The Phoenix Lord (The Dracosinum Tales) Read online

  The Phoenix


  Angelique S. Anderson

  The Phoenix Lord

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or

  transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy,

  recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as

  provided by USA Copyright law.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, descriptions, entities, and incidents

  included in the story are products of the author’s imagination. Any

  resemblance to actual persons, events, and entities is entirely coincidental.

  Published by Creative Angel Design and Publication, Angelique S. Anderson

  Book design copyright © 2017 Angelique S. Anderson

  Cover design: Victoria Cooper and Angel Creative Web Design

  Edited by: William H. Gould

  Illustrations: Angel Esqueda, Shevonne Daley

  © 2017 Angelique S. Anderson all rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1548121198

  ISBN-10: 1548121193


  This book is dedicated to those who never lost their imagination. To the tinkerers, inventors, crafters and artists. May your creativity accompany you, no matter what you do. May your creative mind have the freedom it desires to live, do and be.

  Never grow up completely. Life is too beautiful for that.




  Chapter One


  Chapter Two


  Chapter Three


  Chapter Four


  Chapter Five


  Chapter Six


  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight


  Chapter Nine















  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three




  First and foremost, to my beautiful family and loving, supportive husband, thank you for all you sacrifice so that I can have a career I love. You are my hero forever. To my children, I simply adore being your mother, thank you for being who you are. Your imagination and creativity is a beautiful thing, please never lose that.

  To my ‘write or die,’ Rose C., my fellow author friend, confidant, rock and shoulder to cry on, you are just everything. Inspiration, friendship, love, strength, laughs… thank you for being who you are! You make me a better person!

  To my editor, William G., this could never have happened without you. It was my story, but your hand made it something I know we both can believe in. Thank you for your friendship, guidance and the many laughs. You are one of a kind.

  To my cover designers, Victoria Cooper Art, and Angel Creative Web Design. Both are tremendous talents, and see my vision even when I don’t have the words.

  To my beautiful friends, Nikki W., Shevonne D., Melissa V., Middagh G., Carrie S., Nancy M., Brandi B. Thank you for your support and encouragement! There are so many others and I know I am leaving someone out, but trust me that your love and support is felt and appreciated!

  Most importantly, thank you to my creator who gives me the talents I have and the courage to use them. I love you and I’m grateful for everything in my life.

  Chapter One

  “Where is your mind tonight, m’dear?” Quincy’s throaty dragon voice cut through Wylie’s conscience as she soared high above a slumbering Ireland.

  “Huh?” she mumbled as she was jerked from her thoughts, her glorious Teselym wings cutting through the coolness of the May night. “What’s that?”

  He let out a rough chuckle.

  “Well, if that doesn’t prove my point I don’t know what does. I simply asked where your mind was?” he responded.

  “Why ask a question you already know the answer to?” She stared across the rolling hilltops below, somewhat relieved that it was an unusually quiet night for her. Wylie was grateful for the respite as the past months had been filled with violence, pain, and sadness. So many things that humans chose to do, and that she was responsible for balancing.

  “No need to get snippety, dear, you asked me not to read your mind, but I can’t help it. It’s my god-sense, you know,” he gently reminded her. “I’m only trying to respect your wishes to the best of my ability.”

  “Well, thank you, Quincy. My apologies, as I am sure you know… I have many worries on my mind. My marriage to Adrian, being the least of them.” She let out a heavy sigh, her pearlescent dragon-scaled sides heaving with each deep intake of breath. The Dracosinum swung from her neck, its gentle ticking a welcome reminder that the Dragon hour would soon be over for another night.

  A sudden flash in her mind called her to action, and rather than finish her conversation with Quincy, she grabbed the Dracosinum in her claws and transported herself instantly to the northern United States. Arriving over a dingy back street, she spotted a man bent over in pain while two young rogues kicked and spit at him. Wylie swooped in faster than human eyes could see, picked up the injured older man, and carried him high above them to safety.

  The men she had rescued him from reeked of spirits, the scent of alcohol so heavy that it burned her nostrils temporarily until she could get far enough away. They whooped and hollered after her, not believing their own eyes, and she knew come day break they would persuade themselves they had been too drunk to admit that they had actually seen a white dragon.

  Wylie wondered often how the Teselym had stayed hidden for so long, never being found out. Then she thought perhaps the evil that men did was getting more blatant than it was in the time of the Dragaleths, when the gods had first sent them to Earth. Men no longer cared if they were caught or not as there were seldom any repercussions for what they did. Too much evil and not enough of her to go around, though Quincy reassured her daily that she was doing more than an adequate job of maintaining the balance. If things ever tipped one way or another, the gods would surely send help or a warning.

  The older man in her talons started to struggle, and she was so lost in thought she nearly dropped him, having forgotten that she was holding his beaten body. She gently drifted downward, laying him on the steps of a dingy little inn which she instinctively knew was where he lived and worked as a dishwasher.

  “Maybe if you stopped drinking, you wouldn’t find yourself getting a beating in the dead of night.” she mumbled as she flew away. The idiot decisions humans made accounted for nearly seventy-five percent of their suffering, and there were times like tonight when Wylie was sick to death of it.

  The stars had started to fade as the day began to break, the ‘Time of the Dragon’ was drawing to an end, so she transported herself back to her home in Lugwallow, grateful for the familiar scent of oak and lavender that filled her senses as she entered. Adrian spends so much time here, my whole house is starting to
smell like him, she thought as she smiled to herself. Not a bad thing, of course.

  “It’s a vast improvement over what it usually smells like in here, human! Like manure and hayseed!” Quincy teased her as Wylie opened the Dracosinum. Her Teselym form had shrunk down and vanished from sight, so as not to destroy her home and furnishings. All that remained was a tiny blue flame that danced across the room, alighted on her human form which appeared to be sleeping, and quickly disappeared into her body.

  The next moment, Wylie was awake and breathing, fully human and most unamused.

  “With so much time spent on keeping yourself amused, Quincy, it amazes me how you have time to do anything else.” She snapped at him, not hiding the disdain that seemed to drip from her voice.

  “There’s that charm, it’s no wonder you were chosen as the Teselym.” Quincy shrank down to pinhead size and hid himself inside the Dracosinum, indicating he was no longer in the mood to argue with her.

  “That’s not how it works and you know it,” she yelled after him. Though she had chosen to accept her fate, inwardly she knew it had chosen her. The duties of the Teselym Dragaleth had been passed to her from her father, as she was the first born and only child, as had been decreed by the gods when they had first created the Dragaleth race. She was, and would be, a Teselym, protector of the human race, with more power than a Siapheg. She would execute justice when necessary, and until the day she died, she would maintain the balance of good. Just as she now knew that Lord Ukridge would continue to empower the evil in the world.

  Humans being fallible and evil all on their own, Wylie was sure they didn’t need any help from the Siapheg. Though Lord Ukridge in his black dragon form made sure there was never a shortage of evil being done. Arguably, he had kept his word, and stayed out of London, taking up residence instead in the northern United States.

  That was the thing that worried Wylie the most. In her Teselym form, she could sense where Siapheg Jameston was at all times. She was also aware that the World-Wide Inventor’s Symposium was in the United States where Jameston Ukridge had decided to take up residence. The symposium in which Adrian had hoped to enter his steam-powered carriage for consideration and a generous cash prize. The outcome would depend on how he did at The Great Exhibition here in London.

  The closer the Symposium got, the more aggravated and stressed Wylie felt. She had thought about confronting Lord Ukridge, one-on-one, demanding that he leave the States. She would fight him to the death if necessary, the only problem was that she wouldn’t wish her life, nor Lord Ukridge’s life on anyone. So, she kept her silence, and for the most part, she and Lord Ukridge kept their peace.

  No matter what, she would always blame him for the death of her best friend. Even though Wylie had been the one to murder Judith Ukridge, she would never forgive Lord Ukridge for putting Judith in the position that he had. Judith had her whole life ahead of her. To be forced to be the Siapheg, all because her cowardly father didn’t want to do it, was beyond reprehensible.

  If Lord Ukridge had been half a man, it would be he who was six-feet-under, and not the lovely Lady Judith. She’d had such fire and spirit, that even though she had slightly lost control as a Siapheg, Wylie had no doubt that Lady Judith could have changed the world. Now the world would never know. It was a fact that caused Wylie daily anguish.

  Chapter Two

  No matter how often Lord McCollum professed his love for her, Wylie could never get used to his generosity. Slowly, her humble home was beginning to resemble that of a meager servant’s abode. If that servant was highly sought after and desired by their employer, she thought to herself.

  A large ornate chest of drawers now adorned her father’s old room, and on its slick, freshly-polished oak surface was a silver-handled hairbrush that made Wylie feel as if she were a lady in the queen’s court. She picked it up and ran it through her wild red hair, smiling at her undeserved good fortune. Adrian was the perfect gentleman. Not that he didn’t steal a kiss a time or two, and she gladly indulged him. They were engaged after all, the wedding a mere fortnight away, and all the details nearly in place.

  “Your mind is far away from here, isn’t it?” Adrian’s eyes searched hers.

  “Just mulling over wedding plans…” She grinned widely.

  “Well, it took forever to decide on the date for the wedding, any chance you’ve finally agreed on the decor?”

  She laughed softly. “June 1st is the perfect day and you know it!” Wylie punched him playfully in the arm. “As for the decor, Hettie and I did nail down the final choices… weeks ago! I told you that!” She was grinning, knowing he had already okayed her choices. “And you know full well I’ve agreed not to have a honeymoon just now as I don’t want to cut into your time any more than I already have. The Great Exhibition is very important.”

  “The Great Exhibition will go on for months. As I said if nothing comes of it, I’ll simply contact the man who originally offered to buy my invention.”

  “Yes, but it could be so much more than that, and you know it. Please don’t just accept his offer until you’ve seen what other interest there may be….” her smile had faded to a frown.

  “My dearest, you needn’t worry yourself about such things. Please just be happy and tell me that our wedding is everything you could’ve dreamed of and more?”

  Her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

  “It’s like a fairy tale… Adrian. You’ve no idea.”

  He stepped toward her and kissed her on the forehead.

  “You’re like a fairy tale.”

  Without missing a beat, she replied with a giggle, “Because I’m half dragon?”

  He laughed with her, and then scooped her into his arms, twirled her about, and kissed her softly before setting her back down.

  “Not even in the slightest…” staring tenderly into her eyes. “Anyway, I must get back to the Exhibition today. Would you care to ride with me?”

  “Adrian, you know I’ve made plans for today.” Her voice was playful, but slightly scolding.

  “You’d rather walk to Dobbinsturn than ride in the carriage with me?”

  “Adrian, you forget that I grew up here and I worked for you for a long while. As happy as I am to be marrying you and coming to live on the estate, Lugwallow will always have a piece of my heart. I wish to enjoy my last days here doing the things I’ve always loved doing.”

  “Which was walking to care for Chaos?”

  “Yes, and taking in the sights along the way. Greeting the people who passed by. I feel as if I’m leaving my childhood behind me, which is wonderful, but…”

  “It’s sentimental then?”

  “Yes, my love. Very much so.”

  “Very well, I’ll be on my way then. I love you.” He kissed her again.

  “And I love you, Adrian. I wish only for the best of opportunities for you at the exhibition! I cannot wait to hear all about it!”

  Adrian smiled broadly, then grabbed his top hat off the rack before exiting the front door to his awaiting carriage. Wylie watched until the carriage disappeared from sight, then hurried back inside to tidy up before she left for the day.

  On the table next to her satin gloves lay one elegant ivory invitation. In flowing calligraphy it announced the marriage of Lord Adrian McCollum to Miss Wylie Petford and invited attendees to his estate in Dobbinsturn for the celebration. They were the loveliest invitations Wylie had ever seen. She could hardly believe they were for her very own wedding.

  Like a child waiting for a coveted toy, Wylie had long looked forward to her wedding day. It thrilled her to be able to join Lord McCollum in his home, even though the fear of the future still tugged at the edges of her mind. He knows about my Teselym side, but he doesn’t know everything.

  Other Dragaleth’s had children. Her father had her, and so she knew that family wasn’t out of the question. She wondered what Adrian would do, if he woke in the middle of the night to find her lifeless body, lying next to him. She wondered i
f it would scare him much. It wasn’t something they had discussed in detail; perhaps today was the day she would let him in on more of her secrets.

  “Enough worry for now, Wylie. You made a promise to a certain someone as I recall?” She spoke aloud to herself, then proceeded to put together an outfit for the day. Thanks to Adrian, she had retired her rough old worn-out corset, and replaced it with several new silk and leather ones.

  Wylie had also acquired a variety of skirts, with high, elegant bustles that fanned out behind her like a peacock fanning out its feathers. Most glorious of all, Adrian had replaced her battered rubber Wellingtons with new ones that fit her delicate feet snugly. The leather uppers practically sang to her as they enfolded her calves.

  Wylie’s gratitude for his generosity moved her to tears, and many times she begged him to stop giving her so many lovely things.

  Adrian would simply reply, “Nothing is as lovely as the smile you wear every time I see you.”

  “Oh, please,” she responded playfully, rolling her eyes, though inwardly her heart was singing. “Keep talking like that and I’ll forget I’m just a commoner.”

  “You’re not just a commoner, Wylie. You’re my dream come true. You’re a princess. The Love of My Life. I would forsake everything for you.”

  She had leaned into him then, taking his face in her hands and kissing him passionately.

  “I’ve done nothing to deserve you,” she told him, pulling away breathless from the kiss. That was weeks ago, and just yesterday, when he came to visit her in Lugwallow Parish she had begged him not to come by today, though he’d obviously paid her no heed. She had wanted an excuse to go to his estate in Dobbinsturn to see Chaos. She had promised the ill-tempered stallion a visit and a well-deserved gallop across the back meadow even though Lord McCollum had fired her as his stable hand. She had only been okay with that because they were engaged, and she would soon be Lady Wylie McCollum. To help ease the transition, he had allowed her to choose her own replacement.