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- Aurelia Fray
Naughty Bedtime Stories: Second Chances Page 4
Naughty Bedtime Stories: Second Chances Read online
Page 4
“Name your price,” said the king. “I will give you treasures in exchange for it. It is a gift for my precious daughter, Princess Ruby. Only the purest of flowers may grace her sweet head.”
“I don’t want treasure, only your promise to give me the first thing that meets you on your way to the castle,” the wolf replied with a smile of the purest white teeth.
The king nodded. “I am miles from home, we are certain to meet a wild animal or a bird on the road. I promise. The first thing that meets me will be yours.”
The wolf nodded and padded his way to the carriage, where he dipped his head and allowed the king to pull the wreath from his head. The king was so enchanted with the flowers that he failed to notice when the carriage rolled past the palace gates with the white wolf strolling alongside.
“My Lord, Father!” called the youngest princess. It was her tradition to meet her father at the gates each time he returned home. Precious Ruby’s eyes were bright as he stepped from the carriage with the wreath of white, but when she saw the sadness in his eyes she grew frightened.
“Dearest Ruby, you must go with the white wolf, for I was tricked into a promise and as a man and a king, I must honor my promises.” The king wept bitterly as he placed the wreath upon her head.
The princess hugged her father, his tears breaking her heart into tiny, sharp fragments. “I understand, Father. Please don’t weep for we will see each other again.”
The white wolf gently closed his mouth over her arm and swung the princess onto his back and took her into the forest. To his delight and surprise, she did not weep and wail. Instead the princess looked at the passing forest in silent wonder.
“Why do you stare at the forest?” the wolf asked.
“I have never been outside of the palace gates.”
“Hold tight, precious Ruby, and I will show you things you have never dreamt of.” The wolf threw his head back and howled as she curled her fingers into his fur. He ran, and ran, until they came to a stately manor house surrounded by thick forest.
“This is your home?” the princess asked as he knelt to allow her to dismount.
“It is our home,” the wolf replied.
The whisper of silk on bare flesh followed each step as the princess wove her way through the forest, a skip here and there, her steps were light and carefree. Midnight hued hair hung about her shoulders to the middle of her back. Curious, pale blue eyes searched for new discoveries and her rosy lips curled into smile.
The afternoon sun peeped through the green canopy of leaves, warming the path to the river. In the distance she saw the sunlight dancing upon the water, like a tumble of jewels on silk. She ran toward the water until her slippered feet were forced to tread lightly between fallen logs and rocks.
The sounds of water grew louder as she approached the waterfall and its forbidden cave—the one place the white wolf forbad her to visit. After nearly a year with him, it was also only remaining area of the forest and manor house that she had not thoroughly explored. Drawing up her courage, she set her feet upon the stony path to the grotto. The mist rolled out around her as she neared the falling water. Almost there… a few more feet to travel and she would be in the cave behind the falling water.
A creature growled a warning as she stepped into the misty darkness. Ruby's voice was thin as gossamer. "Who is there?"
A deep, slow voice rumbled in the stone beneath her feet, it hissed in her ears and vibrated through her heart. Something was moving toward her. She felt it nearer, only to startle at the voice so near her ear—a familiar voice. So close that his hot breath caressed her cheek. “I am here… precious Ruby. Why are you in the one place that I forbade in all of the forest? Do you know what happens to princesses who disobey?”
A chill ran through her as the white wolf inhaled her scent and exhaled his moist, warm breath along her arm. “Please, I did not mean to disturb you. I should not have come here.”
The wolf moved behind her, blocking her escape. “But you did… go ahead, step further in.”
The cave was dark as a moonless night. In the year she spent with the white wolf, she had never once been frightened. Though now, in this dark place she struggled to keep her breathes from coming too fast.
"I have missed the presence of a human female.” The wolf’s voice sounded different in the cave, less animal, yet more sinister somehow.
“I should go…I will instruct the servants to prepare a lovely dinner for you tonight. I will read to you by the fire, you enjoy it so." She turned with her arms before her to find him in the darkness.
She stopped moving as something hard and sharp pressed against her chest. It had to be his claw, though she dared not reach for him to be sure. “Why do you sound different? Are you ill?”
“I am hungry.” The sharp point slid down the front of her blouse, opening the silk from neck to naval.
Ruby’s voice trembled as she whispered, “Please, let me go see to dinner. I am a better companion than meal.”
He traced along the satin with that felt more like a human finger than the sharp edge of a claw. “I am not hungry for food, my love.”
Ruby reached forward to run her fingers through his thick fur, as she had done so many times before. The wolf hissed and moved away, leaving her searching the space between them. “I want to see you.”
“You have seen me many times.”
Ruby tilted her head to the side, he sounded distracted. A cool draft made her aware that her breasts were exposed. She gasped and pulled the fabric closed, surprised by the sharp intake of air from the white wolf. “Please, you are frightening me.”
“You need not be frightened of me, precious Ruby. We have been together for almost a year. In all that time have I ever hurt you?” he whispered from beside her.
Ruby raised her hand at her side, flexing her fingers until they brushed against him. “Where is your fur?”
“Here, in this cave, I am a man.” He pressed his hand to her belly, then slowly drew his fingers up her flesh until they grazed her breast.
"Will you let me see you? How do I know you are the white wolf, my wolf?" She batted his hand from her chest.
He grabbed her slender arm and turned her abruptly to face him. "Do you know my voice?”
“I do,” Ruby whispered.
“You would not know this face, if I shared it.” He brushed his lips across hers, lingering but for one moment, before they moved to her neck.
“Your touch is soft.” Ruby resisted the urge to raise her hands to his face, to see him with her fingers, if not with her eyes.
“Only because I don’t want to frighten you… I would prefer something much different.”
Ruby’s eyes grew wide, though his words thrilled her to her core. "You still have not told me what my punishment will be."
"So now you wish to discuss punishment?” His laughter filled the cave with the same deep rumble as his growl had moments before. “Come."
He took her hand as she gathered her shirt closed and hurried along after him. They wound deeper into the dark cave, until a soft glow began to light their way. Ruby dared a look at him but could only make out a strong jaw and light colored hair. He came to a stop at a rock jutting out from the wall, surrounded on either side by small natural pools. Steam rose from the calm surface, rippled each time a droplet of water fell from the stalactites above.
He looked her over slowly as she spoke in a quiet rumble. “Remove your blouse.”
Ruby’s cheeks turned a soft shade of pink as she slid the ruined silk from her shoulders. She dipped her chin and crossed her arms across her chest to protect her modesty.
“I promised you adventure on our first day together… Do you regret leaving your family and coming with me?” He watched her thoughtfully.
Ruby shook her head. “No. I miss my family, but I love my life here.”
He stepped forward and cupped her face with his hand, and lifted her chin until she met his gaze. Ruby stared int
o the stranger’s face with wide eyes. There was something hauntingly familiar in the human face. The eyes, the eyes belonged to the white wolf. He released her face and reached behind her and pulled the tie at the top of her simple wrap skirt. The thin fabric fell lightly at her feet.
"You asked of punishment?” His lips curled into a wolfish grin. “It will be quite pleasurable.”
“For you or for me?” Ruby laughed lightly to hide her uncertainty. Her heart hammered in her chest, but for the first time she felt a dull ache between her thighs. Butterflies filled her stomach and threatened to buckle her knees.
"We shall see." He reached out suddenly and pressed her back against the cold wet rock. She gasped and sucked in air, which permitted him to pin her ever harder. "Reach up and put your hands in the bindings.”
Ruby began to tremble in earnest. Her thin panties provided no protection at all from the rock or the chilled water on its surface. Fear replaced her earlier feelings of excitement. “I won’t run. Please, don’t chain me.”
"Reach up." He pushed on her stomach, forcing air from her and prompting her to stretch her hands up. Her hands slipped easily through the cuffs, so she reached higher and wrapped her fingers around the cold chains above the bindings.
The man’s fingers slowly and carefully dragged down the front of her chest, leaving her shivering. The chill brought goose bumps to her skin and hardened her nipples. Ruby met his hungry gaze and wondered, for the first time, if she would ever walk out of this cave.
“Do you still wish to see me as a wolf?” he asked curiously.
Ruby nodded. “Yes. I love the white wolf, he would never hurt me. If you are truly him, then show me.”
In the blink of an eye, the man was gone and the huge white wolf sat before her among the pile of his ruined clothes. Ruby exhaled a relieved breath. A growl rose from deep within the wolf, guttural, and thick enough to touch as it grew louder and traveled up through his body. He seemed to hold his breath a moment, then breathed out through his muzzle sending a hot blast of moist air upon her rounded breasts. She rattled the shackles as she turned her head and jerked away from the wolf. The idea that he would take her in wolf form forced a cry from her.
"Do you still prefer me as a wolf, my precious Ruby?” His voice thinned with humor that ended in a chuckle.
Ruby shook her head quickly.
“Close your eyes,” the white wolf said, still grinning.
She closed her eyes tightly, a moment later she felt human hands brush her face as he tied a piece of cloth over her eyes. She dared not speak, or ask why he blindfolded her. Instead she wrapped her fingers tighter around the chains and waited.
Ruby heard a snap from overhead and a moment later she felt his warm breath at her neck. His lips moved slowly across her flesh, then he drew her skin between his teeth and sucked gently. He pulled back and her skin cooled instantly. He pressed something cold and wet against her lips. It took her a moment to remember the icicles hanging from the tips of the stalactites. Her lips parted and he slid the ice into her mouth.
The ice was replaced with his mouth, this time he kissed her hard, crushing her lips as his tongue invaded her mouth. Ruby had seen men and women kiss at court in her father’s castle, but never had she seen a kiss like this. He devoured her mouth, making things low in her belly clench and ache.
His hand grasped her waist, while he traced a cold wet line across her bare neck and down to her breast. Her nipple instantly hardened beneath the ice, only to be warmed by his skillful tongue a moment later. She couldn’t catch her breath, each movement shocking her system with the quick change from icy chill to burning heat.
Now she understood why he hadn’t locked the shackles. She was grateful for them, as her hands gripped the chains until her knuckles were white. They were all that kept her standing.
The icy taper continued downward, pausing at her navel and painting a chilled circle. He breathed lightly upon it, further melting the ice, although her mounting body heat was thawing the thin scales of ice rather quickly. He ran his tongue around her belly button, then dragged his teeth over the curve of her hip bone.
Ruby turned her head to the side and buried her face in her arm, certain she would offend him if she cried out. Even though his breath was warm, the palm of his hand against her waist was comparatively hot. She felt him rise again and the brush of his hair against her cheek as his tongue roamed over her neck and traced her ear.
She felt his warm breath as she whispered impossibly low, "Ruby... your heartbeat has quickened, I hear it pounding in your chest and see the rise and fall of your breasts with each breath.” The last words mumbled as he kissed her neck again. She shivered then realized the melting ice taper was slipping between her thighs.
She braced herself for what she thought was next, but it only served to tighten her, making the entry of the ice a greater shock against the heat he had fueled within her. He didn’t pause, sliding the ice inside her opening until she cried out, rattling the shackles in the moment of frozen pain as he broke the thin membrane of her maidenhood.
Ruby squirmed as he began to work the ice in slow strokes, in and out of her body. She no longer cared about offending him, begging for it to stop. She twisted against the cuffs to free herself, but his hand held fast to her and his chest kept her pinned against the rock wall. She could barely hear his words for her mind was overcome with the extreme cold that began between her thighs and extended seemingly to her core.
"Shh... I will warm you soon enough, but first you will warm me."
Her voice was slow to rise from her throat. “How, anything, please, stop.” It was so difficult to think or form words with the ice melting between her thighs. Surely her warmth would melt it quickly, though not quickly enough.
He chuckled as he traced a path of kisses down her neck and between her breasts. He bit each nipple roughly suckling, as he gently raked a fingernail down the outline of her body sending chills down her spine.
“How... how shall I warm you?” her voice trembled.
His voice hissed in her ear again, “So eager to please… after nothing more than this?” His tongue lashed warmth beneath her ear as she felt the icicle slip from her body and his warmth move away, leaving her exposed.
Ruby’s trembling had changed to shaking, her entire body shivered from both the chill in the air and anticipation. She tried to answer, but her teeth chattered fiercely.
“You’re cold. Perhaps I should warm you first?”
She still could see nothing of him, yet she felt him shifting closer to her to her thighs. His hot breath trailed across her sex, making her jerk her hips back against the wall. His hands slid along her hips, to her inner thighs, easily parting her legs. His soft hair brushed across her naval, making her jerk again. His grip tightened, holding her in place.
His hot tongue snaked between her thighs as he held her in place. She held her breath and bit her lower lip to keep from speaking. This was... this was so wrong... people didn’t kiss each other like this, not there. His tongue lashed up through her soft folds and the warm smooth texture met her nub. Leaving her gasping and clinging to the chains.
She could barely hold on when his tongue began to work in earnest, moving in long, yet quick strokes over her slit, each time rolling over the tiny bundle of nerves. As he continued, he buried his face between her thighs and pulled her body forward. His warm labored breathing rolled over her skin while the heat of his agile tongue explored deeper inside. Her breasts heaved and stomach flexed as his work between her legs pushed her further into an abyss of pleasure. All decorum forgotten, she moaned against her arm.
His chuckle vibrated through her, his face still pressed between her thighs. He extracted his tongue abruptly, leaving an ache between her legs that stole her breath. It took a moment before she realized that he was undoing her blindfold. When she opened her eyes, he was looking at her with an amused expression.
“It is time for you to warm me."
“Now? Is t
here no more? I ache with need.” She looked at him, naked and uninhibited in his arousal. Her eyes widened a fraction before she turned her gaze to the wall beside her.
“Oh, so you want more?” He chuckled.
Ruby blushed deeply, embarrassed to think of what he must think of her. She lowered her lashes and dipped her chin. He stepped before her and cupped her face in his hand, then leaned in and claimed her mouth.
“You must never be ashamed of your desires.” He glanced around the cave and sighed. “I would make you warm all night, if I had a soft place to lay you down.”
“What about the soft grass near the river?” Ruby offered with a soft smile.
“I will become a wolf the moment I step out of this cave.” He frowned and looked at her, as if seeing her for the first time. He reached up and eased her hands from the cuffs, rubbing her wrists gently.
“Where do you sit or rest while you are here?” Ruby glanced about the dimly lit cave.
“I sit on the rocks or bathe in the pools. I do not sleep here. I sleep in the manor house, in a bed, beside you.” He grinned as he watched her contemplate.
“Perhaps we could stand, as before?”
"So determined to find a place to make love? You must have enjoyed my tongue.” His low voice vibrated through the cave and radiated through her body.
He retrieved the remnants of his clothing and spread them on a relatively flat rock, then lifted her and set her on the edge and knelt before her. Ruby drew her lower lip between her teeth, unsure if she should lie back. He parted her knees and moved between her thighs, then rested his palm on her chest and pushed gently as he dipped his head lower. She leaned back on her elbows, her head falling blissfully back as he sucked her nub between his teeth.
He reignited her heat almost instantly as he alternated between suckling and moving his tongue in quick strokes over the sensitive area. She tensed when she felt his fingers probing her tender folds. “Shhhh, relax.” He breathed the word across her as he slid a finger inside her body.