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Shark-Killer (The Dark Sea War Chronicles Book 3) Page 3
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Page 3
Worf and Urster left the building clinching their teeth.
“What now?” Asked the second in command after they calmed down.
Worf sighed.
“I don’t want to fuck you. Do you want to fuck me?”
“Hell, no!”
“Then let’s have a drink.”
“And the men?”
“I don’t know what’s going on. For all we know, the compound will be attacked, and we’ll have to flee. Let them stay on the boat for an hour or so, then let them get out before they get mad. In shifts. Let’s keep the boat ready. Make sure we are supplied. Go and then meet me in the mess hall and we’ll get drunk. Alright?”
“Yes, Kapt.”
“You’re Tinnzer?”
Worf put down his glass and looked up. It was a Marinne lüivettenand with a letter in his hand. Worf stared at him coldly.
“Kaptin Tinnzer, lüivettenand. You better salute me right now or be sure you’ll regret it.”
The lüivettenand swallowed hard and saluted him. Worf took two fingers to his forehead.
“Now, what do you want?”
The officer twisted his nose.
“Have orders for you, Ver-Kaptin.”
Worf maintained his cold posture.
“From whom? The Addmiralis?”
“No, Ver-Kaptin, from the Kommandant-Mayor. You’re to get ready to leave.”
“To leave?”
“The S62 has orders to depart, Ver-Kaptin. To go home.”
Worf couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing, but he kept his cool. What had changed the old hog’s mind?
“Anything else?”
“You’ll have a couple of passengers, Ver-Kaptin.”
Ah, so that was it. Some VIP’s needed a ride home. Worf couldn’t believe his luck. He picked up the envelope from the officer’s hand.
“Alright. Carry on, lüivettenand.”
The officer saluted him again, but Worf ignored him and sipped from his drink before he opened the envelope.
In a little over an hour, the S62 was ready and waiting to receive the passengers. Worf sat on his chair on the bridge, and all the crew was in place. They had to wait another 45 minutes. Finally, Korroner Dreivus showed up at the dock, in full uniform and escorted by two heavily armed XX troopers. With him came a blond hair slave woman, in a thin white tunic, shivering with the cold and hands tied behind her back. Worf and Urster looked at each other, surprised and displeased. A third trooper carried the korroner’s luggage. Dreivus, the luggage and the slave boarded the ship.
“Kaptin Tinnzer, my name is Dreivus.” Said the XX officer, taking off his cap. “Here are my papers. I believe you have orders to take me into the Dark Sea?”
Worf looked at the papers and promptly passed them on to Urster. He then faced the korroner.
“Indeed, Korroner. Those are my orders. You’re expected at the Haggadda?”
“I am.”
“All right. We’ll take you to her. Come with me, please.”
Worf took the lead and guided the party through the narrow corridors of the Silent to the kaptin’s cabin.
“This is my cabin. I installed you here.”
The korroner made a smile.
“How kind of you.”
“This is Urster, my second. Anything you need, please ask him.”
“Thank you, Kaptin. When do you intend to depart?”
“In 20 minutes, Korroner. As soon as I have permission from the port.”
“Good. We will get out of your way, then.”
“Alright.” Worf looked at the woman, who had sat down at the edge of the bed, pale and lifeless. “Feel welcomed.”
Both officers nodded to each other and Worf left.
As soon as Worf left his cabin, Urster called him to the cargo hull. Rukt and Gurter, the Logistics officer, were there as well, among the oranges and the dry meat.
“What was that, Kapt? Slavery? What are we doing?” Asked Urster, disturbed.
“Calm down.”
“It’s legal now, Kapt, but it’s not good.” Said Gurter.
“And who knows what he uses her for, Kapt.” Continued Urster. “You’ve seen her. You can fill in the gaps.”
Worf looked him right in the eye.
“Calm...the fuck... down.”
They all got quiet. Worf looked at each of them. He sighed.
“He’s an XX Korroner with a VIP pass. He’s the reason why we got to leave this shitty place, so... Let’s not do anything hasty... Alright?”
But it wasn’t alright with Urster. He spoke again.
“It’s a disgrace. Just because slavery is legal again doesn’t make it right. It wasn’t right to even make it legal again! She’s a human being, for fuck’s sake!”
Worf’s voice got colder still.
“Keep it down! It’s none of our business. We’re gonna keep quiet and keep our noses out of it, you hear me?”
“But Kapt...”
“Shut the fuck up. Not another word. We’re going to do our fucking jobs. Swallow it. I don’t want to hear it.”
And he left. Even though inside his heart he knew they were right.
For a couple of days, the mood in the ship was tense and sullen. Dreivus and his slave kept to themselves in the cabin, and everyone resumed their duties trying to ignore them. But on the third day, something changed. Worf was on the bridge when Urster came in pale as a ghost. He got to the Kaptin and whispered in his ear.
“She’s screaming. She’s screaming, Worf. We need to do something.”
Worf looked at him. He thought for a moment. He thought for a second moment. Then he got up. And he left the bridge, with half the officers behind him. He got to his cabin. Urster was right. There were screams coming from inside. Woman’s screams. Agonizing. Worf didn’t even bother to knock on the door. He just opened it wide.
She was naked. Lying on the bed with her chest down. She had her hands tied to the wall, and her ankles tied to another wall, to the pipes of the heater. The korroner was standing up and fully dressed in his uniform. He had leather gloves on his hands. He had several fingers up her ass. When he felt the door opening and saw several pairs of eyes looking at him, he quickly took back his fingers. A bit of blood ran out of her anus. Worf flinched. For less than a second, his anger became apparent.
“What’s the meaning of this!?” Asked the korroner, more irate than embarrassed.
Worf looked at him with a cold stare.
“What is going on here?” He asked.
“Do you know who I am?” The korroner puffed his chest up.
Worf maintained his cool.
“You will no longer be staying here. Lüivettenand Urster will take you to his cabin.”
Dreivus raised his eyebrow. He looked at all the people behind Worf, looking at him, and he finally nodded.
“Very well…” The korroner took a step towards the tied woman, but Worf advanced and stepped in between them.
“Just you.” He said.
The korroner couldn’t believe his ears. He puffed again.
“Do you know who I am, kaptin? Are you sure you want me as an enemy?”
Worf didn’t move a muscle.
“She belongs to me.” Continued the XX officer. “She’s my property.”
Worf finally whispered in a cold voice.
“Get out of my cabin.”
That was all the korroner could take. He wasn’t used to being ordered around. He went for his gun. He opened his holster and went for the 40-cal. Big mistake. Worf grabbed his wrist and immediately Urster, Rukt and Gurter rushed into the room and pushed Dreivus against the wall, pinning him down while Worf took the gun from him. Finally, Worf stepped back.
“Put him in the brig.”
“You!” Shouted the korroner. “You have no authority! You have no authority over me! I’m an XX officer!”
It was Urster who answered.
Article 10, section 12, paragraph 3 of the Marinne Codde. Anyone who actively threatens the life of the kaptin of a ship in operational activity is to be immediately put under arrest. Whoever he may be.”
The korroner calmed down, and the officers loosened their grips. Dreivus put himself together and looked at Worf.
“This isn’t over.”
He took a last look at the naked woman and left the cabin, followed by Urster, Rukt and Gurter. Worf closed the door behind them.
Finally, Worf turned to the woman. He opened his pocket knife and cut the leather ties. She crouched into a fetal position as he did so, shivering. There was still a little bit of blood coming out of her anus. Worf helped her get inside the covers, and she stayed there.
“Do you need the doctor to come see you?”
She didn’t say anything for a while.
“Do you speak Axxian?”
Then she whispered something.
She repeated it as he approached. She spoke with a heavy accent.
“I will be fine.”
Worf sighed.
“I’m going to get you something to eat, okay? Don’t worry; no-one will bother you here.”
Worf left and went to the kitchen. The cook prepared a bit of stew and Worf took a couple of apples and got back to his cabin. Urster and Gurter were in the corridor, waiting for him.
“Is she okay?”
Worf nodded.
“We’ve put him in the brig, Kapt.” Said Gurter. “He really wasn’t happy.”
“You saw what he was doing. Disgusting!” Said Urster.
Worf stopped and looked at him.
“Stay clear of them both. You hear me? Get Karolu to take care of the korroner, and I’ll take care of her. Now get out of my way.”
They let him pass, but Urster still had questions.
“What will we do when we get to the hub? Are you going to let him out and take her?”
But Worf ignored him and got into his cabin, closing the door behind. The woman was still in the same position.
“Here. Some food.” Worf said, gently putting the tray next to her. “You rest now. If you need me, push that button over there and ask for the kaptin. I’ll be here in no time. I will find you something to wear, in the meantime.”
He stood up and prepared to leave. But then she spoke.
“Can I ask something?”
Worf smiled a bit.
“Of course.”
“I… I’d like a bucket or a pot, so… so I don’t need to go out there… you know… for bathroom?”
Worf nodded again.
“Sure. Don’t worry. We’ll arrange something for you. Now rest.”
And he left.
A few days later, they had the rendezvous with the Haggadda deep in the Dark Sea. They docked and Korroner Dreivus was released from the brig and given access to Urster’s cabin where he could clean himself up. Afterwards, Worf met him in the corridor. Dreivus faced him, looking him right in the eyes.
“I need my property.”
Worf turned around and opened the door to his cabin. The slave woman was there dressed in the white tunic and waiting bravely. Dreivus entered the cabin and approached her.
“On your knees.” He said. The woman obeyed, dropping to her knees. Dreivus looked back at Worf and ordered: “Kiss my feet.”
The woman leaned down and kissed his black boot. Then Dreivus opened his fly, took his penis out and urinated on top of the woman’s head. She didn’t react, keeping very still. Worf also didn’t react. Urster, beside him, started moving forward, but the kaptin raised his hand and stopped him. Dreivus finished his business and then left the cabin, saying to Worf as he passed:
“Would you be so kind as to bring my property up, please?”
Worf looked at Urster and gave him a sign with his head. The lüivettenand went in right away, helping the woman to get up. Worf followed Dreivus. He entered the elevator with the korroner and waited for it to move.
“So you’re going to Axx next.” Said the XX officer.
Worf didn’t bother responding.
“I hope you’ll have fun.”
Worf could feel the threat in his voice. When they got to the hub ship, they were greeted by a lüivettenand. Worf was taken to a dining room with food on the table, but Dreivus whispered something in the lüivettenand’s ear and was taken someplace else. Worf ate some grapes. After a few minutes, the lüivettenand returned alone.
“My officers should be coming up shortly.” Said Worf. “You think you could get us some washing water?”
The lüivettenand frowned and answered coldly.
“I’m sorry, Ver-Kaptin, but we’re in partial lockdown. As soon as the korroner’s luggage is brought aboard, you will have 20 minutes to depart. I can provide a few supplies, but I’m afraid none of your crew will be allowed to come aboard at this time. I’m sure you understand.”
Worf raised his eyebrow and nodded. He picked up a bowl of fruit, put it under his arm and left.
Three hours after leaving the Haggadda¸ Worf was sitting on the bridge of S62 in a foul mood. The whole situation irritated him. The whole thing. The korroner, the blond woman, the war, the dictatorship, the whole situation. He felt humiliated, powerless and weak. And he hated those feelings.
“Kaptin, the Haggadda has just issued an S.O.S. She’s being attacked.”
Worf frowned.
“Attacked? By whom?”
“I don’t know, Kapt. But she seems in trouble.”
“Hmm…” Worf scratched his beard, leaned back and went deep into his thoughts. For a minute, everyone waited for him to make a decision. Then, another message came in.
“Kapt, another message. From the Addmiralis.”
“Read it.”
“S.O.S. signal from the Haggadda. Stop. You’re the closest combat vessel. Stop. Pay immediate assistance. Stop. Full speed. Over. That’s it, Kapt.”
Worf thought for a bit. Then he looked around. They were all waiting for him.
“Do we respond?” Asked Urster.
Worf released his seat belt and got up.
“Stand by, for a minute.” He said. “I’ll be right back.”
With that, he headed for the Engineering section. Karolu was there in his dirty overalls, aided by a young mechanic. They both straighten up when they saw Worf.
“Hello, Karolu. How’s everything?”
Karolu raised his shoulders.
“As well as can be expected, Kapt. I’m glad we’re going for repairs. We really need them.”
“Show me.”
Karolu showed Worf the cracks in the reactor, still small but clearly visible.
“Lots of pressure.”
“Yes, Kapt.”
“This could become serious.” Said Worf.
“Yes, Kapt. But we can manage it. It will hold until port.”
“What would happen if the cracks get worst?”
Karolu raised his shoulders.
“Decreased speed. We may need to be towed into port, eventually. And if the engines get too hot, we will lose the ability to stay invisible. In the end, we can explode.”
Worf nodded and then approached the engineer’s console. He pointed to a couple of knobs.
“Are those the reactor’s safety valves?”
Karolu raised an eyebrow. Just for a moment.
“Yes, Kapt.”
“All right. Look over there.”
Worf pointed towards a distant wall. Karolu turned around and looked at it. Worf turned to the mechanic.
“You too.”
Puzzled, the mechanic obeyed. With both witnesses looking away, Worf started closing the valves. The reactor started moaning louder and louder until finally, the cracks grew wider and larger. Then Worf opened the valves again, avoiding the explosion.
“You can turn around, now.” He said. Karolu and the mechanic looked at him
. “The cracks look worst, Karolu.”
Karoly looked at the reactor and smiled a little.
“They sure do, Kapt.”
“Did you see how that happened?”
Karolu smiled and raised his shoulders again.
“Sorry, Kapt. Wasn’t looking. They were bad before; it was a matter of time until they got worst.”
Worf nodded and turned to the mechanic.
“And you?”
The mechanic, still puzzled, looked at Karolu and back at Worf.
“Did you see anything?” Worf asked. The mechanic waved his head.
“Shame.” Said Worf, leaving for the bridge. “Keep me posted.”
“Yes, Kapt.”
Worf went back to the bridge and sat on his chair. Urster looked at him. They all did, timidly.
“All right, let’s reply to the Addmiralis.” Said Worf to the Comms Officer. He waited for the officer to be ready and then started dictating. “Unable to assist the Haggadda. Stop. Reactor malfunction. Stop. About to cripple ship. Stop. No choice. Stop. Heading to port. Over.”
Urster smiled. The Comms Officer looked up to Worf.
“Want me to read it back, Kapt?”
Worf waved his head.
“No need. Just send it.” He leaned back in his chair. “And then do a maintenance check on comms.”
The officer opened his eyes wide, surprised.
“Maintenance check, Kapt?”
“Yes. Take the block apart, clean the connections and put it back up. It should take you a couple of hours, I think. Too bad.”
“Yes, Kapt.”
Urster smiled again. He approached the Kaptin’s chair and whispered.
“Fuck them.”
And Worf clenched his fist and his teeth and nodded in response. His voice came out as a whisper as well:
“Fuck them.”
“What the fuck, Kary?”
He opened his hands.
“I didn’t know it was her, Byl. Seriously.”
“’Mirany Iddo’? You didn’t figure it out?”
“That’s not the name she gave me. She said her name was Mira, and that was it. Besides, she saved our asses; you know that.”