Snowbound Seduction Read online

Page 4

  Grant felt her jaguar’s discomfort through their connection, but she never said a word. His mate was far stronger than he imagined, and while his initial negative attitude pissed her off, she was embracing him, and their future life, with a smile.

  “I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I will spend the rest of our days making you happy,” he murmured as he nuzzled her hair.

  “You got lucky five times, by my count. And, I guarantee there will be a repeat in your near future,” Cristia whispered and placed a warm kiss on his lips. “As soon as we find the children,” she added, ending on a serious note.

  “Absolutely,” he agreed and squeezed her tight.

  As they walked into the main living area, Grant noticed the Rowan sisters were present, along with Zander and several Dark Warriors. He and Cristia walked over to Ember and Orlando and couldn’t help but overhear Hayden telling Zander he appreciated his assistance, despite their recent differences.

  Grant was there when Hayden insisted they reveal their existence to humans so they could ask for their help in defeating the archdemons. Grant officially supported his Omega but wondered if that was the best option.

  Humans were capricious individuals, capable of terrible atrocities. Every shifter feared discovery, wondering if they would become test subjects of countless experiments. Supernaturals were stronger and faster than humans, but they were greatly outnumbered, and humans were extremely resourceful.

  Grant was pleased to see the formidable figures come together for the good of the pack. It wasn’t surprising, given children were cherished in the Tehrex Realm, and protected by everyone, but he admired the leaders for putting their differences aside.

  “Are those the infamous witch sisters?” Cristia asked as she watched the interaction with interest.

  “Yes, they’re going to scry for the kids. The storm delayed our arrival, but hopefully, they find the demon’s lair so we can get the children home and safe,” Orlando shared as Grant and Cristia joined the couple.

  “Um, partner, is there something you want to share,” Ember blurted a second later.

  A blush spread across Cristia’s cheeks, and she buried her head against Grant’s side.

  Grant chuckled and smiled, “Let’s just say while in the cave, my mate and I became very acquainted.”

  “Oh, my, Goddess! Congrats, you big galoot. Bout time the Goddess blessed your ass. You’ve got yourself a good one, Cristia,” Ember said, and reached over to hug the two.

  “Thank you. After we find the children, we will plan our mating ceremony. Since I’m new to the area, I could use some female guidance,” Cristia confessed and put her hands together in plea.

  “Oh, don’t get this one started,” Orlando interjected. “She will take over and run with it,” he added, earning a punch to the arm from Ember.

  “Don’t listen to him. I would love to help, Cristia. There’s a full moon next week, so Goddess-willing, your mating ceremony will take place then,” Ember stated.

  “Yes, but first things first. The children. Hayden was wise to call Zander and the Rowan sisters. Crocell is more pissed than ever after what happened to her sister. No telling what she has planned for the kids. We’ve got to find them,” Grant explained.

  As the scrying began, their group turned to watch the Rowan sisters. The triplets performing magic was a sight to behold. They proved time and again they were worthy of their acclaimed prophecy. In the short time since becoming the High Priestesses of the witches and warlocks, they reformed the face of witchcraft in the realm.

  Grant felt the surge of power when their magic filled the room and he sent a silent prayer to the Goddess they would locate the missing children.

  A twig poked Cristia in the back, and she shifted forward but remained in a crouched position. She peered through the bushes to the city’s colorful lights.

  Shifters didn’t observe Christmas like humans, but she loved the festive adornments this time of year. She celebrated Winter Solstice, and their decorations included natural trimmings like pinecones, greenery, and candles, but the rainbow of color humans used during the holidays was fun and lively.

  The fat man in the red suit, not so much. The idea was preposterous, and she couldn’t fathom how human children believed in such a tale.

  “Stick close to me when we go in,” Grant ordered. “There will be lower level demons and skirm. Our job is to grab the striplings and get them the hell out. Kill anything that gets in your way. Hayden and Zander will take care of Crocell.”

  “Got it. Kill, grab, run,” Cristia repeated. “What if I can’t do this?”

  Admitting fear and uncertainty to her mate came naturally. After his initial rejection and doubt in her ability, Cristia erected a wall between them, but quickly tore it down when she discovered they were mates. The bond they shared didn’t allow room for secrets. Besides, if Grant couldn’t love all of her, faults included, then she didn’t want him, Fated or not.

  “Look at me,” Grant murmured, and she turned her head.

  Blue eyes held hers. “You’re the bravest female I’ve ever met. Get in tune with that jaguar I adore, and listen to your animal. She will guide you. And, I’m right beside you. We got this, ya hear?” he replied and leaned over to place a kiss on her lips.

  Arousal, hot and fast, coursed through her body. Cristia melted against him as she relished the feel of his firm mouth. It would be easy to ignore their assignment and get lost in her mate.

  Forcing her lips from his, she met glowing eyes. “I’m so lucky to have you,” she muttered.

  “Oh, you’re going to have all of me, kitty,” he husked and grabbed her hand, placing it over his groin. She gripped the hard length beneath his jeans.

  “Fuck! Would you two get your heads out of the gutter? We’re on a mission, not a kinky rendezvous,” Ember muttered from a nearby shrub.

  Snickers followed, and Cristia looked to see Paige and Ember grinning at her and Grant.

  “Hey, mind your own business. I’m wooing over here,” Grant said in a low whisper.

  “Oh, yeah, you’re quite the romantic, trying to get in your mate’s pants out here on the cold, hard ground,” Ember teased.

  “You’re just jealous because Orlando isn’t doing the same,” Grant countered.

  “Yeah, you’re right about that. I’ll have to remember this spot for a later date,” she answered as she wiggled her eyebrows.

  Noise caught their group’s attention, and Cristia turned to scope the area. The archdemon’s lair was a house in Madrona, an affluent neighborhood close to downtown Seattle. She turned her head left, then right, shocked by how many supernaturals surrounded the place. When they charged in, the blue demon wouldn’t know what hit her.

  With the numerous figures scattered about, Cristia assumed there was a shielding spell in place, or the residents milling about would surely see them.

  “Who’s masking our presence?” Cristia asked.

  “The Rowan triplets. They’re close by, making sure everything goes as planned. Their energy is being used to keep us hidden, but if we need them to intervene once we get inside, they’ll come running,” Grant answered as he prepared for the surprise attack.

  She could feel his bear bristle beneath his skin, anxious for action. She understood the restlessness. Her jaguar paced back and forth in her head, demanding the same.

  Cristia was grateful to have such powerful allies as the Rowan sisters and Dark Warriors by their side; otherwise, this could end in death and disaster.

  Hayden and Zander both lifted their hands in the air, signaling it was time. As they sped toward the house, her heart raced in her chest and her vision sharpened. Cristia jumped right into the mix as soon as she cleared the door, reminding herself to stay vigilant.

  The small entry opened into a living room filled with countless demons and skirm. Her eyes roamed towards the back of the house, and she spotted a large cage in the center of the kitchen.

  Cristia’s heart stopped at the si
ght of twelve small, helpless children huddled together, while at the same time, relief washed over her body. They were alive, and appeared unharmed. Thank Goddess they weren’t too late.

  There were two wolves close to the cage, snapping their jaws at any demon that approached, and she guessed they were shifters, protecting the children while the rest of them fought the enemy.

  Grant partially shifted and his massive claw sliced through the chest of a charging skirm. He pointed to the left side of the room, where a panther was attacking a group of green demons trying to get to the kids.

  Cristia raced in that direction, dodging enemies along the way. She spotted Ember and Paige fighting a couple of skirm, and from her vantage point, they looked to have it under control, so she kept going. Her goal was to get the children to safety.

  Realizing she was unarmed, Cristia reached for the blade holstered under her arm. Just as she pulled it free, piercing pain hit her shoulder, and her flesh lit on fire. She glanced over to see a skirm at her back, fangs embedded in her shoulder. The agony intensified as its venom reached her bloodstream, and her eyesight blurred. Slashing out, Cristia stabbed blindly towards the creature.

  The crunch and crack of bone echoed in her eardrum. Grant repeatedly schooled her about reaction time and paying attention. She wasn’t doing a good job thus far and cursed her mistake.

  She connected with her jaguar and gained the focus she needed, and her vision sharpened. Stabbing outward, she connected with the creature’s chest, and saw a brief flash of fire before the skirm turned to ash.

  “Take that, fucker-ass,” she yelled as renewed confidence took control.

  Cristia caught sight of Grant as he swung his blade in every direction. He was surrounded by a group of skirm, yet effortlessly took them out, one by one. He was a big guy, and the smaller creatures were no match for her burly bear.

  Suddenly, Cristia noticed a huge black dog with red eyes prowling towards Stacy, who was fighting alongside Beau. The beast was approaching from behind, and Stacy was oblivious to the danger at her back.

  Without a thought, Cristia was in motion and pounced on the dog, running her knife across its neck as it reared back to sink its teeth into Stacy’s leg.

  Stacy looked over as black blood spurted across her jacket, and Cristia saw sheer terror flash across the female’s face.

  “Shit, I didn’t see or hear it coming. Thanks for the save,” Stacy stuttered as she wiped an arm across her brow. Instinct told Cristia that Stacy wasn’t going to last in the recruit program.

  Cristia nodded and continued towards the kitchen, pushing her way through the crowd to make it to the cage.

  “We’re getting you out of here. You’re going to be okay, just stay in the center of the cage, away from harm,” Cristia ordered as she came face to face with a smelly, green demon.

  She slashed out and her knife and fist sunk into pus-filled flesh. It turned her stomach and made her gag. The sticky substance stuck to her skin like glue but didn’t burn as bad as skirm venom.

  A loud shriek filled the room, and Crocell suddenly appeared in the middle of the room. Everything went still when they realized she clutched a human child in her arms. Fury was written in the hard lines of Crocell’s face, and hate burned behind her black eyes.

  “You cannot stop me. These children will bring Cresil back. And, you will pay for taking her from me,” she warned as she gathered black smoke in her palms.

  Cristia looked to Grant who motioned for her to get down on the ground, but she ignored him. The archdemon was focused on the children, not her. She felt this was her best opportunity to attack.

  Crocell dropped the human, and Cristia took advantage, jumping towards the blue-winged demon. Crocell immediately turned her way and tossed a ball of black smoke in her direction. It slammed into Cristia’s shoulder and sent her flying to the top of the cage.

  A bear’s roar echoed through the room, and the blue archdemon disappeared. The remaining skirm and demons were quickly obliterated as the massive bear sank its jaws into the enemy.

  Too weak to move, Cristia laid there, praying she hadn’t made a fatal mistake. The toxic energy was burning its way into her flesh, and she panicked when her airwaves became blocked. She couldn’t breathe.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Grant approaching, along with Pema, the oldest of the Rowan triplets.

  “Move aside, Grant, and let us counter the spell,” Pema instructed a second before the other two sisters, Isis and Suvi, came into Cristia’s view.

  “You did great. Your actions saved those kids,” Pema told Cristia as she and her sisters linked hands over her body, and chanted.

  Immediately, Cristia’s body filled with warm light, and she felt the darkness recede then disappear. “Don’t move. We stopped the Dark magic from killing you, but you still have a hole in your shoulder.”

  “I wanted a new look. What do you think? Does it suit me?” she joked as she looked to Grant.

  Her mate grabbed her hand and squeezed. She hoped he wasn’t mad at her for not listening to his orders.

  “Jace is coming. He’s a healer and can fix this. The holes aren’t working for me, Kitty,” he teased, but Cristia saw the worry and fear in his eyes as he gazed at her.

  “I guess I’m going to need to go dress shopping,” she countered. “We have a mating ceremony to plan.”

  “Did someone say shopping?” Suvi quipped. “Saks has the perfect pair of heels to go with any mating dress.”

  Cristia laughed at the witch’s enthusiasm and groaned when the pain increased. If she could do it all over again, she’d make the same choice. Her injury was a small price to pay to ensure the children were safe and would be going home to their families.


  Excitement danced through Grant’s veins. There weren’t many supernaturals alive that didn’t dream of this day. There was no greater blessing than the Goddess’s gift of a Fated Mate.

  Moments from now, he would join Cristia, and claim the missing piece of his soul.

  The striplings were safe and sound, and families reunited. It was time to celebrate their victory and complete his mating. Life didn’t get much better.

  Shoving all thoughts of demons and skirm to the back of his mind, he focused on the reason for his overflowing joy.


  She was beautiful, tenacious and a true asset to C.L.A.W. He needed to accept the fact that she would join his ranks, and become a lieutenant. Hayden had already made the unofficial announcement.

  Of the three recruits, Cristia outperformed the others, and Hayden would be a fool to overlook her determination and drive. Paige was still in the program, and with hard work, would eventually become a member of C.L.A.W. Unfortunately, Stacy didn’t fare as well, and left the Grove after they rescued the striplings. She decided she wasn’t cut out for battle. Not all that dreamed of becoming lieutenants received the promotion. In fact, most didn’t. Grant was proud of his mate, even though it drove him crazy to think about Cristia engaging in battles.

  He couldn’t try to stifle her. She wouldn’t appreciate being smothered, and there was no written rule stating mates had to love each other. He wanted his mate’s trust and respect, as well as, her soul.

  Hayden clapped Grant on the shoulder. “Everything is prepared. It’s time.”

  “The transformation is unreal. Cristia and Ember outdid themselves,” Grant replied as they turned to wait for his mate to exit Jesaray House.

  Wood sprites placed a spell on the sacred area to keep the snow at bay so that vibrant flowers and lush ground cover thrived. White lights twinkled in the trees, adding to the magic of the evening. A path of flower petals led from J-Ho to where Grant stood beneath a natural arbor created of evergreens.

  Rich, hearty scents flowed from the dining hall. Grandma Flo loved cooking for the pack and went the extra mile for mating ceremonies. He couldn’t wait for Cristia to try her honey buns. He relished the sweet gooey treat and so did his bear. Gran
dma Flo made them especially for him, and he’d bet she put some aside for him to take to the mating cave. Tia helped with the food, too, and now the mating ceremonies had the perfect mixture of Cajun, as well as, traditional fare at the events.

  Grant noted everything was prepared for the after-party, as well. Tables and chairs were set up to one side and Dane, the Grove DJ, had his equipment ready to go.

  The worst of the storm had passed, but the snow continued to fall, so the Rowan triplets cast a spell around the area, providing shelter for their friends and family. Bears loved the snow and cold, but he was grateful their guests weren’t standing around shivering.

  Shifters were beings of earth, sun, and the wild and their matings always took place outdoors. The energy of the pack suffused Grant. It fed his body and nurtured his soul. This was one reason he chose to live in the Grove. He knew it was possible to live away from the pack, but Grant needed the constant connection to his shifter family.

  Every resident of the Grove was present, along with his closest friends and family. Cristia’s family traveled from Alabama to be a part of their ceremony, as well. Every shifter in the Grove attended mating ceremonies because they shared a special bond that other supernaturals didn’t, but Grant knew they also came for the incredible spread of food.

  The traditional bonfire was lit, adding warmth to the atmosphere. The night sky was filled with stars, and pack energy was tangible, thanks to the full moon.

  “You couldn’t have hand-picked a more perfect night for a ceremony,” Hayden muttered as he adjusted his ceremonial cloak.

  Grant had seen the garment at every mating held in the Grove. He tried to spot the seams connecting the different animal hides, but couldn’t. The wrap represented every animal that resided in the Omega and Grant was astonished by the magic emanating from the cloak.