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Dragon Sword Page 7
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Page 7
"Like dragons?" Speltus interrupted Hekla, a bloody grin on his face.
Disgusted by the gory carnage that took place between the three small dragons, the sisters turned away. Astrid grabbed their hands and led them closer to the water's edge to talk.
"As I was saying, did you see that?" Astrid asked again.
"See what?" Svana said.
"Aronus, I don't know how he did it, but he became one with my bow. It was the most amazing and confusing thing I have ever seen. Though I had no arrow, as I pulled back... his tail became my arrow or gave the illusion that it was. When I released it, I saw only a puff of smoke, yet an arrow sailed through the air. It was, well... there are no words for it! It was magnificent!"
"I wonder what our dragons can do?" Svana's eyes lit up with the prospects. "I'm eager to find out, but maybe we take a hint from our guides and take time to eat. I'm famished."
"Oh, Svana, how can you think of food at a time like this?"
"How can you not think of food at a time like this?" she replied, before reaching into her satchel and taking out a pear. She devoured almost half of it in a single bite, its juices running down the corners of her mouth.
"And you say we're savages." Lingaria appeared on her shoulder, a look of disgust on his face, and no sign of blood.
"You must have been starved!" Astrid cried out.
"I was," Svana said.
"Not you." Astrid rolled her eyes.
The sisters turned their heads to the goat meal, but there was nothing left of it, save for a trace of blood on the ground.
"Oh my!" Astrid said, turning back to them. "Where did you put it all?"
"Well, we've not eaten for days, so can you blame us?" It was Speltus' turn to respond as he alighted on Hekla's shoulder.
"Days?" Svana gasped. "How can you survive so long?"
"Not all of us need nourishment every ten minutes, Svana," her dragon, Lingaria, said, a hint of exasperation in his voice.
Astrid chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand.
"No, I don't suppose I can blame you," Astrid said. "After all, my sister eats even more ravanous than you."
Svana gave Astrid a playful push. "Oh, shut it, Astrid."
"Does this mean what I think it means?" Astrid asked.
Aronus didn't land on her shoulder, but instead chose to hover in the air next to her, wings effortlessly beating in a hypnotic rhythm.
"I would say we are well past the time," he spoke, while still licking the blood off of his claws.
"Gather your things, sisters. Our journey is long and our time short. That cavern top looks long, and I know we've still time before we reach the steps to the East of the Summoning Chamber. They nodded, grabbing their rucksacks and following as Astrid blazed ahead.
Sisters’ Goodbye
A sister's bond cannot be broken. It is quite unlike a bond of brothers, which can crumble with one misspoken word. A bond of sisters will last forever. And no matter what words were said, their bond will survive the weather.
King Martin the Truthful, Third King of Aequoris, 490 A.V.
After an hour of walking, the steps leading out of the caldera were within a stone's throw. Silent until that point, Astrid took it upon herself to be the first to speak.
"I know once we reach the top and head down the other side, I will leave you and continue my journey onto Caelestis. Continue together Svana and Hekla. Practice with your weapons, make peace with your dragon guides. And Do not forget all we have learned, no matter if we're apart, we are still one in spirit. Do not forget though, Svana, your journey is only two days, and then you and Hekla must take different roads."
"I know, Astrid, do not fret my sister. We will make you proud. We will make father proud," Svana said, placing her hand over her heart.
"We will make Melifera proud," Hekla chimed in, hand over the center of her chest as well.
"For Verdil." Astrid nodded.
Pleased with their answers, and at the base of the rock steps, they began their journey upward. At least a mile long, Astrid was grateful the incline was gradual as the steps took a meandering route halfway round the inside of the caldera as it snaked its way toward the top. Despite being in shape, they carried a great deal of weight, including the dragon guides who were more than happy to ride while the sisters did the hard work. After two hours of climbing, they stopped, breathless and needing a moment to rest.
Hekla looked down into the Volcano of Shadows, pointing out the various islands and places they'd yet to visit.
"Look, there's Volican over there!" The brilliant green of their home could be seen far off, with the tips of the trees sprinkling its entirety.
"Why, it looks like a child's plaything," Svana remarked, grinning from ear to ear.
"It's beautiful though, is it not?" Astrid remarked.
"Dozens of islands we never got to visit, hundreds of things we never got to do." Hekla's shoulders slumped.
"So many things ahead that you have yet to experience. These islands will be something for later," Aronus chimed in, an impish grin on his dragon face.
"Hush you!" Astrid shushed him. "Come, sisters, we've rested long enough, let us begin our descent."
The steps leading down were carved into the outside of the volcano's crater, but they had not been used for many years. Shrubbery and weeds covered them all the way down. Svana used that moment as an opportunity to swing the stunning blade Palladin gifted her.
The blade was light in her grasp, and the hilt--perfectly fitted to her, as was the rest of the weapon. She slashed the sword through the air, time after time, step after step, and it was like watching a dance. Svana was gloriously gifted at her swordsmanship.
Astrid thought it was the first time she had ever seen her middle sister so comfortable and dare she say, happy.
"That sword becomes you, sister," Astrid said out loud, watching Svana's strong arms flow from side to side with the swinging of the blade.
"It's so light; it's like I'm holding nothing at all." Svana turned to smile at her. Joy beaming from her.
"It is not just that, Svana. Just like your sister and Aronus, you and I connect through your soul and your blade. When you move, I move. In this case... I become one with your blade."
No one had noticed, that the moment Svana drew her sword, Lingaria had disappeared. When she stopped for the moment at his voice, he materialized on her shoulder.
"Lingaria, do you mean to say, it is not I who wield the sword?" Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
"It is you, no doubt you have the skill, but you and I are one with the blade. Out there, in the world of men when you strike, it will be I, striking with you," Lingaria explained.
"What if... well, what if I have to kill someone?" Svana's eyes grew large.
"In that unfortunate instance, it will be me that will be the blade and who will do the deed."
"Why though? Why not just let me use the sword alone? Why must you step in?" Svana didn't understand.
"Svana of the Sword, the blade was forged in the realm of the Unseen Ones, but its very power lies in the fact that it and I are connected. It is why our souls merged, and it is how I will help you. The only way I can help you. To make sure your aim strikes true, every single time. There will be instances you will be too tired to fight, but then, I will be your strength. This is the only way the Unseen Ones saw fit to help you without stepping into the fate of mankind." Lingaria appeared tired from explaining himself.
Hekla, however, wasn't as convinced. "Wait a minute, both Palladin and Melifera said we were created for such a time as this."
"Indeed, Hekla... you were. Do not question that. Just as your father before you, and his father before him. You see there has never been so great a need as there is now to make sure the right kings are on the correct thrones. Well, queens, in your case.”
"Though your father fought, many, many years ago. Never before had every kingdom been at odds. Never before had every king been so m
alicious and cruel with thoughts and actions only to their own well-being. The entirety of Verdil works when each kingdom contributes equally to the others, they take care of each other. But with all of them at war..."
"Everyone is in danger," Astrid finished.
"Yes, Astrid. I'm afraid you're right. Now, we've reached the bottom, and it is time to say your farewells," Aronus said.
Aronus was much like Astrid in being the caretaker of the group, and that worried Astrid like she had never thought possible. Who would care of her sisters if Lingaria and Speltus would not step up?
Astrid shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She knew she was going to hear about it from Aronus when they were alone.
"My sisters, I have so much love for you. So much pride. I know you will complete your quests with dignity and grace." Astrid pulled them close. Tightly squeezing them and then released. "Until we meet again. Go in safety." She valiantly held back tears as it would do no good to show weakness. The time was at hand, whatever lay ahead, Svana and Hekla would be on their own.
"Be safe, dear sister." Svana kissed her cheek.
"Yes, be safe," Hekla echoed, squeezing Astrid's hand before letting go.
Astrid smiled at them and then turned. Willing herself to remain strong and keep walking forward without looking back. If I falter, then they will falter too. I must trust the Unseen Ones have sent us the help we will need and that we are capable enough to carry out their will. There was a gnawing pit in her stomach that told her she could not have prepared herself for what was to come.
A stranger to trust is a hard thing. Do you know what their desires are? Do you know what they would do to achieve them? Will you get in their way? Or, will you help them achieve them? Trust travels a dirt road in two ways, and you must be certain the trust is reciprocated. If not, you'd better dig a hole. But you must decide who is to jump inside--you, or the stranger?
King Rowan the Observant, First King of Telluris, 234 A.V.
Having left her sisters, she would begin the hardest part of her journey. Astrid started her climb to the top of the first hill. From there she could overlook the road ahead, and as far as the eye could see were nothing but mountains. Have I misjudged the time it will take me to reach the kingdom of Caelestis?
"Not at all, Astrid. Just down there, once you reach the base of the hillside, there is a pathway that will lead you around all of these mountains. It will take you directly to the road that leads to the sky kingdom. Though I cannot promise it will be without its problems, the worst will be reaching the Great Mountain, and journeying to the top where the Caelestan soldiers will be waiting to kill you."
"What? Is there no way around them? Am I to journey for four more days only to be met with death?" she said in panicked tones, losing her desire to save anyone but herself.
"I won't let any harm come to you. I have hope your gentle spirit and cunning wit will disarm them, and you will safely pass."
"Aronus, now is not the time for jokes," Astrid retorted.
"I wasn't joking."
Astrid threw her hands up, flabbergasted by their exchange. "Dragon aid? More like a demon!"
She ran down the hillside, as quick as she dared without tripping. Her emerald hair whipped with the breeze, and so concentrated was Astrid on not tripping down the hillside, she nearly ran right over a fire pit that had embers still blazing.
"Ahh!" She yelped in fear and jumped back. "Why is there a fire pit here?" Her head flipped from side to side, and she had to brush wild strands of hair out of her face.
"I was just packing up camp," a calm, deep voice with crisp undertones said to her side.
Astrid turned to her right where saw a tall, handsome man. She would have passed him completely, had she not nearly trampled through his fire's remains. He leaned carelessly against a tree. She could tell even from a distance that he towered over her by a good foot.
"Excuse me, I didn't mean to interrupt." She hastily stepped around the fire and headed away from him.
"So help me, if he joins us, I'm disappearing," Aronus hissed into her ear.
"He isn't joining us," Astrid whispered through clenched teeth.
Aronus had already disappeared to who knows where, so as not be seen. No matter to me, I've things to do. She dared not stop, for lack of time.
"Hey, wait. Where are you headed?" he called after her.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I don't have much time." Part of her wanted to stop and chat, to get to know the man who had hidden in the shadows of the lumbering tree. The other part of her felt slightly fearful for her safety.
"Well, let me join you. I've dried fish to eat and dried fruit. Where are you coming from?"
Astrid wrinkled her nose at the mention of fish. She almost gagged and kept walking. Besides, surely he knew there wasn't much beyond the hillside she had come from besides the Volcano of Shadows? And if he did know that, he would begin asking questions.
"If you have to ask, I don't know if I can trust you," Astrid called over her shoulder.
"The Volcano of Shadows?" he asked, a deep sense of awe in his voice.
His tone stopped Astrid in her tracks.
She turned to face him. "So, you do know?"
He nodded.
"And, Do you have a name?"
"So forward, madam. Yes, I do. My name is Cayden Renaldo. Though, I beg of you not to tell anyone where I am."
That caused her to raise an eyebrow, even as he stepped from the shadows of the tree to get closer to her. His chestnut hair was the deepest shade of brown she'd ever seen. Like the trunk of a sycamore. And his face, while shaven, had a shadow of stubble to it that gave his jaw a firm balance.
"Well, Cayden. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, though, I won't be staying. I've somewhere to be."
"Are you headed to Telluris?" he asked.
"Not in the slightest, my journey will lead me to the sky kingdom. I'm sure you've heard the Caelestan's guard their home quite religiously. You'll probably die if you come with me," she said matter-of-factly, sure she would scare him off.
Except he didn't look fearful at all, he looked relieved. She raised an eyebrow at that. Why would he be relieved to go somewhere besides his home? And now that Astrid thought about it, why was he so far from his home? And alone?
"Well, that sounds like exactly what I am looking for. Do you mind if I accompany you?" he asked.
Oh my stars, you've done it this time, Astrid, she told herself, and where is that cursed dragon guide when I need him? Way to protect me.
"I'm just going to put this out, and we can be on our way. Want to tell me what you were doing in the volcano though?"
Astrid noted the browns of his eyes had a tinge of green around the pupil when he got closer. His chin was square, strong.
"Would you like to tell me why I'm not allowed to tell anyone where you are? I mean, that's a heavy statement. Especially to someone you've just met. So, you have my attention." Astrid folded her gauntlet covered arms across her chest. Her stance was indignant and unmoving.
"All right, I can see you're going to be difficult. Yes, I did say that to get your attention. I figured a woman as beautiful as you wasn't going to be swayed by much else. The real truth is, I used to be a Captain in the Telluris army. I couldn't continue. I know there are certain expectations of me, but I could not keep doing his bidding. King Armand, he's relentless."
Astrid maintained her composure, but felt the hair rise on the back of her neck at the mention of the king her sister would soon face.
"What's he done?" Her face stoic, she refused to allow her emotions to control her. Not this time; not with a stranger.
"So much death, so much destruction. Innocent people." Cayden’s eyes clouded over, and he was no longer looking at her, but off into the distance. "A great wizard lives in the highest tower of the kingdom, a wizard capable of such dark magic... I cannot understand why the Unseen Ones have allowed i
t to continue. I had always thought only dragons were allowed to do magic, and yet... he continues, at the order of the king."
"A wizard?" Astrid asked, her curiosity peaked, and fear as well.
Svana was a strong woman, of that, Astrid had no doubt. But she was supposed to be facing a king, not a wizard. Astrid wondered if the sisters splitting up was such a good idea after all. And most importantly, if there indeed was a wizard, why hadn't Palladin or Melifera told them?
"Forgive me," Cayden said. "I've said too much. Don't mind me, I tend to ramble when I'm exhausted."
Astrid felt empathy for the man, though a stranger. Against her better judgment, she said, "I suppose it would do well for me to have a companion for a time."
Besides, he wasn't terrible to look at, and it sounded like he had some insight King Armand and Telluris. Insight that may be helpful to Svana ... if Astrid could find a way to send a message to her sister.
"Thank you...." His answer lingered in the air, and she realized with it was an unspoken question.
"Fine, you may call me Astrid. Though I do not wish to discuss anything more about myself."
"Fair enough," he said. "Would you like some fish?"
Her face twisted, forehead crinkling, and lips curling together.
He huffed. "Not a fan?"
"I prefer my food not to swim," she said. "Or taste bad."
He chuckled and Astrid swore she saw his eyes sparkle with the hint of a smile.
He is going to be trouble, she thought.
Goodbye is always a hard thing. Even if it's only temporary. Sometimes, you just have to hold your chin up, take a deep breath, and realize that if it's meant to happen, you'll see each other again.
King Nicklaus the Brave, First King of Caelestis, 247 A.V.
Svana watched Astrid as she walked away. At least she still had Hekla for a time, but soon it would only be her. Svana was strong, but she had grown accustomed to having her sisters around. Things would be different now, but she knew she had to be strong.