Silence of the Geisha Horror: Yukis Revenge Read online

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  “To travel and friendship,” She agreed, clinking her glass to his before drinking a mouthful. It was delicious, that was for sure, but she was determined not to drink too much more. She was beginning to think that she would need to have all of her senses at optimum levels to deal with this swaggering English judge.

  “So, other than the great burden of justice you carry, what do you do when you are not saving the day?”

  That got him smiling again. “Like I’ve said, I like to travel, explore. I thoroughly enjoy tasting everything a city has to offer.”

  “How cultured of you,” She murmured, ignoring the blatant innuendo.

  “I try my best. I find stagnation to be the death of many things. Progress, morale, an ambitious man.”

  “It is a funny contradiction, isn’t it; that humans fear change so much, but require that same change not to go mad?”

  “Very philosophical of you, Sakura.”

  “I do enjoy such conundrums. They can turn the most banal day into an exciting mystery.”

  “And do you enjoy excitement, Miss Sakura?”

  “I have indulged in the occasional thrill, but I hardly pursue adrenaline like some adventurers. I prefer to read legends of exploits rather than live through them myself.”

  “You’re a cautious woman.”

  “I prefer to think of myself as an intellectual and entertainer, rather than the hero of a tale.”

  “And interesting way to market yourself.”

  “Everyone wants an oracle, few want an attacker.”

  “How astute.”

  And then their entrees arrived and the two slipped into a comfortable silence as they ate the rich food.

  They finished the fare quickly enough and soon he was escorting her out. They pulled out onto the main drag, and Yuki realized that they were not going the direction the club was in.

  “Do you need me to turn on the gps, Mr. Buck?”

  “No. I know what I'm doing.”

  “Pardon, I do not mean to insult. I must have gotten turned around, because I swore the club was in the other direct-”

  “Relax, I got this.” He snapped.

  Yuki shrunk back in her seat, surprised at the sudden change in tone from respectful gentleman to condescending asshole. She looked out the window to see they were on the highway, still going away from the club.

  “I'm not sure if mother explained the rules to you, but we are to return directly to the club after our date finishes. Should you wish to schedule more events, which can be done through the lobby telephone.”

  “I've tastes escorts from every corner of the world. I know the rules, Sakura.”

  “I am not an escort, Mr. Buck. I am a hostess. I'm sure someone as cultured as you knows the difference.”

  “Tomato, Tomahto.”

  “No, not tomato, tomahto. I do not sleep with my clients. Please return me to the club immediately.” They pulled off an exit with tall trees on either side. Yuki's alarm bells started to ring and she pulled at the handle of the door.

  The child safety lock was engaged.

  “Mr. Buck. I do not find this amusing. Please, return me to the club, this instant.”

  “Calm yourself. Look, I'm slowing down. Take a breath.”

  They were indeed slowing down, but he was pulling into a secluded, wooded area. She was certain that they had to be at the very outskirt of the city.

  Eyes darting around, she saw two figures emerge from the treeline. Dark, and foreboding. She tried to formulate some sort of threat, or bribe, but no words came out. Why did she suddenly feel so dizzy? And warm? And why were her limbs suddenly so heavy.

  “ drugged me,” She gasped, breathily.

  “Just relax. Don't fight it.”

  The edges of her world grew fuzzy, then dark. She pawed at the door again, as if it would magically open for her, but it didn't give way before she fell into darkness.


  42% of raped women expect to be raped again.

  Consciousness hit her like a ton of bricks, but her body wouldn't rouse as quickly as her mind. Her thoughts raced, a jumble of pictures and fragmented thoughts, but her eyes struggled to open.

  “Hey, look who joined the world of the living.”

  She groaned, and tried to stretch out, but her limbs were locked into place. After several moments, she gathered enough coherency to realize she was tied up, and in a truck, with three figures looming over her.

  “What...?” She groaned, blinking rapidly. She caught the glint of something metallic and glassy in the corner of her vision. Was...was that a camera?

  “Shhh, Sakura. It's okay. How are you feeling?”

  “Mr. Buck?” She moaned. “What...what's going on? Who are these people?”

  “Ah, how could I be so rude. Sakura, this is Jean-Luc and Thomas. Friends of mine that wanted to meet you.”

  “I...I don't understand. I want to go home.”

  His hand lashed out before she could react, and a power smack sent her crashing deeper into the trunk.

  The trio of man laughed, while Yuki struggled to take in everything that was happening. The drugs were wearing off but she was still having a difficult time holding onto longer trains of thought.

  “Stop, please. I'm sorry for whatever I did. Please let me go home.”

  “Home? But we planned a whole night together. Aren't you excited?”

  “What? No, please...I...I don't want to.”

  Suddenly strong fingers buried themselves in her hair and yanked her up. “Shut up. We don't care what you want.”

  She was hauled out of the trunk and sat on the lip. Her shoes were gone, and it was cold. Odd things to think about while she was in such danger, but her mind was flinging off in million different directions.

  “Now listen here, Sakura,” Buck cooed, voice edged and dangerous. “We just want to have a good time. So you're going to cooperate and be a good little girl, right?”

  Ah, there it was. The infantilization. She had known it was too good to be true.

  Anger bubbled up in her, a hot spike against the fuzziness of the drug. Buck's face grew closer to hers, and before she could quite think it out, she head-butted him with all the might her semi-asleep body could muster.

  Buck stumbled back, cursing, and the one with the camera backhanded her. His ring cut into the side of her cheek, and the pain broke through the haze clouding her faculties.

  “That was not very nice, Sakura.” Buck spat, gripping her chin with crushing force. She whimpered, but could say little else. “This will go a lot easier for you, if you behave. You understand?”

  “I’m sorry,” She whispered, lowering her gaze to his feet. Her cheeks burned red as she realized exactly what these three men intended. It was her worst nightmare, realized.

  “Are we going to be a good girl now?” She nodded yet again. “Good, because we are so very busy and don’t want to waste any more time on discipline. Understood?”

  “I-I understand.”

  “Good,” The corner of his mouth went up ever so slightly. He roughly turned her around, banging her shins into the edge of the car trunk. For a moment, she wondered what he was doing, until her bonds hit the soft earth at her feet and she was faced forward again.

  The three men towered over her, intimidating and merciless. Yuki had never felt so small, and exposed. Was this what a rabbit felt in the gaze of a wolf pack?

  “Now strip.”

  The startled look on her face must have been hilarious, because Bucks grin only grew more wolfish.

  “W-what?” She sputtered, half confused, half incredulous.

  “Disrobe. Undress. Strip.” He leaned away from her, allowing her to stumble a few feet to the side. “Don't make me repeat myself again.”

  She stood there, frozen, but her mind was racing like a formula one engine. “…no.” She whispered finally.

  “I thought so.” He made a sweeping gesture. “Proceed.”

  Her hands trembled as she brought them u
p to her sides, unsure of where even to start. She had never felt so ugly and helpless as she did under their unwavering gaze and that cursed video camera. But they all knew there was going to be no mercy here. So she drew a deep breath, and reached for the hem of her dress.

  Internally, she bemoaned her normal lack of layers she wore in her day to day life. Or even her tea ceremonies. But all she had was her clingy black dress, and that was going to be quick work in a few tense seconds.

  Yuki had always have a love-hate relationship with her body, she knew since she hit puberty, and her skin had cleared, then her hair had grown in right, and her stomach had lost its final bit of baby fat, that many people had found her attractive. She never had issues getting dates, and she knew her looks had contributed to her success at the club. But she had never felt uglier than in this moment.

  Then the dress went over her head, and she relished the split second she was out of the trio's intense stares. But then the cloth was gone and she

  was down to just her underthings -lacy black bits of nothing that helped her feel confident for a night at work.

  But now they did the opposite. She crossed her arms over her chest, tucking her hands into the crooks of her elbows in a vain effort to stop her trembling. She gave her captors her most pleading look, begging them not to make her remove her only remaining scraps of protection.

  Buck raised his eyebrow and the corner of his mouth curled even higher.

  No mercy.

  It took Yuki all of her strength to hook her thumbs into the band of her black panties and pull down. They dropped noiselessly, revealing a curly dark mass. For once she was relieved that she was too busy with school, clinicals and work to shave, and only trimmed. The ebony curls gave her one last shield against their malicious, prying eyes.

  And finally was her bra. It seemed almost comical that she was debating whether to undo the clasp behind her back or just haul it over her head. Did it matter? In the horror she was about to face, did she really care about how she disrobed?

  She yanked it over her head violently, and threw it to the ground.

  “Much better.”

  Yuki stared past them, willing herself to believe that she was alone and that they weren't there, appraising her like sharks. Or wolves. Or just vile, vicious predators.

  “Isn't she cute?” Buck asked, tone degrading and making her skin crawl.

  “Yeah, but she's got some attitude on her face.”

  “You know, you're right.”

  His fist lashed out again, too fast for her to see, and the next thing she knew she was on the ground, lip bleeding. Before she could recover, a boot connected to her side, driving the air from her lungs. She let out a cry, and tried to curl into a ball, but another foot -from someone else-landed on her spine.

  This time she screamed, and tried to roll away, but someone gripped her hair again and pulled her towards them.

  She stilled, and tried to catch her breath. Julian orbited her twice, each step its own personal threat of violence, before halting in front of her. She bet that if she looked up, that goddamn smirk was going to be on his face again.

  “Get on your knees.”

  Yuki's legs followed the command of their own accord.

  “Now crawl to me.”

  The shaking had progressed from Yuki's hands to her whole body, but somehow she moved forward a bit, and then a little more, until she was just a few inches away from him.

  “Perfect. You're doing good, Sakura.” She stared at the dirt, wishing it would open up and swallow her whole. Anything to get away.

  His hands found her hair again, but this time it was scratching instead of ripping. That dragged on for several seconds, tension filling the air and dread pooled in her stomach. Eventually, one of the men -Thomas, was it?- shuffled impatiently and Buck let go of her hair.

  Only for his hand to go to the zipper of his pants.

  Yuki stared up at him, unable to fight the tears pricking at her eyes as fear and hatred rushed through her. “Please,” She whispered, hoping, praying he would find a strand of decency within him.

  “Don't get boring now, Sakura. You do this and this will all be over that much sooner.”

  Yuki shook her head emphatically and licked her lips. “No.”

  “Fine then. Jean-Luc?”

  A boot arced up into her job and she was on the ground again, pain exploding through her skull. Blood dribbled down her chin and she desperately checked to make sure none of her teeth were broken. Before she could ascertain her condition, the camera man roughly hauled her up again.

  Panting, her shoulders slumped forward, and she felt the last bits of her pride slip.

  Defiance dwindling away, Yuki swallowed the blood pooling in her mouth and rose onto her haunches. Carefully, she reached towards the zipper between his legs. Tentatively, her fingers brushed against the button. It came undone relatively easily, and she could feel him harden and twitch below her knuckles.

  Forcing herself to breathe, she loosened his trousers enough to pull aside the fabric. She tried not to look at him as she pulled it out, but she could feel the heat and firmness of him in her palm. She sat there for a moment, hand at the base of the length, but unsure what else to do.

  Another kick to her ribs jolted her into action.

  Biting her tongue, she forced saliva to the front of her mouth. Resisting the instinct to vomit and run, the Asian woman opened her jaw and did the only thing she could do.

  She bit down.


  Several things happened at once. She was flung back onto the damp grass, and Buck staggered away, screaming curses. Blood started to well up from his nail mark on her face, but she didn’t have time to care. The judge had righted himself and was now staring bloody murder at me.

  “You will pay for that.” He hissed, voice shaking with fury.

  She didn’t have a response, and didn’t really need one, because his fist flew towards her head. It landed with an eruption of pain, and she felt her skull bounce against a root on the ground, turning her vision into a swirling miasma.

  “You little bitch!” Surprisingly, it was Thomas who spat the insult. She tried to turn to face him, but he stepped onto one of her hands, bearing down with all his weight.

  Yuki screamed again, heading cracking and crunching. Her hands were her livelihood! She was supposed to be a neurosurgeon. You couldn't be a neurosurgeon with bad hands!

  She cried with relief when he finally pulled his foot away, and she was hauled back onto her knees. Buck stood before her, still livid, and slapped her. Twice. Three times. Then a fourth. When her head was handing down weakly against her chest, he finally gave her a reprieve, re positioning himself so his member was once again in front of her. “Take it into your mouth. And if you bite it, I will kill you, right here. Right now.”

  She hesitated for a split second, but cooperated. He thrust forward violently, and she fought not to gag. Between the blood and the swelling and pain, it was much harder to stretch mher mouth around it than it should have been.

  Yuki bobbed up and down on his length, trying to keep her tongue moving in different patterns. It wasn’t so bad if she just thought about it like some strange challenge she could defeat. Detach herself. Like a surgeon from an operation. Maybe she could just close her eyes and pretend this wasn’t rape.

  But then both of his hands were fisting in her hair and he was thrusting even harder. Yuki's hands curled on his thighs, but he paid no attention to her feeble scratching. Several grunts sounded from his mouth, as his pace turned from measured to frenzied. She was almost certain she was going to vomit when he roughly threw her to the ground.

  “That was close,” He said breathlessly, shooting his compatriots a smarmy expression. “Be careful she doesn't get you off too soon. The night had just begun.

  And then Thomas was gripping her head and forcing her towards his own member. Yuki tried to turn her head away, to resist, but her strength was gone, and he used her just as Buck had

  She had no idea how long the torture stretched on, but then Thomas was gone and it was Jean-Luc violating her. Her mind went to some other place, far away, but she was still cognizant as he pulled viciously on her hair or slapped the side of her face.

  Unlike the others, there was no abrupt pull-away, and she was startled as warn liquid filled her mouth.

  “Swallow it.” Buck ordered. “All if it.”

  Yuki had no choice but to gulp it down, and when it stopped, Jean-Luc finally let her go. She fell to the forest floor, coughing and hacking, but alive.

  But who knew for how long?

  Buck was closing in on her again, eyes gleaming with excitement. For a moment Yuki marveled at the cruelty that laid within the crystal blue orbs. She had dealt with bullies, and liars, and jerk, but never someone who wanted to so thoroughly destroy every part of her.

  He lashed out so hard, the force spun Yuki away from him, then his hand was on the back of her neck, slamming her face first into the lip of the trunk of the car. Her hands tried to wiggle under her, to push her up, and her toes pressed into the dirt, but Buck held her fast.

  “The lesson's not over yet.”

  “Please, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” She wheezed, barely able to move her head to the side enough to speak. “Please, stop. Just...stop.”

  “Shut up, whore. I bought you for the night. You're mine!” The judge straightened behind her then brought his palm down flat on her back. The resounding smack echoed through the forest, and she tried not to wail. If his other hand wasn’t pinning her in place, she would have rolled away from him, but he kept her still while he delivered blow after blow.

  Finally, when she was a shivering mass of raw skin, he moved around her. For a moment she actually thought he was giving her a reprieve, but then he kicked her legs farther apart, and she heard him adjust himself.

  He slammed into her without warning, and Yuki screamed louder than she ever had in her life. Yet again broken sobs escaped from her throat, following each thrust of his hips, the pain only amplified by her pelvis being bashed repeatedly into the car. He kept his grip on her neck, but used his roaming hand to anchor into the curve of her waist, pulling her backwards onto his impaling length.