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The Boss of the Lazy Y Page 11
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Page 11
Calumet had some thoughts on the subject but they were all inchoate andunsatisfying. He got only one conclusion out of them--that for somemysterious reason he had surrendered to Betty and was going to work torepair the ranchhouse.
On the morning following his visit to Lazette he sat on a piece ofheavy timber which he and Dade had lifted a few minutes before to somesaw-horses preparatory to framing. Armed with a scratch awl and asquare Dade was at the other end of the timber, his hat shoved backfrom his forehead while he ran his fingers through his hair as thoughpondering some weighty problem. Watching him, Calumet suffered arecurrence of that vague disquiet which had moved him the night beforewhen he had listened to the cordial greeting which Betty had given theyoung man. Old friendship had been between the two and somehow it haddisturbed Calumet. He did not know why. He didn't like Betty, but atthe same time every smile that she had given Dade the night before hadcaused some strange emotion to grip him. And he liked Dade, too. Hecouldn't understand that, either.
He had never been friendly with any man. But something about Dadeappealed to him; he felt tolerant toward him, was mildly interested inhim. He thought it was because Dade was boyish and impulsive.Whatever it was, he knew of its existence. It was not a deep feeling;it was like the emotion that moves a large animal to permit a smallerone to remain near it--a grudging tolerance which may develop intosincere friendship or at a flash turn into a furious hatred. And soDade's security depended entirely upon how he conducted himself. If hekept out of Calumet's way, all well and good. But if he interferedwith him, if, for instance, he became too friendly with Betty, therewould come an end to Calumet's tolerance.
And so there was a glint of speculative distrust in Calumet's eyes ashe sat and watched Dade ponder. Calumet was in no good humor. He feltlike baiting Dade.
"What you clawin' your head that way for?" he suddenly demanded as Dadecontinued to puzzle over his problem.
Dade grinned. "I'm goin' to halve these sills together. But I'mwantin' to make sure that the halves will be made reverse, so's they'llfit. An' I don't seem to be able to fix it clear in my mind."
"You was braggin' some on bein' a carpenter."
"I reckon I wasn't doin' no braggin'," denied Dade, reddening a little.
Calumet fixed a hostile eye on him. "Braggin' goes," he said shortly."If you'd said you was a barber, now, no one would expect you to fitany sills together. But when you say you've done carpenter work thatmakes it different. You ought to _sabe_ sills."
Dade laid his square and scratch awl down on the piece of timber anddeliberately seated himself on the saw-horse beside it. He lookeddefiantly at Calumet. A change had come over him from the daybefore--the slight deference in his manner had become succeeded bysomething unyielding and hard.
"Let's get on an understandin'," he said. "You can't go to pickin' onme." And he looked fairly into Calumet's eyes over the length of thetimber.
"I'm gassin' to suit myself," said Calumet; "if that don't size upright to you you can pull your freight."
"You're a false alarm," said Dade bluntly; "you drive me plumb weary."
Before his voice had died away Calumet's hand had flashed to his pistolbutt. Why he did not draw the weapon was a mystery known only tohimself. It might have been because Dade had not moved. Calumet'slips had tensed over his teeth in a savage snarl; they still held thesnarl when he spoke.
"You'll swallow that," he said. "Do you _sabe_ my idea?"
"Nary swallow," declared Dade. "False alarm goes. I've got you sizedup right."
Calumet's six-shooter came out. His eyes, blazing with a wanton fire,met Dade's and held them. The youngster's lips whitened, but his eyesdid not waver. Death twitched at Calumet's finger. There was a longsilence. And then Dade spoke.
"Usin' it?" he said.
Into Calumet's blazing eyes came a slow glint of doubt, of reluctantadmiration. His lashes flickered, the blaze died down, he squinted, acold, amused smile succeeded the snarl. He laughed shortly, looked atthe pistol, and then slowly jammed it back into the holster.
"You're too good to lose," he said. "I'm savin' you for another time."
"Thanks," said Dade dryly, though the ashen face of him showed how wellhe realized his narrow escape. "I reckon we understand each other now.I can see by the way you yanked out your gun just now and by the wayyou got the drop on Taggart yesterday, that you're some on the shoot.But I ain't none scared of you. An' now I'm tellin' you why I saidyou're a false alarm. I was talkin' to Betty last night. She's readup a bit, an' I'm parrotin' what she said about you because it's what Ithink, too. Your cosmos is all ego. That's what Betty said. Broughtdown to cases, what that means is that you've got a bad case of swelledhead. So far as you're concerned there's only one person in the world.That's you. Nobody else counts. You've been thinkin' about yourselfso much that you can't find time to think about anybody else. There'sother people in the world as good as you--better. Betty's one of them.She's a good girl an' you an' me'll hitch all right as long as youdon't go to bullyin' her. I reckon that's all."
"Meanin' that you'll let me hang around as long as I'm good," sneeredCalumet in a dangerously soft voice. He was trying to work himselfinto a rage, but the effort was futile. Something in Dade's quiet,matter-of-fact voice had a dulling, cooling effect on him. Besides, heknew that an attack on Dade would be resented by Betty, and he felt astrange reluctance toward further antagonizing her. "You Texas folksare sure clever at workin' your jaws," he sneered, when Dade did notanswer. "But I reckon that lets you out. When I'm lookin' for advicefrom women an' kids mebbe I'll call on you an' Betty, but if I don'tyou'll understand that I'm followin' my own trail. You've got awaywith one call because--well, because I was fool enough to let you.Mebbe another time I won't feel so foolish."
There were few words spoken between them during the following hours ofthe morning, though several times Dade caught Calumet watching him witha puzzled, amused smile in which there was a sort of slumberingferocity. By the middle of the morning the front of the ranchhouse hadbeen raised with the assistance of jacks, the old rotted sills takenout and new ones substituted. About an hour before noon, whileCalumet, in woolen shirt and overalls, his face dirty, his hairtousled, and his temper none too good, was wedging the sill tightagainst the studding above it, he became aware of Betty standing nearhim. She nodded toward the sill.
"That makes an improvement already," she said.
"Ye-es?" he said, with an irritating drawl.
There was a silence; she stood, regarding his back, a faint smile onher face.
"I want to compliment you on your judgment of horses," she persisted,in an attempt to make him talk; "the ones you bought are fine."
Calumet drove a wedge home viciously. But he did not answer.
"I've been checking up your other purchases," she went on; "and I findthat you followed the list I gave you faithfully."
He turned and looked up. "Look here," he said; "I got what you wanted,didn't I? There's no use of gettin' mush headed about it. I'd haveblowed the money just as quick, if I'd wanted to."
"But you didn't."
"Because you didn't want me to, I reckon?" he sneered.
"No. Because you wanted to be fair."
He had not known what sort of an answer he had expected from her, butthe one he got embarrassed him. He felt a reluctant pleasure over theknowledge that she had faith in him, but mingling with this was a rageagainst himself over his surrender. When she turned from him andwalked over to Dade, speaking to him in a low voice, he could not havetold which affected him most, his rage against himself or hisdisappointment over her abrupt leave-taking. She irritated him, butsomehow he got a certain pleasure out of that irritation--which was awholly unsatisfying and mystifying paradox. He covertly watched Dadeduring her talk with him and discovered that he did not like the waythe young man looked at her; he was entirely too familiar even if hewas a
friend of the family. He saw, too, that Betty seemed to be anentirely different person when talking to Dade. For one thing sheseemed natural, which she didn't seem when talking to him. Until hesaw her talking with Dade he had been able to see nothing in her mannerbut restraint and stiff formality, but figuratively, when in Dade'spresence she seemed to melt--she was gracious, smiling, cordial.
Betty's attitude toward him during the noon meal puzzled him much.Some subtle change had come over her. Several times he surprised herlooking at him, and at these times he was certain there was approval inher glances, though perhaps the approval was mingled with somethingelse--speculation, he thought.
But whatever it was, he had not seen it before. Had he known that Dadehad told her about the incident of the Red Dog Saloon he would haveunderstood, for she was wondering--as Dade had wondered--why he hadpretended to make friends with Taggart, why he had asked the Arrow manto visit the Lazy Y that afternoon.
After dinner Calumet went out again to his work, apparently carefreeand unconcerned, if we are to omit those thoughts in which Dade andBetty figured, Dade watched him with much curiosity, for the incidentof the day before was still vivid in his mind, and if there had been.mystery in Calumet's action in inviting Taggart to the Lazy Y there hadbeen no mystery in the words he had spoken outside the Red Dog Saloonimmediately afterward: "It's my game, do you hear?"
But along toward the middle of the afternoon Dade became so interestedthat he forgot all about Taggart, and was only reminded of him whenlooking up momentarily he saw Calumet sitting on a pile of timber nearthe ranchhouse, leaning lazily forward, his elbows resting on hisknees, his chin on his hands, gazing speculatively into the afternoonhaze. Dade noted that he was looking southward, and he turned andfollowed his gaze to see, far out in the valley, a horseman approaching.
Dade had turned stealthily and thought his movement had been unobservedby Calumet, and he started when the latter slowly remarked:
"Well, he's comin', after all. I was thinkin' he wouldn't."
"That's him, all right, I reckon," returned Dade. He shot a glance atCalumet's face--it was expressionless.
There was a silence until Taggart reached the low hill in the valleywhere on the day following his coming to the Lazy Y Calumet had seenLonesome, before the dog had begun the stalk that had ended in itsdeath. Then Calumet turned to Dade, a derisive light in his eyes.
"Do you reckon Betty will be glad to see him?"
"I don't reckon you done just right in askin' him here after what hesaid in the Red Dog," returned Dade.
Calumet seemed amused. "Shucks, you're a kid yet," he said. Heignored Dade, giving his attention to Taggart, who was now near thebunkhouse.
Taggart's coming was attended with interest by Malcolm, who, hearinghoofbeats in the ranchhouse yard came to the door of the bunkhousewhere he had been doing some small task; by Bob, who hobbled out of thestable door, his eyes wide; and by Betty, who, forewarned of the visitby Dade, had come out upon the porch and had been watching his approach.
Dade was interested also, betraying his interest by covertly eyeingTaggart as he drew his pony to a halt. But apparently Calumet'sinterest was largely negative, for he did not move from his position,merely glancing at Taggart as the latter halted his pony, grinningmildly at him and speaking to him in a slow drawl.
"Get off your cayuse an' visit," he invited.
Taggart's smile was wide as he dismounted. He did not seem to look atthe others particularly, not even deigning a glance at Dade, but hisgaze fell on Betty with an insolent boldness that brought a flush tothat young lady's face. There was a challenge in the look he gave her.He dismounted and bowed mockingly to her, sweeping his hat from hishead with a movement so derisive that it made Dade longingly finger hispistol butt.
Calumet still sat on the pile of lumber. His smile was engaging evenif, as it seemed to Dade, it was a trifle shallow. But now Calumetslowly got to his feet. He stood erect, yawned, and stretched himself.Then turning, his back to Taggart, who had come close to him, he lookedat Betty, steadily, intently, with a command showing so plainly in hiseyes that the girl involuntarily started.
"Betty," he said slowly; "come here."
She went toward him, scarcely knowing why, yet remotely conscious ofsomething in his eyes that warned her that she must not refuse--a cold,sinister gleam that hinted of approaching trouble. She walked to apoint near him and stood looking at him wonderingly. And now for thefirst time since the beginning of their acquaintance she became awareof a quiet indomitability in his character, the existence of which shehad suspected all along without having actually sensed it. She saw nowwhy men feared him. In his attitude, outwardly calm, but suggesting insome subtle way the imminence of deadly violence; in his eyes, steadyand cold, but with something cruel and bitter and passionate slumberingdeep in them; in the set of his head and the thrust of his chin, therewas a threat--nay, more--a promise of volcanic action; of ruthless,destroying anger.
Taggart, apparently, saw nothing of these things. He looked again atBetty, his heavy face wreathed in an insolent half-smile. She saw thelook and instantly flushed and stiffened. But it appeared that Calumetnoticed nothing of her agitation or of Taggart's insulting glance. Hestood a little to one side of Taggart, and he spoke slowly anddistinctly:
"Taggart," he said; "meet my boss, Betty Clayton." He smiled grimly atthe consternation in Betty's face, at the black rage in Dade's.
"I have already had the honor of meeting Mr. Taggart," said Bettycoldly. "If that is what you--" She caught a glance from Calumet andsubsided.
Taggart was deeply amused; he guffawed loudly.
"That's rich," he said. "Why, man, I've knowed her ever since she'sbeen here. Me an' her's pretty well acquainted. In fact--"
"Well, now; that's odd," cut in Calumet dryly.
"What is?" questioned Taggart quickly, noting his tone.
"That I didn't remember," said Calumet.
"Remember what?" inquired Taggart.
"That I heard you gassin' about Betty to your Red Dog friends. Yourattled it off pretty glibly. You ought to remember what you said.I'm wantin' you to repeat it while she's watchin' you. That's why Iwanted you to come over here."
"Why--" began Taggart. Then he hesitated, an embarrassed, incredulouslight in his shifting eyes. He looked from one to the other, notseeming to entirely comprehend the significance of the command, andthen he saw the gleam in Betty's eyes, the derisive enjoyment inDade's, the implacable glint in Calumet's, knowledge burst upon him ina sudden, sickening flood and his face paled. He looked at Calumet,the look of a trapped animal.
"Get goin'!" said the latter; "we're all waitin'."
Taggart cursed profanely, stepping back a pace and reaching for hispistol. But as in the Red Dog, Calumet was before him. Again hisright hand moved with the barely perceptible motion, and hissix-shooter was covering Taggart. The latter quickly withdrew his ownhand, it was empty. And in response to an abrupt movement of Calumet'shand it went upward, the other following it instantly. Watchful,alert, Calumet stepped forward, plucked Taggart's pistol from itsholster, threw it a dozen feet from him, swiftly passed a hand overTaggart's shirt and waistband and then stepped back.
"You've got a minute," he said. "Sixty seconds to decide whether you'drather die with your boots on or get to talkin'. Take your time, forthere won't be any arguin' afterward."
Taggart looked into Calumet's eyes. What he saw there seemed to decidehim. "I reckon it's your trick," he said; "I'll talk."
"Get goin'."
"I said I'd made love to her."
A half-sneer wreathed Calumet's face. "I reckon that covers the groundpretty well. You didn't say it that way, but we won't have you repeatthe exact words; they ain't fit to hear. The point is, did you tellthe truth?"
"No," said Taggart. He did not look at Betty and his face was scarlet.
"So you lied, eh? Lied about a woman! There's only one place for thatkind of a man. Crawl an' tell he
r you're a snake!"
Taggart had partly recovered his composure.
"Guess again," he sneered. "You're buttin' in where--"
Calumet dropped his pistol and took a quick step. With a swish hisright hand went forward to Taggart's face, one hundred and eightypounds of vengeful, malignant muscle behind it. There was the dull,strange sound of impacting bone and flesh. Taggart's head shotbackward, he crumpled oddly, his legs wabbled and doubled under him andhe sank in his tracks, sprawling on his hands and knees in the sand.
For an instant he remained in this position, then he threw himselfforward, groping for the pistol Calumet had dropped. Calumet's bootedfoot struck his wrist, and with a bellow of rage and pain he got to hisfeet and rushed headlong at his assailant. Calumet advanced a step tomeet him. His right fist shot out again; it caught Taggart fairly inthe mouth and he sank down once more. He landed as before, on hishands and knees, and for an instant he stayed in that position, hishead hanging between his arms and swaying limply from side to side.Then with an inarticulate grunt he plunged forward and lay facedownward in the sand.
Calumet stood watching him. He felt Betty's hand on his arm, laidthere restrainingly, but he shook her viciously off, telling her to"mind her own business." Malcolm had come forward; he stood behindBetty. Dade had not moved, though a savage satisfaction had come intohis eyes. Bob stood in front of the stable door, trembling fromexcitement. But besides Betty, none of them attempted to interfere,and there was a queer silence when Taggart finally got to his feet.
He stood for an instant, glaring around at them all, and then his gazeat last centered on Calumet. Calumet silently motioned toward Betty.
In response to the movement, Taggart's lips moved. "I'm apologizin',"he said. He turned to his horse. After he had climbed into the saddlehe looked around at Calumet. He sneered through his swollen lips.
"You'll be gettin' what I owe you," he threatened.
"I'm your friend," jeered Calumet. "I've been your friend since theday you tried to bore me with a rifle bullet out there in thevalley--the day I come here--after runnin' like a coyote from thedaylight. I've got an idea what you was hangin' around for thatday--I've got the same idea now. You're tryin' to locate that heathenidol. You're wastin' your time. You're doin' more--you're runnin' aheap of risk. For what you've just got is only a sample of what you'llget if you stray over onto my range again. That goes for the sneakin'thief you call your father, or any of your damned crowd."
He stood, slouching a little, watching Taggart until the latter rodewell out into the valley. Then without a word he walked over to thesill upon which he had been working before the arrival of Taggart,seized a hammer, and began to drive wedges wherever they were necessary.
Presently he heard a voice behind him, and he turned to confront Betty.
"I heard what you said to Taggart, of course, about him trying to shootyou. I didn't know that. He deserved punishment for it. But I amsure that part of the punishment you dealt him was administered becauseof the way he talked about me. If that is so, I wish to thank you."
"You might as well save your breath," he said gruffly; "I didn't do itfor you."
She laughed. "Then why didn't you choose another place to call him toaccount?"
He did not answer, driving another wedge home with an extra viciousblow.
She watched him in silence for an instant, and then, with a laugh whichmight have meant amusement or something akin to it, she turned andwalked to the house.