Blumenkörbchen. English Read online

Page 18



  The Count and his family were just on the eve of leaving for Eichbourg,and next morning at break of day all was bustle in the castle,preparing for their departure. In the midst of all the preparations,however, Mary was not forgotten, and each one vied with the other inthe attentions they paid to her.

  Mary's clothes, which she had bought during her residence at Pine Farm,were made of the coarsest material and of the plainest cut. But one ofAmelia's friends, a young lady of the same age and size as Mary, atAmelia's request presented Mary with a complete outfit, which, withoutbeing extravagant, was more in keeping with her new situation. Inanswer to Mary's modest protest against donning what seemed to her,extravagantly grand garments, Amelia said, "You are my friend; you arehenceforth to be my companion; you are also to live with me. You oughttherefore to dress yourself differently from a farm servant."

  After breakfast they started on their journey homeward, and Mary satbeside Amelia in the carriage, with the Count and Countess opposite.First of all, however, the Count gave orders for the coachman to drivethem to Pine Farm, that he might become acquainted with the people whohad entertained Mary and her father so kindly. It was not long beforethey gathered from Mary's answers that the old people at Pine Farm werefar from being comfortable, and that their declining years were not sopeaceful as they had a right to expect.

  The arrival of a nobleman's carriage at Pine Farm caused no littleexcitement. No sooner had the young farmer's wife seen the carriagestop at the door than she hastened towards it.

  "Sir," said she to the Count, "allow me to assist you and also theladies, your daughters, I presume."

  So saying, she presented her hand to one of the young ladies, when,recognising her to be Mary herself, she uttered an exclamation ofsurprise, let go her hand as if she had touched a serpent, and drewback in great confusion.

  The old farmer was working in his garden when the Count with his familyand Mary alighted; and when they went to the good old man, took him bythe hand, and thanked him for his kindness towards Mary and her father,the worthy farmer was deeply moved.

  "Oh," said he, "I owe that good man more than ever he owed me. Theblessing of heaven came with him into our home, and if I had followedhis advice in everything, I should have been much better for it at thismoment. Since his death I have no pleasure in anything but this garden,which I began to cultivate at his suggestion. Since I have not hadstrength to follow the plough, I have occupied myself here, and I seekamong the herbs and flowers the peace which I can no longer find in myown house."

  In the meantime Mary had gone to look for the old farmer's wife in herlittle room, and she now came forward leading her by the hand. Theworthy woman was quite overcome by the strange circumstances in whichshe found Mary, and the excitement of the moment; and when she cameforward to meet the Count and Countess, it was with a timid air, and inevident distress at finding herself the object of so much attention. Byand by, however, she and her husband heard the story of the finding ofthe ring, and so great was their affection for Mary that they cried forjoy like children.

  "Did I not tell you," said the farmer, addressing Mary, "that yourfilial piety would receive its reward? You see, my prophecy is alreadyfulfilled," and his wife, who had recovered her self-possession, said,"Yes, yes; your father was right when he said, 'He who clothes theflowers, well knows how to take care of you.'"

  While this conversation had been going on, the young farmer's wifestood at some distance, consumed with jealousy and anger.

  "Well, well," she said to herself, "there is no saying what will happenin this life. That miserable beggar whom I turned out of my house--lookat her now, dressed like a young lady of high rank. Who would havethought of such a thing! Every one, however, knows who she is, so shecannot impose on any one in this town. They know that yesterday she wassent from here with a little package under her arm, to go into thecountry."

  The Count had not heard this abusive language, but a glance at thewoman's face was enough to show him that she was nursing angrypassions. "She is a wicked creature," he said to himself, as he walkedround the garden in a very thoughtful mood.

  At last he stopped before the old farmer. "Listen, my good old friend,"said he, "while I make a proposition to you. I have given Mary a pieceof ground on my estate, which was rented and cultivated by her father.But Mary is not ready to take up housekeeping. What should prevent youfrom retiring there? It will suit you, I am certain, and the owner willnot exact any rent from you. You can cultivate the herbs and flowers inwhich you find your pleasure, and you will find, in the pretty cottagewhich is attached to the ground, rest and peace in your old age."

  The Count's wife, Amelia and Mary joined in urging the old man toaccept this generous offer. But there was no need for persuasion. Theold people were happy to be taken from their uncomfortablesurroundings, and gladly agreed to the proposal.

  At this moment the young farmer came home from the fields. His surprisewas as great as his wife's when he saw the carriage at his door drawnby four white horses; for never in the history of the farm had acarriage stopped there before. When he heard of the proposal which theCount had made to his father and mother, he gladly consented to it,although he was deeply grieved to part from his old parents. Hisconsolation was found, however, in thinking that they were going to behappier than they could possibly be with his wife.

  As for his wife herself, the only remark she made was to say in aspiteful way to the Count--

  "It is a great favour you are doing us in ridding us of two old peoplewho are nothing but a burden!"

  Promising to send for the old farmer and his wife as soon as everythingwas ready, the Count and his family, accompanied by Mary, now steppedinto the carriage and drove off. Here for a time we will leave Mary andfollow the fortunes of the occupants of Pine Farm.