Sentinel Of Khoth Read online

  Sen­tinel of Khoth

  Dark War­rior Al­liance Book 21

  Brenda Trim

  Tami Julka


  Sen­tinel of Khoth

  Chap­ter 1

  Chap­ter 2

  Chap­ter 3

  Chap­ter 4

  Chap­ter 5

  Chap­ter 6

  Chap­ter 7

  Chap­ter 8

  Chap­ter 9

  Chap­ter 10

  Chap­ter 11

  Chap­ter 12

  Chap­ter 13

  Chap­ter 14

  Chap­ter 15

  Chap­ter 16

  Chap­ter 17

  Chap­ter 18

  Chap­ter 19

  Chap­ter 20

  Chap­ter 21

  Au­thors’ Note

  Other Works By Trim And Julka

  Sen­tinel of Khoth

  Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

  Copy­right © De­cem­ber 2019 by Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

  Ed­i­tor: Chris Cain

  Cover Art by Fiona Jayde

  This book is a work of fic­tion. The names, char­ac­ters, places, and in­ci­dents are prod­ucts of the writ­ers’ imag­i­na­tion or have been used fic­ti­tiously and are not to be con­strued as real. Any re­sem­blance to per­sons, liv­ing or dead, ac­tual events, lo­cales or or­ga­ni­za­tions is en­tirely co­in­ci­den­tal.

  WARN­ING: The unau­tho­rized re­pro­duc­tion of this work is il­le­gal. Crim­i­nal copy­right in­fringe­ment is in­ves­ti­gated by the FBI and is pun­ish­able by up to 5 years in fed­eral prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All rights re­served. With the ex­cep­tion of quotes used in re­views, this book may not be re­pro­duced or used in whole or in part by any means ex­ist­ing with­out writ­ten per­mis­sion from the au­thors.

  Cre­ated with Vel­lum

  Love isn’t just some­thing you feel. It’s some­thing you do.

  * * *

  Chap­ter 1

  Tilt­ing her head, Talysia en­joyed the warm breeze across her face. She re­cently moved to the dragon realm, Khoth, and it was vastly dif­fer­ent than the Tehrex Realm. Not only were su­per­nat­u­rals a known en­tity, there was also none of the harsh chem­i­cal odor con­stantly found on Earth. When she lived on the hu­man planet, she had to keep her ‘oth­er­ness’ se­cret from the in­fe­rior be­ings while liv­ing with the fact that ev­ery breath she took burned her sen­si­tive nose, leav­ing it stuffy and sore all the time.

  The pur­ple night sky and clean air was an easy ad­just­ment to make since re­lo­cat­ing. It was the peo­ple she was still ner­vous around. While leaps and bounds bet­ter than those on her home planet, Ca­lypso, the Cuele­bre drag­ons were mas­sive when they shifted which made her think of be­ing squished un­der one of their feet.

  Shak­ing her head at her way­ward thoughts, she could hear her sis­ter, Tia’s re­crim­i­na­tions about not trust­ing any­one. A loud screech had her jump­ing while her turquoise eyes scanned the beach, and her mouth tilted up in a smile to match the nearby laugh­ter.

  Be­ing sur­rounded by friends and fam­i­lies hav­ing fun at the beach lifted her spir­its and made an eight-hour work­day pass quickly. Work­ing at Medure Eats was by far her fa­vorite job to date, de­spite the fact, she was still learn­ing the unique food items in­dige­nous to the planet. Luck­ily, their menu was sim­ple with most of their pop­u­lar items be­ing more of a snack that was easy for her to pre­pare and serve.

  In her eighty-nine years, Talysia worked in var­i­ous ca­pac­i­ties from wait­ing ta­bles, clean­ing bath­rooms, and dis­in­fect­ing med­i­cal wings on her home planet. She had to say that she hated clean­ing the var­i­ous bod­ily flu­ids the most out of all of her pre­vi­ous jobs.

  A group of kids raced by the open win­dow of the Medure Eats shack. Lean­ing her el­bows on the glossy rock bar where she served food to the cus­tomers, Talysia chuck­led as a young fe­male with long, curly black hair and Sap­phire-blue eyes punched a male in the shoul­der. The young male had green hair that re­minded her of the mer­maids back home.

  It made her think of her brief friend­ship with Chantrelle, who’s hair was the same color, but her eyes were grey. She was a mer­maid and be­friended Talysia when she was search­ing for shells to dec­o­rate her room.

  As Talysia turned around to get a drink a loud boom echoed be­hind her a split sec­ond be­fore she soared through the air. As her feet left the ground, she re­acted on in­stinct by throw­ing her arms over the back of her head while she curled into a ball. Heat sur­rounded her as the sound of some­thing im­pact­ing the ground echoed around her.

  Pain det­o­nated along her side a sec­ond later when her body slammed into the side of the tiny hut. Screams filled her ears as soon as they stopped ring­ing. Peo­ple were out­side, and badly in­jured. She had no idea ex­actly what hap­pened, but she knew they were in dan­ger.

  Heart ham­mer­ing in her chest, she crawled to the door. She con­sid­ered look­ing through the open­ing but re­mained low in case they were un­der at­tack. A hard pat­ter­ing hit the roof, mak­ing her think of gun­fire and hur­ry­ing her move­ments. “Shit,” she cried out as her leg protested the move­ment.

  Cough­ing, she re­al­ized the small build­ing was fill­ing with smoke and the smell of wood burn­ing at the same time wa­ter splashed in the open win­dow. Re­lief at the sound of wa­ter hit­ting the roof was short lived when she re­al­ized, with a heart-stop­ping jolt that a bomb must have gone off out­side. Thank­fully, there was lit­tle to no harsh un­nat­u­ral smell ac­com­pa­ny­ing it, so she hoped it wasn’t as ma­jor as the sounds made it seem.

  ‘Not that you would know what a bomb smelled like.’ the voice in her head screamed with a pan­icked edge that matched her rac­ing heart.

  When she reached the door, she re­al­ized her arm was cut and bleed­ing as she tried to twist the knob. It took her a cou­ple times to get the door open when her slick, sweaty hand slipped. The cross breeze im­me­di­ately pushed smoke from the room. On her knees, Talysia squinted and tried to catch her breath.

  “Holy shit,” she mut­tered when she spot­ted the group of kids ly­ing a few feet away. Bile rose in her throat and she wanted to slam the door and curl up out of sight. The brief sight of sev­eral beach-go­ers ly­ing there bloody and bro­ken ter­ri­fied her. The bomb was way worse than it sounded.

  Sud­denly a young male ran to­ward the kids from the in­tact tree line to the left. With­out al­low­ing her­self to think too much, she waved her hands and called out as qui­etly as pos­si­ble, “Watch out. Hurry up and get in here.”

  The fe­male with the deep blue eyes turned her way and blinked sev­eral times while Talysia kept mo­tion­ing them to hurry to­ward the shack. “Stay down, Troy,” the male with green hair told his friends. “C’mon you guys.”

  Troy stopped and nod­ded in re­sponse then turned and headed to­ward her while the green-haired one grabbed one of the fe­male’s arms at the same time a brown-haired, blue eyed male grabbed her other side. Talysia ac­knowl­edged the male with blue eyes must truly care about the fe­male as he was bleed­ing and limp­ing along next to the other two. The gash in his side was enough to turn her stom­ach.

  She saw the fe­male wince and had no doubt that she was in­jured in the blast, too. To­gether they helped the fe­male to her feet then scram­bled to the door. Talysia moved aside and slammed the door as soon as they were in­side. The group col­lapsed to their knees, pant­ing. Wa­ter dripped from the ends of their hair, pat­ter­ing softly on the floor.

  “What just hap­pened?” she asked them.r />
  The green-haired male seemed to be the leader of their group, and wrapped his arm around the fe­male and held her close. The ob­vi­ously stunned fe­male ran her hand over her face, smear­ing the soot from the smoke across her heart-shaped face.

  “A bomb ex­ploded on the beach. I have no idea who set it off, but the Maa­hes will be here soon. We just have to wait for them,” the green-haired male told her.

  “Are we safe in here?” the auburn-haired male asked at the same time the other one said, “Shouldn’t we go out there and help?”

  The fe­male was shak­ing her head as her eyes re­mained fixed on the open­ing above the bar. “It’s not safe for us out­side. Our par­ents will be pissed if we go out there with­out more pro­tec­tion. For all we know there is an en­tire army out­side wait­ing for us.”

  “Why would they be wait­ing for you? You’re just kids.” Kids were not likely to be the fo­cus of an at­tack like this. There was some­thing Talysia was miss­ing. These were no or­di­nary kids. They all had an alert­ness about them that she couldn’t imag­ine chil­dren their age pos­sess­ing. And, then there was the way they crouched, ready to spring into ac­tion.

  “I’m Izzy, by the way. And this is Blaze, Dono­van and Troy. Any­way, let’s just say that I’ve been hunted my en­tire life,” Izzy ex­plained to her as she pointed to each of the males in turn.

  Talysia had no words. How was a child hunted her en­tire life? It made no sense. And, how were these kids not freak­ing out? She was on the verge of tears and hys­te­ria. This was un­real. Crap like this didn’t hap­pen. At least not around her.

  “Why would any­one want to harm you?” Talysia asked to keep from hav­ing a melt­down.

  “You don’t know the ex­plo­sion was meant for you,” Blaze told Izzy.

  “You’re right. You might be the tar­get. So far demons can’t ac­cess this realm, so it makes more sense that you are the one they were af­ter,” Izzy replied to Blaze be­fore turn­ing to Talysia. “He’s the son of King An­gus. And, I’m the daugh­ter of the Vam­pire King of the Tehrex Realm. Be­ing royal isn’t all belles and ball gowns.”

  “Un­less it’s a Kevlar gown,” Talysia joked as she pon­dered what the hell was go­ing on. At least two of the kids hid­ing with her were roy­alty. As in their freak­ing par­ents were queens and kings. It bog­gled her mind and chal­lenged ev­ery as­sump­tion she had about the re­al­ity of a princess’s life.

  On Ca­lypso, the royal fam­ily of the Mer­maids and Sirens lived in safety and com­fort. Their lives were filled with fancy dresses, din­ners and danc­ing. Sure, ev­ery­where she lived, in­clud­ing her home planet, there had been fight­ing and wars, but it was so far re­moved from her daily life that she had no idea what to do next.

  For the mo­ment, Talysia de­cided she would fo­cus on keep­ing them safe. The pain in her en­tire body made her grunt as she crawled over and reached for the big­gest knife in the small kitchen. Clutch­ing it close, she doubted she’d ever breathe easy again. Shout­ing and com­mo­tion star­tled a yelp from Talysia. Her hands flew to cover her mouth, hop­ing she didn’t give their hid­ing spot away.

  “Is that the knights?” Dono­van asked as they all fo­cused on the open win­dow.

  Blaze got to his feet and was nod­ding as soon as his head cleared the counter. Talysia’s chest tight­ened and the urge to pull him back down nearly over­whelmed her. These kids were prob­a­bly bet­ter able to pro­tect her than she was them, but that didn’t mean shit to her in­stincts. “Lorne, Finn and Blaine are here,” Blaze in­formed them.

  They all climbed to their feet and headed out of the door. The kids rushed up to one of the males roam­ing the area and as­sist­ing the in­jured. The male had short black hair, and was tall and ro­bust, like most of the males on the planet. The mere sight of him made her heart race for an­other rea­son. He had on leather pants, along with, a strap across his torso and noth­ing else. His sculpted chest made her mouth wa­ter with the de­sire to kiss his flesh and find out what made him moan.

  Glanc­ing away be­fore she em­bar­rassed her­self, she felt the blood drain from her face at the sight of a sev­ered arm in the sand not far away. All thoughts of the sexy male fled her mind as she mourned the lost lives around her. It was nearly im­pos­si­ble to look away from the in­ert bod­ies. She’d never seen any­thing so grotesque in all her life.

  The day started with such prom­ise. The sun was shin­ing, the weather was per­fect, and laugh­ter filled the air only min­utes ago. Now, the sun was blocked by smoke, and cries re­placed the joy. The beach was nearly de­stroyed. A mas­sive hole in the sand close to the wa­ter along with bro­ken trees, de­stroyed shrubs and body parts strewn across the rest of the area. Work would never be the same af­ter this, she thought.

  Some­thing sparkled in the late af­ter­noon sun­shine, blind­ing her for a mo­ment. Lift­ing her hand, Talysia squinted and saw a piece of metal stick­ing from the soft sand. Her stom­ach was a churn­ing mess as she walked over and picked it up from the ground. The odd metal was out of place.

  It had jagged, scarred edges, telling her it was in­volved in a fire. If she had to guess, she’d say it was close to or part of the bomb that went off. Pris­tine, gleam­ing metal was re­vealed as she rubbed part of the grime away.

  “What did you find there?” Finn asked the curvy beauty.

  The fe­male yelped, threw her hands up in the air and the metal ob­ject she was hold­ing flew from her hands. Finn reached up and snatched it be­fore it fell to the ground.

  The fe­male gazed at him with wide eyes. Her pale skin and rapid breath­ing told him the stress of the events had af­fected her as much as the oth­ers at the scene. The grime on her cheek and the rac­ing of her heart told him she was not drawn to the beach by the ex­plo­sion like sev­eral oth­ers. That meant she was one of the lucky ones that sur­vived the dis­as­ter.

  For a split sec­ond, he won­dered if she was in­volved with the at­tack but dis­missed it as he re­al­ized she was wear­ing a t-shirt for Medure Eats. And, she smelled like an ice-cold ocean. Look­ing her over, Finn was cer­tain the fe­male worked for the es­tab­lish­ment and not in­volved.

  “Gods. You scared me.” She wrapped her arms around her mid­dle, but Finn was too busy en­joy­ing the mu­si­cal tone of her words. Talysia’s voice calmed yet ex­cited him in a way no voice, song… or any­thing ever had be­fore. He could lis­ten to it all day.

  Finn smiled at the sexy fe­male. “Sorry. You’re safe now. Maa­hes have sur­rounded the beach, noth­ing will get through that wall of drag­ons,” he as­sured her, point­ing to the fleet of drag­ons sur­round­ing the area. Her shoul­ders dropped and shook slightly. He imag­ined she was hav­ing a pretty fuck­ing bad day. “I’m Finn, by the way. I see that you found some ev­i­dence.”

  She fol­lowed his hand as he waved the piece of shrap­nel in front of his face. “I’m Talysia, and I as­sumed you were the good guys when Blaze and his friends rushed out to greet you. What can I do to help?” Again, her voice. It made him want to pull her into his arms and kiss her sense­less. Or, per­haps it was her beauty he was drawn to.

  Finn wanted to take her away from the grue­some scene as her eyes trav­eled to a dis­mem­bered arm nearby. “You work at Medure, right?” He asked hop­ing to gain her at­ten­tion.

  Glanc­ing his way, she shook her head and swal­lowed vis­i­bly. “Yeah. I started a few weeks ago.”

  “Did you hap­pen to see any­thing, Talysia?”

  Shak­ing her head, she hunched her shoul­ders. Even drawn in on her­self her curves were sexy. He al­ways liked a fe­male with a lit­tle meat on her bones. “The last thing I saw was Izzy punch­ing Blaze on the arm play­fully. When I turned around to get a drink, the beach ex­ploded be­hind me.”

  “Were Dono­van and Troy with them?”

  “I saw Dono­van, but not Troy. Other than them, I didn’t re­ally pay at­ten­tion to th
e fam­i­lies be­hind them play­ing in the waves and on the sand.”

  “Why don’t you go back into the shack and close it down for the day? Then, go home. And,” he con­tin­ued when she opened her mouth to re­spond “I will make sure the owner knows why the place closed early. Don’t worry. He’ll pay you for a full day.” Why the hell had he said that last part? He could en­sure she kept her job, but he couldn’t force the owner to pay her wages.

  “Okay. Thank you,” she mum­bled and turned to go back to the small es­tab­lish­ment.

  “Wait,” he called out, mak­ing her pause and turn back to him. She had stun­ning turquoise eyes and full, tempt­ing lips. “If you think of any­thing else, please let me know.”

  “Where would I find you if I do?”

  Smil­ing wide, he fought the urge to give her his home ad­dress. Her voice was still as mu­si­cal, but he was no longer fight­ing to hold him­self back from her side. He’d bet the voice of a siren af­fected other be­ings in some way. “At Tate­nen. If I’m not there, you can speak to any Maa­hes on duty.”

  “Okay, thank you.” she replied and hur­ried to Medure and started clos­ing down.

  Finn turned back to the beach and con­tin­ued gath­er­ing ev­i­dence for the in­ves­ti­ga­tion. As he reached into a pocket for a bag to drop the shrap­nel into, he in­spected the ob­ject more closely.

  The tech­nol­ogy on Khoth ri­valed that of what he’d seen on Earth, but there were some things they had on Earth but not Khoth. Guns and bombs were some of those items they didn’t have in his realm.