why weren’t you allowed to drive? Were your parents that worried?”

  Sasha immediately realized her mistake. Wincing slightly before she could catch herself, Sasha quickly thought of something to tell Garrick. “Actually, my mother is a perpetual worrier. She just has this insane notion that something terrible might happen to me in the city. Something about crazy drivers…”

  “I’ve had a few buddies who had overprotective mothers before. Luckily mine wasn’t like that but having seen a few of my friends teased mercilessly about being mama’s boys. I kind of know where you’re coming from”

  Garrick finally felt like he was finding something out about his elusive Russian fling. He wondered what else she might say before this night was over.

  Sasha couldn’t believe she’d actually slipped and said that. She had never said anything she shouldn’t before. Of course this was her first mission all by herself. Which meant, she was already messing it up. For the umpteenth time this evening Sasha was glad they hadn’t decided to wire her. That had been one of the threats from Petre if she didn’t find out any information soon, but so far she had convinced him otherwise. Looking out the window, Sasha saw many things for the first time. The neon lights blurred as the cab sped through the city. The closer she got to the hotel, the more anxious she felt. She was pretty sure she would refrain from sleeping with him, she hoped. But just how far she was willing to go she wasn’t sure.

  Paying the cab driver, the pair quickly made it through the lobby and into the elevator. Garrick tentatively held Sasha’s hand as the elevator ascended to the fourth floor. The silence allowed each of them to think about what lie ahead once they reached his room. Garrick felt his body harden at the thought of Sasha alone in his room. He had spent the last few nights agonizing in his bed, wishing Sasha was there to warm it. Now that could be a real possibility. Garrick tried hard to calm his body before Sasha noticed. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her off.

  Chapter 7

  Garrick closed the door after ushering Sasha in with a gentle touch upon her back. He could tell she had become tense from the tight muscles under his palm. Her gaze hesitantly met his as she walked further into the room. A plush carpet of burgundy met her feet. Sasha felt her sandals sink into the thick floor covering. Quickly scanning the room, Sasha noticed everything was top of the line elegant. The room had a small sitting area with two chairs, a coffee table, and a burgundy striped loveseat, all situated next to a large window covered in a golden roman shade. On the coffee table, was a small fm radio/ c.d. player, a fake fern and a few coasters. Next to the sitting area was a bar with a built in sink. Two bar stools flanked the counter surrounding the sink. Above it was a rectangular gilded mirror, which reflected a nicely framed print of the Kremlin. Sasha tried hard to steer her vision away from the remainder of the room. Unfortunately the thoughts coming from Garrick all involved the intricately carved bed. Sasha found her gaze wandering over the magnificent silk comforter and soft downy pillows. This hotel room was quite possibly, no definitely worth more than her small set of rooms at the agency.

  Sasha could tell Garrick was waiting for her to either make a second move towards him or bolt. His thoughts were confusing and conflicted. On one hand he wanted to give her unmentionable pleasure and take it in return. On the other hand he wanted to savor and treasure her for the precious woman she was. Sasha watched as Garrick sauntered to the bar and produced two glasses from beneath it. She stared as the muscles ripple in his arms as he reached behind him for the small bottles of alcohol. Pouring a single shot from a whiskey bottle, Garrick turned to the small built in refrigerator and retrieved a two liter bottle of cola. The last thing he wanted to do was make her drunk. Sasha knew from his thoughts he was only trying to relax her and calm her nerves.

  Garrick placed his glass on the coffee table and handed Sasha hers. “Would you like to sit down on the couch with me? I promise not to bite.” A salacious smile crossed Garrick’s lips. He’d like to bite her alright.

  A small giggle escaped Sasha’s lips as she sat next to Garrick on the sofa. The luxurious taupe leather reminded her of a picture Nessa had shown her of beaches. She felt the cool leather slide across her bare skin between her low slung jeans and the base of her shirt. “This is a really nice room. I expected an older hotel like this to have furnishings that were of a similar age but these seem to be brand new.” Sasha knew that sounded ridiculous, however with her mind playing catch up to her traitorous body, she was at a loss to string coherent words together.

  Garrick watched as she sat down on the far end of the couch with the drink he fixed her in her lap. “You know, I’m glad you decided to spend more time with me. Never have I enjoyed someone’s company as much as you. There just seems to be something about you. That sounds strange and insincere doesn’t it?”

  “Oh no! Not at all. I can really sympathize, actually. I’ve been trying to figure out what is going on myself. I like being in your company as well.” Sasha sighed in relief. For a moment, she thought he had been setting her up for a trap… inviting her to the hotel room only to ravish her without a care for her wishes. Man, she really had to tell Nessa to restrict her romance reading. That only happened in fantasy, not in real life. Or at least not to Sasha.

  Garrick shifted closer to Sasha so that their legs were barely touching. He so badly wanted to see if her body was as tantalizingly erotic as he believed it was underneath her clothes. His thoughts turned to revealing that luscious body as his eyes wandered over it. The curve of her small halter showed the swell of her creamy breasts encased in a lacy bra. The velvety expanse of her mid-section was slightly exposed above the curve hugging jeans that molded to her body. How he’d love to be those jeans. Better yet, how he’d love her out of them.

  Sasha took a big gulp of the whiskey. Garrick’s thoughts had her tied up in knots. And now that she was here, she wasn’t sure if she had thought this completely through enough. Remaining here would almost guarantee that Garrick would test how far he could go before she stopped him. But then again, if she didn’t stay, she would have to wait an indeterminable time before someone else interested her like Garrick. Interrupting her thoughts, she heard Garrick speak to her.

  “Sasha? Are you all right?”

  “Oh… yes, I’m fine. I just…well, that is, I’ve never done something like this.�

  Garrick pondered her words. He wasn’t sure if she was looking for reassurance or if she was just talking out of nervousness. If her other actions hadn’t shown him her innocence, this surely did. For a moments time Garrick felt a twinge of guilt. Was he really trying to steal a virgin’s innocence? Garrick looked at Sasha once again. Yes, he was. Even if it made him a bastard for it, he really wanted her. He was pretty sure once wouldn’t be enough either.

  Sasha set the drink down and shifted to face Garrick hoping, wanting, and praying that he would take the next step before she chickened out again. She had waited long enough to experience the physical expressions of attraction, lust, and desire and she didn’t want to miss out on this chance. Of course, she was also scared witless. Her job was to ferret out his motives for being in Russia and here she was wishing he’d seduce her. What kind of idiot did that? If this got out of hand, she could be in big trouble with Nessa and Petre. Honestly, she had no idea what would happen, but after last night’s lecture she was sure it would be bad.

  Garrick saw her turn toward him and realized she was inviting his affections. He took that invitation and decided to run with it. Caressing her cheek, he leaned towards her until their lips brushed with the lightest of kisses. When he heard her moan of acceptance he kissed her again. This time he plundered her mouth with a forceful kiss. His tongue ran across the seam of her lips encouraging them open. Immediately she allowed him entrance and took his kiss deeper. It was all he could do to keep from her clothes off. Pulling back slightly to disengage from the kiss, Garrick peered into the eyes. Her lips were moist and inflamed the evidence of his passion apparent. Garrick leaned forward to run his finger over her kiss-swollen lips.