Dragon Bow Read online

Page 3

  “Help,” he croaked out, face down in the dirt.

  Gingerly, Hekla flipped him over onto his back, noting the large gash across his chest where blood spilled out. She put her left hand on the wound, her right hand wrapped tightly around her scepter. The brilliant orb at the top glowed wildly and Hekla took comfort in the fact that Speltus would be there to aid her.

  “Hang in there, all right?” she tried to comfort him. She waved the orb over the wound, digging deep for the magic that Speltus had put inside her. She could feel its glow, and all she needed was to grab hold of it.

  Come on, magic, I need you. She had to keep her ears open to the men and women fighting around her, hoping that she could hear if someone tried to attack her while she was focused on healing. She recalled the words she had spoken before to heal the child’s mother.

  “Ehealerium,” she chanted over and over softly, waving the orb over his body. He groaned loudly, and she kept her left hand on the wound for pressure. “Hang in there, you’re going to be all right.” His crystalline eyes flickered open, and he stared right through her. “Hey, I’m here saving you... you’d better stay with me.”

  “It hurts,” he groaned.

  “I know, but you’re going to be fine. Just give me a few minutes, all right?”

  She repeated the word over and over and lifted her hand off his wound. She could finally see that the blood had stopped, and it was healing itself. A soft purple glow covered it, as if sealing it together. Once it was completely closed, she patted his cheek and leaned down to yell into his ear.

  “Give yourself a few minutes, you should be back to normal in no time. Don’t move until you feel completely better, and keep your eyes closed so the Tellurians mistake you for dead. Then, go on fighting. But, try not to get yourself killed!”

  With that, she jumped to her feet, and moved quickly around the battlefield, assessing wounds and bodily injuries. She checked everyone, even those who were dead—to see if they had any life force left.

  I must make sure that everyone has a chance. As fast as she worked, and as quickly as she ran around trying to heal as many as she could, the Tellurians had the advantage because they were bigger, and faster. They were every inch a soldier, as they had been trained from day one by the king and those he had appointed into leadership.

  Speltus, I’m growing tired. I feel like no matter what I do, I can’t heal them fast enough.

  Just do what you can, Hekla. If you stop, your people, and your sister’s people lose their advantage. They fight to win, because of you. Your work is important, these people need you.

  Hekla nodded her head, understanding his words, but her mind and body were tired. She had lost count of everyone she had healed. She’d only used the ultimate healing spell one time to reverse certain death. It had been enough to render her breathless.

  If only I could lay down and sleep for a bit. She wouldn’t, but she could feel her body failing her. Whatever you’re going to do, my sisters, do it soon. I can’t hold out for much longer.

  “Hekla, watch out!” Astrid’s voice rang loud and clear above the sounds of battle.

  To Hekla’s dismay, a Tellurian soldier sprinted right for her. She jumped to her feet, stopping the blow of his sword with her staff. The orb flashed purple, as she deflected each slice of his sword with the intricate stem of her magic tool.

  That was too close.

  There was too much happening, too many sufferings. She wasn’t quick enough to get to them all.

  “Astrid, please! We have to stop this!”

  “I know, Hekla! I don’t know what to do! If we stop fighting, more people die... if you stop healing, more lives are lost. Where is Svana?” Her bow continued loosing, as she moved closer to Hekla, to help protect her as she tried to heal those she could.

  Hekla stood, and looked toward the roadway, noting that Svana and the king were still battling.

  “They’re over there, but they’re getting farther and farther away. One of us needs to get to her!”

  Astrid continued fighting, more soldiers coming after them. More swords trying to slice through flesh, more arrows flying at them. Hekla trying desperately to fight off the heavy swings of attackers, all the while the back of her mind reminded her to heal those who were injured.

  “I’ll stay here, you go to her. We have enough soldiers fighting. Make sure that king does not kill our sister,” Hekla cried out.

  Astrid nodded her head, beads of perspiration dripping down her forehead from fighting. Hekla watched helplessly as her sister ran from the battlefield, fighting her way through soldiers to reach Svana. If anything, they knew they had to protect Svana. The Tellurian king was the key to stopping the war between the kingdoms, the Caelestan’s had already made their peace with the Aequoran’s, if not the kings yet, at least the men. Winning over the Tellurian king would mean there was a possibility that none of the kings had to die.

  If only they could be reasoned with. Hekla hoped among hope that they could. Be well my sisters, let this battle end with the triumph of red, blue, and green. An arrow whizzed past, and she ran from its archer, throwing her body into a roll onto the ground, as she ducked out of view. She couldn’t waste any more time fighting. She needed to heal those who could not fight, as quickly as possible.

  When she was far enough away from the one who had tried to kill her, she stood up again, rapidly surveying the battle grounds. She wanted so desperately to see a friendly face. Popping up above the crowds, she could see that the king and Svana seemed to be in deep conversation.

  Well, that’s promising, Hekla thought to herself.

  “Astrid! Look! They’re talking!”

  Astrid didn’t dare spare a glance to Hekla, but the excitement in Hekla’s voice piqued her curiosity, making her slow her pace slightly. When she saw that the king and Svana were indeed talking, a little sparkle of hope bubbled up in her, and a smile came across her lips.

  Maybe there was hope for them after all; maybe the day could end with peace. Though as she cast a lingering look around the battlefield, the mountains of bodies did nothing to ease Hekla’s troubled mind.

  “I’ll go to her, Hekla. Keep healing our soldiers.” Astrid shouted, her flash of green hair flying around her face as she moved with a dancer’s grace around the bodies.

  “No! They need a warrior now, Astrid! I’ll go to Svana!” Hekla didn’t give her sister a chance to answer, as she took off toward the outer edge of the battlefield.

  Astrid nodded her ascent, and continued fighting, her forest green leather clad form, soon disappearing among the earth tones of the Tellurians.

  “The Unseen Ones be with you, my sister,” Hekla said under her breath, as she finally broke through to the other side. No one came after her, which she was grateful for. Not far ahead, Svana and the king walked arm and arm, an odd sight to be sure.

  Hekla lowered her head, whispering a silent thanks to the gods that for the moment, a resolution seemed to be at hand. Until, the king made a movement so sudden and unexpected no one could have braced for it. Everything seemed to slow as Hekla watched him turn to plunge his sword deep into Svana’s side. Svana, anticipating the movement, was able to deflect his blow a little. Nonetheless, Hekla watched in horror as blood started dripping from her sister’s side.

  “Svana!” Hekla yelled.

  Not my sister! Hekla screamed inside of her head, the worst possible scenarios running through her mind over and over. Two men rushed by her at that moment, echoing her sister’s name. One tall and gangly with dirty brown hair, the other with crow black hair that flowed with the wind. Hekla chased after them, her heart sinking as she raced to reach her Svana.

  Speltus! What do I do? What if she dies?

  You must control yourself, Hekla. If you do not, and she is dying, you may not be able to calm yourself enough to save her, Speltus said, his voice soothing and steady.

  She nodded her head, even as she was running.

  You’re right, she thought.
  The two men went after the king, the dark-haired man brought his sword up to drive it into King Armand.

  Hekla heard Svana yell, “No, Gill!”

  Then Svana crumpled on the ground, and the tall man rushed to her side. Hekla arrived soon after, kneeling at Svana’s head. The blood has already begun to pool around her side. The wound was deeper than Hekla could have anticipated. She was going to have to work fast.

  “Who are you?” the tall thin man demanded of her.

  “I’m Hekla… Svana’s sister. Who are you?”

  “I’m Jasper,” he answered. “Friend and soldier.”

  “Jasper, we have to put a stop to the battle! Or we’re going to lose too many, and there will be no turning back.”

  “I know, but if dummy here kills King Armand, there will be no end to this war. The Tellurians will fight until there is no one left to fight,” he finished.

  She nodded her head. “I see. How do we put an end to this? The king must be restrained so that we can have some control.”

  “I’ll handle him,” the dark haired one said, his face red, eyes flashing with fury.

  “And you are?”

  “They call me Gill.”

  “Thank you, but please do not harm him any further. It looks as if he has been injured enough. We have to do what is best for all the kingdoms, and if that means keeping him alive until this can be settled, then let it be so,” Hekla spoke sternly, fighting to hide the tremble in her voice. It was time for her to act like the queen she was meant to be.

  “Emmeline,” Svana croaked out.

  “Emma, who?” Hekla turned her attention back to the gravely injured Svana lying in her arms.

  “Emmeline,” she said again, and then she closed her eyes, her head dropping to the side.

  “Anyone know what she’s saying? She’s lost too much blood… I don’t know if it’s the injury talking. Or?”

  “The King’s niece, Armand sent her away… I think Svana is asking for her.” Gill offered, as he hurried to tie up the Kings arms and legs.

  “Can she put a stop to this?” Hekla waved her hands about, motioning to the battle still ongoing all around them.

  “I don’t know, I can go to her,” Jasper offered. His face contorted, as if he surprised even himself. He didn’t look like he was normally a brave man, but it seemed the sight of a dying Svana had spurred him into action.

  “Very well, hurry! I don’t know how much longer we have,” Hekla admitted.

  Jasper nodded and took off running toward the castle.

  Hekla could only hope that whoever Emmeline was, she was strong enough to put a stop to the battle. Hekla laid her sister’s head on the ground, and then balanced her scepter above Svana’s wound waving it back-and-forth as she chanted the healing words. Time was running out, and she knew she had to get back to the battlefield to help heal those who had fallen.



  Men will do whatever it takes to survive. Even if it means turning against their heart.

  Ugiotti, The Eternal, Fourth Dragon Elder, Fifth Age of Verdil

  Astrid had lost count of the number of arrows she had loosed over the past few hours. She had long since passed the moment when her muscles burned, and she felt as if she couldn’t continue. Aronus had continued pushing her onward, his magic creating arrows quicker than she could release them.

  Hekla’s healing abilities had been a godsend in the heat of battle. Astrid’s injuries had been minor, and she tried to convince Hekla to focus her attention elsewhere, but her sister would have none of it. However, when she was done, Astrid never felt so alive. Not only had her energy been healed, but her vitality was back as well.

  To your left, Astrid, Aronus warned.

  She tilted her body and let an arrow fly. A Tellurian soldier with his sword raised rushed straight toward her, but her arrow struck him, and his body fell to the ground.

  “Where is Hekla, Aronus? We need her!” Aronus flew up above her head and peered out across the battlefield.

  “Svana has been struck, Astrid,” he shouted down to her.


  His words threw her off guard, and she immediately took off toward where she had seen Hekla run.

  “No, you can’t go to her! Your soldiers need you!” Aronus yelled.

  “I don’t care! I need to get to my sister—”

  Something tore through her side as she ran, and the sudden feeling of warm liquid poured down her side to her leg, but she couldn’t stop herself. Astrid had to keep going. She had to reach Svana. “Get down, Aronus, you’re going to be seen.”

  “No, I won’t. I’m visible only to you. Pay attention, you’re going to get yourself killed.”

  She ignored him, and continued flying through people, and over bodies that had fallen on the ground. She didn’t care about anything now, except getting to Svana and Hekla. If anything happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself. Bursting through the edge of the crowd, time seemed to stand still as her feet hit the dirt in rhythmic motion.

  Finally reaching Svana, she knelt next to her. Hekla had her scepter over her and waved it back and forth chanting her healing spell.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Astrid studied Hekla’s face, but her younger sister remained silent. She had her lovely emerald orbs closed, as she chanted over and over.

  With Astrid’s focus now diverted, she felt a sudden slice of pain up her side. The warmth had continued, and when she touched her side, she drew her fingers away, now covered in blood.

  “Shoot, I’m hurt, Hekla.”

  Hekla was still deep in her healing motions, and when she finally stopped, the flares of purple and red that had soared over Svana’s body had steadily grown brighter, and now softened before they finally disappeared. Svana sat up, slowly, and looked around.

  “What just happened?”

  Astrid scooted to her side, brushing matted red hair out of her face.

  “Svana,” she said softly, “I thought I would never see you again.”

  Svana wrapped Hekla and Astrid in a tight hug.

  “My sisters!” she exclaimed.

  “We can’t stay here; we must get the king to put an end to this battle. We’ve lost so many people. If he doesn’t stop it, then there will be no going back,” Astrid pleaded with her.

  “I know,” Svana withdrew. “Help is on the way, but until it gets here, we have to keep him alive,” she motioned to the king, “and we have to put a stop to that as best we can.”

  “Svana, you’re all right?” Gill held the tightly bound King Armand and smiled slightly when he saw her sitting up.

  “Gill, where’s Jasper?”

  “He’s gone to retrieve Emmeline.” His face relaxed as she stood to go to him.

  “Thank the gods,” Svana said. “Hekla, please... tend to Astrid, she’s hurt.”

  Hekla nodded her head, and the two of them noticed the amount of blood that seemed to be pouring from Astrid’s side.

  “You’ve got to stop getting injured,” the magic-wielding beauty joked.

  “You’ve got to stop healing everyone but me,” Astrid teased back, flipping her wild green hair out of the way. She held her side tightly, acutely aware of the pain that had taken over the left half of her body. Her vision began to blur, and she fought to hold onto her consciousness.

  “Who did this?” Hekla asked. “It’s deep.”

  “I don’t know, I was trying to reach Svana... I thought she was going to die before I could get here.”

  Hekla put her forefinger over Astrid’s vibrant lips, to silence her. “Hold on, I need to focus.”

  Astrid nodded, her head growing woozy from loss of blood. The past week had been full of turmoil, and loss. Death and life, as she came into her fighting abilities and made her way among her new people, but what would they do now, if they couldn’t stop the battle? Astrid could never go home to the Island of Volican, too much had changed.

  Home, how much she missed it. How muc
h she missed the carefree days with her sisters. It seemed like another lifetime when all that had occurred. She wondered how Melifera faired, and if she would ever see the woman who had been like a mother to them, again.

  “There, all fixed,” Hekla sprang to her feet, holding the scepter firmly in her hands.

  Astrid brushed her fingers against her side, the only sign of injury was the tear in her dark green leather armor. “Thank you, Hekla. I owe you my life.”

  “That you do,” Hekla giggled, still holding onto the youthful glow that Astrid had always loved about her.

  “Well, you’ve certainly come into your own, haven’t you?” She wrapped a caring arm around Hekla and squeezed.

  “As have you,” Hekla responded.

  “Come along you two, we must figure out what must be done.”

  “Fine!” King Armand groaned heavily, his breathing growing raspier by the minute. “Call out a truce,” blood had stained his leathers, and his armor had to be removed so that he could breathe better.

  “King Armand!” Svana yelled out, a smile spreading across her face.

  “You heard me! Do it! Call a truce and heal me!” He tried to force a yell, but the blood loss had been too great.

  “I will not heal you, King Armand. Not until I know that our people, All People, are safe from the threat of war.” Hekla stood her ground, staff held before her.

  “If you do not heal me, then I will die,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Indeed, you will,” Astrid stood in front of Hekla, not wanting any harm to come to her sister.

  “Your people have not come to save you, good king,” Svana continued, “they fight the battle they think you want them to fight. Soon you will be dead, and there will be nothing to fight for. So, call them off, and put an end to this fight, or we will let you die here.”

  “If you let me die, then my men will fight until everyone is dead,” he said, seething.

  “That may be true, but I can continue to go around and heal the Caelestan’s and the Aequorians. We may lose some, but if I do not heal any of the Tellurians, all of your people will die, and your kingdom will come to an end.”