Without A Wolf (A Big Woods Pack Novel Book 1) Read online

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  grow old together. On my death bed I want to look back on decades of happiness

  with you." Feeling him start to tremble and shutter Emma went on, "I really think I

  need a wolf to make that happen. It doesn't have to be right now, think about it,

  please just think about it."

  "Ok Emma. I will think about it." Kian whispered sounding like a man crushed by

  the weight of the world.

  "That's all I ask." Emma kissed between his shoulder blades, and as Kian turned

  toward her she kissed along his ribs and over his heart. "I need something good

  Kian. To drown out all of the pain tonight." Licking a swirl around his flat nipple

  she closed the drawer he still hadn't taken any clothes out of. She smiled up at

  him before leaving biting kisses down his abs until he was knealing. Running her

  hands up chest, dragging her nails back down. His dick stood hard and eager in

  front of her. Unable to resist a moment longer Emma ran her tongue across the

  broad head. Hearing his sharp in take of breath Emma wrapped her hand around

  the base, stroking slowly up she licked his head again once before opening her

  mouth. Taking Kian's dick into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat.

  Wrapping her lips tight she sucked as if she was going to swallow him whole.

  He growled and his hands gripped her head, as if holding onto her was the

  only thing keeping him upright. Easing back off him she stroked her tongue back

  and forth, pressing him against the roof of her mouth. Pulling one hand off his

  dick she cupped his balls, and squeezed gently. The answering grunt was

  accompanied by a thump of his dick. Feeling powerful Emma picked up the pace. When Kian was grunting breathlessly she paused, shook her head back and

  forth. Gripping the base of his dick, Emma twisted back and forth as she worked

  her head up and down.

  "Emma, wait, wait. I'm gonna come." Kian chanted above her. He was

  getting close. . When he went to pull her head off she grabbed his wrists and

  held them at his side. Moving her head up and down faster now felt him twitch,

  his dick swelling impossibly bigger. He was groaning now with each gasping

  breath. Then his whole body went rigid a second before he shouted out, and hot

  spurts hit the back of his throat. Swallowing it all she sucked gently until his body


  Using her grip on his arms she pulled herself back up. As soon as she

  was standing his mouth crashed against hers. Shaking hands pulled her tshirt up,

  and breaking the kiss only long enough to get it off her head. His mouth still on

  hers, his tongue stoking in and out of her mouth like his dick just was. He pushed

  her sweats off her hips leaving her in only cotton panties. Kissing down her neck

  Kian lifted her up with an arm under her knees. Tossing an arm over his shoulder

  Emma giggled.

  "My turn now mate." Kian said with fierceness. Striding over to the bed with her

  he set her down gently on the bed. "Soaked your panties blowing me didn't you

  babe." Kian said running a finger across her panties right over her seam. "That

  was seriously the best head I have ever gotten. Knowing that it turned you on

  only makes it even better." Kian sucked on her hip bone, hands stroking up her sides. Emma's nerves

  were zinging already, and he had barely touched her. Palming her breasts,

  squeezing them before running his hands back down to open her legs further.

  Slipping a finger into the side of her panties Kian dipped it shallowly inside of her.

  Back arching hips thrusting forward to take more of him in. He pulled it back out,

  denying her the depth she craved.

  Tossing one arm up over her middle pressing her into the bed. "Not yet

  Emma." Kian said biting her thigh lightly. Blowing hot air onto the cotton covering

  her clit, his finger back in her panties Kian ran it around her opening dipping

  barely in. Caught between enjoying the added friction, and feeling restricted by

  her panties Emma moaned. Kian's teeth latched onto her clit, biting gently down

  as his finger finally went deeper inside her. Growling Kian ripped her panties

  clear off her. Guess he was teasing himself too.

  With no more barrier blocking her from him Kian leaned in and licked her

  clit quickly back and forth. She could feel his beard scraping against her most

  sensitive areas. Turning his hand Kian pushed in all the way, and wiggling the tip

  of his finger found her G spot. . Gripping the comforter in her hands, Emma was

  gasping for breath, her body shaking with every flick of his finger. Adding a

  second finger to the first one Kian pulled her clit into his mouth and sucked. Her

  vision was closing in, everything in her focused on what he was doing between

  her legs. "Yes, yes, yes." She hitched brokenly out. Orgasm ripped through her,

  blinding her with its power. When she came back down from the clouds Kian was

  smiling up at her. "Holy shit you almost drowned me." He laughed.

  "Mmmmmm you're just really good at that." She smiled. "Come here mate."

  She pulled him up her body. Settling on top of her Kian kissed the top of

  her shoulder and eased his dick into Emma. After the orgasms they both just had

  he was in no rush. He set a devastatingly slow pace. Kian rested his weight on

  one elbow, the other hand wrapping around the back of her neck holding her

  while he kissed her. Her hands on his ass, feeling it flex as he moved inside her.

  He felt so good sliding in and out, filling her completely. His body rubbing against

  her clit. Feeling the pressure building again her nails digging in. She could feel

  him closing in too, his kiss turning desperate. Gasping for breath hips crashing

  together. At the first pulse of her orgasm she felt him jerk and flood her with his

  hot wet heat. Kian rocked until all of her aftershocks had subsided.

  "Let's sleep for a few hours ok, baby?" He asked. At her nod he pulled the

  covers down and settled them underneath them. Holding on to each other they

  drifted off to sleep, leaving the world and all of its problems outside.

  Chapter 16

  The phone buzzing woke Kian up a few short hours later. Extricating

  himself as carefully as possible from Emma's arms he checked it as he padded

  out of the room. It was an email notification. Knowing the world didn't care what

  was going on in his life, he might as well get started on some business. He put

  on a pair of faded jeans with holes at the knees, and a dark green long sleeve

  thermal. Emma was still sleeping peacefully, and knowing she could definitely

  use it he closed the door on his back out of the bedroom. She was holding it

  together, but he knew the stress was taking it's toll on his mate. He didn't like to

  work from his phone, so he set his laptop on the bar and logged into his email

  account. There were a few from suppliers about lumber, tile, and drywall. One

  from a potential customer requesting an estimate. A bunch of other junk that

  hadn't gotten filtered into his spam folder, and one from his uncle. No subject.

  Wolf inside growling, hackles raised, he opened the email.

  By now you must have figured out why I left. I

  retained a lawyer in Grand Rapids to handle my affairs

  under your name. My share of the company has been

  transfered to you, my house listed for sale. Think yo
u can

  take my place as alpha, you have no idea what I am capable of. By this afternoon the whole pack will know.

  Russell Decker

  The time stamp said it was sent three hours ago. Running his hands down

  his face wondering how the hell he was even related to that snake of a man he

  called Cathy Wyles, the secretary. She would be able to gather everyone quickly.

  "I need you to call an emergency pack meeting, my house one hour from now."

  As soon as Kian hung up he was already dialing. His brother muttered a greeting

  into the phone, not bothering to say hi Kian told him call Lex, and get the three of

  them over to his place immediately. As he hung up his phone the text from Cathy

  for the whole pack came through.

  Mandatory emergency pack meeting at the 2nd's house 1 hour.

  Wishing like hell he didn't have to wake his mate up, Kian shook her shoulder

  gently. "Baby, you're gonna need to get up." Emma blinked sleepily at him once,

  and sensing the tension rolling off of him, sat straight up. So much for letting her

  sleep. Damn his fucking uncle. Hearing the others pull up he walked back down


  Kole and Kayla came rushing in, "we got the text, what the fuck is going

  on?" His brother demanded. "See for yourself." Kian said jerking his head in the

  direction of his computer on the counter. Kole and Kayla each read it and Kole

  immediately started pacing. "Shit, Kian, do you know what that means? He screwed us! He made it look like

  you ran him out of town! The pack is already upset with you, they're not going to

  let you take his place as alpha. This is going to be a bloodbath!" Kole swore

  pacing back and forth.

  "Way to be positive Kole." Kayla admonished him.

  Lex walked in and having heard the end of Kole's rant went right over to where

  Emma was standing at the counter reading the email.

  "What does this mean for the rest of us?" Emma asked.

  "I need to establish myself as the new alpha." Kian said, his eyes bright.

  "I know your the second, it should be easy right? Please tell me it will be easy for

  you." Emma said hopefully looking at him. Kian didn't answer Emma. Not wanting

  to lie to his mate, but knowing she wouldn't like the answer. He just shook his


  "Kian fought off challengers for his rank occasinally, and he is dominant enough.

  But Kole is right. Kian isn't very popular at the moment. That was a damn good

  powerplay, he didn't give us the opportunity to do any damage control." Lex said,

  then kneeling, "We are going to have to fight. I am with you Deck, I've had your

  back since we were pups. I pledge my fealty to you, by tooth and by claw, you

  are the alpha."

  Kole and Kayla joined Lex on his knees, pledging themselves to Kian as well.

  Emma stood there, not knowing what to do since she didn't have a wolf, and wasn't an official member of the pack. Kayla grabbed Emma's hand and pulled

  her down next to the others.

  Kian accepted their submission under him with a feral growl. "I will be

  honored to be your Alpha. I don't want my first act of leadership to be asking you

  to fight friends and neighbors today, but thats what is coming our way. But we will

  not go down easily." He looked at his mate, her question to him clear in her eyes.

  Shaking his head no, he wouldn't bite her. Knowing he couldn't focus on the task

  at hand while worrying over her first turn, if she was lucky enough to survive it.

  She sighed, and that sound of dissapointed defeat shot straight into his heart,

  cracking it a little. He knew it was hurting her to be denied. "That won't help now.

  After this has all been settled we will look for other answers. There has to be

  information somewhere, maybe your father couldn't figure it out while on the run

  hiding you." Emma nodded her head, and he knew she didn't believe that was

  the case. But she didn't push the matter.

  Chapter 17

  The next hour was spent pacing, and being really pissed off at the selfish,

  childish actions of a small minded man. Emma could tell Kian was trying to

  remain hopeful that this would all work out in their favor without bloodshed. As for

  her, she just wanted this over. Without having the power to shift she wouldn't be

  much use if the pack didn't accept Kian as Alpha. They would be stupid not to

  though, he was a good man, the best. He would be a far better Alpha than his

  uncle ever was, but change was never easy. Some people always fought it,

  swimming against the tides. The truth was on their side, but the loyalty to Russell

  Decker ran deep.

  Kian tried to convince her to wait inside, but everyone had agreed it set a

  bad precedent. For Emma to be part of the pack, they had to let her stand with

  them. He didn't like putting her in danger like that, but he knew they were right. If

  he didn't think she was strong enough to belong then nobody else would either.

  Determined to be strong Emma tucked her fear deep inside.

  Emma shoved her feet into snow boots, but didn't bother putting a coat on.

  Her jeans and purple sweater would be warm enough. She had always run a little

  warmer, and since their mated bond was strong now, the residual energy from

  Kian's wolf provided her with even more warmth. Joining Kian and the others on

  the back porch Emma could hear the vehicles approaching. There were alot of them, but they didn't seem to be racing in. She took that as a good sign. As the

  first people came around the back Kian stepped forward, and slightly in front of

  Emma. Ever the protective mate.

  When everyone was gathered in the back yard Cathy Wyles stepped

  forward, "I received a phone call from a law office just after you asked me to set

  up a pack meeting. I was told you three of you are the sole owners of Decker

  Construction, and that you Kian hold the deed to your uncle's house."

  "That's bullshit!" Kole said. Kian held a hand up to silence him.

  Cathy's mate Gerald Wyles said, "What did you do son?"

  Kian said "My Uncle, the former Alpha of the Big Woods Pack is a coward. He

  ran away weeks ago. He made it look like I stole the business, and his house. He

  is manipulating everyone because I learned the truth of who he is." At the uproar

  from the crowd Kian paused, waiting for them to quiet. "He ran because evidence

  came to light that he murdered a pack member, and her mate."

  "Lies!" Cathy shouted.

  "You can't know he did that!" Someone else said.

  Looking over at Lex Kian said, "he can." Lex stepped forward, "Emma recieved a

  phone call telling her that her parents were murdered and warning her that she

  was going to be the next target. Kian asked me to look into the threat. I traced

  the call to northern Georgia, where Emma lived when her father disappeared. A

  few years after his disappearance some male remains were found matching her fathers discription just over the boarder into South Carolina. Using the

  information in Patrick Lowe's file, I found the accident report from his wife's death

  a decade prior. Beth Lowe's car was forced off a road in Vermont into some

  trees. Coroners report stated she died on impact. Beth Lowe was MaryBeth

  Kolter. My father's younger sister, and Emma's mother."

  Kayla stepped forward, "see! She has every right to be a pack member. She

  comes from this pack

  "I liked MaryBeth, I can see that Emma looks like her, but why would Russ have

  hunted her down? She broke no laws leaving with her rogue." Cathy growled at

  them. "He wasn't even the alpha back then. Your grandfather was."

  "Because my uncle thought himself in love with MaryBeth, and if he couldn't be

  the one to have her, then nobody would. She was not his mate, did not feel the

  same for him. Patrick Lowe was her true mate. She wrote letter's to her family of

  how happy they were, and how wonderful it was to be mated." Kian said. He

  knew the pack didn't believe him.

  "Your mate started all this! It's all her fault!" An old man said angrily.

  "How? Russ would have done those things years before Emma showed up in

  town. It sounds like Kian is telling the truth." Jase, a pack member who worked

  the construction crew said coming to their defense.

  "These four standing here have already pledged fealty to me as their alpha." Kian

  growled. "This is my pack now." "Russ isn't here to defend himself from these claims. They ran him off because

  Kian couldn't fight him in a true alpha challenge. Her showing up caused this"

  The old man pointed at Emma. "It was all in the past, long forgotten. Your pack?

  Funny you should mention that. The alpha called me to tell me that you three had

  worked the law to steal the business out from under him, because he didn't want

  to make your girl a member of your pack you all chased him out of town. That he

  barely escaped with his life. I didn't want to believe that of you boy, but he said

  you had shown your true colors, and I think he was right." A snarling gray wolf

  ripped out of the old man.

  Kian let out a yell that ended in a howl. This was it. There would be no

  more talking. Everyone was shifting now. Lex's big brown wolf, and Kole's dark

  gray and silver wolf flanked Kian's golden wolf on either side. Even Kayla shifted

  and ran into the action. Emma watched the pack tear into each other. A solid

  black wolf ripped a smaller tan one off Kian. Not everyone believed in Russ it

  seemed. It looked like 5 against 15 now, the odds still stacked against them.

  Pissed off that there was nothing she could do to help she noticed a mottled gray

  wolf slipping away from the action heading this way. As soon as the wolves eyes