Nalini Singh - [Guild Hunter 12a] Read online

  Deleted Snippets from ARCHANGEL'S WAR

  By Nalini Singh

  Author's Note: I was going through my deleted scenes files for Archangel's War, and found these fun bits that I edited out in the final draft. They're not big enough to be called scenes, but they're fun to read nonetheless. I hope you enjoy - please note, these little sections don't fit into the final book anymore, and of course, SPOILERS ABOUND, so read at your own risk!

  Snippet #1

  All of Raphael’s forces had been drilled in their locations. It had been an act of pure trust to give out that information, and Raphael had faith none of his people would’ve passed it on to the enemy. Any traitors had been weeded out long ago and the spies that existed in his Tower were known to him.

  Jason liked to leave a few in place because they were known commodities who could be fed just enough information that the other archangels believed their moles were flying under the radar.

  Elena found it incomprehensible how they all spied on one another. “Please at least tell me Eli doesn’t have a spy here? That would bum me out.”

  “He did, until after you.” Raphael had been, quite frankly, shocked Eli recalled the spy. “I’ve removed mine from his court as well.” Even more shocking an act. Probably your bad influence, he’d said at the time.

  Snippet #2

  Elena sat up. “At my face?” she yelled across the room. “You’re an asshole!”

  “It worked, didn’t it.” But Dmitri’s eyes were on Honor.

  His wife blew him a kiss. “I’m fine. You should watch your back though—I think Ellie’s gonna murder you any day now.”

  “I still don’t know why you’re in love with him,” Elena said with a scowl as she dusted off the seat of her pants.

  “He’s sexy and makes my lady parts tingle,” Honor said with a straight face.

  Snorting laughter out of her nose at the ribald comment from a hunter who was usually far better behaved than the rest of them, Elena walked back to the group with Honor by her side.

  Snippet #3

  “Elena.” Raphael’s voice nudged Elena out of a heavy sleep.

  “Mmm?” She curled close to his naked body, his wing a heavy weight over her equally naked form.

  “Cassandra’s sinkhole has reappeared.”

  Yawning, she rubbed her face against his chest. “What time is it?”

  “Three.” He smoothed her hair off her cheek. “You are not shocked.”

  “At this point, the earth could open up and dinosaurs could come walking out for a tour of modern day earth and I wouldn’t be surprised.” She nuzzled against him, luxuriating in a few more moments of being warm and snug against his muscled heat.

  Copyright © 2019 by Nalini Singh



  Archangel's War Deleted Snippets (html), Nalini Singh - [Guild Hunter 12a]

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