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Once Lost Page 5
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Anticipating the inevitable outcome, Slade had sold off one of the business units that no longer fit into the company’s portfolio. Those funds were handed over to Alaine at the time of the transfer of ownership. It was a generous and unexpected act, partly because Slade genuinely felt sympathy for Alaine.
But there was another reason for Slade’s generosity… he wanted Alaine to move on with her life. Her father had already cleared out the meager belongings he had left at the Coleman mansion but Alaine obviously had no intentions of moving anything out. For the past five years, since she realized her father was on the brink of financial ruin, it had become obvious that Alaine wouldn’t easily turn loose of the company money, or of Slade himself. Without a substantial sum of money at her disposal, he feared that she may try to stay indefinitely.
Someone had been keeping her well informed. Any time Slade had been seen in the company of another woman, Alaine would suddenly appear back at the Coleman mansion to reassert her claim on him, and there she would stay until she was confident the threat had passed.
It had just happened again, in fact. The very day after Slade had been seen in town having lunch with a yet unidentified woman, Alaine had shown up again, with her seemingly impeccable sense of timing. She showed no evidence of planning to leave anytime soon. Slade’s first thought was that the joke was on her this time, however, Leah did seem to lurk in the back of his mind.
But why should he care if Brannon wanted to take her to dinner? While reviewing the vacation schedule, he had realized the General Foreman at the Great Lakes facility would be out for the next two weeks. Dustin Brannon was his most qualified employee, therefore he was the only choice to send as relief supervisor. But it was unfortunate that he had to cancel their dinner plans…wasn’t it?
Slade had also noted that it was becoming very difficult for Melissa Sims to continue working now that she was in the final stages of her pregnancy. He had already been considering offering her an early leave. There were no hospitals close by, and delivering babies wasn’t one of his talents. She had gratefully accepted his generous offer. As he’d hoped, Leah’s resume had arrived with the stack sent over by the temp agency. He had the HR Manager contact Anne Riley immediately and schedule Leah to come in for work the following Monday.
It had all worked out quite smoothly. Slade hoped that by having Leah there, he could keep his eyes and ears open for any problems Alaine might create. She could be calculating and ruthless. He hoped she hadn’t picked up on anything last Friday when Leah had walked across the street from the temp agency, into the deli where they were having lunch after leaving the attorney’s office. He had tried to pass Leah off as a friend of Dustin’s, but Alaine didn’t seem completely convinced.
Now that company ties had been severed with the Anderson family, Slade’s intention was to keep her out of the business and his personal life. With his assistant’s scheduled maternity leave still a month away, he had hoped Alaine would take her newly acquired fortune, clear out of the Coleman house, and out of Rockport for good. She had been away for quite some time, and as far as Slade knew, she had no knowledge of Melissa’s upcoming leave. But who could have predicted that Melissa herself would find out that Alaine was back in town, and call her with instructions to come in on Monday?
Luckily, Security had been notified regarding the change in ownership. They had been directed to contact Slade if either Scott Anderson or his daughter arrived on site, as neither owned any further interest in the Company. When the guard called to alert Slade of Alaine’s arrival, he decided it would be best to turn her away until he could privately explain to her that her help would no longer be needed. He couldn’t leave his meeting to speak with Alaine at the time, and he certainly didn’t want her to see that Leah had already been hired as Melissa’s replacement without being there to handle her reaction. The only thing Slade could do at the time was to deny Alaine’s entry. It was an unfortunate turn of events, but it couldn’t be helped. It just meant that Slade was in for a rough time the next time they spoke.
Dustin Brannon lay awake in his hotel room trying to make sense of the day’s events. He had worked for Slade for five years now, and had never known him to miss even the smallest of details. Therefore, he had every confidence that when he walked into the Great Lakes office, the staff would be expecting his arrival and he would receive a warm welcome, but that had not been the case.
Grant Daniels, the Shop Foreman, prided himself on his capabilities and that of his remaining crew members to pick up the slack and get the job done. In light of the recent layoffs it was obvious that Grant viewed Dustin’s arrival with guarded suspicion, wondering if there was another round of layoffs in the eminent future. Perhaps Dustin had been sent to familiarize himself with his crew, to step in after he was gone?
It was true that Grant had initially scheduled vacation for two weeks in April; however, he had been forced to take it early, due to his wife’s sudden illness. While Dustin felt that the apparent mix up had to have come from this vacation schedule change, it was obvious that Grant saw this as an unwelcome corporate intrusion. Slade Coleman certainly owed him an explanation…on that issue he and Dustin agreed wholeheartedly.
However, when they attempted to call the office, the receptionist informed them that Slade would be in meetings all week, not taking calls unless it was an absolute emergency. Both men knew their boss well enough to set aside their differences and work at making the best of the next two weeks.
And what was going on at the corporate office anyway? Dustin could tell that Liz had some hot news… she had been texting him all morning…whatever she was on to must be really newsworthy! He had planned to call her back as soon as he could speak privately, so he dialed her number while waiting for Grant to dismiss his crew from their weekly safety meeting. They had a very bad connection, and it had taken several attempts to complete the call.
It seemed the office was buzzing because Slade’s assistant had begun her maternity leave earlier than planned. Liz was shocked at the arrival that Monday morning of a temporary replacement. It was only last Friday that Melissa had been granted an early leave! How did they have time to review resumes and have a temp land at the gate in time for the very next workday? But most importantly, why wasn’t it the “usual” Alaine Anderson?
Alaine was back in town; she and Slade had lunch together just last Friday. For the past several years, Alaine had covered for Melissa when she was out on vacation; after all, who knew more about Slade Coleman’s business than Alaine? Since she had recently arrived back in town, it seemed a safe assumption that she would be filling in this time as well…What was up with that?
Dustin and Liz had known each other from high school. Since her recent divorce she had begun to call him quite often, mostly just to chat, always wanting to gossip about the latest office drama. He had come to realize that Liz was looking for more than a friendship, in fact, she had expressed that she was now ready to move on with her life. He had decided it would be best to keep their relationship as it was. High school was different, they’d both changed a lot since those days.
His thoughts turned back to Rockport and he wondered how Leah had fared in her search for a job. If only he had known there would be a temporary opening so soon at C & A Enterprises. Although on second thought, she and Slade didn’t exactly hit it off!
He wanted more than ever to get back home. Right now, the friendship he enjoyed with Leah was much more to his liking. She was recovering from a broken engagement and seemed happy to keep things light and friendly. He admired her independent spirit and thought about how she had stood her ground that day with Slade. She certainly had won his respect! He couldn’t help but chuckle as he replayed that conversation in his head. He looked forward to taking her for that welcome dinner he had promised.
Chapter 8
Despite her earlier misgivings, Leah was able to pick up where Melissa Sims had left off quite easily. She overheard Slade mention to Mr. R
yan that the transition had gone seamlessly. She was relieved that this arrangement may just work out after all. Maybe he’d keep her in mind if another position opened up after Melissa returned.
Leah felt a real sense of accomplishment as she locked her computer, looking forward to the weekend. It turned out rather uneventful and a bit lonely though, with Dustin still out of town. She shopped for a few essentials, and a few luxuries now that she was earning an income again.
The second week moved along as quickly as the first. Leah sensed Slade’s approval at her intuitiveness and hands-on approach to the stack of unfinished assignments. She came to realize that, as he had indicated on their first unfortunate encounter, Slade did indeed carry a very heavy amount of responsibility. It seemed that he had to be consulted about every decision to be made for the business no matter how small.
One by one Leah was getting to know the other employees, with the exception of Liz Michaels. She had tried to engage the receptionist in polite small talk on occasion, but sensed a lack of sincerity in response to her efforts. It left her wondering if Liz was aware that she had happened along in the hallway to overhear what was intended to be a private conversation that first day. Leah couldn’t imagine any other reason for the vibes she was getting from the other woman who didn’t even know her.
The day was nearing an end, most of the other employees had cleared out for the weekend. Where have the past two weeks gone! Leah was just saving updates to her last report when Slade walked through the door and sat in the chair across from her desk. She looked up expectantly, waiting for him to ask for assistance in some last minute task before she headed out the door. “What are your plans for the weekend…if I may ask?”
Leah was a little taken back with the question. “I… I haven’t really thought about it yet.” Did the man work weekends too? She had been looking forward to the weekend, and Dustin’s arrival back in Rockport. She couldn’t wait to tell him about her job! Just wait until he finds out who I’m working for!
After a brief hesitation, Slade spoke. “I realize that I haven’t been able to give you much guidance, with all the meetings that were scheduled for these past two weeks, and next week doesn’t look much better. I would like to discuss the progress on each of the assignments on your list. How about over dinner, tomorrow night…if you’re free?” For the first time, Leah noticed that Slade seemed to be a little uncomfortable.
“Um, ok, sure, that will be fine.” Leah agreed, although the idea of having dinner alone with Slade sent her into a bit of a panic. Maybe time alone with him won’t be too uncomfortable, with the job assignments to discuss. Suddenly her face felt really hot and she prayed he didn’t pick up on that.
“Good, I’ll pick you up at six o’clock tomorrow evening, if that time is ok?” Leah was a little surprised that he hadn’t expected her to drive herself to meet him at a restaurant somewhere… but he’s probably afraid I’ll get lost again! So maybe that would be a good idea after all.
A sudden rustle outside the door caused them both to look up, expecting someone to appear in the doorway. As no one appeared, the silence became even more uncomfortable and Slade got out of the chair and walked out of the office, a concerned look now crossing his face. Leah, trying to shake it off, locked her computer and headed for the door as well. She and Slade appeared to be the last to leave, as all the offices she passed were bathed in darkness. Someone had to have still been there, we both heard it!
She drove through the exit gates of the facility with the unexpected dinner plans still running through her mind. Even though it was more of a work meeting and not a “dinner date”, she told herself, she still had things to do to prepare for Slade’s arrival at her home tomorrow evening. And what do you wear to a “work dinner”?
She had been on the main highway for a while, almost reaching the Rockport cutoff when she noticed a vehicle in her rear view mirror that seemed to have been behind her for quite some time. Passing slower moving traffic, the vehicle passed as well. She tried slowing down a bit to allow it to pass, but it also slowed down and moved out of sight behind another car. She continued on, and the vehicle seemed to stay about the same distance in her rear view mirror. This is really getting freaky…ok, stop being paranoid!
As she approached her exit, Leah turned rather abruptly onto the ramp, without signaling, intending to lose the other car by forcing it to continue on the highway. However, the head lights followed, quickly turning onto the off ramp as well, also without signaling. Someone is following me! She made a quick decision to stop at a convenience store…maybe they’ll just drive on! She held her cell phone close, ready to dial for help if needed. She walked into the store and watched from inside to see if the car passed, but it never came into view. After browsing for several minutes before leaving the store, she looked back in the direction from where she had driven. There were no vehicles in sight.
Keeping her eyes on her rear view mirror, Leah finally relaxed her grip on the wheel, feeling a little more at ease now that the car was no longer behind her. She continued on the road into Rockport, replaying the conversation with Slade and their upcoming dinner. This would be her first “date” since her broken engagement, some four months ago. Her thoughts drifted back to Craig. The relief she felt at breaking it off with him confirmed Mrs. Mullen’s revelation that she hadn’t been in love at all. He hadn’t made it very easy to walk away. Craig Warner was the kind who didn’t give up. Surely he wouldn’t have someone spying on me here!
Still lost in thought, she finally turned into her driveway. A car came into view; but instead of turning down her dead end road, the gray vehicle quickly turned around and sped off in the opposite direction. Chills ran down her spine, this was the same car she’d seen behind her on the freeway!
Now they know where I live! She tried to shake the thought by watching TV late into the evening. After checking and rechecking the locks on all the doors, Leah finally fell asleep on the couch.
By the time she opened her eyes, the morning was almost gone. The more she had tried not to worry about the vehicle that had followed her home, the more troubled she had become.
Dustin was scheduled to return home this weekend. It would be good to have a friend back in the area. Leah didn’t know whether to mention anything to him about the vehicle. There wasn’t much she could offer in the way of description, as the gray color made it blend into the highway. It had stayed far enough behind that she couldn’t identify its make, nor could she see the driver. She had no idea at what point it had arrived on the scene, as she had left C & A Enterprises far behind by the time she had suspected she was being followed.
Even now in the light of day, Leah tried to reassure herself. Could it even have been the same car at the end of this road as the one behind me on the cutoff? There was no vehicle in sight when I left the convenience store, so that car must have turned off somewhere. With that thought, she was able to dismiss the vehicle that turned around at the end of her road as a coincidence. There are a lot of gray cars on the road! Quit tripping!
She kept checking her cell phone texts awaiting news of Dustin’s arrival. The phone finally rang. She greeted the caller on the other end, “Hi, Stranger – I’ve missed you!”
“I’ve missed you too…” Leah looked at her cell phone screen in confusion, as the voice on the other end, although familiar, wasn’t the voice she had expected to hear. She felt a sick feeling of suffocation, as Craig Warner’s name glared on the screen back at her and hung up instinctively! It seemed that her old life…the life that Mrs. Mullen had helped her escape… was trying to pull her back! She flung open the door and stepped out of the house to get some fresh air. The tone signaled an insistent text message, “Leah, quit acting like a child. Call me back.”
“I asked you not to contact me!” She responded, having no desire to speak directly with Craig. He had not taken the break-up well. He had at first appeared hurt, but then became angry and bitter. By the time they had parted ways, Leah had no doub
t that marrying him would have been the worst mistake of her life. The persistent phone calls that followed confirmed Mrs. Mullen’s insistence that she move away. The texting continued…
“Leah, we need to talk.”
“Craig, we have nothing left to discuss.”
“Honey, I've taken care of mailing “Save the Date Cards.” My whole family will be in New Year’s Eve. Your dream venue has been reserved.”
“You did WHAT?”
She had made it very clear to him that the wedding would never happen, but she also knew it would be too humbling for Craig to explain that his bride-to-be had changed her mind, and “humble” wasn’t a word anyone would use to describe this man! But this was insane!
Craig went on to instruct her to “get her affairs in order, her head back on straight, and return to Florida.”
“Craig, you need to move on… I’m happy where I am.” In that instant Leah realized that she was indeed happy in Rockport. The earlier panic she had experienced, however brief, threatened to become her life again if she returned to Florida and to Craig. She knew now more than ever that she had made the right decision.
“You shouldn't have sent those out, I will NOT be there!” She turned her phone off, amazed at his audacity.
With five o’clock approaching, Leah was still trying to decide how to dress for the evening. Since this was a work related dinner she started to grab her little black dress, but then decided on a pair of nicely fitted jeans with a feminine tunic and a trendy scarf. She took extra care with her hair, and wore a little more make-up than usual, hoping she hadn’t overdone it.
It was six o’clock sharp when Leah answered Slade’s knock at her front door. Why am I so nervous? Dinner reservations had been made for six-thirty and they had to drive back to the city. Slade walked through the house checking out the repairs, then they were on their way. It was a nice change to see him in jeans, thank God I didn’t go with the black dress! The deep gray sweater seemed to soften his demeanor, a far cry from the arrogant, unapproachable tyrant she had met her first day in Rockport.