Scoundrel (Emerald Isle Tigers Book 1) Read online

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  Good. Diana thought. If he underestimated them it could only work in their favor.

  “So do you have some kind of plan? Just going to use your power and fame to sweet talk those bastards into letting him free?”

  His chuckle turned into a throaty laugh. “Oh, gods no. That lot has been desperate for another tiger since Diesel flew the coop. He was one of their main attractions, for years! Nope, they’ll do whatever it takes to keep your brother. That does work in our favor - they probably won’t be throwing him in any guaranteed death matches. At least not yet. If he turns out to be a lousy fighter, maybe. Is he a lousy fighter?”

  Diana stared at Draven, deeply concerned with the cavalier way he discussed her brother’s life. “No. He’s not lousy. But he’s also honorable to a fault, so dirty fighters will have a huge advantage.”

  “Well, we better hurry it up then. Every day he’s in there is another day he could die.”

  Draven really didn’t seem to care whether Chase lived or died. Why was he even helping them?

  “Like I asked before, do you actually have some kind of plan?”

  “Indeed I do!” Draven grinned, looking almost pleased at the turn things had taken. “You’re not the only one with a brother.”

  Chapter Six

  Draven took in his brother’s workshop and tried to keep his displeasure off his face. It was already a long shot that Theron would agree to help. He didn’t need to antagonize him before they even started.

  Diana’s little band had followed closely behind him, obviously uncomfortable with being out in broad daylight. Still, they didn’t draw attention to themselves, exuding just enough confidence to pass through the streets unnoticed.

  He had spent the night with them. It was already the wee hours of the morning by the time they were done talking, and he needed to get some kind of rest. Diana had very firmly closed and locked her bedroom door behind her.

  He’d seriously pissed her off.

  Draven sighed and raked one hand through his shaggy hair. Obviously the whole idea had been to piss her off – a hobby that he was quite skilled at. But then, of course, as soon as his apartment door had slammed behind her, blocking his view of that magnificent ass, he’d regretted everything.

  She wasn’t the mouse he’d taken her for. She was gorgeous, loyal, and more than a little fire ran through those veins. He couldn’t handle being so cruel to a woman he didn’t hate.

  Of course, she was a bit moral for his tastes, but they could work on that.

  So he’d tracked her down and lurked in the hallway outside the door. When he’d finally decided to make his presence known, it was only to see his fated mate in the arms of another man. Apparently they were just friends, but the tiger was not willing to allow another to touch his mate, platonic friendships or no.

  It had taken all his willpower not to start shit with Zephyr then and there. Only the knowledge that he needed to redeem himself in Diana’s eyes kept him in check. Besides, it wouldn’t be a fair fight. The guy was some kind of wind spirit? What could you even do with that?

  Draven dragged his thoughts back to the present as his brother appeared, followed closely by his ever-present assistant, along with Hecate bringing up the rear. What a Goddess saw in Theron, he just didn’t know.

  He straightened his shoulders, struggling with the subconscious need for his brother’s approval. Theron’s eyes met his, his lips pursing in displeasure.

  “Draven. What brings you to my workshop? And with an entourage?”

  “I came to ask for your assistance. A small matter. Really.”

  Draven’s voice didn’t even sound convicing to his own ears.

  “Ah. I’m sure it’s not small at all, if you felt the need to bring guards.”

  Draven struggled to keep his temper in check. He’d known going into this that it wouldn’t be easy or friendly. “They aren’t guards. They asked for my help.”

  Theron’s eyebrows raised in mock surprise. Any expression that crossed his face was carefully calculated. The man had no real emotions, except maybe disdain and arrogance.

  “And you agreed to help them? Why? Last I heard you were still a fairly useless hedonist, concerned only with your hobbies and whores.”

  Draven considered the smooth, alabaster skin of his brother’s face. The aquiline nose, the clear blue eyes.

  He thought about what that perfect face would look like, swollen and bleeding.

  “Well perhaps it’s just another of my useless hobbies. This would be the second tiger shifter I help escape the Coliseum. At the very least the beginnings of a hobby.”

  The faintest flash of genuine surprise crossed Theron’s face, gone in an instant. “They have another?”

  “Yup.” Draven jerked his head towards Diana. “Her brother.”

  Theron shifted his focus, examining Diana with a knowing gaze. “I see.”

  He had apparently seen enough, ignoring the others and moving towards some test tubes boiling on a far counter. “And what do you need my help for? As you mentioned, you got Diesel out. Surely you’re an expert.”

  Draven growled under his breath, earning himself a disapproving glance from Hecate. “I just barely got him out of the city and you damn well know it. I seem to be out of rebellious Succubi at the moment.”

  Theron just waited, no doubt wanting to hear his brother grovel.

  “I need your spell. The Juliet spell. My blood will activate it, all you need to do is give me the vial.”

  Theron chuffed under his breath. “You say that like it’s such a small thing. That spell takes months to brew and it’s top secret. If anyone found out that I had it...” He trailed off, shaking his head. “What are you offering in return? Because I really don’t think you have anything I want.”

  Generally speaking, one should not be cruel to family.

  But, for his brother, Draven was willing to make an exception.

  “I know certain secrets. You seem to forget that one of my useless hobbies is blackmail.”

  Theron didn’t even bother looking at him, merely stalking away towards his office. A few minutes later he returned, holding a small wooden box.

  As he held it out, Draven saw such loathing in his brother’s face that he had to stop himself from taking a step back. Still, he took the offering, hoping that the threat hadn’t been a huge mistake.

  Then Theron spoke, pretty much confirming that it had been a huge mistake.

  “I hope you know that I’ll kill you if I need to,” he said, his voice quiet and dangerous. “And I won’t even be upset about it.”

  Chapter Seven

  As Draven led their little band back towards his place, Diana couldn’t help but wonder what it had just cost him to get help from his brother. Obviously, that they weren’t on good terms.

  And why had he decided to help them?

  She couldn’t get a handle on Draven at all. First, he’d watched her obsessively, then tried to leave the Coliseum without saying one word to her. Then, it had been like pulling teeth to get him to invite her back to his place, where he seemed interested.

  But then he turned into a dick of the highest order and told her to consider her brother dead, and now he’s enduring death threats from his brother, just to help them?

  I was right the first time, she thought. Dude is crazy.

  He still hadn’t explained his plan to them, making her wonder if he actually had one. All she knew was that they were going to spend the night at his place and everything was going to go down tomorrow, during Chase’s next fight.

  As they rode the elevator back up to his luxurious bachelor pad, Diana studied the others’ expressions. Zephyr and Gavin looked stressed, as they had since the group entered the city. Rich and powerful tigers may be safe here, but there were too many humans running around for your average supernatural to feel comfortable. Melody looked bored – not surprising for a fifteen year old.

  Draven was as inscrutable, as usual.

  The doors slid open s
ilently, and they disembarked. As Draven opened the door to his place, Melody couldn’t help but let out a small gasp of wonder.

  For a girl like her, on the run for half her life, this kind of modern and intact apartment was the height of opulence. The guys didn’t say anything, but Diana knew that they had to be impressed as well.

  They were all exhausted, and more than willing to collapse on the comfy furniture filling the room. Only Draven remained standing, deep in thought. She hoped he was going over the details of the plan, and would maybe even share at some point.

  They remained that way for about twenty minutes, Zephyr’s eyes drifting shut, Draven distractedly drumming his fingertips on the counter. As much as she wanted to know what was going on, Diana couldn’t help but lust after him a little more. Not that she would ever act on it, after the events of last night.

  The dark circles under his eyes and haggard look on his face only made him more attractive – less like a statue, more like a man. She felt her nurturing instinct kick in, and fought the urge to send him to bed like a little boy.

  Of course, there may be more adult ways to tuck him in...

  She envisioned taking his hand, drawing him towards the bedroom. They would close the door against prying eyes. She would unclasp that heavy cloak, the very same one he placed around her shoulders. Could he still smell her on it? Was her scent tormenting him, or could he not care less?

  Well, if he didn’t already desire her, she could make him. She could have him on his knees, begging for more.

  And then she would leave him, unfulfilled, just as he had done to her.

  Diana snapped back to reality as the object of her fantasy spoke.

  “Alright, guys, here’s the plan. It’s not too difficult, and there’s no reason it should go wrong. Also I’m the only one who needs to be involved, no one else will be at risk.”

  Diana raised her eyebrow. “You’re going to singlehandedly fight the entirety of the Coliseum’s guards? I find that hard to believe.”

  “No, there won’t be any fighting. The thing Theron gave me is a drug. A magic drug. Think of Romeo and Juliet. All I have to do is inject your brother, and then whenever I want to activate it, it’ll look like he dies. For all intents and purposes, he will be dead, until I activate it again.”

  “How can he ‘appear’ dead but still be alive?” Diana asked suspiciously.

  Draven gave her a look. “You seriously want me to explain the mechanics of magic?”

  She sighed, exasperated. “Of course not. I just don’t understand how his heart will stop and he’ll live through it.”

  “I have no idea. I do know this spell has been around for centuries though. One of the earliest known uses of it is a very well-known fairy tale - Sleeping Beauty was apparently under the influence of it for over a thousand years. I doubt it was actually that long, but it had to be a significant enough amount of time to give rise to the story.”

  Diana was unconvinced, and it showed all over her face. Draven raised his arms, unsure how to convince her of the magic’s legitimacy.

  “Look, I would offer to do it to one of you guys to prove it doesn’t kill you, but Theron only gave me enough for one dose.”

  “How are you even going to get close enough to stab him with the thing without arousing suspicion?”

  Draven’s face relaxed. He thought he had her convinced. “Oh, that’s the easy part. There is a system in place, for... patrons of a sort. If you like a specific fighter, you can offer to sponsor him. Buy him better armor, better healers, battle buffs, whatever the Coliseum wants to sell you. It’s all very capitalist. And, if you sponsor someone at a high enough price, you are allowed to pay them visits before the fights. Morale boosting, meeting your pet killer, so on. All I have to do is sponsor Chase, and I’ll be able to get close enough to administer the drug.”

  “And it won’t take effect immediately?”

  “No. He has to ‘die’ in a fight for the rest of the plan to work.”

  “And what is the rest of the plan?”

  “Well, he’s a slave. When slaves die they just throw them in a mass grave. I’ll request that his body to be given to me instead, as a gift for my brother. Everyone knows he researches shifters, so it won’t raise any questions.”

  Diana was pacing the length of the living room, her brow furrowed. She didn’t like it. Too many things could go wrong.

  “What if they aren’t careful with him, and smash his head? Or try to make sure he’s dead or something?”

  Draven gave her a level gaze. “If we don’t get him out, somebody will definitely make sure he’s dead. It’s not a perfect plan, but it’s what we’ve got.”

  Maybe, but she didn’t have to like it. “And you said you’re going in alone? Why?”

  “What exactly are you going to do? It’s cut and dry. I go meet him. Jab him with the thing. Watch the fight. At an opportune moment, activate the spell. He goes down, I claim his body. We can arrange to meet somewhere outside the Coliseum, and you guys can go on your merry way. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to try to get some rest.”

  He said that last with finality, and followed it up by walking through an open door and firmly shutting it behind him. Diana looked at her friends, at a loss. It was true, they didn’t have many options. But somehow this plan seemed destined to fail.

  “What do you guys think?”

  Zephyr gave her an uncomfortable grimace. “I just worry that when he gets the mojo put on him, the other guy’s not going to stop beating on him. Doesn’t take long to tenderize meat.”

  Diana gave him a horrified look, and he just shrugged. He was nothing if not brutally honest.

  Gavin piped up, seemingly unconcerned about the whole thing.

  “Seems as sound a plan as any. Where are we planning on going after this though? If we’re going to be fleeing the city directly after this goes down, we should have a destination.”

  “Well, before the attack, we were headed for Bottle Bay. Is that not still the plan?”

  Now it was Gavin’s turn to look uncomfortable. “I got a message from my contact there. Sounds like now may not be the best time. There’s some war going on and sounds like the humans in the area are getting murderous. They’re pretty isolated. It wouldn’t take much to overwhelm them.”

  Diana sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She didn’t know the area, and had no idea where they should go. As much as it pained her to ask, Draven probably knew a place.

  “I’m just going to ask our host,” she said. “He knows the area better than us.”

  Zephyr shot her a grin. “Better you than me!”

  Diana responded with a dirty look, then trudged towards the foreboding closed door. She was so tired she could barely think, and turned the handle without bothering to knock. Mistake.

  Draven stood in front of the window, a small bowl of light illuminating him. He had taken off all but those loose pants, shadows dancing off the muscled planes of his body. He was magnificent. Broad shoulders rippled with strength, occasionally flashing a hint of tiger stripes. He should have been too pretty – untouchably so. But the scars crisscrossing his back gave evidence to his mortality. Diana felt the maddening desire to run her fingers along those scars, soothing long-gone pain.

  She didn’t mean to do it. She was just standing in the doorway, wondering what he did to give him so many wounds, and the next thing she knew, her hand was on his back, caressing his warm skin. Her breathing was shallow, her heart in her throat.

  Why was she touching him? After last night, when she practically begged him to take her and in turn he humiliated her? Was she some sort of masochist when it came to this guy?

  He turned, peering through his shaggy hair into her face. The pirate earring winked, reminding her of what he was – by all accounts a criminal, a player, and a scoundrel, not to mention violent, rude, far richer than her, and at home in this opulent city. He was all wrong for her. But the love that burns the brightest is that which is utterly

  Diana was tired of thinking, of making the sensible choice, of always worrying about safety. Just for one night she wanted to feel fully alive and absolutely happy. She knew in her gut that Draven could do that for her.

  She brought one trembling hand up, brushing his lips, staring into eyes swirling with gold. Oh he wanted her. Emboldened, she brought her other hand up to his chest, kneading his flesh, feeling the bumpy ridge of a scar.

  He moaned, deep in his throat, and pulled her against him. She felt the heavy length of his cock, twitching against her stomach.

  Draven brought his mouth down on hers, crushing her lips. Shocks of pleasure traveled down her body, zinging to her toes and back up to her clit. She was wet and willing and more than ready for him.

  And then, he stopped.

  Growling under his breath, his eyes completely gold, he pulled his arms away from her and stepped back.

  Diana stood there, confused, hurt, and with a terrible sense of déjà vu. For the second night in a row he got her all hot and bothered and then ruined everything.


  He turned away from her, putting more distance between them.

  “Answer me, you coward!”

  That got his attention. With a roar that shook the windows he spun back towards her. “Because you’re my goddamn mate!”

  “I’m what?”

  “Don’t play the fool, woman. I know better by now. Your brother is a tiger, you know about the mate curse!”

  She’d never heard anything about a mate curse, but Chase had mentioned something about their being a predestined mate for all of them. It had sounded ridiculous, and she didn’t bother listening.

  Of course, a man like Draven would probably consider that a curse.

  “I may have heard him say something about it once,”she said, trying to sound careless. “I don’t know anything about it though.”

  His face was still like thunder, but he had calmed down enough to explain it without screaming.

  “The Gods decided, back when the Blink happened, that there weren’t enough of us in the world. The humans outnumber us, and by a lot. So they added a handy little thing to our magic: we each have a predestined mate. And once we meet said mate, that’s it. We will never be content with anyone else. It’s basically a breeding mechanism.”