Spank or Treat 2014 Read online


  After Ana Copyright 2014 by Anastasia Vitsky

  A Witchy Good Time Copyright 2014 by Louisa Bacio

  Charity Benshaw’s Enchanted Paddle Emporium Copyright 2014 by Erzabet Bishop

  The Special Ingredient Copyright 2014 by Geonn Cannon

  All’s Well That Ends Well Copyright 2014 by Carole Cummings

  The Spanking Connection Copyright 2014 by Sara Daniel

  Simon Copyright 2014 by Leigh Ellwood

  Bear for Her Copyright 2014 by D.L. Jackson

  Under her Spell Copyright 2014 by Siobhan Muir

  The Elder Warlock Copyright 2014 by Virginia Nelson

  Snowbound Copyright 2014 by Tara Quan

  Carnival of the Damned Copyright 2014 by Jolynn Raymond

  Missy Sue Revisited Copyright 2014 by Kate Richards

  Once Upon a Witch Copyright 2014 by Leigh Smith

  Mistress Mine Copyright 2014 by Maren Smith

  Phoenix Spanked Copyright 2014 by Jessica E. Subject

  Formatting Services by Wizards in Publishing

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by fines and federal imprisonment.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Spank or Treat


  Table of Contents

  After Ana By Anastasia Vitsky

  A Witchy Good Time by Louisa Bacio

  Charity Benshaw’s Enchanted Paddle Emporium by Erzabet Bishop

  The Special Ingredient by Geonn Cannon

  All’s Well That Ends Well by Carole Cummings

  The Spanking Connection by Sara Daniel

  Simon by Leigh Ellwood

  Bear for Her by D.L. Jackson

  Under Her Spell by Siobhan Muir

  The Elder Warlock by Virginia Nelson

  Snowbound by Tara Quan

  Carnival of the Damned by Jolynn Raymond

  Missy Sue Revisited by Kate Richards

  Once Upon a Witch by Leigh Smith

  Mistress Mine by Maren Smith

  Phoenix Spanked by Jessica E. Subject


  Too many authors. Not enough time or money to wade through stacks of books to find new favorites. What is a modern reader to do?

  As readers, we find ourselves dazed at the millions of available books and lack of millions to buy them. How do we choose books best for us so we aren’t disappointed? Best seller lists might appeal to a stereotypical reader, but some prefer stories sweet, naughty, and with a bit of spank. We might buy books from authors we think will fit, only to be disappointed after a few pages. Or we pick up a book accidentally and find myself immersed in an amazing story. Some of the best surprises of book-hunting include finding unexpected treasures in used book stores, clearance bins, and garage sales. Anyone can look up the latest best seller in a major bookstore, but finding out-of-the-way authors and titles has become a more infrequent pleasure.

  Spank or Treat 2014 offers you the answer, an appetizer platter filled with samples from sixteen award-winning authors. Do you enjoy stories sizzling with raw sexual chemistry or sweet innuendo? Traditional boy-meets-girl romance, or kinky edge play? Or do you wish for stories of same-sex love? Whatever you’re seeking, it’s right here. Spank or Treat (and its companion events, Love Spanks for Valentine’s Day and Sci Spanks in June for speculative fiction) was created to offer readers the opportunity to browse new authors, free of charge. As the name implies, adult consensual spanking (often for erotic pleasure) is often included. Authors publish stand-alone spin-off stories of published works, or they showcase excerpts of books not yet published. Fans of authors get exclusive sneak peeks, and new readers get to sample authors’ work without committing to an entire book. Publishers, freelancers, and related vendors donate dozens of prizes toward a pool valued at over one thousand dollars.

  Spank or Treat 2014 the anthology offers the sixteen Spank or Treat stories for you in an easy-to-read, portable format. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

  Anastasia Vitsky

  October 28, 2014

  For more information, please visit Governing Ana, find me on Facebook ( or follow me on Twitter (@AnastasiaVitsky). Spank or Treat 2014 is my fifteenth publication. Find out more at Ana’s Books: Look for sweet fairy tale adaptation Taliasman, classical music romance Simple Gifts, the lyrical Desire in Any Language, and the challenging “What if heterosexuality were illegal” dystopia of Becoming Clissine. You can also read about Kat and Natalie at

  Upcoming events:

  Ana’s Advent Calendar (December 1-25)

  Love Spanks 2015 (February 6-8)

  Sci Spanks 2015 (June 12-14)

  Spank or Treat 2015 (October 23-25)

  After Ana By Anastasia Vitsky

  “After Ana,” along with Maren Smith’s “Mistress Mine,” is a companion piece to Ana Adored, our co-authored novel that will be available from Blushing Books in November 2014. Ana Klein, a preschool teacher’s assistant, looks for plant advice on an online site, Heaven in Horticulture. She finds Miranda Hardwick, the Mistress of the Castle, a high-end BDSM resort. While “Mistress Mine” shows Miranda and Ana enjoying their kinky side, “After Ana” gives us a glimpse into the reason they commit to each other.

  “I’ll make you some coffee,” Ana offered, bustling to take out English muffins and assorted fruit. The sight of food made Miranda’s stomach roil.

  “No, thanks.” Miranda gripped her empty mug as if afraid it would desert her. “I’m not that desperate.” She forced a smile.

  “You have to eat,” Ana chided. “You promised you’d take care of yourself. What will I do if my boss lady withers away?” She skinned a wedge of honeydew melon and punched out star-shaped chunks.

  “I had some toast.” At least, she thought so. Earlier that morning, or perhaps at 2 AM when she couldn’t sleep, or the day before. Within the past twenty-four hours, at least.

  Ana gave her look both affectionate and exasperated. “What did you tell me when I moved in? ‘Be honest,’ right? So it only goes one way?”

  “Let’s have some respect, sassy girl.” Miranda forced her words to sound authoritative, even if the queasiness shook her inside. She felt her forehead, wondering how she could shiver and perspire at the same time.

  “Bread untouched, no new plates in the dishwasher, and you’re white as sheet. Tell me another one.” Ana dusted the tops of the English muffins with butter and a hint of cinnamon. Miranda’s favorite.

  “I remember when you were obedient,” Miranda murmured, breaking into a cough. She clutched her black and white knit wrap in a futile effort to get warm. The kitchen should have been cozy in the mid-morning sunshine, but she couldn’t stop shaking.

  Ana set the fluted china plate on the table. She shook out the wrap and rearranged it around Miranda’s shoulders, dropping a chaste kiss on the tip of her ear. “If you want me obedient, you’ll have to do something about it. Mistress dear.”

  Miranda laughed, her throat croaking with the unexpected effort. She reached for the empty coffee cup before setting her h
ands back into her lap. “Stop topping from the bottom.”

  In answer, Ana eased onto Miranda’s lap, burying her face in the long brown tresses usually pinned into a neat bun. “I miss your laugh,” she said without moving. “I’m sorry you lost your friend, but I’m worried about you. Don wouldn’t want you to stare into space all day, would he?”

  Miranda stiffened, and rage swept through her frozen limbs. She pushed Ana away and stood up, trembling with anger instead of cold. She pulled her shawl tighter and lifted her shoulders in the posture that came from years of dance training. She knew, without turning her head, that Ana blinked back tears as she cupped fingers to chin. It was her instinctive reaction.

  “I’m sorry, Miranda. I—“

  “You didn’t know him.” She should stop talking. An eternity ago, she could have kept her composure and dignity. She could have deflected questions with a gracious but distant nod, and no one would have dared to ask more. After Ana came into her life, everything changed. She loved the girl but hated giving up her privacy. Ana had changed that, Ana with her needs and affection. Ana who demanded Miranda to be her whole self, not the Mistress persona she created for the Castle. Miranda had been Mistress Miranda Hardwick for so long that she no longer could feel her real self.

  “I didn’t. But I heard what everyone said about him at the memorial, and he sounded wonderful. Kaylee said you and Don—“

  “She had no right to talk about us!” Miranda pinched the bridge of her nose, trying and failing to visualize the green circle that had kept her calm throughout her professional life. She swept the shawl across her face as if that could keep the questions out. She’d built her life on privacy. She’d learned to survive.

  Instead of skittering away as she might have done earlier, Ana peeled back the shawl. Slowly, carefully. Making eye contact with every motion, reassuring with slight pressure, and gentling Miranda until the older woman released the fabric. Ana cradled the shawl before gathering it up into a neat square and resting it on the back of Miranda’s now-empty chair. She leaned in, kissing away the tears spilling down Miranda’s cheeks.

  “Kaylee said Don was the light of your life, and you were his. She said everyone is worried about you, and you’ve never let anyone in. I love you, Miranda. That means loving the people you love. I never got to know your friend, but I want to.”

  At each word, Miranda’s erect stance softened. Ana had that effect on her, no matter how hard Miranda fought to keep her old distance. She adored Ana, this assistant preschool teacher who treated Miranda with the same gentleness she gave to small children. Miranda hadn’t realized adoring Ana would mean giving up the privacy she’d cherished all her life.

  Not cherished, Miranda realized as Ana’s nimble fingers pulled back her hair and rested behind her ears. Guarded. Defended, as if losing her privacy would mean losing herself.

  “I can’t,” Miranda whispered, reaching at last for the girl who had brought love into her life. “I can’t remember what he looked like. I can’t see him in my mind. When I try, I can’t get past the monitors, the beeping, the pain…”

  “Come on.” As if she were the Mistress and Miranda the submissive, Ana led her to the couch. She nestled the taller woman against her shoulder. “You’re not alone anymore, remember?”

  “I want to.” Ana could talk her into anything. “But I can’t.” Miranda winced as the pain in her chest tightened. The thought of opening up her grief made her wish she could climb Mount Everest instead. “I can’t, my lovely.” Ashamed of her weakness, Miranda let her head rest on Ana’s shoulder. She should take care of her girl, not the other way around. But refusing to let Ana in had almost cost her their relationship.

  Ana frowned, thinking. After a moment, she brightened and jumped off the couch. “I’ll be right back,” she announced as she trotted into their bedroom.

  Miranda wanted to stop her, but her sluggish brain couldn’t make her muscles obey. Ever since she’d collapsed at the news of Don’s death, nothing had worked properly. She waited on the couch, curiously desolate.

  Within minutes, Ana’s cheerful voice called from the bedroom. “Ready?”

  Before Miranda could answer, a seductive black and silver spangled dress appeared, complete with a gloriously pointed hat and broomstick. Miranda broke into laughter, rusty at first but swelling into gales of unrestrained mirth.

  “Well? Do you like it?” Ana pranced into the room and twirled to show off the outfit. The uneven hem flew around to reveal the state of her knickers. Or, rather, the lack of them. “You said you wanted to spank a witch. Here.” She handed Miranda a large, sturdy wooden spoon and crawled across her lap. “Get busy.”

  “You cheeky thing!” Distracted, Miranda skimmed Ana’s skirt upward and squeezed the delectable rounded bottom. “What did I tell you about trying to avoid punishments?”

  “That the distraction should be good and you expect great sex afterward?”

  “Naughty!” Miranda gave a cough and brought the spoon downward. “Incorrigible. Next, you’ll bring out a bunny…” The coldness inside of her loosened, and the warmth appearing on Ana’s cheeks made its way to her own heart.

  “Every witch needs a naughty bunny,” Ana agreed, throwing her head back to grin over her shoulder. “Spank me, O Mistress Mine. And while you’re feeling validated in your dominance, tell me about the friend you loved for most of your life.”

  Miranda slapped the spoon across the pinkening cheeks, but she couldn’t find her voice. When she had invited the girl to her home, she had longed for a girl to call her own.

  After Ana, she realized she had things the wrong way around. She, Miranda, belonged to Ana. Now and forevermore.

  Cookie queen, wooden spoon lady, and champion of carbs, Anastasia Vitsky specializes in F/F erotic fiction. She hates shoes and is allergic to leather. When not writing about women who live spankily ever after, she coordinates reader and author events such as Spank or Treat, Love Spanks, and Sci Spanks. Her favorite event is Ana’s Advent Calendar, a month-long celebration of books, community, and making a difference.

  She is too afraid to watch Dr. Who, but she adores The Good Wife and anything with Audrey Hepburn. In her next life, she will learn how to make the perfect pie crust.

  A Witchy Good Time by Louisa Bacio

  Fallen leaves crunched beneath Shawna’s feet. She stooped, gathering twigs and pinecones, kindling for the fire. The wind kicked up, swirling with a whistle around her ankles, lifting her black skirt. With her free hand, she held onto her hat before it adventured off.

  Returning to the campsite, she placed the wood in the middle of the ring, under her cauldron. With her fingers, she rubbed the curved lip, infusing her aura into the cast iron. The vessel had been handed down via the women in her family, from mother to daughter, until it landed in Shawna’s hands.

  With a strike of the match, the dry pine needles sparked with a blue-orange flame.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Dru, her best friend since childhood, settled her scavengings in the pile and took the seat next to her. Long dark hair draped over her shoulders and ran in streams around the swells of her breasts.

  What would it be like to reach out, caressing the side of her chest? To tweak her nipple? She shook her head, like clearing an image on an Etch a Sketch, averted her eyes, and tended to the recipe.

  “I’m tired of being alone. This spell shows my one true love.”

  One by one, the ingredients went in, and Shawna chanted. The last item was a handful of red rose petals, which symbolized the love she sought. Dru’s leg pressed against hers, causing a physical heat. She concentrated on the incantation, her voice growing louder.

  She opened her eyes, and saw Dru. “No, that didn’t work.”

  “Maybe it did.” Dru slipped her hand through Shawna’s hair, knocking off her hat and brushed her lips against the other woman’s.

  Warmth infused Shawna’s body. The fire crackled, shooting up a fl
urry of sparkling embers. Magic.

  For a few brief moments, she got lost in the feeling, the physical connection, and then her mind took over, questioning what was happening. She didn’t go for women. She was looking for a man. She pulled back, making eye contact with Dru.

  “What was that all about?” Shawna asked. Even without physically touching the other woman, she continued to feel connection like the spider webs of time connected the two of them. She licked her lips and watched her friend track the movement of her tongue.

  Dru blinked her eyes, pale blonde lashes brushed against her flushed cheeks. “You tell me,” she said, her voice husky. “You’re the one performing the magic.”

  “Oh no. Don’t blame this on me. I didn’t ask for …” she flicked her hand out, motioning toward the woman beside her. “I wanted a true love.”

  “And what makes you think I can’t be a true love? Your true love?”

  Dru leaned in closer, and Shawna breathed in her scent of lavender and cloves. “Be-be-because you’re a girl, and I’ve never been attracted to women before. I wanted a guy.”

  “Did you specify that in your spell?” Dru stood, shoving her supplies into the oversized bag. “Maybe you need to find someone else to work with. Obviously, you’re not able to recognize what’s right in front of your face, all this time.”

  “Bu-but where are you going? You don’t date women either.”

  Dru stopped, hand on her hip, and turned toward her. “And how exactly do you know who I date? Maybe, I don’t stereotype, and I’m open to whomever I find attractive, rather than who I’m told I should be attracted to.”

  Turning quickly, her black cape flipped up, swirling with her movement. Shawna suppressed a giggle. She may not stereotype in love, but she was wearing the attire of a fairytale witch.