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The Lion and The Mouse: A Story Of American Life Page 18
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Page 18
It was now December and the Senate had been in session for over aweek. Jefferson had not forgotten his promise, and one day, abouttwo weeks after Mr. Bagley's spectacular dismissal from the Ryderresidence, he had brought Shirley the two letters. She did not askhim how he got them, if he forced the drawer or procured the key.It sufficed for her that the precious letters--the absolute proofof her father's innocence--were at last in her possession. She atonce sent them off by registered mail to Stott, who immediatelyacknowledged receipt and at the same time announced his departurefor Washington that night. He promised to keep her constantlyinformed of what he was doing and how her father's case was going.It could, he thought, be only a matter of a few days now beforethe result of the proceedings would be known.
The approach of the crisis made Shirley exceedingly nervous, andit was only by the exercise of the greatest self-control that shedid not betray the terrible anxiety she felt. The Ryder biographywas nearly finished and her stay in Seventy-fourth Street wouldsoon come to an end. She had a serious talk with Jefferson, whocontrived to see a good deal of her, entirely unsuspected by hisparents, for Mr. and Mrs. Ryder had no reason to believe thattheir son had any more than a mere bowing acquaintance with theclever young authoress. Now that Mr. Bagley was no longer there tospy upon their actions these clandestine interviews had beencomparatively easy. Shirley brought to bear all the arguments shecould think of to convince Jefferson of the hopelessness of theirengagement. She insisted that she could never be his wife;circumstances over which they had no control made that dreamimpossible. It were better, she said, to part now rather thanincur the risk of being unhappy later. But Jefferson refused to beconvinced. He argued and pleaded and he even swore--strange,desperate words that Shirley had never heard before and whichalarmed her not a little--and the discussion ended usually by akiss which put Shirley completely _hors de combat_.
Meantime, John Ryder had not ceased worrying about his son. Theremoval of Kate Roberts as a factor in his future had noteliminated the danger of Jefferson taking the bit between histeeth one day and contracting a secret marriage with the daughterof his enemy, and when he thought of the mere possibility of sucha thing happening he stormed and raved until his wife, accustomedas she was to his choleric outbursts, was thoroughly frightened.For some time after Bagley's departure, father and son got alongtogether fairly amicably, but Ryder, Sr. was quick to see thatJefferson had something on his mind which was worrying him, and herightly attributed it to his infatuation for Miss Rossmore. He wasconvinced that his son knew where the judge's daughter was,although his own efforts to discover her whereabouts had beenunsuccessful. Sergeant Ellison had confessed absolute failure;Miss Rossmore, he reported, had disappeared as completely as ifthe earth had swallowed her, and further search was futile.Knowing well his son's impulsive, headstrong disposition, Ryder,Sr. believed him quite capable of marrying the girl secretly anytime. The only thing that John Ryder did not know was that ShirleyRossmore was not the kind of a girl to allow any man to inveigleher into a secret marriage. The Colossus, who judged the world'smorals by his own, was not of course aware of this, and he worriednight and day thinking what he could do to prevent his son frommarrying the daughter of the man he had wronged.
The more he pondered over it, the more he regretted that therewas not some other girl with whom Jefferson could fall in loveand marry. He need not seek a rich girl--there was certainlyenough money in the Ryder family to provide for both. He wishedthey knew a girl, for example, as attractive and clever as MissGreen. Ah! he thought, there was a girl who would make a man ofJefferson--brainy, ambitious, active! And the more he thought ofit the more the idea grew on him that Miss Green would be an idealdaughter-in-law, and at the same time snatch his son from theclutches of the Rossmore woman.
Jefferson, during all these weeks, was growing more and moreimpatient. He knew that any day now Shirley might take herdeparture from their house and return to Massapequa. If theimpeachment proceedings went against her father it was more thanlikely that he would lose her forever, and if, on the contrary,the judge were acquitted, Shirley never would be willing to marryhim without his father's consent; and this, he felt, he wouldnever obtain. He resolved, therefore, to have a final interviewwith his father and declare boldly his intention of making MissRossmore his wife, regardless of the consequences.
The opportunity came one evening after dinner. Ryder, Sr. wassitting alone in the library, reading, Mrs. Ryder had gone to thetheatre with a friend, Shirley as usual was writing in her room,giving the final touches to her now completed "History of theEmpire Trading Company." Jefferson took the bull by the horns andboldly accosted his redoubtable parent.
"May I have a few minutes of your time, father?"
Ryder, Sr. laid aside the paper he was reading and looked up. Itwas unusual for his son to come to him on any errand, and he likedto encourage it.
"Certainly, Jefferson. What is it?"
"I want to appeal to you, sir. I want you to use your influence,before it is too late, to save Judge Rossmore. A word from you atthis time would do wonders in Washington."
The financier swung half-round in his chair, the smile of greetingfaded out of his face, and his voice was hard as he repliedcoldly:
"Again? I thought we had agreed not to discuss Judge Rossmore anyfurther?"
"I can't help it, sir," rejoined Jefferson undeterred by hissire's hostile attitude, "that poor old man is practically ontrial for his life. He is as innocent of wrongdoing as a childunborn, and you know it. You could save him if you would."
"Jefferson," answered Ryder, Sr., biting his lip to restrain hisimpatience, "I told you before that I could not interfere even ifI would; and I won't, because that man is my enemy. Importantbusiness interests, which you cannot possibly know anything about,demand his dismissal from the bench."
"Surely your business interests don't demand the sacrifice of aman's life!" retorted Jefferson. "I know modern business methodsare none too squeamish, but I should think you'd draw the line atdeliberate murder!"
Ryder sprang to his feet and for a moment stood glaring at theyoung man. His lips moved, but no sound came from them. Suppressedwrath rendered him speechless. What was the world coming to when ason could talk to his father in this manner?
"How dare you presume to judge my actions or to criticise mymethods?" he burst out; finally.
"You force me to do so," answered Jefferson hotly. "I want to tellyou that I am heartily ashamed of this whole affair and yourconnection with it, and since you refuse to make reparation in theonly way possible for the wrong you and your associates have doneJudge Rossmore--that is by saving him in the Senate--I think itonly fair to warn you that I take back my word in regard to notmarrying without your consent. I want you to know that I intend tomarry Miss Rossmore as soon as she will consent to become my wife,that is," he added with bitterness, "if I can succeed inovercoming her prejudices against my family--"
Ryder, Sr. laughed contemptuously.
"Prejudices against a thousand million dollars?" he exclaimedsceptically.
"Yes," replied Jefferson decisively, "prejudices against ourfamily, against you and your business practices. Money is noteverything. One day you will find that out. I tell you definitelythat I intend to make Miss Rossmore my wife."
Ryder, Sr. made no reply, and as Jefferson had expected anexplosion, this unnatural calm rather startled him. He was sorryhe had spoken so harshly. It was his father, after all.
"You've forced me to defy you, father," he added. "I'm sorry--"
Ryder, Sr. shrugged his shoulders and resumed his seat. He litanother cigar, and with affected carelessness he said:
"All right, Jeff, my boy, we'll let it go at that You're sorry--soam I. You've shown me your cards--I'll show you mine."
His composed unruffled manner vanished. He suddenly threw off themask and revealed the tempest that was raging within. He leanedacross the desk, his face convulsed with uncontrollable passion, aterrifying picture of hu
man wrath. Shaking his fist at his son heshouted:
"When I get through with Judge Rossmore at Washington, I'll startafter his daughter. This time to-morrow he'll be a disgraced man.A week later she will be a notorious woman. Then we'll see ifyou'll be so eager to marry her!"
"Father!" cried Jefferson.
"There is sure to be something in her life that won't bearinspection," sneered Ryder. "There is in everybody's life. I'llfind out what it is. Where is she to-day? She can't be found. Noone knows where she is--not even her own mother. Something iswrong--the girl's no good!"
Jefferson started forward as if to resent these insults to thewoman he loved, but, realizing that it was his own father, hestopped short and his hands fell powerless at his side.
"Well, is that all?" inquired Ryder, Sr. with a sneer.
"That's all," replied Jefferson, "I'm going. Good-bye."
"Good-bye," answered his father indifferently; "leave your addresswith your mother."
Jefferson left the room, and Ryder, Sr., as if exhausted by theviolence of his own outburst, sank back limp in his chair. Thecrisis he dreaded had come at last. His son had openly defied hisauthority and was going to marry the daughter of his enemy. Hemust do something to prevent it; the marriage must not take place,but what could he do? The boy was of age and legally his ownmaster. He could do nothing to restrain his actions unless theyput him in an insane asylum. He would rather see his son there, hemused, than married to the Rossmore woman.
Presently there was a timid knock at the library door. Ryder rosefrom his seat and went to see who was there. To his surprise itwas Miss Green.
"May I come in?" asked Shirley.
"Certainly, by all means. Sit down."
He drew up a chair for her, and his manner was so cordial that itwas easy to see she was a welcome visitor.
"Mr. Ryder," she began in a low, tremulous voice, "I have come tosee you on a very important matter. I've been waiting to see youall evening--and as I shall be here only a short time longerI--want to ask you a great favour--perhaps the greatest you wereever asked--I want to ask you for mercy--for mercy to--"
She stopped and glanced nervously at him, but she saw he waspaying no attention to what she was saying. He was puffing heavilyat his cigar, entirely preoccupied with his own thoughts. Hersudden silence aroused him. He apologized:
"Oh, excuse me--I didn't quite catch what you were saying."
She said nothing, wondering what had happened to render him soabsent-minded. He read the question in her face, for, turningtowards her, he exclaimed:
"For the first time in my life I am face to face withdefeat--defeat of the most ignominious kind--incapacity--inabilityto regulate my own internal affairs. I can rule a government, butI can't manage my own family--my own son. I'm a failure. Tell me,"he added, appealing to her, "why can't I rule my own household,why can't I govern my own child?"
"Why can't you govern yourself?" said Shirley quietly.
Ryder looked keenly at her for a moment without answering herquestion; then, as if prompted by a sudden inspiration, he said:
"You can help me, but not by preaching at me. This is the firsttime in my life I ever called on a living soul for help. I'm onlyaccustomed to deal with men. This time there's a woman in thecase--and I need your woman's wit--"
"How can I help you?" asked Shirley.
"I don't know," he answered with suppressed excitement. "As Itold you, I am up against a blank wall. I can't see my way." Hegave a nervous little laugh and went on: "God! I'm ashamed ofmyself--ashamed! Did you ever read the fable of the Lion and theMouse? Well, I want you to gnaw with your sharp woman's teeth atthe cords which bind the son of John Burkett Ryder to thisRossmore woman. I want you to be the mouse--to set me free ofthis disgraceful entanglement."
"How?" asked Shirley calmly.
"Ah, that's just it--how?" he replied. "Can't you think--you're awoman--you have youth, beauty--brains." He stopped and eyed herclosely until she reddened from the embarrassing scrutiny. Then heblurted out: "By George! marry him yourself--force him to let goof this other woman! Why not? Come, what do you say?"
This unexpected suggestion came upon Shirley with all the force ofa violent shock. She immediately saw the falseness of herposition. This man was asking for her hand for his son under theimpression that she was another woman. It would be dishonorable ofher to keep up the deception any longer. She passed her hand overher face to conceal her confusion.
"You--you must give me time to think," she stammered. "Suppose Idon't love your son--I should want something--something tocompensate."
"Something to compensate?" echoed Ryder surprised and a littledisconcerted. "Why, the boy will inherit millions--I don't knowhow many."
"No--no, not money," rejoined Shirley; "money only compensatesthose who love money. It's something else--a man's honour--a man'slife! It means nothing to you."
He gazed at her, not understanding. Full of his own project, hehad mind for nothing else. Ignoring therefore the question ofcompensation, whatever she might mean by that, he continued:
"You can win him if you make up your mind to. A woman with yourresources can blind him to any other woman."
"But if--he loves Judge Rossmore's daughter?" objected Shirley.
"It's for you to make him forget her--and you can," replied thefinancier confidently. "My desire is to separate him from thisRossmore woman at any cost. You must help me." His sternnessrelaxed somewhat and his eyes rested on her kindly. "Do you know,I should be glad to think you won't have to leave us. Mrs. Ryderhas taken a fancy to you, and I myself shall miss you when yougo."
"You ask me to be your son's wife and you know nothing of myfamily," said Shirley.
"I know you--that is sufficient," he replied.
"No--no you don't," returned Shirley, "nor do you know your son.He has more constancy--more strength of character than youthink--and far more principle than you have."
"So much the greater the victory for you," he answered goodhumouredly.
"Ah," she said reproachfully, "you do not love your son."
"I do love him," replied Ryder warmly. "It's because I love himthat I'm such a fool in this matter. Don't you see that if hemarries this girl it would separate us, and I should lose him. Idon't want to lose him. If I welcomed her to my house it wouldmake me the laughing-stock of all my friends and businessassociates. Come, will you join forces with me?"
Shirley shook her head and was about to reply when the telephonebell rang. Ryder took up the receiver and spoke to the butlerdownstairs:
"Who's that? Judge Stott? Tell him I'm too busy to see anyone.What's that? A man's life at stake? What's that to do with me?Tell him--"
On hearing Stott's name, Shirley nearly betrayed herself. Sheturned pale and half-started up from her chair. Something seriousmust have happened to bring her father's legal adviser to theRyder residence at such an hour! She thought he was in Washington.Could it be that the proceedings in the Senate were ended and theresult known? She could hardly conceal her anxiety, andinstinctively she placed her hand on Ryder's arm.
"No, Mr. Ryder, do see Judge Stott! You must see him. I know whohe is. Your son has told me. Judge Stott is one of JudgeRossmore's advisers. See him. You may find out something about thegirl. You may find out where she is. If Jefferson finds out youhave refused to see her father's friend at such a critical time itwill only make him sympathize more deeply with the Rossmores, andyou know sympathy is akin to love. That's what you want to avoid,isn't it?"
Ryder still held the telephone, hesitating what to do. What shesaid sounded like good sense.
"Upon my word--" he said. "You may be right and yet--"
"Am I to help you or not?" demanded Shirley. "You said you wanteda woman's wit."
"Yes," said Ryder, "but still--"
"Then you had better see him," she said emphatically.
Ryder turned to the telephone.
"Hello, Jorkins, are you there? Show Judge Stott up here." He laidthe receiver down and turned aga
in to Shirley. "That's one thing Idon't like about you," he said. "I allow you to decide against meand then I agree with you." She said nothing and he went onlooking at her admiringly. "I predict that you'll bring that boyto your feet within a month. I don't know why, but I seem to feelthat he is attracted to you already. Thank Heaven! you haven't alot of troublesome relations. I think you said you were almostalone in the world. Don't look so serious," he added laughing."Jeff is a fine fellow, and believe me an excellent catch as theworld goes."
Shirley raised her hand as if entreating him to desist.
"Oh, don't--don't--please! My position is so false! You don't knowhow false it is!" she cried.
At that instant the library door was thrown open and the butlerappeared, ushering in Stott. The lawyer looked anxious, and hisdishevelled appearance indicated that he had come direct from thetrain. Shirley scanned his face narrowly in the hope that shemight read there what had happened. He walked right past her,giving no sign of recognition, and advanced direct towards Ryder,who had risen and remained standing at his desk.
"Perhaps I had better go?" ventured Shirley, although tortured byanxiety to hear the news from Washington.
"No," said Ryder quickly, "Judge Stott will detain me but a veryfew moments."
Having delivered himself of this delicate hint, he looked towardshis visitor as if inviting him to come to the point as rapidly aspossible.
"I must apologize for intruding at this unseemly hour, sir," saidStott, "but time is precious. The Senate meets to-morrow to vote.If anything is to be done for Judge Rossmore it must be doneto-night."
"I fail to see why you address yourself to me in this matter,sir," replied Ryder with asperity.
"As Judge Rossmore's friend and counsel," answered Stott, "I amimpelled to ask your help at this critical moment."
"The matter is in the hands of the United States Senate, sir,"replied Ryder coldly.
"They are against him!" cried Stott; "not one senator I've spokento holds out any hope for him. If he is convicted it will mean hisdeath. Inch by inch his life is leaving him. The only thing thatcan save him is the good news of the Senate's refusal to find himguilty."
Stott was talking so excitedly and loudly that neither he norRyder heard the low moan that came from the corner of the roomwhere Shirley was standing listening.
"I can do nothing," repeated Ryder coldly, and he turned his backand began to examine some papers lying on his desk as if to notifythe caller that the interview was ended. But Stott was not soeasily discouraged. He went on:
"As I understand it, they will vote on strictly party lines, andthe party in power is against him. He's a marked man. You have thepower to help him." Heedless of Ryder's gesture of impatience hecontinued: "When I left his bedside to-night, sir, I promised toreturn to him with good news; I have told him that the Senateridicules the charges against him. I must return to him with goodnews. He is very ill to-night, sir." He halted for a moment andglanced in Shirley's direction, and slightly raising his voice soshe might hear, he added: "If he gets worse we shall send for hisdaughter."
"Where is his daughter?" demanded Ryder, suddenly interested.
"She is working in her father's interests," replied Stott, and, headded significantly, "I believe with some hope of success."
He gave Shirley a quick, questioning look. She noddedaffirmatively. Ryder, who had seen nothing of this by-play, saidwith a sneer:
"Surely you didn't come here to-night to tell me this?"
"No, sir, I did not." He took from his pocket two letters--the twowhich Shirley had sent him--and held them out for Ryder'sinspection. "These letters from Judge Rossmore to you," he said,"show you to be acquainted with the fact that he bought thoseshares as an investment--and did not receive them as a bribe."
When he caught sight of the letters and he realized what theywere, Ryder changed colour. Instinctively his eyes sought thedrawer on the left-hand side of his desk. In a voice that wasunnaturally calm, he asked:
"Why don't you produce them before the Senate?"
"It was too late," explained Stott, handing them to the financier."I received them only two days ago. But if you come forward anddeclare--"
Ryder made an effort to control himself.
"I'll do nothing of the kind. I refuse to move in the matter. Thatis final. And now, sir," he added, raising his voice and pointingto the letters, "I wish to know how comes it that you had in yourpossession private correspondence addressed to me?"
"That I cannot answer," replied Stott promptly.
"From whom did you receive these letters?" demanded Ryder.
Stott was dumb, while Shirley clutched at her chair as if shewould fall. The financier repeated the question.
"I must decline to answer," replied Stott finally.
Shirley left her place and came slowly forward. Addressing Ryder,she said:
"I wish to make a statement."
The financier gazed at her in astonishment. What could sheknow about it, he wondered, and he waited with curiosity tohear what she was going to say. But Stott instantly realizedthat she was about to take the blame upon herself, regardlessof the consequences to the success of their cause. This mustbe prevented at all hazards, even if another must be sacrificed,so interrupting her he said hastily to Ryder:
"Judge Rossmore's life and honour are at stake and no false senseof delicacy must cause the failure of my object to save him. Theseletters were sent to me by--your son."
"From my son!" exclaimed Ryder, starting. For a moment hestaggered as if he had received a blow; he was too much overcometo speak or act. Then recovering himself, he rang a bell, andturned to Stott with renewed fury:
"So," he cried, "this man, this judge whose honour is at stake andhis daughter, who most likely has no honour at stake, between themhave made a thief and a liar of my son! false to his father, falseto his party; and you, sir, have the presumption to come here andask me to intercede for him!" To the butler, who entered, he said:"See if Mr. Jefferson is still in the house. If he is, tell him Iwould like to see him here at once."
The man disappeared, and Ryder strode angrily up and down the roomwith the letters in his hand. Then, turning abruptly on Stott, hesaid:
"And now, sir, I think nothing more remains to be said. I shallkeep these letters, as they are my property."
"As you please. Good night, sir."
"Good night," replied Ryder, not looking up.
With a significant glance at Shirley, who motioned to him that shemight yet succeed where he had failed, Stott left the room. Ryderturned to Shirley. His fierceness of manner softened down as headdressed the girl:
"You see what they have done to my son--"
"Yes," replied Shirley, "it's the girl's fault. If Jeffersonhadn't loved her you would have helped the judge. Ah, why did theyever meet! She has worked on his sympathy and he--he took theseletters for her sake, not to injure you. Oh, you must make someallowance for him! One's sympathy gets aroused in spite ofoneself; even I feel sorry for--these people."
"Don't," replied Ryder grimly, "sympathy is often weakness. Ah,there you are!" turning to Jefferson, who entered the room at thatmoment.
"You sent for me, father?"
"Yes," said Ryder, Sr., holding up the letters. "Have you everseen these letters before?"
Jefferson took the letters and examined them, then he passed themback to his father and said frankly:
"Yes, I took them out of your desk and sent them to Mr. Stott inthe hope they would help Judge Rossmore's case."
Ryder restrained himself from proceeding to actual violence onlywith the greatest difficulty. His face grew white as death, hislips were compressed, his hands twitched convulsively, his eyesflashed dangerously. He took another cigar to give the impressionthat he had himself well under control, but the violent tremblingof his hands as he lit it betrayed the terrific strain he wasunder.
"So!" he said, "you deliberately sacrificed my interests to savethis woman's father--you hear him, Miss Green? Jefferson, my bo
y,I think it's time you and I had a final accounting."
Shirley made a motion as if about to withdraw. He stopped her witha gesture.
"Please don't go, Miss Green. As the writer of my biography youare sufficiently well acquainted with my family affairs to warrantyour being present at the epilogue. Besides, I want an excuse forkeeping my temper. Sit down, Miss Green."
Turning to Jefferson, he went on:
"For your mother's sake, my boy, I have overlooked your littleeccentricities of character. But now we have arrived at theparting of the ways--you have gone too far. The one aspect of thisbusiness I cannot overlook is your willingness to sell, your ownfather for the sake of a woman."
"My own father," interrupted Jefferson bitterly, "would nothesitate to sell me if his business and political interestswarranted the sacrifice!"
Shirley attempted the role of peacemaker. Appealing to the youngerman, she said:
"Please don't talk like that, Mr. Jefferson." Then she turned toRyder, Sr.: "I don't think your son quite understands you, Mr.Ryder, and, if you will pardon me, I don't think you quiteunderstand him. Do you realize that there is a man's life atstake--that Judge Rossmore is almost at the point of death andthat favourable news from the Senate to-morrow is perhaps the onlything that can save him?"
"Ah, I see," sneered Ryder, Sr. "Judge Stott's story has arousedyour sympathy."
"Yes, I--I confess my sympathy is aroused. I do feel for thisfather whose life is slowly ebbing away--whose strength is beingsapped hourly by the thought of the disgrace--the injustice thatis being done him! I do feel for the wife of this suffering man!"
"Ah, its a complete picture!" cried Ryder mockingly. "The dyingfather, the sorrowing mother--and the daughter, what is shesupposed to be doing?"
"She is fighting for her father's life," cried Shirley, "and you,Mr. Jefferson, should have pleaded--pleaded--not demanded. It's nouse trying to combat your father's will."
"She is quite right, father. I should have implored you. I do sonow. I ask you for God's sake to help us!"
Ryder was grim and silent. He rose from his seat and paced theroom, puffing savagely at his cigar. Then he turned and said:
"His removal is a political necessity. If he goes back on thebench every paltry justice of the peace, every petty official willthink he has a special mission to tear down the structure thathard work and capital have erected. No, this man has beenespecially conspicuous in his efforts to block the progress ofamalgamated interests."
"And so he must be sacrificed?" cried Shirley indignantly.
"He is a meddlesome man," insisted Ryder "and--"
"He is innocent of the charges brought against him," urgedJefferson.
"Mr. Ryder is not considering that point," said Shirley bitterly."All he can see is that it is necessary to put this poor old manin the public pillory, to set him up as a warning to others of hisclass not to act in accordance with the principles of Truth andJustice--not to dare to obstruct the car of Juggernaut set inmotion by the money gods of the country!"
"It's the survival of the fittest, my dear," said Ryder coldly.
"Oh!" cried Shirley, making a last appeal to the financier's heartof stone, "use your great influence with this governing body forgood, not evil! Urge them to vote not in accordance with partypolicy and personal interest, but in accordance with theirconsciences--in accordance with Truth and Justice! Ah, for God'ssake, Mr. Ryder! don't permit this foul injustice to blot the nameof the highest tribunal in the Western world!"
Ryder laughed cynically.
"By Jove! Jefferson, I give you credit for having secured aneloquent advocate!"
"Suppose," went on Shirley, ignoring his taunting comments,"suppose this daughter promises that she will never--never seeyour son again--that she will go away to some foreign country!"
"No!" burst in Jefferson, "why should she? If my father is not manenough to do a simple act of justice without bartering a woman'shappiness and his son's happiness, let him find comfort in hisself-justification!"
Shirley, completely unnerved, made a move towards the door, unablelonger to bear the strain she was under. She tottered as thoughshe would fall. Ryder made a quick movement towards his son andtook him by the arm. Pointing to Shirley he said in a low tone:
"You see how that girl pleads your cause for you! She loves you,my boy!" Jefferson started. "Yes, she does," pursued Ryder, Sr."She's worth a thousand of the Rossmore woman. Make her your wifeand I'll--"
"Make her my wife!" cried Jefferson joyously. He stared at hisparent as if he thought he had suddenly been bereft of his senses.
"Make her my wife?" he repeated incredulously.
"Well, what do you say?" demanded Ryder, Sr.
The young man advanced towards Shirley, hands outstretched.
"Yes, yes, Shir--Miss Green, will you?" Seeing that Shirley madeno sign, he said: "Not now, father; I will speak to her later."
"No, no, to-night, at once!" insisted Ryder. Addressing Shirley,he went on: "Miss Green, my son is much affected by yourdisinterested appeal in his behalf. He--he--you can save him fromhimself--my son wishes you--he asks you to become his wife! Is itnot so, Jefferson?"
"Yes, yes, my wife!" advancing again towards Shirley.
The girl shrank back in alarm.
"No, no, no, Mr. Ryder, I cannot, I cannot!" she cried.
"Why not?" demanded Ryder, Sr. appealingly. "Ah, don't--don'tdecide hastily--"
Shirley, her face set and drawn and keen mental distress showingin every line of it, faced the two men, pale and determined. Thetime had come to reveal the truth. This masquerade could go on nolonger. It was not honourable either to her father or to herself.Her self-respect demanded that she inform the financier of hertrue identity.
"I cannot marry your son with these lies upon my lips!" she cried."I cannot go on with this deception. I told you you did not knowwho I was, who my people were. My story about them, my name,everything about me is false, every word I have uttered is a lie,a fraud, a cheat! I would not tell you now, but you trusted me andare willing to entrust your son's future, your family honour in mykeeping, and I can't keep back the truth from you. Mr. Ryder, I amthe daughter of the man you hate. I am the woman your son loves. Iam Shirley Rossmore!"
Ryder took his cigar from his lips and rose slowly to his feet.
"You? You?" he stammered.
[Photo, from the play, of Jefferson and Shirley appealing to Mr. Ryder]
"For God's sake, Mr. Ryder, don't permit this foul injustice."--Act III.
"Yes--yes, I am the Rossmore woman! Listen, Mr. Ryder. Don't turnaway from me. Go to Washington on behalf of my father, and Ipromise you I will never see your son again--never, never!"
"Ah, Shirley!" cried Jefferson, "you don't love me!"
"Yes, Jeff, I do; God knows I do! But if I must break my own heartto save my father I will do it."
"Would you sacrifice my happiness and your own?"
"No happiness can be built on lies, Jeff. We must build on truthor our whole house will crumble and fall. We have deceived yourfather, but he will forgive that, won't you?" she said, appealingto Ryder, "and you will go to Washington, you will save myfather's honour, his life, you will--?"
They stood face to face--this slim, delicate girl battling for herfather's life, arrayed against a cold-blooded, heartless,unscrupulous man, deaf to every impulse of human sympathy or pity.Since this woman had deceived him, fooled him, he would deal withher as with everyone else who crossed his will. She laid her handon his arm, pleading with him. Brutally, savagely, he thrust heraside.
"No, no, I will not!" he thundered. "You have wormed yourself intomy confidence by means of lies and deceit. You have tricked me,fooled me to the very limit! Oh, it is easy to see how you havebeguiled my son into the folly of loving you! And you--you havethe brazen effrontery to ask me to plead for your father? No! No!No! Let the law take its course, and now Miss Rossmore--you willplease leave my house to-morrow morning!"
Shirley stood l
istening to what he had to say, her face white, hermouth quivering. At last the crisis had come. It was a fight tothe finish between this man, the incarnation of corporate greedand herself, representing the fundamental principles of right andjustice. She turned on him in a fury:
"Yes, I will leave your house to-night! Do you think I wouldremain another hour beneath the roof of a man who is as blind tojustice, as deaf to mercy, as incapable of human sympathy as youare!"
She raised her voice; and as she stood there denouncing the man ofmoney, her eyes flashing and her head thrown back, she looked likesome avenging angel defying one of the powers of Evil.
"Leave the room!" shouted Ryder, beside himself, and pointing tothe door.
"Father!" cried Jefferson, starting forward to protect the girl heloved.
"You have tricked him as you have me!" thundered Ryder.
"It is your own vanity that has tricked you!" cried Shirleycontemptuously. "You lay traps for yourself and walk into them.You compel everyone around you to lie to you, to cajole you, topraise you, to deceive you! At least, you cannot accuse me offlattering you. I have never fawned upon you as you compel yourfamily and your friends and your dependents to do. I have alwaysappealed to your better nature by telling you the truth, and inyour heart you know that I am speaking the truth now."
"Go!" he commanded.
"Yes, let us go, Shirley!" said Jefferson.
"No, Jeff, I came here alone and I'm going alone!"
"You are not. I shall go with you. I intend to make you my wife!"
Ryder laughed scornfully.
"No," cried Shirley. "Do you think I'd marry a man whose father isas deep a discredit to the human race as your father is? No, Iwouldn't marry the son of such a merciless tyrant! He refuses tolift his voice to save my father. I refuse to marry his son!"
She turned on Ryder with all the fury of a tiger:
"You think if you lived in the olden days you'd be a Caesar or anAlexander. But you wouldn't! You'd be a Nero--a Nero! Sink myself-respect to the extent of marrying into your family!" sheexclaimed contemptuously. "Never! I am going to Washington withoutyour aid. I am going to save my father if I have to go on my kneesto every United States Senator. I'll go to the White House; I'lltell the President what you are! Marry your son--no, thank you!No, thank you!"
Exhausted by the vehemence of her passionate outburst, Shirleyhurried from the room, leaving Ryder speechless, staring at hisson.