My Fake Billionaire Read online

Page 4

His reaction took me by surprise. He threw himself at me and grabbed me by the nape of my neck and locked his lips with mine, only this time he didn’t wait for me to deepen the kiss. His tongue danced around mine, and his dick hardened against mine. I put my hands on the sides of his face and reciprocated the kiss.

  One of his hands came down my body, tracing my arm and my stomach before grabbing my cock and squeezing it. I moaned in his mouth and my dick throbbed in his grip.

  “Fuck,” I managed to say, pulling away from the kiss.

  Denver looked around and some of the party guests could still be seen. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side behind the bushes that hid us completely and he kissed me again. I didn’t know why he needed to pull me away so we wouldn’t be seen. Why was a kiss so bad? Did he not want people to see him hooking up with the billionaire? My brain shut down as soon as he grabbed my cock again and pulled his mouth far enough from mine to talk.

  “Do you mind me touching you like that?” he asked.

  I shook my head, my throat too rough to speak any actual words.

  “You’re literally the hottest man I’ve met and I don’t know if I’ll ever get another chance, but… would you… can I suck you off?”

  Was that why he had dragged me here? How naughty and fucking sexy! I’d never done anything like that out in public. I had a reputation back in New York, and the media would go to town if they’d caught me masturbating or sucking anyone off on a side street or at a club, but out here, the press and the life I lived was a distant memory.

  “Only if you let me suck you too.” I grinned, and he responded by pushing me further in the bush and getting down on his knees. The branches dug against my back, but I couldn’t feel the pain because as soon as my fly came undone, he devoured my length, and all I could think about was his hot mouth and what it was doing to me.

  At first, he was slow, as if getting accustomed to my shape and size, but then he used his hand and mouth in coordination. Then he would stop and gently nibble up my shaft and go down to lick my balls before getting back to the main show.

  My entire body was hot and begging for release. Every movement brought me closer to the bliss I was looking for. And just before he brought me to euphoria, he looked up at me with those innocent eyes that were not so innocent anymore, and when I came, he tightened his lips around me and swallowed every last drop.

  It took several moments for my legs to turn solid again because they’d gone all jelly on me, and for my brain to catch up with the rest of my body. And when I did, I turned the tables so I could return the favour.

  As I took his cock in my mouth, I saw him biting his lip. I didn’t know if I could match his blowjob—I more than likely had less experience than him—but I would very damn well try, and I would make sure to not take my eyes off him the whole time. Which proved more difficult the harder his dick became. But I wasn’t a quitter, and I wouldn’t let a long, hard dick get in the way of giving Denver the same bliss he’d given me.

  “Fuck, this is hot,” he muttered under his breath when I swallowed his length down to the base, our eyes were still locked.

  I kept there until I couldn’t any more, and when I came up for air, I wanked him off keeping the head on the tip of my tongue. He came within seconds of me doing that, and like he had, I swallowed his cum and made sure to show him how damn tasty he was. I got off my knees and gave him a deep kiss. This was officially the hottest sex I’d ever had, and we hadn’t even gone all the way. I don’t know if that said more about my sex life or Denver’s ability to turn me on and suck me off in public, but I would treasure this moment forever, even if it never happened again. And I so desperately wanted it to happen again. And again. And again.



  “Come on, let’s get back out there. You made me thirsty,” Will said, straightening my shirt while I ran my fingers through my hair to give it some semblance of tidiness, which at the best of times was an impossible task.

  I laughed. “I made you thirsty?”

  Will kissed me again. God, I could so easily get addicted to his mouth.

  “Hmm, and hungry,” he said into my lips. “You definitely make me hungry.”

  I took his hand to pull him from our hiding place. We were heading for a repeat performance of the Best Orgasms Of All Time, and I didn’t want to risk getting caught.

  The party was still going strong. Waiters walked the room serving canapés and champagne, and the line for the bar hadn’t gone down in the slightest.

  It was like nothing in the world had changed. I’d just had hands down the best blowjob of my life, and out here, in this strange and ridiculous world, it was like it had never happened.

  Not true, I thought to myself. The salty, tangy flavour of Will’s release wasn’t yet a memory. I almost didn’t want to drink anything so I wouldn’t lose it, except I really was thirsty.

  I didn’t want to be left on my own again while Will went to the bar to get our drinks, so I was relieved when he gestured to a waiter who was walking past with a tray of champagne flutes.

  We picked a sofa away from the main party and sat down with our drink. Will put his arm around me so I gladly leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his body seeping into mine.

  “So, why the sunrise?” he asked.

  I looked at him. I was not expecting that question. Will looked out to the sparkly moonlit sea.

  “I used to go to Brooklyn Bridge Park to watch the sunset. I thought I’d never see anything more beautiful in my life, you know?”

  “I agree, the sunset there is breathtaking. Still doesn’t answer my question.” He smiled and planted a soft kiss on my nose.

  “When things between Paul and I ended, I used to watch that sunset every day and think about all the stuff I’d done on my own, for myself.

  “I didn’t realize I was living in the past, always looking back, trying to prove to the past that I could control and rule over my future. When I arrived in Saint Louis, I was so jet lagged I couldn’t sleep.”

  Will smiled again and nodded. He’d likely arrived on a private jet, but the time difference and the hours of travel were the same for everyone.

  “When I saw that sunrise, I realised I’d been looking at life all wrong. It wasn’t about looking back and feeling happy with what I achieved. It’s about looking forward to appreciate the magic and potential each day has for us.

  Even though I’d been preparing for this opportunity for days, it wasn’t until I was here and saw that sunrise that I really felt like I was given a new beginning.”

  It wasn’t until I stopped talking that I saw Will’s eyes on me. Suddenly, I felt stripped bare. I had to look away because I wasn’t sure what else he’d see through my eyes. As it was, I’d never been a good concealer of my emotions, something Paul had taken advantage of on numerous occasions.

  “Paul was wrong, you know?” he said.

  I frowned, “About what?”

  “No one really belongs anywhere, and at the same time, we all belong everywhere.”

  “Easy for you to say,” I said. I wasn’t sure where he was going with the conversation, but I didn’t want Will to create a place for me in his world or justify the actions of other people. Most of all, I didn’t want his pity.

  “I’m sorry, that wasn’t fair,” I said. I took a deep breath and let it out before I spoke again. “Paul had this way of making me feel inadequate. He always wanted to go to these really expensive restaurants. On the few occasions I went with him, I felt out of place, as always, but he also always made a point of telling me how I didn’t fit in that world. I wasn’t refined enough.

  “Eventually I stopped going anywhere with him. I really should have known it was only a matter of time he’d find someone more to his taste.”

  Will put his champagne glass on a side table and moved to stand in front of me. I tried to get up, too, but he stopped me and then kneeled at my feet. I didn’t know what he was going to do, but my throat already felt co

  “Denver, you aren’t inadequate, or not enough, you are everything. You hear me?” He put his hands on my face pulling me closer to him. “You. Are. Everything.”

  That was it, I couldn’t hold the tears back any more. After seeing Paul again, letting him say those horrible things to me, and then having Will comfort me, I felt like my heart had been hand washed and wrung out.

  “Thank you,” I said, “but can you save it for when Paul is within earshot?”

  I winked to lighten the mood. I needed to get back on an even footing to when this was a fake relationship set up to get back at my ex.

  Will smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes, and I knew I’d screwed things up, as usual.

  “Wait.” I put my hands on his shoulders to force him to stay where he was. “I’m sorry, I have this terrible habit of talking myself down. I’ve been to the doctor about it and there’s nothing they can do. True story.”

  His smile most definitely touched his eyes now, making those damned butterflies dance in my belly. His kiss was gentle, but I felt all of him in it. That was until he tensed up when someone called his name.

  “William Knowles the Third, what on earth are you doing kneeling on the floor doing… doing… that.”

  When we separated, his look was apologetic, but I wasn’t sure if he was apologizing to me or for me. He got up and turned to the couple who stood right in front of us.

  “Mother, Father, what are you doing here?”

  What. The. Actual.



  Of fucking course my parents turned up at the wrong time. They were the last thing I wanted to see after the god next to me had made me come and right after we were having a moment that I probably wouldn’t get another chance to have.

  It was typical. And naturally, now that they were here, they would make everything about themselves. They couldn’t trust me with this meeting and they had to get involved.

  “What kind of silly question is that, darling? We’re here to check on you and our prospective purchase,” Mom answered, waving her hand dismissively. “Did we interrupt something?”

  Her tone and the face she made at that question made me sick for Denver, who looked as if he’d been punched in the face.

  “No, nothing impor—” Denver said and tried to turn around, but I stopped him.

  “Yes, actually. I was trying to have a date with my boyfriend, so if you don’t mind.” I said.

  I didn’t care that it wasn’t true, though I wanted it to be so bad. I didn’t like seeing Denver so upset, being looked down on by everyone. Not by Paul and definitely not by my parents. He was worth so much more than all of them combined. For starters, he was funny and could hold a conversation that didn’t involve the word “dollars” or “money.” He was a wordsmith, and a freaking good one at that, and had more talent than anyone I’d ever met.

  “Your boyfriend? Since when do you have a boyfriend? Why wouldn’t you introduce us?” Mom said and approached Denver.

  “I’m Moira Jacqueline Dubois-Knowles. Such a pleasure to meet you,” she said and passed him her hand to kiss as if we were still in the 20s.

  Denver took her hand and shook it reluctantly, and Dad stepped in to shake his hand too.

  “Denver Scott? I’m not familiar. Who’s your father?” Dad asked.

  Denver gave me a quick side-eye that was as clearly a cry for help as anything before answering with the charm I’d come to adore in the last few days.

  “My father is my dad. Jake Scott. Good man,” he said.

  My parents looked confused, and before they could intrude on our night any further, I stepped in and ushered them a few steps away from him.

  “What does his father do?” Dad insisted.

  “I don’t know dad. I haven’t given him the third degree yet,” I answered.

  “Oh my Lord. Is he not from our circle?” Mom shrieked a little too loud for my liking, and I made sure to glare at her.

  “No, mom. He’s not from our circle. He’s actually a writer. He’s currently taken residence of the Barefoot Librarian position here on the resort,” I said.

  Mom’s hand came up to her chest looking for the pearls to clutch, but she wasn’t wearing any today.

  “A… a librarian? Oh dear God,” she gasped.

  “You’re embarrassing yourself, Mom. Stop that.”

  “He’s right, Moira. Stop embarrassing yourself,” Dad added for no good reason other than to get her even more heated.

  Mom turned to him and lay it on him, completely forgetting about Denver and me, and the rest of the guests. I didn’t want to go through a rerun of the other night back in New York, so instead of sitting there to watch them make fools of themselves in the beautiful, peaceful Seychelles, I grabbed Denver’s hand and pulled him away from the party. Perhaps we’d engage in other activities for the rest of the night.

  “I’m sorry about that. They’re quite the showmen,” I said to him when we walked down the path toward all the villas.

  “Don’t be silly. Tell me anyone in the world that’s not embarrassed by their parents,” he replied and hugged himself as if the chill of night finally got to him.

  I hoped it was just that and not the effect of something my parents or I had said. I knew we were worlds apart, but I hoped I’d done enough to close the distance and show him that I didn’t care for all that.

  “I bet yours don’t make scenes like that,” I said.

  “Oh you’d be surprised what Mr. and Mrs. Scott can get up to when they’re all fired up,” he grinned, but the grin didn’t register on the top half of his face.

  Had I lost him already? Had Mom’s intrusiveness and Dad’s rudeness put him off me?

  “Would you like to come back to my room?” I asked.

  “You mean your villa, right?” he raised an eyebrow, and I knew right then what his answer was going to be.

  I nodded.

  “Yes, maybe we can pick up where we left off at the bushes,” I winked, trying to salvage whatever I could.

  Denver bit his lip, and his face relaxed as he stared at me.

  “I would love to, but I’ve got to get up early tomorrow for an event at the store, so… rain check?”

  “Okay,” I replied. “Would you like to have breakfast with me tomorrow? I can ask your boss.”

  He shrugged.

  “We’ll see. I don’t know if I’ll have the time. Text me when you get there and I’ll let you know,” he said, and leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek and left me behind.

  It was good while it lasted, I guess.

  As I expected, my parents came over to my villa later that night to give me grief over my “relationship” as Mom liked to call it, with the whole air-quotes a constant theme with her hands, but I told them we could talk tomorrow and kicked them out of my room.

  Having occupied the largest and best of the villas in the resort, my parents had no option but to take second best, and it gave me more pleasure than anything, as menial as that should. If they had ruined my chances of getting with Denver, they deserved so much more.

  The following morning I got up at nine and headed to the restaurant, and as soon as I sat down, I messaged Denver hoping he’d changed his mind after having the whole night to clear his head.

  As I pressed send, Mom and Dad sat down at my table with a grimace on both their faces.

  “What is it now?” I asked.

  “I can’t wait to change this resort into the Knowles brand. This whole barefoot theme is revolting,” Mom said.

  “It’s supposed to be for casual luxury travelers, Mom,” I explained.

  “Don’t make me laugh. Barefoot resort doesn’t say luxury. It says fungal infection, darling.”

  “Well, I like it,” I said.

  “That’s irrelevant. We have a reputation and a brand to protect. Your father will be signing the transfer tomorrow,” she said.

  The idea that the whole concept of the hotel was going to be erased bugge
d me more than it should have.

  “Your father wanted to talk to you about your little boyfriend,” Mom said.

  I sighed and turned to Dad.

  “Did you know Mr. Scott has surmounted a lot of debt over his lifetime? And his parents have got two mortgages and several credit cards unpaid?”

  “What?” My mouth fell open. “Why would you do that? That’s none of your business? I can’t believe you’d intrude on his privacy like that-”

  “Well it is my business if all he wants you for is our money,” he said.

  “Whatever, Dad. It’s not like that would make a ripple in your fortune anyway. And thank you for your confidence in me picking a partner. That says a lot. You think anyone who’s with me only wants to be with me for my money?”

  My face was scorching and my heart was racing. I should have expected this, but it still felt like a knife in the gut.

  “But darling. These people only see us as something to be hated or used. You need to be very careful. And he will definitely need to sign a pre-nup,” Mom said.

  “Mom, what the hell? We haven’t even started seeing each other yet,” I told her.

  “Well, it’s good to cover all the bases. It might be an idea to get him to sign an NDA, too, in case he finds anything to hold over you,” Dad added.

  “Stop! Stop! He’s not my boyfriend, okay? We were faking it to get back at his ex. You can stop with this crap now. For the love of God,” I begged them.

  I couldn’t remember ever being more mad at them than I was at the moment.

  “Oh thank God for that. He’s so not your type anyway,” Mom said.

  “You can definitely do better than Mr. Scott,” Dad added.

  I wanted them both to disappear, leave this island so I could restore the peace that St. Louis naturally had. The minute they stepped in it, they brought trouble with them. I looked away from them and my gaze fell on Denver and Paul.

  Fucking perfect!
