Sentinel Of Khoth Read online

Page 10

  “Yes, Sire,” Dyson replied as he bus­ied him­self with var­i­ous items. Finn watched as the Mundunugu grabbed a bot­tle marked toxic and pulled out a glass drop­per. As the liq­uid hit the dead Un­seelie with a siz­zle, Finn re­turned his at­ten­tion to Leg­ette and the King.

  “How do we keep ev­ery­one safe?” Leg­ette won­dered. “These Maa­hes are barely able to stand up­right, let alone en­gage in bat­tle if nec­es­sary.”

  An­gus stopped pac­ing and low­ered his head. With his back hunched, Finn thought the Cuele­bre King seemed as if he was de­feated. There was no way that was pos­si­ble. An­gus’s strength and en­durance was sec­ond to none. He’d lived through more than most could ever dream of, and still tri­umphed.

  A cou­ple decades ago ev­ery be­ing on Khoth be­lieved An­gus was lost to them and the realm would never be able to re­cover. The Cuele­bre drag­ons were on the brink of ex­tinc­tion, and they were cut off from ev­ery realm while the Un­seelie slowly stole their land and de­stroyed it.

  Now, there were more births over the past two decades than the sci­en­tists could keep up with, and they were re­claim­ing des­o­lated lands and restor­ing life where it was once lost.

  Finn shared a tense look with his fel­low Maa­hes as they waited pa­tiently for their king to give them a di­rec­tion and an­swer. The si­lence in the room was deaf­en­ing, and Finn won­dered if he should say some­thing to An­gus. Surely, the male wasn’t feel­ing de­feated. Just as Finn was about to speak, the king stood tall and turned to face them.

  “We willna evac­u­ate any city. Make sure there are guards on duty around the clock in nearby ar­eas. I will have Isis and Pema add magic to the bar­rier around Du­a­mutef. They have as­sured me their pro­tec­tions reach the molten core of our realm. We will re­main alert while Dyson searches for a cure.” An­gus paused and clenched his fists at his sides.

  “There is a way to de­stroy this en­emy, and we will find it,” An­gus growled.

  Keira, An­gus’s mate, en­tered the throne room at that sec­ond. The Queen had eyes only for her mate and quickly crossed to his side. While the cou­ple em­braced, Leg­ette turned to Caleb and Blaine and in­structed them to en­sure ro­ta­tion con­tin­ued through­out the ar­eas.

  With noth­ing left to do, Finn walked over to Dyson. “Is there any­thing I can do?”

  “Un­less you have some way of re­veal­ing their weak­ness,” the healer said as he pointed to the dead beast on his ta­ble, “there isn’t much you can do.”

  A cough­ing fit stopped Finn’s re­ply. His throat was dry and itchy and felt like the desert sun was bak­ing his vo­cal cords. His en­tire body ached, and he was weak. It was a poignant re­minder that he wasn’t in any shape to pro­tect the land and peo­ple he had for over three hun­dred years.

  His vi­sion blurred and he didn’t re­al­ize he was cough­ing flames un­til Dyson barked at him to stop. There was noth­ing he could do at the mo­ment to halt the flames that es­caped his mouth. Dyson jumped out of the way and Finn cringed when the crea­ture on the metal exam ta­ble caught fire.

  Sev­eral sec­onds later, Finn’s coughs fi­nally sub­sided. “Thank you,” he told Slate as the male brought him a cup of wa­ter.

  “I’ll have to get an­other sam­ple to work on,” Dyson said as he ap­proached the ta­ble. The con­trap­tion was dam­aged, mak­ing Finn hope it wasn’t ru­ined. He held his breath as the healer glanced through the scope.

  “How is that pos­si­ble?” Dyson blurted a sec­ond later.

  The en­tire room looked their way a sec­ond later. Finn was sure he would get a lec­ture about be­ing care­ful around ex­pen­sive sci­en­tific equip­ment and steeled him­self to re­ceive An­gus and Leg­ette’s ire.

  “What is it?” An­gus asked.

  “The par­a­site. It’s dead,” Dyson replied as he looked up from his scope.

  “What?” Finn blurted. Surely, he hadn’t heard the male cor­rectly.

  “Are you sure?” the king asked, con­fu­sion clear on his face.

  “Yes,” Dyson told An­gus. “There is no ac­tiv­ity. Their bod­ies are de­te­ri­o­rat­ing.”

  “How is that pos­si­ble? Was it the toxin you used?”

  Dyson was shak­ing his head in re­sponse. “I think it was Finn’s fire. Not the acid. There was move­ment for sev­eral sec­onds af­ter I ap­plied the liq­uid. I will need to run an­other test to be sure.”

  An­gus turned to Leg­ette. “Get half a dozen more sam­ples and bring them right away.”

  “Could it re­ally be that easy?” Finn asked Dyson.

  “Like I said. Ev­ery liv­ing be­ing has a weak­ness. We just need to iso­late this one,” Dyson replied.

  Leg­ette re­turned a sec­ond later pant­ing as he placed a large metal box on the floor next to Dyson. The healer lifted the lid and used large tweez­ers to lift a dead Un­seelie from the box.

  With rapid move­ments, Dyson had the beast cut open and dis­played on his ta­ble. He ap­plied a cou­ple drops of the toxin and checked his scope.

  “Any­thing?” An­gus asked af­ter they waited sev­eral min­utes.

  “The par­a­site is still alive,” Dyson ad­mit­ted. “I’m go­ing to use my fire now.” Dyson re­leased a small flame that en­gulfed the Un­seelie. An aw­ful stench of burnt hair and de­cay­ing flesh filled the room, up­set­ting Finn’s stom­ach.

  “It worked,” Dyson an­nounced when he checked the scope a sec­ond later. “They’re dead.”

  “Thank fuck,” Blaine blurted.

  “How do we treat the Maa­hes?” An­gus in­quired ig­nor­ing Blaine’s out­burst.

  Dyson turned from his work with an ex­cited gleam in his eyes. “Given that time is of the essence, I rec­om­mend they go to Mt. Ba­tia and take a lava bath.”

  Finn’s mouth fell open as his eyes went wide. That sounded as pleas­ant as tak­ing a nap in a spi­der-in­fested tree in the for­est.

  “Is that safe for them?” Keira in­ter­jected.

  “Cuele­bre are crea­tures of fire. As long as they are in their dragon form it will not kill them,” An­gus ex­plained.

  “No, it will not in­cin­er­ate their drag­ons, but they should plan on stay­ing overnight. I doubt they will be up for a re­turn trip right away,” Dyson added.

  “Let’s pack,” Blaine called out. “I’m ready to get rid of these un­wanted pas­sen­gers. Plus, I have a date to­mor­row night that I would like to keep.”

  “Of course you do,” Finn re­torted.

  “Pack a bag and be ready in fif­teen,” An­gus or­dered. “I need you back as soon as pos­si­ble in case Cyril takes ac­tion.”

  Finn was anx­ious to get to the vol­cano so he could feel bet­ter but be­ing back on his game so he could kick some Un­seelie ass was a huge bonus, he thought.

  “Which way do we go now?” Finn asked as they came to an­other cross­roads in­side Mt. Ba­tia.

  “We should have asked a fire de­mon. They spend more time here than any­one,” Blaine re­sponded.

  “We didn’t ex­actly have time,” Finn snapped. His tem­per was short, and his en­ergy was flag­ging. The shift and flight to the vol­cano zapped him of en­ergy. Sweat trick­led down his fore­head and stung his eyes.

  Blaine swiped the back of his arm across his face and scanned both tun­nels be­fore he turned left. The air was sti­fling, and the tem­per­a­ture had risen about twenty de­grees since they’d en­tered the moun­tain. That told Finn they were go­ing in the right di­rec­tion.

  “Are there still Foawr in these tun­nels?” Slate asked. It was when the Maa­hes man­aged to ask a ques­tion with­out de­volv­ing into a fit of cough­ing that Finn re­al­ized the heat was help­ing. Then, the male’s words pen­e­trated his fuzzy mind.

  “Fuck,” Finn blurted. “How the hell are we go­ing to fight them if we en­counter any?”

  Blaine bent down as they walked an
d picked some­thing up off the ground. “We could al­ways throw rocks at it.”

  Finn shook his head. Rocks would not stop or even in­jure a pow­er­ful Un­seelie like a Foawr. “What are you, twelve?”

  “Do you have a bet­ter idea?” Blaine shot back. “We can’t shift in these tun­nels and there are no weapons.”

  “How about we keep our mouths shut so we don’t at­tract any at­ten­tion,” Finn sug­gested.

  “Some­one needs to get laid,” Blaine re­torted then dodged the fist Finn threw his way.

  Choos­ing to ig­nore Blaine’s ir­rev­er­ence, Finn didn’t slow un­til they en­tered a larger area that was more like a room. It was a re­lief as the area opened up wider than the crowded tun­nel. As a dragon shifter, they had su­pe­rior vi­sion, but even his eyes were throb­bing from the con­stant strain to see.

  Wa­ter on the walls glowed green, il­lu­mi­nat­ing the room so Finn got a clear pic­ture of the grime cov­er­ing his bare chest. He was tempted to run his hands through the mois­ture trick­ling down the rock in this area. He won­dered if it would turn his skin the same green shade as the walls.

  Best not add to the par­a­site that was cours­ing through his body. With his luck it would pro­tect the bug from be­ing killed in the vol­cano. Sud­denly, a thought oc­curred to Finn. “If there are Foawr here, how are we go­ing to be safe stay­ing the night here?”

  “Fuck,” Slate cursed as he wiped sweat from his face. “We’re go­ing to have to leave. No way we’ll have the strength to stand guard. I just don’t know if I can make it back to Du­a­mutef right away.”

  “We don’t have to make it to Du­a­mutef tonight. We just need to get our asses out of these tun­nels and to the near­est town. We can stay at an inn,” Blaine sug­gested.

  “Sounds good to me,” Finn agreed. “I’m go­ing to be drag­ging ass, but I’d rather push it to Ah­scar rather than risk stay­ing here.”

  “It’s set­tled. We head for Ah­scar as soon as we’re done. How much longer?” Blaine com­plained a sec­ond later.

  “Dude, you’re such a douche dick. Stop whin­ing,” Finn griped as he kept mov­ing to­ward the heat.

  “Fuck off, prole. It’s hot, and I’m hun­gry.”

  “We all are. Drink your wa­ter and stop ask­ing what none of us knows.”

  “My wa­ter is gone. Can I have some of yours?”

  “No, you can’t have mine. You should’ve saved some,” Finn warned Blaine. Noise ahead had him push­ing his tired limbs faster than he thought pos­si­ble.

  If his friends were be­ing at­tacked, he re­fused to sit back and do noth­ing. Send­ing a silent prayer to the Gods, Finn stopped short when he en­tered an­other cav­ern. This one glowed or­ange and had sweat pour­ing from his pores.

  “Yes,” Blaine called out as he dropped his back­pack and stepped out of his boots. “Let’s take that bath and get out of here.”

  Finn shucked his shoes and clothes, anx­ious as ev­ery­one else. “Re­mem­ber, Dyson said keep our eyes closed and count to ten be­fore we leave the lava.”

  A cho­rus of grunts and agree­ments swept through the room. In a shim­mer of light, the Maa­hes shifted into dragon form and Finn breathed a sigh of re­lief.

  The ac­tion zapped his dwin­dling en­ergy, but it was a re­lief not to have sweat pour­ing into his eyes. With a mas­sive flap of his wings, Finn took to the air and the other drag­ons fol­lowed suit. He closed his eyes then dove into the boil­ing lava.

  As the molten liq­uid en­gulfed his large form, Finn had a mo­ment of fright when his scales tin­gled in­tensely. As a crea­ture of flame, he was im­per­vi­ous to the lava, but he’d never taken a bath in it, so he feared Dyson was wrong.

  When the lava didn’t per­me­ate his flesh, Finn held his breath and counted to ten then leapt from the boil­ing liq­uid and into the air. Lava splashed against the cave walls as the drag­ons burst from the pool of or­ange liq­uid. Iron­i­cally, the air in­side the cham­ber no longer felt hot af­ter be­ing be­neath the scald­ing lava.

  Land­ing on dirt, Finn shifted back to hu­man form so they could leave the tun­nels. Nor­mally a smooth, pain­less process, Finn cried out when his body ob­jected. He as­sumed his hu­man form didn’t ap­pre­ci­ate the resid­ual ef­fect of the hot lava on its sys­tem, but he didn’t have time to wait. They were in Foawr ter­ri­tory, and needed to get out of the area as quickly as pos­si­ble.

  It took all his strength to shove his legs into his pants then his feet into his boots. He picked up his bag and took a deep drink of wa­ter. “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he told his fel­low Maa­hes a sec­ond later.

  He said a sec­ond prayer to the Gods, ask­ing for help mak­ing it to Ah­scar. There was lit­tle chance they would make it all that way. It would re­ally suck if he failed and died at the hands of a Foawr be­fore fully ex­pe­ri­enc­ing Talysia.

  * * *

  Chap­ter 11

  The sight of Finn’s brown eyes and his sexy smile was a huge re­lief for Talysia. It had been three days since she was deemed un­in­fected and sent home from the cas­tle. Her sis­ter was a wreck as she wor­ried about her fate.

  Talysia felt aw­ful for caus­ing so much dis­tress, but there was noth­ing she could’ve done dif­fer­ently aside from stay­ing away from Finn. And, that was not some­thing she was cer­tain she wouldn’t do.

  Finn drew her un­like any other male in her life. He was thought­ful and car­ing and a badass knight. An al­pha male like him was com­pletely for­eign on Ca­lypso. Sirens were not only ca­pa­ble of lur­ing with their voice. They could also use it as a weapon, so their males were skilled at pitch­ing their vo­cal­iza­tions at var­i­ous lev­els to harm or even kill in some cases.

  A siren wasn’t ca­pa­ble of killing su­per­nat­u­rals, but they could whis­tle and kill an­i­mals of all sorts. With that as the epit­ome of male strength, it was in­tox­i­cat­ing for Talysia to see males ca­pa­ble of rip­ping heads from crea­tures and dis­abling en­e­mies with their bare hands. It was so pri­mal, and oddly arous­ing.

  “You look much bet­ter than the last time I saw you,” she told Finn.

  Her en­tire body flushed, and a smile spread over her lips when he wrapped his arms around her waist and tugged her close to her body. Talysia couldn’t re­mem­ber a time in her life when she shared this type of in­ti­macy with any­one else.

  Sex­ual en­coun­ters were one thing, but all that she en­gaged in so far was based on phys­i­cal re­lease and noth­ing more. Males on her planet re­fused to con­sider her for any­thing more than ca­sual in­ter­course. Males in the Tehrex Realm were dif­fer­ent in that they never treated her as some­thing be­neath them, but no one struck her fancy like Finn did.

  What was it about him? she asked her­self.

  He was gor­geous with his full lips, deep brown eyes and silky black hair. But, it wasn’t his looks, she re­al­ized. There were many good-look­ing males around. Finn was con­fi­dent, pro­tec­tive, car­ing and easy-go­ing.

  The way he ac­cepted her and truly saw her was the most ap­peal­ing thing about him.

  Low­er­ing his head, Finn placed a quick kiss on her mouth be­fore he lifted his head and stared deeply into her eyes. “I feel much bet­ter. Ready for any­thing.”

  Talysia chuck­led at the way his eye­brows wag­gled. “I heard you had to take a bath in magma. Is that true?”

  “It is. Dyson ac­ci­den­tally dis­cov­ered heat killed the par­a­site and that was the quick­est way we could rid our­selves of the lit­tle bug­gers.”

  “I still can’t be­lieve you were in­fected by an Un­seelie crea­ture that was de­signed to im­pair dragon knights. Why would he use heat as their weak­ness when you guys breathe fire? Seems like Cyril isn’t very smart.”

  Finn threaded their fin­gers to­gether and started walk­ing to a nearby park. “The Un­seelie King is fright­en­ingly bril­liant. If
I hadn’t caught a sam­ple with my fire while cough­ing, we likely wouldn’t have dis­cov­ered their weak­ness. As Dyson ex­plained he would have run through a list of tests with heat or fire be­ing at the bot­tom.”

  “Well, I’m glad it’s over. Want to grab a cof­fee?”

  Nod­ding, Finn walked with her through the grassy area. She loved the area close to her apart­ment. They didn’t have parks on Ca­lypso, and when she first moved to the Tehrex Realm, she in­stantly fell in love with the spa­ces. It was the com­bi­na­tion of grass, trees and other plant life with large open spa­ces where friends and fam­ily could gather and spend time.

  “Nolan started cul­ti­vat­ing cof­fee beans on Khoth re­cently and has made shit tons of money for his ef­forts. The rich, earthy brew has rapidly be­come an ob­ses­sion here,” Finn ad­mit­ted.

  “I bet. I imag­ine it would do great any­where. I fell in love with the bev­er­age af­ter I ar­rived in the Tehrex Realm. Did An­gus bring it back with him? He lived in the Tehrex Realm for a long time, right?”

  “No, ac­tu­ally he didn’t bring it with him. When he first re­turned, King An­gus was busy heal­ing the planet and win­ning over Keira. Mack, the mate to one of the Vam­pire Princes, was the one that sug­gested it dur­ing one of her vis­its,” Finn ex­plained with a laugh. “The fe­male is feisty and a kick­ass war­rior. She bitched when she and Kyran were trapped here that there was no caf­feine; so when she re­turned, she brought a bag with her and showed the cas­tle kitchens how to brew the bev­er­age. Seems she’s an en­tre­pre­neur of sorts and made an agree­ment with Nolan to of­fer it to the en­tire realm.”

  “So, all the small stands in the area are a new thing here?” she asked as she thought about the nu­mer­ous shacks that sold the bev­er­age. She had ac­tu­ally ap­plied at one be­fore get­ting the po­si­tion at Medure Eats.

  “Yep. Most of those have only been around a year. And, many near the busi­ness cen­ter of the city are only open dur­ing the day. Nolan’s com­pany has grown im­mensely.” A shrill sound blared through the early af­ter­noon, mak­ing Talysia jump.