Back to the Future - 3 bttf-3 Read online

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  Marty: Indians! Argh!

  Marty turns around and heads away from them, but they are chasing him. Marty spots the cave Doc mentioned in 1955.

  Marty: The cave!

  Marty drives the DeLorean into the cave as the Indians leap over it. They seem to be riding away from something. Marty gets out and discovers what they were riding away from...

  Marty: Shit, the cavalry!

  Marty runs back into the cave as the Cavalry ride past. They don't see him. Once it is safe, Marty checks the DeLorean. There is an arrow in the side of the car.

  Marty: Damn, I ripped the fuel line.

  Marty pulls the arrow out and some of the gas starts dripping out. Marty's reckless driving over rocks has damaged the fuel line. He goes back into the car and pulls out the photo of the tombstone, the boots Doc gave him and the letter. We cut to behind Marty, as we hear a growl. Marty turns around to see a big bear heading for him.

  Marty: Argh! Argh!

  The bear roars again and stands up on its hind legs.

  Marty: Argh! Argh! Argh! Whoo! Whoo!

  Marty runs out of the cave away from the bear. It's following him - obviously he wants a McFly in his soup! LOL. Marty throws his boots to the bear. It stops and sniffs them, allowing Marty to run away. Marty isn't looking where he is going as he runs - he is still looking at the bear - and trips, sliding down a hill.

  Marty: Uh!

  Marty crashes into a fence at the bottom of the hill and is knocked out. A man, SEAMUS, comes running towards Marty. He looks a bit like Marty (Seamus and Marty are both played by Michael J Fox). Seamus slaps Marty's face to see if he is awake, and then calls to his wife. He speaks with an Irish accent.

  Seamus: Maggie! Fetch some water, we got a hurt man here!

  Cut to a darkened room. Marty is in a bed, and slowly wakes up. A woman, MAGGIE (Seamus' wife) is next to him. She looks a bit like Lorraine (both Lorraine and Maggie are played by Lea Thompson).

  Marty: Mom...Mom, is that you?

  Maggie: There, there now, you've been asleep for nearly 6 hours now.

  Marty: I had this horrible nightmare. It was terrible. I dreamed I was in a western...I was being chased by Indians. And a bear.

  Maggie: Well, you're safe and sound, here now at the McFly farm.

  Marty: McFly farm! Argh!

  Marty sits up suddenly to find he is in a log cabin. Maggie is sitting on a chair near the bed.

  Marty: Well you're my-my - my... Who are you?

  Maggie: Name's McFly. Maggie McFly.

  Marty: McFly. Maggie.

  Maggie: That's Mrs McFly, and don't you be forgetting the Mrs! And what might your name be sir?

  Marty: Well, it's Mc...(covering) Eastwood...uh...Clint...Clint Eastwood?

  Marty grins sheepishly. Maggie speaks to him in a no-nonsense tone.

  Maggie: You hit your head, Mr Eastwood. Not too serious, but lucky for you Seamus found you when he did.

  Marty: (half to himself) Seamus.

  Maggie: Me husband.

  Maggie gets up to leave.

  Maggie: You'll be excuse me Mr Eastwood, while I tend to William.

  Marty realises who William is - his great grandfather!

  Marty: William.

  Marty gets out of bed, and after checking that he still has his pants on, he follows Maggie into the main room to see her holding a crying baby.

  Marty: That's William?

  Maggie: Aye! William Shaun McFly, the first of our family to be born in America! Ahh, its OK Will! Here's Mr Clint Eastwood...this is him.

  Marty takes William and he stops crying!

  Maggie: He already likes you, Mr Eastwood.

  The front door opens and Seamus comes in.

  Seamus: Maggie, I got supper.

  He puts a dead deer on the table.

  Later on, Seamus, Maggie and Marty are eating their meal.

  Seamus: I'm not one to pry into a man's personal affairs but how is it that you came to be way out here, without a horse? Or boots? Or a hat?

  Marty: Well my car - (covering) horse broke down and buried my boots. And I guess I just forgot my hat.

  Maggie: How could you forget a thing like your hat? Would you like some water?

  Marty: Yeah, thanks.

  Maggie pours Marty a pink liquid - Marty stares at it. During the following he also spits seeds from the bread onto his plate.

  Seamus: I'll tell you what I'll do, Mr Eastwood. I'll help you find your blacksmith friend. You can stay the night in the barn. And tomorrow, I'll take you as far as the railroad tracks, you can follow them straight on in into town. I'll even give you a hat.

  Maggie puts down her plate and crosses herself in a Catholic way.

  Marty: That's great. Thanks.

  William starts to cry again, and Seamus goes and picks him up.

  Seamus: Ahh. Woogie William. Woogie William. Oh, yes. (to Marty) I think you'll find the barn comfortable. I've never had any complaints about it from the pigs.

  Seamus laughs at his own joke, like Marty's brother Dave does in 1985.

  Maggie: Seamus. A word with you.

  Seamus: Aye. (to Marty) Will you hold him for a minute?

  Seamus gives William to Marty and follows Maggie into the corner of the room to talk.

  Maggie: You sure you're not after bringing a curse on this house, taking him in like that? Such a strange young man.

  Seamus: Aye, but I've just got a feeling about him Maggie. It's the right thing to do. It's important. Look how the baby takes to him. Little Will never takes to strangers. It's almost as if.....he's connected to us.

  Cut to Marty talking to William.

  Marty: Hey, Will. So you're my great-grandfather...the first McFly born in America.

  Marty lifts William up and sees urine dripping down his (Marty's) legs.

  Marty: And you peed on me.

  SEPTEMBER 3, 1885

  Hill Valley train station. Marty walks onto the platform, through the building and down the street. He passes "Honest Joe Statler - Fine Horses" which is on the future site of Statler Toyota in 1985. He also passes a butcher and a bathhouse where 2 MEN are talking.

  Man 1: Give me some soap, Frank.

  Frank: Here you go.

  Marty continues down the street. He walks underneath a banner - "Hill Valley Festival September 5th, 1885" - and as an "A Jones" manure wagon drives past, Marty catches sight of the Hill Valley Courthouse - under construction!

  Horse Driver: Hiyah!

  Marty narrowly escapes being hit by a horse and carriage - stepping in horse "whoopsies" as he does so. Marty stares at his boots, before spotting the Palace Saloon on the future site of Lou's Cafe (1955), Lou's Aerobic Studio (1985) and the Cafe 80's (2015). Marty goes inside. The bartender, CHESTER, is at the counter wiping a glass. Three OLD TIMERS are sitting at a table (they are played by 3 Western film veterans!). They all see Marty and notice his outfit.

  Old Timer 1: Take a look at what just breezed in the door.

  Old Timer 2: Why, I didn't know the circus was in town!

  Old Timer 3: Looks like he got that shirt off a dead Chinese.

  They laugh. Marty walks up to Chester.

  Chester: What'll it be, stranger?

  Marty: Uh...I'll water.

  Old Timer 1: Ice water?

  They all laugh again.

  Chester: Water? You want water, you better go dunk your head in the horse trough back there. In here, we pour whiskey.

  He pours Marty a small glass. Marty just stares at it.

  Marty: Excuse me. I'm trying to find a blacksmith.

  Buford: (v.o) Hey McFly... thought I done told you never to come in...

  As Marty turns around to see who said his name, he sees a mean looking cowboy with a gang of 3 others at the door to the saloon. He doesn't know it yet but is' BIFF'S great grandfather from the "Biff Tannen Museum" video in 1985-A - BUFORD "MAD DOG" TANNEN!

  Buford: Hey, you ain't Seamus McFly. You look like him though. 'Specially
with that dawg ugly hat.

  The gang laugh and Marty rolls his eyes before taking it off.

  Buford: You kin to that hay barber? What's your name, dude?

  Marty: Uh...Martin..

  Just before he says "McFly", he remembers the name he told Seamus and Maggie.

  Marty: Eastwood. Clint Eastwood.

  Buford: What kind of stupid name is that?

  Gang Member 1: I'd say he's the runt of the litter.

  Gang Member 2 walks over to Marty and looks at Marty's teeth.

  Gang Member 2: Take a look, see these pearly whites! I ain't seen teeth that straight weren't store bought.

  Gang Member 3: Take a look at them moccasins. What kind of skins is them? What's that writing mean? (reading the "Nike" on Marty's trainers) Neekay...what is that, some sort of Injun talk or something?

  Chester begins pouring out whiskey for Buford, but with a little help from his gun barrel Buford stops him.

  Buford: Bartender, I'm looking for that no good cheating blacksmith. You seen him?

  Chester: (scared) No, sir, Mr Tannen, I have not.

  Marty realises who Buford is now.

  Marty: (to himself) Tannen. (to Buford) You're Mad Dog Tannen.

  Buford: Mad Dog?

  Chester, the Old Timers and everyone else in the saloon hides, except Marty who doesn't know what's going on.

  Buford: I hate that name. I hate it, you hear? Nobody calls me Mad Dog! 'Specially not some, duded-up, egg sucking, guttertrash.

  Buford shoots at Marty's feet. Marty manages to jump out of the way in time.

  Marty: Argh!

  Buford: Dance!

  He fires at Marty again.

  Buford: Come on!

  He fires at Marty again, whilst the Gang Members laugh hysterically.

  Buford: Come on, runt, you can dance better than that!

  So Marty does. He dances - the Moonwalk.

  Marty: Uh... uh... Billy Jean is not my lover - whoo!

  Marty jumps onto the end of a wooden plank. On the other end are barrels - and they fly through the air, landing on Buford! Very angry, Buford pulls out his gun again and shoots Marty - but luckily for Marty Buford is out of ammo! Marty tries to get out, tripping by the Old Timer's table.

  Old Timer 1: You better run, squirrel!

  Buford: Y'all get him!!!

  Marty climbs over tables and chairs and gets past Buford by swinging over the chandelier. Once back on the ground, he runs out, chased by Buford and his gang, who get on their horses.

  Marty: Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah!

  Buford and his gang quickly catch up with Marty. Buford lassoes a rope over Marty's neck, dragging him to the Courthouse. Marty knocks into some of the panels on the unfinished building.

  Marty: Argh!

  The gang fire shots into the air and laugh. Buford starts to "hang" Marty.

  Buford: We got ourselves a new courthouse...high time we had a hanging!

  Marty: Oh, oh God!

  The noose is tightened. Marty puts his hand between his neck and the noose so he won't suffocate. Buford and his gang are laughing loudly. Neither they - nor Marty - see a tall man with a long coat approach them.

  Buford: Haven't had a hanging in a long time!

  The man gets out a gun. From the hair, we can see it is - DOC BROWN! Doc fires a gun at the rope, and Marty, saved, falls to the ground. Buford and his gang turn to Doc. He's now aiming his gun at them!

  Doc: It'll shoot the fleas off a dogs back at 500 yards, Tannen, and its pointed straight at your head!!

  Buford slowly rides over to Doc.

  Buford: You owe me money, blacksmith.

  Doc: How do ya figure?

  Buford: My horse threw his shoe. Seeing' you was the one who done the shoeing, I figures you was responsible.

  Doc: Well since you never paid me for the job, I say that makes us even!

  Buford: Wrong! See I was on my horse when he threw his shoe and I got throwed off. And that just caused me to bust a perfectly good bottle of fine Kentucky Redeye. So the way I figure, blacksmith, you owe me $5 for the whiskey, and $75 for the horse.

  Marty realises this adds up to $80 - the amount of money Doc was killed for!

  Marty: (to himself, hoarsely) That's eighty dollars!

  Doc: Look, if your horse threw his shoe, bring him back and I'll reshoe him!

  Buford: But I shot that horse!

  Doc: Well that's your problem, Tannen!

  Buford: Wrong. That's yours. So from now on, you better be looking behind you when you walk. 'Cause one day you gonna get a bullet in your back. (to his gang) Let's go!

  They leave. Marty and Doc are now alone.

  Marty: Doc...

  Doc: Marty! I gave you explicit instructions not to come here but to go back directly to 1985.

  Marty: I know Doc, but I had to co-

  Doc: But its good to see you, Marty.

  They hug.

  Doc: Marty, you're gonna have to do something about those clothes. You walk around town dressed like that and you're liable to get shot.

  Marty makes a gesture around his neck.

  Marty: Or hanged.

  Doc: What idiot dressed you in that outfit?

  Marty claps his hand on Doc's shoulder and smiles.

  Marty: You did.

  Cut to Doc's blacksmith workshop. It is full of the necessary things he needs for the job and also with a few inventions. Whilst Marty changes into real 19th Century clothes, Doc examines the tombstone with his magnifying glass.

  Doc: (reading) "Shot in the back by Buford Tannen over a matter of 80 dollars!" September 7th! That's this Monday! Now I wish I'd paid him off. And whose this beloved Clara? I don't know anyone named Clara.

  Marty: I dunno, Doc. I thought maybe she was a girlfriend of yours.

  Doc looks at Marty as if Marty just said something very silly.

  Doc: Marty. My involvement in such a social relationship, here in 1885, the result is a disruption of the space-time continuum. As a scientist, I can never take that risk, certainly not after we've already been through.

  Mayor Hubert: (o.s) Emmett! Ho, Emmett!

  Doc looks out the door.

  Doc: Hubert! (to Marty) It's the mayor!

  MAYOR HUBERT comes just inside the door.

  Mayor Hubert: Excuse me Emmett. You remember last week at the town meeting when you volunteered to meet the new school teacher at the station after she came in?

  Doc: Oh yes, quite so.

  Mayor Hubert: Well, we just got word she's coming in tomorrow. Here are the details for you. Thanks for all your help.

  He hands Doc a piece of paper.

  Doc: Anytime, Hubert!

  Mayor Hubert: Oh, her name's Miss Clayton. Clara Clayton.

  As Mayor Hubert leaves, Doc realises who Clara is!

  Marty: Well, Doc, now we know who Clara is.

  Doc: Marty. It's impossible. The idea that I could fall in love at first sight? It's romantic nonsense. There's no scientific rationale to that.

  Marty laughs.

  Marty: C'mon, Doc, it's not science. You meet the right girl, it just hits ya; it's like lightning.

  Doc: Marty, please don't say that!

  Marty: That's the way it was for me and Jennifer. Man, we couldn't keep our eyes off each other! God, Jennifer, damn! I hope she's alright, Doc. I can't believe we just left her there on the porch!

  Doc: Don't worry, Marty, she'll be fine. When you burned the almanac in 1955, the normal timeline was restored. That means once we're back in 1985, you just have to go over to her house to wake her up.

  One of the giant machines - Doc's invention - begins making noises.

  Doc: Oh, Marty, turn that valve over there all the way to the right. Yeah, turn it all the way around. OK, let's go!

  The machine rattles, and a small brown cube similar to ice shoots out of a tube. Doc has put a plate there to catch it. Doc puts the ice into a cup of tea. He offers it to Marty.

  Doc: Iced tea?

Marty: No, thanks.

  As Doc takes a sup from the cup, Marty looks at the giant machine.

  Marty: It's a refrigerator!

  Doc: Well, I guess Miss Clayton will have to find other transportation.

  He turns to face Marty.

  Doc: If I never meet the woman, there's no possibility of a romantic infatuation, right?

  Marty: You're the Doc, Doc.

  Doc: Alright then. Let's get the DeLorean and get ourselves back to the future!

  He puts his hat on. Marty speaks quite casually in the next line.

  Marty: Oh Doc, I tore a hole in the gas tank. We'll have to patch it up and get gas.

  Doc freezes and his expression changes. Something is wrong. Something Marty isn't aware of.

  Doc: You mean we're out of gas?

  Marty: Yeah, no big deal, we got Mr Fusion, right?

  Doc: Mr Fusion powers the time circuits and the flux capacitor. But the internal combustion engine runs on ordinary gasoline, it always has. There's not going to be a gas station around here until sometime in the next century. Without gasoline, we can't get the DeLorean up to 88 miles per hour.

  Marty: So what'll we do?

  SEPTEMBER 4,1885

  Cut to the area outside Hill Valley. The DeLorean is being pulled by horses. Doc and Marty sit on the roof. Doc has a whip in his hand. Marty is reading the speed off of Doc's digital speedometer.

  Marty: Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!

  Doc: Ya! Ya!

  Marty: (re: speed) 24!

  Doc: It's no use Marty! Even the fastest horse in the world can't run more than 35 or 40 miles an hour. (to horses) Ya! Ya! Ya!

  Cut back to Doc's shop. Doc is pouring some liquid into the DeLorean and Marty is inside it.

  Marty: (re: liquid) Bartender says that's the strongest stuff they got.

  Doc: Try it, Marty.

  Marty tries to start the car, but it stalls. There is a strange noise coming from the back of the car.

  Doc: Need more gas...

  BOOM! The fuel injection manifold breaks off the back of the DeLorean.

  Doc: Damn! It blew the fuel injection manifold. Strong stuff all right. It'll take me a month to rebuild it.

  Marty: A month? Doc, you're gonna get shot on Monday!

  Doc moves to a window. Outside we can see the railway station. Next to the window is a calendar with the date - September 4th 1885 - on it. Doc turns around to face Marty again.