Wanting a Mate Read online

Page 4

  He didn’t have to be asked twice. Nope, he immediately came to her. He crawled over her and knelt between her spread thighs, his gaze locked on her exposed pussy while he stroked his cock. He encircled his shaft and caressed it from root to tip.

  And stared. Did she mention the staring and him not doing anything?



  “So, uh, you gonna do something here?” She raised her eyebrows and waved at her body.

  “Uh-huh. Trying to decide if I wanna taste you or fill you first.”

  Oh, God. That was a hard one—heh. His mouth? Or his cock? “I can’t wait. Option B.”

  And he didn’t make her wait. His now golden eyes met hers, the color flaring. He leaned over and balanced his weight on one hand while he positioned his cock with the other. The large, blunted tip nudged her opening and she shivered with the sensation.

  Slowly—way too slowly—he eased forward, filling her, stretching her, branding her with his body. He gently thrust until his hips rested against hers, his cock fully embedded, and she sighed with his possession.

  “Holt,” she released his name with a soft sigh. “Make me yours.”

  * * *

  She was…fuck. She was perfection. Holt paused, every cell in his body frozen with his dick buried deeply inside her. Her. His mate. His Chloe. A shudder worked its way from his toes to the top of his head. He’d bedded many women in the past, but none compared with the feel of being inside his mate. Ever. She felt like coming home. Like comfort and the most erotic feeling he’d ever experienced.

  “Mine,” he managed, reduced to single concept sentences. His ass pulled back, to power his cock deeply inside her again. The sexy little moan and the feel of her grip around his rigid shaft felt so good he did it again. And again. Pretty soon the bed shook, slamming into the wall with each heavy thrust.

  Instinct forced him to move harder and faster, one hand hooking her knee to open her more for his possession. He couldn’t believe he’d finally found her, the cat within snarling with male triumph and lust, trying to force his fangs free to bite and bind her to them forever. Bastard cat.

  Wait your fucking turn, he snarled at it, wanting to revel in the sensation of sinking into the lush, soft female form beneath him. He’d caught the nervousness in her eyes as he’d looked at her body, the soft belly, the wide hips and it pained him to see her worry.

  After they were done, he’d worship every soft line of her to reassure her that he didn’t want a stick insect with boobs. He wanted soft to his hard, a woman with curves to leash the cat and keep the man happy.

  She panted, her breath coming in more moans than anything else and she tightened around him. She wasn’t far off now, and her end hastened his.

  Feeling the rush of heat about to hit him, he wrapped his arms around her and turned, flipping their position so she sat on him. A groan burst free from his throat as he drove her down his cock, his hands on her hips. The change in position took him deeper and he jackknifed to a sitting position, arms holding her tightly.

  “That’s it, baby,” he crooned, lips whispering over the skin of her shoulder, hips working like a fucking jackhammer. His butt muscles would ache in the morning, but he didn’t care. It was worth it. “Just a few more strokes…let go, I’ll catch you. I’ll always catch you, my little mate.”

  Then she was there, his grunt echoing her cry. She threw her head back and came, pussy tightening around his cock like a vice. He closed his eyes to stop them crossing and struck, fangs dropping and piercing her shoulder within the same instant. A tsunami of heat and pleasure exploded through him. His cock jerked and pulsed within her, bathing her inner walls with his seed. She was fertile, he smelled it, and that excited the primal part of him more.

  She whimpered, her body pliant as little shocks rolled through her. Each transmitted to him through her cunt, the intimate grip clenching and milking every drop of cum from his cock.

  His hips slowed and he held her, gently disengaging his fangs and closing the wound with a soft swipe of his tongue. She’d always have a small scar, but it marked her as a mated female which meant no shifter male would dare make a move on her. His cat chuffed in happiness, well pleased with itself.

  They’d found their mate. Fucked her and bitten her. Right at this moment, she might even be pregnant.

  And she was theirs. Forever.

  Holt couldn’t find anything to complain about in that.

  Chapter Six

  There was no way Chloe was hearing what she thought she was hearing. No fucking way.

  And yet, that feminine voice was familiar. So fucking familiar. She’d only heard it every damn day for thirty—er—twenty-eight-ish years.

  The problem, Chloe acknowledged, was the presence of that voice within Holt’s home at… she blearily lifted her head from the pillow and squinted at the bedside table. She was there at 7:30 a.m.

  Way too early.

  But that wasn’t the big problem. Nope, the biggest problem was that Chloe was at Holt’s and at no time during her mad dash from the Meet & Mate and her boinkfest with Holt, had she called her mother. No calls, no texts, no smoke signals.

  And yet, she was here.

  In Holt’s house.

  Okay, she got that she was being a tad repetitive, but… in Holt’s house.

  Wait. Still squinting, she glanced around the room and realized something else. Her mother was in Holt’s house at 7:30 a.m. and Holt was no longer in bed.

  Which meant he was with her.

  “This is bad,” she grumbled and fought with the sheets tangled around her body. How the hell had she turned into a burrito? “This is so bad.”

  She yanked and huffed, getting a whiff of her breath. “Gross, that’s bad too.”

  Groaning more—Holt was deliciously big but now she ached in so many places. Her feet still twisted in sheets, she rolled toward the mattress edge, and then right on over, like a waterfall, to the floor. She landed with a loud thud followed by… more groaning!

  “Why the hell is the fucking bed so high?”

  “Because your mate is a big man, baby.” The low baritone washed over her and arousal pooled low in her belly. She’d had him inside her all night long, she couldn’t even remember how many times she came, and still she was primed for him.

  She turned her head, met Holt’s gaze and was gratified when it heated in that oh, so familiar way. Was he ready to go another round? She let her gaze flick to the juncture of his thighs and she couldn’t miss the bulge slowly growing behind the fabric of his pants. Yeah, they were both rip-roaring and ready to go.

  Until… she heard that voice.

  “Be careful, you don’t want to harm my little grandbabies.” Her mother peered around Holt. “Falling like that could hurt them.” Mom focused on Holt. “Is it grandbabies or grandcubs? What are you again?”

  “Mom. Seriously?” Shock filled her and she opened her eyes widely as she shook her head. “That’s just… You can’t… Rude much?”

  “Oh,” her mom flapped her hand, “he’s family. Now, which is it?” Her mom’s attention flicked to her. “And cover yourself, dear. I may have given birth to you, but even I don’t want to see that you need a bikini wax. Oh!” Now her attention was fully on Chloe. “You should think about a Brazilian. Holt, would you like her to have a Brazilian? I have this fabulous wax girl. I get them done and—”

  “Oh my God, Mom!” Chloe snatched at the sheet, tugging and wrenching on it as she climbed to her feet. “You should never speak about waxing ever again. Ever.”

  “You said ever twice,” she immediately corrected.

  “Because I meant it. Seriously. I will hardcore deny you access to my cubs if you say another word about your vagina and waxing.”

  Her mom sniffed and straightened her shirt. “A Brazilian doesn’t limit itself to the vaginal area. They make you spread your—”

  “Oh my fuck,” Chloe groaned and shut her eyes, refusing to acknowledge her mother
any longer. The ground could open up and swallow her whole. Anytime now. Like, now? How about now? No… Okay, now?

  The earth did not open, but she was gifted a soothing warmth in the form of Holt’s arms wrapping around her shoulders. He tugged her toward him until she was snug against his body. She reveled in his heat and nearness, taking comfort in his presence.

  “Heeelllooo? Holt, are you home?” Holt stiffened and groaned, a new tension thrumming through his massive body. “Archer called and—”

  “Holt?” She met his gaze.

  “My mom.” He mouthed and she echoed his groan.

  Their mothers. Together. In Holt’s house.

  God. Save. Her. No, them both.

  “Oh, who’s that?” Chloe’s mom piped up and the words were immediately followed by the click and clack of her high heels on wood. “I’ll get rid of her. Can’t have hussies hanging around now that you’re mated. You’ll thank me later.”


  “You, missy! You get on out of here. I know he’s a cougar, so he doesn’t need one of his own. You should be ashamed—”

  There was no way to process what was happening. None whatsoever. Chloe’s mother had somehow followed her to Holt’s. Fuck it, she knew the woman hadn’t removed all the spyware off her phone. Anyway, her mom hunted her and now Holt’s mother showed up and her mom was calling his mom an older lady cougar person and…

  “We should run while they’re distracted.” She rushed the words out. “Now. You have a car or whatever, right? I mean, Archer dropped you off, but you have to have one. We can run for Mexico. They won’t follow us to Mexico, right?” Chloe shook her head. “No, my mom probably would if only to find out if she has grandcubs.” Grandcubs. Grandcubs hadn’t been a serious part of the “get to know you” portion of the evening. She’d sorta just thrown numbers at him and they’d moved on. “Do you even want babies?”

  The man had a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. “I like your mom.”

  “You like… You’re not addressing the issue at hand, here.” Was the man not listening? Was there a way she could use smaller words? Hopefully their kids got her intelligence because if he didn’t understand that… there was no hope for their children.

  Well, she’d get them tutoring. That could help a lot.

  “Yeah, I am.” He squeezed her gently. “I like her. Which means my mom will like her. And if my mom likes her and your mom likes her then they can keep each other occupied.”

  “While we escape?” Hope blossomed in her chest. She was liking this plan.

  “Nope, while we make those grandcubs they’re talking about out there.”


  Holt released her and padded toward the door—er—doorway since the door was still missing. “Yo, Mom, why don’t you two take nursery planning to your house?”

  “Why?” There was no missing the skepticism in his mother’s voice.

  “Because we gotta work on filling that nursery,” he yelled back.

  “Okay-thanks-see-you-bye!” The shuffle and click-clack that immediately followed his last shout told Chloe the women were actually leaving.

  “There, that’s handled. Where were we?” He grinned at her.

  Stupid, sexy man. She would not be diverted!

  “You just told our parents we’re going to have sex!”

  “Yes, I did. And now we will until I’m so deep, you won’t know where I end and you begin.”

  “Oh.” Okay then.

  “And then, when I’m done, I’m gonna do it again and again until you’re carrying my cubs.” That sounded… delicious.

  She licked her lips. “And when I am?”

  “I’ll keep fucking you just to make sure it took.”

  That sounded like an excellent plan.

  And it worked. It worked so well that Chloe was pregnant by the end of the day, but Holt continued to make sure another dozen times or so.

  Okay, five dozen and she was pretty sure he broke her vagina, but it was so, so good, she didn’t mind. At all. Ever.

  The End

  About the Authors

  Mina Carter

  Mina Carter is a USA Today bestselling, multi-genre author. She lives in the UK with her husband, daughter, and a very bossy cat.

  If you’d like to be notified of new releases, special sales, and FREE eBooks, subscribe here: http://mina-carter.com/newsletter/

  Connect with Mina online at:






  Celia Kyle

  Ex-dance teacher, former accountant, and erstwhile collectible doll salesperson, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Celia Kyle now writes paranormal romances for readers who:

  1) Like super hunky heroes (they generally get furry).

  2) Dig beautiful women (who have a few more curves than the average lady).

  3) Love laughing in (and out of) bed.

  If you’d like to be notified of new releases, special sales, and FREE eBooks, subscribe here: http://celiakyle.com/news

  You can find Celia online at:




  Copyright Page

  Published by Summerhouse Publishing. Wanting a Mate. Copyright © 2015. Mina Carter and Celia Kyle. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the authors.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues in this book are of the authors’ imaginations and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

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