Until We Collide Read online

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  ‘Forget it, there’s no way I’m getting in one of those tiny floating death traps,’ she laughed, pushing me inside. ‘I’ll be waiting on the bank, watching. Good luck.’

  ‘I hate you,’ I muttered under my breath, then sighed as I turned to face the room of expectant faces, all doing up their bright orange life jackets. I was the only girl, it was all guys. What was Poppie thinking?

  ‘Hi, Paige,’ James grinned, stepping forward with a vest for me dangling from his hand.

  ‘Hi, James.’ I gave him a shy smile and tucked my hair behind my ears. He was quite cute, with his mop of dark hair and cheeky smile, but in all honesty, I just wanted to focus on my last year of studies. There was a lot riding on my exam results and I really didn’t want to jeopardise everything for a guy that didn’t make me shake at the thought of seeing him, that didn't make my hands tremble or my mouth go dry. Nice as James was, it wasn’t happening, but I was going to look so stupid if I made an excuse to back out, now that I was standing here.

  ‘Let me help you with your jacket and we’ll head down to the river and run through the basics.’

  ‘Ok,’ I nodded, turning around to allow him to slip it over my arms. Poppie wiggled her eyebrows at me as she leaned on the doorframe, watching. I stuck my tongue out at her and spun around as James fiddled with the straps, easily doing up the one around my waist. He frowned in concentration as he tried to secure the one around my chest, but the gap was too big. Everyone started chuckling as he tugged harder and harder, jerking me back and forth like a rag doll as he desperately tried to do them up.

  ‘God, I’m sorry, but they don’t make life jackets for women with …’ He grimaced and mimicked squeezing with both of his hands as he stared at my breasts, making my cheeks colour up.

  ‘Maybe it’s like doing up a pair of tight jeans. Lie her down, straddle her, and get her to breathe in,’ offered Poppie behind me. I flung her a scowl over my left shoulder.

  ‘I’m game if you are?’ James confirmed, with an obvious twinkle in his eye. I gasped when I saw an obvious reaction in his jeans as well.

  ‘I’m fine, thank you very much,’ I retorted, folding my arms across my chest, given the entire club were now appraising it. ‘It’s done up at the waist and it’s not like I need a lifejacket, since I clearly have my own set of buoyancy aids.’

  Poppie and I were put in charge of carrying the oars while the eleven guys carried the six canoes down the steps and across the road that ran along the edge of the river. It was really pretty, with oak trees and weeping willows running along its edge, as well as all of the flower baskets that were left over from the annual Shrewsbury Flower Show. No amount of prettiness, however, took away from the dark green water of the river. If Poppie’s aim was to get me to mix with men, couldn’t she have enrolled me in the photography class? Or even mechanics, what girl didn’t like a rough and ready, hands-on guy in a pair of ripped denim jeans, grease-stained white t-shirt, with oil streaks on his face and biceps? Actually, scratch that, this girl wouldn’t like that. Oil and pretty clothes meshed worse than oil and water. I looked down at my outfit and sighed. Poppie had told me to dress warmly this morning as she had a surprise, but she hadn’t warned me what I’d be doing. I had on my favourite pair of grey Uggs, black skinny jeans, and a grey cashmere jumper. If I got wet, I was going to kill her. She grinned at me as she plonked herself on a bench at the top of the steep embankment, while I looked down towards the water, wondering where the official steps were. All I could see were some rudimentary steps that appeared to have been trampled into the grass and mud bank.

  ‘Here, take my hand,’ James offered as he stood below me, the rest of the guys already down there and getting into the canoes. ‘Just go slowly, you’ll be fine.’

  ‘Thanks.’ I took his hand and went one step at a time, making sure I didn’t slip. Now if it had been Alec’s hand I’d been holding, I’d have been so distracted that I’d have shot down that bank faster than a dog on skis. I looked up at Poppie as I made it down to the small wooden floating platform. She gave me a thumbs up and wrapped her arms around herself, tucking her hands into her armpits to keep warm. I watched, alarmed, as James got into the small two-man canoe and it started rocking.

  ‘Sit on the platform and slide yourself in slowly, I’ll hold us steady.’ He gave me a reassuring smile.

  I bit my lip and looked around. Everyone was watching me expectantly, it wasn’t like I could back out now. I did as I was told, letting out a triumphant screech as I made it into the canoe without overbalancing us and ending up in the water. It was actually quite fun as he taught me how to paddle, then turn the canoe to face the other way. Some of the other guys were really experienced and shot off up the river, but James said for my first time, he wanted to keep me away from the faster moving water. We went for a gentle paddle, then he got me to turn on my own and head back as the rest of the team caught up with us on their way back. I gripped the edges of the boat as it rocked when James jumped out. He offered me his hand again and I carefully stood up, putting one foot on the jetty. I screamed as the canoe lurched dangerously under my other foot and I felt myself falling backwards. James yanked hard on my hand, catapulting me forwards against his chest.

  I blinked hard as he gazed at me. There was barely room for a piece of paper between our lips as he held me tightly, and his breathing seemed to quicken. The second his hands slid down to squeeze my backside, I quickly pushed on his chest with my palms. I didn’t want anyone kissing me. It seemed ridiculous, but ever since I’d seen that picture of Alec, I’d imagined he was going to be the first man to kiss me. I was saving myself for him, even though I knew it was never going to happen. My shove didn’t seem to have much of an effect, he didn’t let me go as his friends hauled the canoe from the water. He dipped his head, his lips parting as he went to kiss me, so I reacted with lightening speed and slapped him. I wasn’t sure which of us was more surprised at my reaction, but the second he let me go to rub his red cheek, I lost my balance. My arms flailed wildly as I began tipping backwards. Seconds later, with an almighty splash and a loud shriek, I landed in the water. It was freezing and it stunk of rotten foliage. I could feel it starting to saturate my woollen boots and make my jeans tighten around my legs, but with this lifejacket on, my top half was bobbing above the waterline. I could hear Poppie’s screeches of laughter from up on the bank as I tried to paddle my way back to the platform.

  ‘Grab my hands,’ James ordered. I didn’t argue, too desperate to get out of this stinking cold water, but I grimaced when I saw the outline of my hand glowing like a Belisha beacon on his face.

  ‘Sorry for slapping you,’ I spluttered, spitting my wet hair out of my mouth as he hauled me out of the river and onto my front on the platform. ‘You kind of took me by surprise.’

  ‘Yeah, not my most subtle of moves,’ he replied. I rolled onto my back and quickly undid the strap around my waist, then sat up and shrugged off the jacket. I groaned as I looked down, my boots were ruined. I pulled them off and tipped them upside down, draining them before trying to wring them out.

  ‘You ok, Paige?’ called Poppie, trying to sound concerned and failing miserably between her giggles.

  ‘Just peachy, thanks,’ I yelled. I stood up and shook each leg, but the only way these jeans were getting dry was once I got them off, washed, and in the tumble dryer. The lower half of my jumper was sodden and now reached down to my knees with the weight of the water. I squeezed the bottom of my hair, which was also wet, and pulled out a load of green slime, shuddering as I flicked it back into the river, then wiped my hands on my calves. I turned around to look up the bank. Everyone else had made it up, canoes and all, it was just James and me still down here.

  ‘After you,’ he suggested with a flick of his hand.

  ‘No, after you,’ I smiled. Pervert. He only wanted to be behind to see my backside in my jeans.

  ‘I insist.’

  ‘I insist harder,’ I replied stubbornly, thinking it m
ight be quite nice to check out his backside and thighs as he climbed ahead of me.

  ‘Are you one of these modern women who hate chivalry?’

  ‘Not at all, but my legs feel a little shaky after my fall. I’d be more comfortable if you went first.’

  He sighed and virtually jogged up the bank. I grabbed a soggy boot in each hand, padded barefoot over the wooden slats, and carefully started to make my way up. My wet foot slipped in a patch of mud, so I put my boots on my hands and carried on up using them for grip.

  ‘Come on, Paige, you can do it,’ Poppie called. I looked up to roll my eyes at her, and this time both feet shot out from under me. I thudded down onto my stomach with an “oomph”, then rapidly slid feet first, bouncing down the makeshift steps back to the platform and getting a face full of mud and grass on my way down. I lay there for a moment, winded by the journey. ‘Shit, are you ok?’ Poppie yelled, actually sounding concerned this time.

  ‘Best day ever,’ I yelled back, spitting out a clump of grass. I could feel slime all over my face, and I dreaded to think what I must look like. I rolled onto my back, lifting my hand to wipe the mud off my face, but totally forgot that I had my boots on my hands and smacked myself in the face. ‘Owwww,’ I moaned, shaking them off. I heard someone scrambling down the bank and tipped my head back to see James approaching, his eyes on stalks.

  ‘Bra,’ shouted Poppie.


  ‘Your bra’s on display.’

  ‘Great, just great,’ I groaned, reaching up to find my jumper ruched up under my chin. I desperately scrabbled to roll it back down as I sat up.

  ‘Are you ok?’ James panted, coming to crouch next to me.

  ‘I’m cold, soaking, stinky, muddy, and I hit myself in the face,’ I pouted, my shoulders slumping. ‘I think it’s going to bruise.’

  ‘I wouldn’t worry about anyone noticing, you can barely see your face for all of the mud on it. Can you stand up?’

  ‘I think so,’ I nodded. I winced as I straightened up, I was going to ache all over tomorrow.

  ‘Right, this time I’m not taking no for an answer, you go first and I’ll push you up. At least I can catch you if you fall again.’

  ‘Thanks, that’s really sweet of you.’ I felt bad for slapping him, he’d been nothing but nice to me from the moment I entered that stupid hut. I was so going to get Poppie back for this. I didn’t object when he planted his hands on my wet bottom to help give me a shove over the slippery patch that made me tumble last time, and I eventually made it to the top. Poppie’s face said it all as she stood up and ran her eyes over me. This was way, way worse than my encounter with Daisy the flatulent cow.

  ‘We’d better get you back to the hut. We have a shower where you can clean up, but I’m not sure what you’re going to wear after,’ James said apologetically as he joined me.

  ‘No time, bus,’ Poppie reminded me, tapping her watch.

  ‘I can’t get on the bus like this. My face is starting to tighten from this mud pack already.’

  ‘How else are you going to get home? No taxi driver’s going to pick you up. You stink and you’re covered in crap.’

  ‘God damn it.’ I turned around to face James. ‘Thanks for helping. Again, I’m really sorry I slapped you.’

  ‘I was pushy, I’ll ask you on a date first, next time I see you. Will you come on Thursday for the next meeting?’ he asked, looking hopeful.

  ‘I don’t think so, not after this disaster, but I had fun while we were on the water.’

  ‘Paige, we’ve got to fly,’ Poppie urged.

  ‘See you around, James.’ I did my best attempt at a smile, given how stiff my face was feeling. Maybe this was how people felt after Botox, tight and expressionless. I put both of my boots in one hand and reached for Poppie’s hand with my other as I approached her.

  ‘No way,’ she laughed. ‘Who knows what you have all over you.’

  ‘Do I look really bad?’

  ‘I’d be more worried about the smell. I’m going to walk ahead, follow me but keep your eyes on the pavement. The last thing we need is you treading in a pile of dog shit.’

  If I thought the walk along the main road to the bus station, with cars hooting and people laughing as they passed, was mortifying, it was nothing compared to the bus driver’s reaction when Poppie gave me my bag and I flashed him my laminated season ticket. I was only allowed on after he’d been to the drivers’ staff room and returned with two black bin bags. I thought they were for me to sit on, but no. He cut a hole for my head and arms and made me wear one over my jumper, then I had to stand in the other and hop onto the bus and up to the hastily vacated disabled seat, like I was a participant in a sack race. The whole bus was shaking with everyone trying to stifle their laughter and failing miserably.

  ‘Call me later?’ Poppie held her thumb and little finger up to her ear as she stood outside, grinning at me through the window. I smiled, then grimaced as the mud on my face cracked and started flaking off onto my bin bag. ‘I think you ought to try again on Thursday, he was super sweet with you.’

  ‘Forget it,’ I called over the sound of the bus engine starting up.

  ‘Stick in the mud!’ Poppie shouted, losing her battle to contain her laughter. She reached up to wipe tears from her eyes. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. The only consolation I had was at least Alec hadn’t witnessed that.

  ‘Wait, wait,’ someone yelled, banging on the bus door as the driver started to pull away. He stopped and opened the doors. I groaned. It was only Ruth, Alec’s girlfriend. My day couldn't possibly get any worse. I put my head down, hoping to get away unnoticed, but luck was most definitely not on my side today. ‘Paige Taylor. Well, well, well. Looking as delightful as the last time I saw you,’ she scoffed. I lifted my head to glare at her and it took all of my self-restraint not to leap up and slap her when she took a picture of me with her mobile phone.

  ‘This all washes off, Ruth, whereas you’re stuck with that nasty personality and a sour face that looks like you’ve sucked too many lemons.’

  ‘Sling as many insults as you like, but it doesn’t change the fact that I have the one thing you want. Alec Wright. Enjoy dreaming about him. If seeing you make a fool of yourself at the show wasn’t bad enough, seeing the picture of you looking like this will squash any interest he might have had in you.’

  ‘Why are you so nasty?’ I uttered.

  ‘Sorry, I really can’t stand to be around you for a second longer. You smelled better when you were covered in Daisy’s poo,’ she laughed, tossing her hair over her shoulder and stalking up the aisle, leaving me frustrated. I’d really love five minutes alone with her, one on one. I hated her with a passion. I sighed as I looked out of the window, trying to imagine what Alec would think of me once she showed him that picture. But something sparked in my brain. “Any interest he might have had in you,” Ruth had just said. Alec Wright had been interested in me. Even if he wasn’t now, especially after that disaster of a stock judging competition and now this picture of me, he had been. That was enough to put a small smile back on my face.


  July ~ Friday

  ‘I’m so nervous,’ I confessed to Poppie as we applied our lip-gloss and checked our reflections in the mirror. It was our farewell ball at sixth form, our last official college experience before we applied to our preferred universities to start in September.

  ‘I’ll bet,’ she grinned, twirling to check out her gold strapless prom dress. She looked gorgeous and relaxed, but she had no reason to be nervous, not when her boyfriend Reece was accompanying her.

  Me on the other hand, I felt giddy with nerves. When Poppie had asked to come and get ready with me, I hadn’t thought twice about it. We often did that before a night out, but this time she had an ulterior motive. One I nearly kissed her for when she revealed it. It seemed that Alec had broken up with Ruth in May and had contacted Poppie, through our old friend Bella who was still in YFC, to arrange to surprise
me by taking me to the ball tonight. I hadn’t seen him since that embarrassing incident at the summer show a year ago. I’d been so ashamed that I’d given his towel and clothes to Bella to return to him at the next meeting, along with my letter of resignation. She’d said he’d been gutted, I thought she was just being nice. I’d even avoided going swimming, just in case I saw him there. I’d not dated at all. I’d been asked out by a few guys, one of those being James, but none of them compared to Alec. I was still infatuated with him, and until I met someone who made my hands shake and stomach feel as if a million butterflies had been set loose, like he had, I didn’t want to settle.

  ‘What if he doesn’t turn up? I can’t go to the ball on my own.’

  ‘Why wouldn’t he turn up? He went to a lot of trouble to arrange this without you knowing. I told you last year that he was into you. Besides, you’ve turned down every other guy that asked you, you’d have been going alone anyway,’ Poppie reminded me.

  ‘I was planning on not going at all, but not letting you know until the last minute. I just agreed to go on my own to get you off my back.’

  ‘You minx,’ she objected, pulling a pout.

  ‘Like it would ruin your night if I didn’t go,’ I laughed. ‘You only have eyes for Reece.’

  ‘Speaking of, I think he’s here,’ she replied, shooting over to the window to look out at the drive. ‘O wait! Paige, you’d better be ready, it’s your Prince Charming that’s here and damn, does he look fine in a tuxedo.’

  ‘O God, O God, O God,’ I moaned, checking myself in the mirror and smoothing my hand over the floaty material of my dress. I’d gone for a jewelled bodice with sweetheart neckline and a cerulean taffeta ankle-length skirt, which Mum had insisted set off my blue eyes. A pair of strappy silver high heels and a small silver glitter clutch complimented my outfit, and I’d done my hair in an elegant loose chignon. Long dark lashes, a hint of silver eye shadow, rosy cheeks, and clear-glossed lips, and my look was complete. Poppie had told me that I looked like a princess. I felt like one, even without Alec accompanying me. But I was determined that there were going to be no disasters tonight. If Ruth had shown him that picture of me coated in mud, then the last two times he’d seen me, I’d looked totally bedraggled. Tonight had to be perfect. There was a knock at the bedroom door and Mum stuck her head around it.