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Siren Sacrificed
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International Bestselling Authors
C.R. Jane & Mila Young
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Sneak Peek at School of Broken Souls
School of Broken Souls
Chapter 1
C.R. Jane’s Acknowledgements
About C.R. Jane
Other Books by C.R. Jane
Mila Young’s Acknowledgements
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Books by Mila Young
Siren Sacrificed by C. R. Jane and Mila Young
Copyright © 2020 by C. R. Jane and Mila Young
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review, and except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Proofreading: Bookish Dream Editing
If you think we’re writing about you, you’re right.
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Siren Condemned by C.R. Jane & Mila Young
Delinquent Demons by K Webster
Conveniently Convicted by Ivy Asher & Raven Kennedy
Noir Reformatory by Lexi C. Foss & J.R. Thorn
Blindly Indicted by Katie May
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Check out all the books in the Nightmare Penitentiary Paranormal Prison collection!
What is a siren without her power?
I'm about to find out, and I have no problems embracing the darkness to do so.
I was thrown into a literal hell, and every day feels like it could be my last.
But amid such darkness, I thought I found light with three men who've shown me happiness is possible even in a place like this.
Except, maybe I was too quick to trust and give my heart away.
They say trust takes years to build, seconds to break... and I don't think forever will be long enough to repair what they did to me.
One will sacrifice himself for me. One will shatter my soul. And one will kill me to save me.
Enjoy your stay at Nightmare Penitentiary. Death is only a matter of time.
Chapter 1
She was fucking acting like I didn’t exist.
It had been days since Selena even looked me in the eyes during her food deliveries.
At first, I was amused, but now… I was just annoyed.
“Lose your tongue again today, Luv?” I asked sarcastically as she once again dropped a tray of food on the floor in front of me, not seeming to care that her actions had led to half of the slop they were serving today ending up out of the tray.
Well that wouldn’t do. I shifted on my bed, making sure that my abs were accentuated with the movement. I knew Selena loved my body. The hot as fuck, best sex of my life with her was evidence of that.
Nothing. Not even a blush to that gorgeous face of hers.
What. The. Fuck.
I wondered how long she was going to be able to ignore me like this. I couldn’t believe she was holding it against me that I didn’t help her with her little favor.
If she thought I was going to waste a shot at the warden’s treasure for the angst ridden fae she seemed to have a soft spot for suddenly… she had lost her mind.
When I took my shot at the warden, it would be while I was getting out of here, with hopefully Selena by my side.
Hmm, that was new. I had never pictured any woman by my side in any capacity. I preferred them to be under me or spread out before me as I feasted on them, and then gone, permanently.
I twitched uncomfortably at the direction my thoughts were going of Selena by my side in a permanent way.
I was an incubus, my whole being was designed to procure me pleasure. I had never been one to not get what I wanted, nor did I have patience for anything but that. If the incubus inside of me had decided that Selena was going to be in my life for more than the brief, if extremely pleasurable, interludes we’d thus far had together, I wasn’t going to argue.
A burning started in my chest, not necessarily painful, but uncomfortable. It took me a second to place what the feeling was. When I peered down at my chest, I reared back in shock, a solitary rose tattoo was imprinted in the center of my chest.
A mating symbol.
They were different for every incubus, designed to reflect the trait of their mate rather than the incubus. I’d never seen one in person, only heard about it, but incubi weren’t really ones to settle down or even want to settle down after all.
Evidently, my imprisonment had allowed my mate bond to link with Selena.
My mate was fucking ignoring me.
That wasn’t going to work.
Fuck that.
I heard Selena’s food cart long before she came into view. Even the sound had my groin hardening painfully. I now got erections from hearing a food cart. Perfect.
A few moments later, she came into view, looking ridiculously perfect despite the fact that the prison jumpsuit she had on didn’t do anyone any favors.
I waited for a second for her to acknowledge me, my insides dropping when she didn’t even give me a look.
“Did you bring me something good today, sweetheart?” I goaded. What I was feeling today went far beyond annoyance. I was furious. How dare she ignore me. I didn’t want to have a mate. I didn’t want to be tied down, especially when it meant that I would need to be getting two people out of this hellhole instead of just myself.
Deciding I’d had enough, I let out a burst of power. It wouldn’t send her into an orgasm, but it would get her attention.
Except it didn’t. I
didn’t even get a fucking tell-tale blush to her cheeks.
Not thinking, I sent another burst of power at her as she bent down to throw my tray on the ground. Preparing myself for her to throw herself at me, I stood up from my bed and leaned against the wall.
Nothing. Just a faint twitch of irritation, as if I had pushed her instead of sent a straight shot of lust at her.
Feeling irrationally desperate, I unloaded another spray of power, something that would normally send anyone in the vicinity into a sexual free fall for the next week. The guard that had been with her had already disappeared, I’m sure to fuck the first thing in sight.
He would hate himself in the morning.
I could hear my companions in the cells on both sides of me jerking off, their breaths heavy as they mindlessly rutted against their hands, desperate for relief.
But all Selena did was give me a dirty look, as if she knew what I was trying to do.
But she couldn’t know.
I’d never met a creature alive who was immune to my powers. Even the warden himself wouldn’t be able to ignore me on the day that I decided to leave this place. I was actually looking forward to what I had planned for him.
But here she was, walking out of my cell like she didn’t have a care in the fucking world, not showing a sign of lust.
I sniffed the air, desperate for that telltale sweet smell of her arousal that drove me crazy.
My heart beat madly in my chest. I felt desperate. I felt delirious. I felt crazed.
Who was this woman, and what magic did she possess to be able to block me?
Her stalker guard appeared just then, his eyes intent on her. He was always watching her. I wondered if Selena knew just how much.
I hated him. Another surprising thing, as I had never felt anything close to jealousy over a woman before. Selena turned, giving him the smile that I was desperate to have directed at me.
She pulled him towards her, giving him a kiss that looked to be only partly aimed at getting back at me. She still didn’t look at me as she pulled away from him. Her idiot stalker looked like he was going to keel over from her touch.
Maybe he would die and I would be saved the trouble later, because one thing was for sure.
Selena was mine.
Chapter 2
I must have been doing better than I thought at pretending to ignore Alaric, because I could feel the anger radiating off of him as days passed and I continued to ignore his presence.
It was the furthest thing from the truth though. Everything about him called to me. My whole body vibrated with the need to have him touch me. I gave myself a daily pep talk before my meal duties that I would continue to pretend like he didn’t exist.
I was nothing to him. Just a hole he’d plugged with his dick a few times. If I meant anything to him, he would have helped me the other day when I’d asked. It was common knowledge that Alaric could do anything and get anything he wanted down here.
A maddening voice in my head reminded me that someone like Alaric would only bring me heartache.
I grudgingly dragged myself down a hallway, unable to get him out of my mind. I’ve never met anyone with so much pride that it shocked him when I didn’t fall into line and serve him. I did, however, love every second of watching his expression fall when I refused his allure. Guess it wasn’t everyday someone walked away unscathed from an incubus. He’d called to me the first time that I saw him in his cell, and it hadn’t gotten any better when he swept in like a storm to the prison kitchen and claimed me then and there. I had no idea what was going on and fell for his charm. I had sex with him on the counter where anyone could walk in on us, and he gloated afterwards.
I gritted my teeth as I stormed forward, ignoring the hoots and screams from other inmates in their cells.
I might have been a sucker with Alaric before, but after finding out what he was, the tables had turned. Information was key and knowing he was an incubus made it easier to resist him…especially for a siren like me. And after that little encounter with him, I intended to use every bit in my favor and see how he enjoyed being played.
The communal section of the penitentiary buzzed with activity. Prisoners chatted, played ping pong or cards, but I marched right past them and into the empty cafeteria. The tables and seats were clean, and on the counter, the only food that remained were five Styrofoam cups with leftover corn soup from the last meal. Gross, but I still took one, as it was the equivalent of me searching my fridge for anything to snack on when I got upset. I sat in the corner on my own, needing to breathe and calm my thoughts.
I took a sip and chewed on the corn kernels. Even if I hated this soup, I ended up finishing it all, and even glanced over my shoulder for another helping.
“You can’t be here alone,” a guard snapped from the doorway. “Head back to your cell.”
I sucked in a raspy breath, frustration worming its way through my veins, and I climbed to my feet. I missed the freedom to just be left alone.
After the guard chased me out of the cafeteria, I dragged myself down the corridor, not wanting to return to my cell. Not when my mind refused to stop overthinking Alaric’s arrogance.
I’d been strolling for the past fifteen minutes, my head low, passing other inmates. Before I realized it, I’d walked directly toward Seth’s cell. The metal door swung open, missing my face by inches.
I lurched backward, my heart banging in my chest as I backed away just as the warden stepped out. His intense gaze swept in my direction, burrowing into me, reminding me of our little deal in his office over Seth.
If you succeed, I will give you back your power. Then he proceeded to gaze over to the shelf where he kept a golden orb that contained my essence.
My gut clenched at the memory.
Win over his confidence, he’d said. Find out where he put his father’s scepter. It was hidden after the murder. The light fae can’t appoint a new king without it.
His command stayed with me, as did his final promise if I failed. He’d add an extra ten years to my sentence. A shiver curled up my spine at the thought. I didn’t even know if I could last a year, let alone ten in this place.
The warden held onto the open metal door with one hand, his gaze weighing heavily on me. He was wearing the brown leather coat he seemed to wear everywhere. It fell to his knees and gaped open, revealing black pants and a clean white button-up shirt underneath. I was guessing he didn’t get his hands dirty when he ordered others to do his work. Considering he’d just come out of Seth’s room, his visit would have been anything but pleasant.
I blinked, unsure if my eyes were blurry or if I was really seeing thin tendrils of smoke curling away from his body. So many rumors talked about what the warden was…though no one seemed to know… I suspected he might have some affinity with demons. He may have looked young and very easy on the eyes, but he wasn’t a man anyone should trust.
He leaned in closer.
“Selena,” he barked my name, corded muscles tensing in his neck. One word was all he gave me, but there was enough warning behind it to leave me shuddering.
I nodded once, while my ears filled with the sound of my panicked heart.
The warden straightened, cracked his neck, and moved aside to give me room to pass him into Seth’s cell. The warning came again in his gaze.
I moved quickly and slid past him, my skin crawling. Then I turned into the cell, where a guard waited outside.
Without a word, I slipped inside cautiously, unsure what to expect.
Last time I’d spoken with Seth, he was furious, unhinged, and in truth, I’m more scared of the guards beating him again if he doesn’t control himself.
I swallowed past my dried throat, my gaze frantically scanning the dimly lit cell. They landed on the figure lying on the bed. There was a plastic crate nearby him, probably used as a seat. The toilet and sink were
against the back wall, like in all our cells, and a shelf unit with clothes and a few books were the only pieces in here.
My stomach twisted on itself, because me being here was a terrible idea and I hated being put in this situation. What I loathed worse was that I gave Seth’s crystal to the warden. Had I known, I would never have done that.
I took slow steps forward and stopped at the foot of his bed.
He was lying on his back, eyes closed, his orange jumpsuit rolled down to his waist, his chest and arms covered in healed and fresh wounds. They overlapped each other like a macabre puzzle that told the story of torture and sorrow.
My breaths smothered in my lungs to see him this way. Seth was a strong, muscular fae, his gorgeous face pale and his lips dry. My heart went out to him at his treatment. I’d welcome death if I were him, rather than keep living with these daily beatings.
I didn’t dare step any closer to him, and instead, I gripped the metal railing at the foot of his bed, chewing on my inner lip. I glanced over my shoulder to the door where the shadow of a guard remained. They waited, probably listening.