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  Chapter 6

  The Exobiology Interviews

  Angela Thompson Smith

  Exobiology –The scientific field that investigates the potential for life on other planets.

  Imagine that you were out in a pristine Amazon jungle and came across a group of indigenous people who had the ability to understand your language but had very limited one-on-one interaction with your world. How would you interact with them and what would you ask them? Now imagine that the race of people were not of this Earth? Could you apply the same sociological questions to them, as you would for any other group?

  It is anticipated that this series of interviews will elicit critique, disbelief, and even ridicule. The series is published as a means to a greater understanding of and with our “off-planet” neighbors. In historic, recorded interactions with these mostly “off-planet” races there seems to have been a mind-to-mind communication known as telepathy. Telepathy has endured constant critique by science but has survived as one of the most robust of the anomalous human abilities. Telepathy is even cited by skeptics as possible explanations for other paranormal phenomena! Over the twelve month period, twenty different races were interviewed. All of the races were interviewed using a “stream of consciousness” remote viewing method.

  Multiple sessions assessed which races are currently interacting with humankind. Factual information was requested and no placating responses were accepted. Null responses during an interview or silence on a topic was noted as NR – no response. It is to be remembered that these interviews involved non-human intelligence and much of it was not necessarily understandable to our human logic or understanding. We could not expect their logic to be the same as ours.

  This was a difficult and prolonged project that was carried out with diplomacy and respect. Each project was concluded with a request for an introduction to another, possibly related, race to interview in a subsequent session.

  The initial phases of the Exobiology projects focused on questioning five non-human races. This brought us into contact with many diverse races including Large Grays, Nordics (otherwise known as Whites), Small Grays, the Hooded Reptilians, an Indigo Hybrid, Orbs, Elementals, the Oranges, The Angels (also known as the Smooths), the Record Keeper race, The Gate Keeper race, Light Beings, the Tall Oranges, and the Anaka. More recently the projects have focused on the Lyrians, the Wingmakers or the Rall, the Sirians and more recent interaction with the Angels and more. As the Grays said “There are as many other races as stars in the sky.”

  Chapter 7

  Prelude To The Interviews

  Angela Thompson Smith

  Everything has a beginning: this is how the interviews with the ET races began. I have always had a fascination with the concept of life existing outside the Earth: in particular Beings that may have visited our Earth or who had an interest in Earth. In 1990, I made a decision to use a newly learned skill, remote viewing, to investigate this idea. Over a series of purposeful remote viewings I made contact with an entity, that I will call the Monitor or Wise One, because of this entity’s search for knowledge about the Human race.

  February 25, 1990 Open Interface One

  I decided to request a mental interface with the “Visitors” with several aims in mind:

  1: To exchange information

  2: To understand goals and

  3: To achieve mutual cooperation.

  At first I conveyed “Request Information” and “Request Interface” following a meditation period. However, I realized that those terms put us on an unequal standing and changed my thought to convey “Interface Open” to indicate openness for dialogue. I visualized myself before an open window through which an interface might take place and sensed interest and curiosity but nothing happened.

  Then I found myself in a woodland scene, it was summer, and sunlight was streaming through the tall trees. I didn’t understand at once, and then I realized that we were meeting on neutral territory. It was if we had to create a virtual meeting place that was neither theirs nor mine, although it did resemble an English woodland.

  I walked through the woods and sat on a stone seat and waited. From out of the woods came “the Wise One” or Monitor, who I realized was one of their senior members, very wrinkled, and slightly stooped. We exchanged looks and each of us held out a hand. I decided to be honest and told the entity that his hand reminded me of a chicken claw and was repulsive to me. He (assuming a male gender) responded that, to him, my hand was just as repulsive. This got us off to a good start!

  He asked whom I represented and I replied that, basically, I only represented myself, but indirectly represented many other people, both in close circles of friends and wider groups. But the decision to interface was mine alone. His reply was that he represented his entire kind, not that he was above or better than others, just a representative.

  We agreed that there should be a sharing of information and a statement of goals but we would have to decidewhatinformation andwhat goals. This was easier for him as there was already a consensus on what could be represented by him. I was at a disadvantage as I spoke initially for myself but indirectly for others, a totally different process to theirs. We did decide that there should be mutual cooperation and that we should return to discuss other topics. At this point I was feeling exhausted and I decided to close the window - it was taking a great deal of energy to maintain the interface. However, it was agreed that the open window would be a signal to indicate openness to interface and we would meet again in a neutral mental setting. Some information would be given and translated by means of their technology and the entity and I would interface again when the next opportunity arose.

  February 26, 1990. Open Interface Two

  At 10 pm I entered a meditation state and visualized “Open Interface” as an open window. My mind wandered onto mundane thoughts about my daily work as I waited but my attention was brought back to the Monitor standing on his side of the window. He came to my side of the window into a virtual room. He stood and I sat. I asked if he wanted to sit. He replied that sitting and lying down were Human actions. He asked me why we had not adapted, over the centuries, to gravity and still had to counter its force by sitting. I said that I did not know. We agreed on the first of several ground rules:

  1: We would each do what was normal for us: He would continue to stand and I would sit if I wanted. We would not expect the other to conform to our idea of normality.

  2: We also decided that we would be honest, even to the point or risk of offending the other. This way we could learn without false pretense.

  3: The Monitor said that my opening the dialogue was one-sided and that he should also have the opportunity to initiate open interface. At first I commented that this might not be convenient but realized how unilateral this was and agreed that we should both have the opportunity to initiate dialogue.

  4: It was agreed that communication should be telepathic; sometimes in the form of reciprocal dialogue, sometimes in picture form.

  I realized how unstructured I was being and I said “Where shall we begin?” to which the Monitor replied “We have already begun!”

  At this point, when we had only been interfacing for about 5-10 minutes I said that I was tired and wished to end the interface. The Monitor responded that I was being unreasonable by calling him to interface for such a short time. I explained that I was tiring and that it was an effort for me to interface. I was basically multitasking; being in a meditative state, trying to keep some vigilant facility to dialogue and think, and trying to remember the dialogue in order to record it accurately. This was energy draining.

  We agreed to close the interface and try again another time. Perhaps it will get easier with practice. However, I felt comfortable that we had been able to lay down some ground rules which are mutually agreeable. Although it seemed as if nothing major was accomplished I still felt that these two interfaces had been successful preliminary stages.

  February 27, 1990. Open Interface Three

  Later in February of 1990, I experienced a continuation of the Interfaces with the Monitor. I had decided not to Interface that day but perceived the Wise One or Monitor requesting an Interface around 10:35 p.m. So, I meditated and connected. We found ourselves in a lighted globe. The Wise One had a companion and requested that I bring another person to Interface. I explained that this was not going to be easy. Telepathy was not a strong characteristic of humans and I would have to arrange an Interface through physical means, such as the telephone. However, I tried to mentally contact “Mariah”, whom I requested to Interface with us. I felt her to be present and visualized her wearing a purple warm-up suit. However, the contact was not maintained. The companion to the Wise One remained quiet.

  The Wise One and I talked about our different concepts of time - - theirs communal, ours individual. The Wise One said that time was something that someone else measured and they received moment-by-moment instructions regarding what they should do. There was no planning ahead, time was related tonow only.

  I explained our concept of time as objective or linear, as well as time subjective or holistic. The Wise One could accept a holistic version of time. He asked me to describe clocks. I began by saying that clocks were devices for measuring time and took many forms. The earliest, simplest ones were just a stick in the ground measuring the shadow of the sun as it passed overhead. The Wise One queried “But you are measuring the passage of the sun only, not time.” I tried to explain the idea that when the sun passed from point A to point B, that interval was accepted as a measurement of a unit of time.

  There was a similar dialogue regarding clocks. I used the same argument that the interval between tick A and tock B was agreed upon as a unit of time. The response was that we were “only measuring sound.” There was little acceptance of the concept of linear time - I almost said that the concept was alien to him!

  This Interface presented two new issues:

  1: The acceptance by them that more than one person could Interface but the realization that it was easier for them than for us; and

  2: The dialogue regarding our concepts of time and its measurement showed the differences in our acceptance of those concepts.

  I think we both realized that we only covered the surface of our queries. I started thinking personal thoughts towards the end of the dialogue and the Wise One abruptly terminated the session by stating “Interface closed.” There was no reproach or anger, just a decision to end the dialogue until the next time. The next time turned out to be twenty-six years later!

  Chapter 8

  Talking With the ET Races

  1: Talking With The Large Gray

  This first series of interviews began the first week of January, 2006. Basically this project was carried out, with diplomacy and respect, as a study of different extraterrestrial races. These initial questions formed the basis of an inquiry to the first interviewed race: the Large Gray, and these same sets of questions were then asked of the other races as the Exobiology Project continued.

  Part 1

  Q: How do they (Large Grays) cooperate? Is there a Confederation that is acting together?

  Large Gray: We act alone. We are one. We know of others. We are not part of the others. There is a Confederation. We are not part of the Confederation. The Confederation acts together.

  Q: Can you first tell me which groups are part of the Confederation?

  Large Gray: Too complicated.

  Q: Please try.

  Large Gray: Lights. Darks. Smooths (?) Greens (?) Propers (?) Roughs (?) Most of the void. We are not part of the Confederation.

  Q: Why?

  Large Gray: Not ready.

  Q: What do races need to do in order to be ready?

  Large Gray: Be prepared. Be obedient.

  Q: You cannot be obedient to the Confederation?

  Large Gray: We act alone. We are one.

  Q: How can the Earth be included in the Confederation?

  Large Gray: It will be invited.

  Q: When?

  Large Gray: NR (No response)

  Q: Is there more to the Orbs and others and can they manifest responses? Are there different types of Orbs?

  Large Gray: Orbs are energy and information. Orbs carry information. They are also pure information. They can be deciphered.

  Q: How?

  Large Gray: Mental intellect.

  Q: Can they respond to requests?

  Large Gray: Yes. Too complex. There are many different Orbs.

  Q: Can you tell me some of the purposes of the Orbs?

  Large Gray: Probes. Scouts. Play. Attracted by sound. Encode sound within structure.

  Q: Is that shown by the rings and colors within the Orbs?

  Large Gray: Yes. Everything has a frequency. Orbs absorb frequencies. Become information. Carry information.

  Q: Do the Large Grays send Orbs?

  Large Gray: Yes. Limited probes.

  Q: Can the different extraterrestrial races also manifest responses and are they positively oriented? Are there inherent conflicts detrimental to our interests?

  Large Gray: Yes. Races can manifest responses. They have been manifesting responses. Nobody listens or responds. Many positively oriented to each other. Some positively oriented to Earth. Few negatively oriented. Too basic and primitive. Some are detrimental to Earth interests. Earth too territorial and aggressive. Most races cooperative with each other. Question is too basic and too primitive.

  Q: Do you mean that we are asking the wrong question or that our basic nature needs to change before we can ask that question?

  Large Gray: Both.

  Q: Can other alien races prevent abductions?

  Large Gray: Yes but why?

  Q: Abductions are mainly viewed as negative, as imposing on the free will of humans, and against our will.

  Large Gray: Abductions are not negative. They are positive. They enhance the human.

  Q: How?

  Large Gray: Humans are limited.

  Q: Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys and what can we learn from them?

  Large Gray: Good guys, bad guys, unknown. There is mainly cooperation within and outside Confederation.

  Q: Is there one group, at least, that is considered, outside the Confederation and negative?

  Large Gray: Earth. Humans. Most others cooperate. Different but cooperate.

  Q: Can some races render implants fallible?

  Large Gray: Yes, but why?

  Q: Humans consider implants to be imposing on free will and autonomy. They dislike the idea that implants locate and control.

  Large Gray: Implants are fortunate.

  Q: Does that mean that people with implants are fortunate?

  Large Gray: Yes. Humans are limited.

  Q: Can we interfere with the functioning of implants?

  Large Gray: Yes, but why?

  Q: The same as before.

  Large Gray: Interference renders unfortunate.

  Q: Are they the same races or different groups of the same race that are carrying out the abductions?

  Large Gray: Two races carry out abductions. Grays and Nordics.

  Q: Are the whites what we call the Nordics?

  Large Gray: Yes. Others are interested and visit.

  Q: Do the ones who visit carry out abductions?

  Large Gray: No. They visit and interact.

  Q: How do they travel and is this travel with or without vehicles?

  Large Gray: Physics. Humans are limited. Frequency physics.

  Q: Like crystals?

  Large Gray: Crystals not involved. Frequencies carry information and energy.

  Q: Could this information be conveyed to humans?

  Large Gray: No. Humans are limited.

  Q: Will there come a time when we are not limited?

  Large Gray: Yes. In future.

  Q: How long can hybrids stay on Earth and why has the hybridization program taken so long?

  Large Gray: Hybrids have a limited stay. Ear
th is toxic. Oxygen is toxic. Hybrids adapted before Earth visit. Hybrids usually stay out.

  Q: Out of Earth’s atmosphere?

  Large Gray: Yes. It is not complete.

  Q: The hybrid program?

  Large Gray: Yes. Going on. Not complete.

  Q: When will it be complete?

  Large Gray: Not known.

  Q: What and who are the Indigo Children? Is there a specific race that is producing the Indigo Children?

  Large Gray: Earth children. Less limited. Enhanced. No race producing them. They are noticed.

  Q: Does this mean that there is no race that is producing the Indigo Children?

  Large Gray: Yes.

  Q: Have there always been Indigo Children?

  Large Gray: Yes.

  Q: Has any race enhanced the Indigo Children?

  Large Gray: No.

  Q: Are Indigo Children easier to communicate with?

  Large Gray: Yes.

  Q: Why are some species interested in hydrocarbons? Are they rare in the galaxy? What about other minerals and gases: hydrogen, boron? What purpose do these species put hydrocarbons to? Are we in conflict for these resources?

  Large Gray: Goo.

  Q: Is that what you call our minerals including hydrocarbons?

  Large Gray: Yes. Not rare in galaxy. Convenient. Use varied. Baths. Study. No conflict. Abundant in universe. Convenient.

  Q: Are you saying that minerals are mined from Earth because it is convenient?

  Large Gray: Yes.