Without A Wolf (A Big Woods Pack Novel Book 1) Read online

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  look she had ever seen in her life. Emma pulled off her top, and unsnapped the

  front clasp of her bra. Kian licked his lips and reached his hands out grabbing her

  breasts. Holding them up to his mouth he ducked his head down licking one

  nipple then the others.

  Desperate for more Emma shoved kicked her shoes off and hooking her thumbs she shoved her pants and undies down. As soon as her legs were clear

  of the pants Kian ran his fingers down her sides all the way past her hips. He let

  her feel his short nails, but never broke the skin. Emma put her hands on his

  shoulders as Kian hooked his hands behind her knees and lifted her up. Kian

  drove his dick deep inside of her. Emma closed her eyes on a quick intake of

  breath. He felt so damn good.

  "Let me know if I get too rough." Kian ground out between clentched teeth, growl

  constant in his throat.

  Knowing exactly how bad he needed her right now Emma buried her head

  into the side of his neck. His animal scent was stronger here, and she couldn't

  get enough of his wild smell. Licking and sucking where his shoulder met his

  neck Emma pulled her knees together holding him closer. Kian was moving in

  small strokes deep inside pressing against her clit Emma. The pressure was

  gathering in her middle. Emma leaned her head back against the door. Arms

  wrapped around his neck she scraped her nails down his back. Emma cried out,

  her orgasm clenching around his dick.

  "Not enough, need more." Kian groaned walking them across to his

  kitchen table. Setting Emma on her feet he turned her and with a hand pressed

  against her back pushed her down onto the table. The cold wood felt so good

  against her skin, making her already sensitive nipples harden. Hands on her hips

  Kian pulled her ass up in the air. Rubbing his dick across her clit she moaned. At

  the sound Kian shoved back into her. He was so deep inside of her with this new angle. Emma sprawled her arms out in front of her on the table and turned her

  head back to look at him. Kian looked so hot, his eyes were glowing silver bright,

  lips peeled back, teeth clenched looking down where their bodies collided.

  "Harder" She demanded.

  "Are you sure Emma?" Kian growled out.

  "Yes, harder Kian!" She shouted.

  Kian reached up grabbing a handful of her hair pulling it. Forcing her head

  back. He pumped into her hard over and over again. His balls were swinging up

  and hitting her clit. Gasping for breath she shoved her ass back into him

  absorbing his punishing pace. She could feel him getting harder, she was so

  close when he dug the fingers of the hand that wasn't in her hair on her hip.

  Emma was whimpering now as her legs started shaking. Gasping in air as all the

  orgasm streaked through her, lighting her entire body up. While she pulsed

  around him Kian's strokes stuttered his own release filling her. Releasing her hair

  and laying his head against her back Kian said breathlessly "I love you Emma."

  Still sprawled on top of Kian's kitchen table, her body humming from their

  lovemaking Emma took a second to let Kian's declaration sink in. She knew they

  were mates, but hearing him say that broke down the last walls she had around

  her heart. Kian filled up every hollow space inside, chasing away all of the

  shadows made of pain, doubt, and fear. Emma was loved. Nobody had said that

  to her in 16 long years, not since her Dad left. Taking a deep breath so she could

  tell him without a shaky voice, Emma replied "I love you Kian." Hearing his sharp intake of breath Emma smiled. He didn't expect her to say it back, he said it not

  for a reponse, but because he needed her to know. Kian's love was a gift, freely

  given. That made her love him even more.

  Kian pulled Emma up, and turning in his arms she wrapped her arms

  around his neck. He tightened his arms, holding her tighter. The whole world

  seemed to hold its breath as their souls melded with that last link in the bond.

  They loved. Neither one would ever be alone again. Emma would have a family

  now, and she would give Kian her all for as long as she had. Brushing her hair

  back from her face Kian had tears in his eyes this time when he said "mine."

  Nodding her head Emma told Kian, "nobody but you."

  Chapter 10

  The world felt brighter to Emma, air tasted a little crisper. It might be cliche

  but that really was the way being newly in love felt. Emma could actually see the

  glow coming off her skin, it was as if she was a whole new person molded out of

  the best components of the old Emma, with none of the darkness. Walking into

  her rental house Emma took a long look around, and seeing the space with new

  eyes, she decided right then she needed to add some pizazz to the place. She

  had been operating on auto pilot for far too long. The house was functional, and

  clean, but there was nothing welcoming here. Meant to be the completely neutral

  to appeal to everyone, and she had been fine with leaving it that way, before.

  Now deep in her soul she needed to add some of herself in, make it feel as if she

  was staying someplace for once, instead of always having one foot out out the

  door leaving. There was nothing here to tell story of who she was. Leaving a text

  for Kian that she had some errands to run, but that they were still on for dinner at

  Dusty's later she ran back out to her car.

  Wondering to herself why she hadn't made the trip sooner Emma walked

  into the store snagging a cart. Since this was a big box store nothing here would

  be one of a kind unique finds, but she could easily add some color and vivacity to

  her home. Besides, while she was here she could pick up some more of her

  apple scented shampoo and conditioner. Kian was crazy about them, and Emma never wanted to run out. Wandering the aisles with her goal in mind she had her

  cart filled in no time at all. A bunch of pale gray faux suede pillows to pile on the

  couch, a soft mint green blanket with fringe, all different frames she planned on

  putting pictures of her with the people she loved in. There was this cute litte

  bamboo plant in a fat blue pot she had to have, a trio of sqaut vanilla scented

  candles to set on a decorative cracked glass plate. Emma also grabbed a half

  dozen DVD's since she planned on having more girls nights with Kayla, maybe at

  her place next time.

  Feeling absolutely delighted with all her new purchases Emma was

  loading them into the back of her little black hatchback when her phone rang.

  Thinking it must be Kian she answered without ever looking at the screen. "Hey

  babe!" Emma said with a smile.

  "Emma Lowe?" A stranger asked. He sounded much older than her.

  Pulling the phone away to see the number was not one she recognized, but

  wondering if it was maybe a coworker, or member of the Big Woods pack

  reaching out to her Emma answered "yeah, thats me."

  "Your father was murdered. He took something from the wrong person, and didn't

  hide himself well enough. Now you're in danger too. You need to leave Michigan,

  never look back if ya know whats good for you."

  "Who is this? How do you know I am in Michigan?"

  "Just someone that doesn't want the same thing happening to you that happened to your old man."

  "My father left me, he ran off."

ck Lowe never would have left you girl. You and Beth meant everything to


  "Who are you? How did you know my father?"

  "He may have been rogue, but that doesn't mean he didn't have friends around.

  Now, like I said, you're in danger, you gotta move on."

  "Why me? What have I done to anyone? I can't just leave, I'm mated. His pack is

  here. He will protect me if you tell me who wants me gone? If you know who

  killed my father, please, just tell me." Emma finally sat down in her car with tears

  filling her eyes.

  "There is so much you don't know Emma. Just watch your back. I can't help you"

  a deep breath full of regret, "anymore than I could help Patrick."

  Emma asked "then tell me" as the line went dead.

  The wave of happiness she had been riding high on crashed. Terrified and

  so confused Emma locked her car door as she raced out of the parking lot. The

  forest hugging the road had looked so beautiful, almost magically welcoming on

  the drive up, she had imagined running as a wolf through the trees, the crisp

  snow covered ground crunching underneath the pads of her paws. Reminded yet

  again that she didn't have a wolf, the forest seemed dark and menacing now.

  Now that Emma could feel Kian's wolf through their bond she had been imagining herself as a wolf often lately. At least her eyes were still better in the dark than a

  human's, and she scanned the dark trees constantly for a threat. Breathing a

  giant sigh of relief at the sight of Kian's truck still at work Emma parked nexted to

  him, tossed the car into park and ran into his office on shaking legs. Kian was

  sitting at his uncle's desk working on the computer. Feeling her inner turmoil as

  soon as she walked in he was up and wrapping her in his strong arms. Emma let

  his strength surround her, a feeling of safety blanketing the fear.

  "What happened Emma? Are you ok?" Eyes sparking silver blue Kian growled

  out. Starting at the beginning Emma explained everything, telling her mate about

  what the mystery caller had said about her family, and how she was in danger.

  Reaching into the pocket of his dark jeans Kian pulled his phone out. One arm

  still holding Emma to him he looked through his contacts and put the phone up to

  his ear.

  "Hey Deck man, I'm still at work for awhile, can I call you back later?" His good

  friend Lex asked.

  "Lex, can you meet me at my place in a few, something happened, and I need

  your help." Kian said.

  "Ok man, I will be right there. Is Emma alright?"

  "She is safe. Upset, but safe." Kian ended the call.

  With Emma in the front seat of his truck, after all her bags were stashed in

  the back seat Kian sped towards his house. "Can you please text Kayla and Kole? I know your upset babe, but I need them to come over too. Just say '911,

  my house immediately'. Ok?" Kian asked handing his phone over. "I will keep you

  safe, I promise." Eyes burning bright with determination.

  Emma nodded her head, sent it to both of Kian's siblings with hands still a

  little shaky, and handed the phone back to Kian. Emma was so lost in her

  thoughts, her mind racing, trying to remember the last few days with her Dad.

  Had anything seemed off to her? No, he was the same as he always was. Strict,

  protective, but so very loving and funny. Maybe something had happened while

  she was in school that day? He would have wanted to keep her safe. Kicking

  herself for every time she had gotten mad at him for running out on her. If he was

  murdered he hadn't left her on purpose, the guilt she felt at not knowing all these

  years ripping her up inside. Wishing for the millionth time she had a wolf so she

  wasn't always the weak link, they pulled into Kian's garage. He turned the truck

  off and shut the door behind them locking them inside the garage.

  "I need you to stay here a minute. I have to check my house. Get into the

  drivers seat. If I'm not back in 3 minutes, or if you feel something wrong I want

  you to take this truck and get the hell out of town, ok baby. Just start heading

  south, call Kayla, tell Kole, he will help you. I trust them absolutely. As my mate

  everything of mine is yours. If something happens to me it would be enough to

  set you up somewhere else." Kian kissed her, savoring her mouth a beat before

  he got out of the truck. She climbed into his vacated seat gripping the steering

  wheel and hoping that kiss wasn't a goodbye. Focusing on their bond while watching the clock she felt Kian's anger as

  he went through the house room by room. He was ready to rip into any threat

  that came his way. He would enjoy it after everything she told him. But, before

  the three minutes were up Kian walked back into the garage. "Everything is as it

  should be in there, the only scents were ours. Come on, they should be pulling in

  any minute." He grabbed her hand and they walked in.

  "I felt your determination to follow my instructions you know. You would have

  done exactly as I said if I went down, even with your heart breaking. I am in awe

  of your strength Emma." Kian said kissing the top of her head.

  "It's not strength Kian. It would have been disrespectful to your sacrafice to not

  follow the instructions." She said with a half smile up at him.

  Just as Emma was sitting down on the couch she heard a car pull in. Kian went

  to the door and checked. "Kole just pulled in with Kayla."

  Before they were even in the house Kian said "Lex is here now too. Looks like

  we'll only have to go over this once."

  Kayla was the first in running right to Emma, followed by Kole, then Lex

  looking very official in his county sheriff uniform. "Emma, are you ok? Whats

  going on Deck? She is as white as a sheet, and I can smell her terror from here."

  Lex asked.

  With bright silver eyes, reeking of fur, and filling the air with dominance Kian let

  everyone know about the phone call. Then he told them all about how she went into the foster care system at 12 thinking her Dad ran off. Kayla held on to her

  hand the whole time. Kole was pacing back and forth across the living room

  growling low. Lex stood next to Kian, his brown eyes swirling with silver but with

  his cop face on, trying to hold his wolf at bay, and taking notes in his little pad of


  "ok, can I see your phone Emma?" Lex said. Before Emma could stand up to

  hand it to him Kian was there with his hand out for it, moving so fast he almost

  blurred. "I want to see what I can find out about the caller, hopefully the number

  leads somewhere. Have you called the alpha Kian?"

  "Yeah, while I was checking out the house. He didn't answer. I didn't bother

  leaving a voicemail He hasn't spoken to me at all since he left two weeks ago. .

  Which is pretty fucking shitty of him. I mean, what kind of an alpha does that?"

  Kian said running his hands through his hair messing it up.

  "Ok, are we bringing the pack in on this one Kian?" Kayla asked. "They could

  help protect Emma."

  Shaking his head, "I don't think he should. Nobody's been very supportive of her.

  And I don't want them to use this as the reason they need to see her weak and

  banish her. Then Russ wouldn't even have to." Kole added.

  "I agree with Kole on this one. I overheard some pack rumors that Russ was

  waiting for you to make
a fool out of yourself. That his trip is so he can prove you

  aren't worthy of second. We also don't know where the threat origniated from,

  and can't afford to trust anyone but us here with this. At least not until I can find out more information." Lex said shaking his head.

  "You're right, no pack in this Kayla. I don't know what game Russ is playing, but I

  am not about to make it easy for him to push me out." Kian said making the final


  "I was only thinking strength in numbers. I'm not used to feeling like I can't trust

  my pack, or my alpha." Kayla said sadly.

  Lex said, "Ok, I am going to take this back to the station, I will let you know what I

  come up with."

  "In the mean time Emma shouldn't be left alone at all." Kian said to everyone.

  With his eyes on her "guess you're moving in with me babe."

  Emma nodded.

  "I can stay here with her when you're at work, I'm on evenings right now." Kayla


  "Once I get off shift tonight I have the next 2 days off. I can come over, check in.

  I'll let you know what I find" Lex added walking out.

  Standing up Kayla said "I am more than capable of protecting your mate Kian! I

  would never let anything happen to Emma on my watch." Fists clenched, eyes

  narrowing, a growl rumbling in her chest.

  "You're the one that said strength in numbers Kay. He didn't mean it like that. Lex

  is trying to help." Kian told his sister who was still fuming. "I know you would keep

  Emma safe for me. I am trusting the three of you with her life." "I appreciate this you guys. I'll call and leave a message at work about having to

  go out of town on a family emergency or something. Kole, can you bring Kayla to

  grab my car? If I am hiding it should probably be out of sight. I'm gonna start

  some dinner. I need a few minutes to process everything, so if you plan on eating

  dinner tonight you're gonna leave me be. K." Emma said tossing her keys to

  Kole. "That goes for you too mate." Emma said pointedly at Kian before walking

  into the kitchen.

  "What a brave mate I have. Guess I will bring the bags in from my truck then."

  Kian said, a lopsided grin spreading even though his eyes were still glowing.

  Chapter 11

  The next few days dragged by without anything new on Emma's mystery