Beckoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) Read online

Page 7

  I made my way into my house and the bathroom, splashing my face with water. My stomach twisted and turned as I leaned forward and looked in the mirror above the sink. Reguardless, of what Andre said, I did not feel as if I was freeing him from his parents. Instead, I felt as if I was ruining his life…and Katie’s.

  I leaned up from the counter and dried my face on a towel before walking into the living room. I stopped when I seen Katie standing beside the door with her arms crossed over her ample chest. I looked up into her face, seeing tears glistening there. Again, my stomach twisted.

  “So, you’re the one that was chosen for Andre,” she said, stepping forward. I instinctively took a step backwards, not sure if she was dangerous.

  “I am,” I said, cautiously, “I was chosen when I was a year old.”

  “It doesn’t matter how old you were,” she said, raising her chin and pointing at her chest with one crimson tipped finger, “I‘m supposed to be with him.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, feeling my heart squeeze, “I’m sorry that you are hurt.”

  Her eyes narrowed, viciously, “You’re still going to marry him.”

  “You don’t understand,” I said, backing further away. My voice was small and weak, “We have to.”

  “No, you don’t,” she said, desperately. Tears fell down her cheeks as she took another step toward me, “You could refuse.”

  “If I do, he loses his family,” I said, frowning. For some reason, I wanted her to understand that I wasn’t just doing this for me.

  “He’d have me,” she said, sobbing. Then, louder she repeated, “He’d have me!”

  I stared at her in shock. This girl wasn’t in love with Andre. She was obsessed. She didn’t care that he would suffer without his family. I looked at her suddenly angry and protective.

  “It’s not enough,” I whispered and her eyes widened as my voice rose, “You aren’t enough. He needs his family. He loves them.”

  She smiled cruelly, “Really? Do you know where he was last night?” She asked, stepping closer. I raised my chin, refusing to back away again.

  “No,” I said, feeling my heart in my throat as she stopped right in front of me, She smiled cruelly as she looked into my eyes, “He’s been with me.”

  Tears burned paths down my cheeks and my heart broke as I stared at her. What she said rang true. I had not seen him in that time. I looked at her, desperately wanting to deny that it was possible but I couldn’t…I couldn’t.

  Vaguely, I heard the motor home door open. Katie stiffened but did not turn.

  “Get away from Aurora, Katie,” I heard Sophia’s sharp voice beyond her, “Or you will find yourself without a home.”

  Katie stared at me for a few moments more and then, smirked, “I’ve said what I needed to,” she said and then, strode angrily past Sophia out the door.

  I sank to the floor and began to cry. Her words rang in my ears. Andre had been with her for the last two nights. Would he be with her again tonight?

  I felt Sophia’s arms around me a moment later, “Shhh! Don’t listen to a thing that girl has said,” she soothed, “Andre wouldn’t touch her again.”

  I wanted to tell her that she was probably mistaken, but I couldn’t. I could only allow her to soothe me until my tears dried. Then, I was forced to face the women of the motor home park for the rest of my bridal shower. Thankfully Katie had not returned but unfortunately, the memory of her words remained.


  I was exhausted as I laid down that night but sleep eluded me once again. I continued to replay the conversation that I had with Katie in my mind. Every aspect of it bothered me but one thing she said bothered me more than anything else.

  Had he really been with her? I groaned as I pushed the thought away yet again. I did not understand why it mattered. Worse, I could not understand why I felt an insane urge to find Andre and demand that he not see her again. It was crazy…insane.

  I had been so deep in my thoughts I had not realized I wasn’t alone. The darkness was thick around me as I laid in my bed when suddenly a hand covered my mouth. A weight pressed on me as my attacker grabbed both of my wrists in his remaining hand. Terror froze my heart as I looked up into silver eyes. My eyes widened as they adjusted to the darkness, seeing the identity of my attacker…Garridan.

  I inhaled sharply wishing that I was having another nightmare but knowing that I wasn’t. I twisted my body but he rested his weight upon me even more.

  “I told you that I’d be back for you, Aurora,” he whispered harshly.

  I swallowed hard as my mind focused further. I had to get away from him. I had to find a way.

  “I wouldn’t fight, Aurora,” he whispered menacing, “I will hurt your mother if I have to.”

  My heart froze again as he rose off of me, lifting me from the bed. He had taken his hands away from my wrists and my mouth with a threatening look before he did. Both he and I knew that I could not fight here with my mother so close. I wouldn’t allow him to hurt her.

  My eyes widened as he carried me past the couch where my mother slept without waking her. I trembled, realizing how he had gotten in. He had simply walked through the front door.

  I had to force myself not to fight until the distance was far enough away from my mother. I allowed him to carry me as far as the bonfire pit before I struck, reaching up and scratching his face leaving four red marks across his cheek. I cursed myself mentally for biting my nails and curled my fist, punching him squarely in the eye. He dropped me in surprise. I scrambled away from him as I gained my footing and ran. It was only a moment before I was grabbed around the waist and slammed to the ground causing my breath to escape me. He turned me over, slamming me onto my back. His handsome face twisted in anger.

  “Stop fighting, Aurora!” He yelled.

  “No,” I said as he grabbed my wrists to keep me from punching him and placed them next to my head.

  His body pressed down on mine and I felt his hardness press into my thigh. My heart stopped as I realized that he was aroused. Would he rape me as my father had my mother? Tears coursed down my cheeks.

  “Do you want to marry Andre?” he sneered, taking me by surprise with his question. It was almost as if he hadn’t thought of the possibility until that moment.

  A tremble shook me and the answer flew from my mouth, “Yes,” I hissed even though I had convinced myself that I only wanted to marry him to escape my father and Garridan, I knew there was another reason that I wouldn’t let enter my mind.

  For a moment his face contorted as if in pain, “You’ll change your mind,” he said, as if trying to convince himself. He rose and pulled me with him.

  “Walk,” he said pushing me toward the woods.

  “No,” I said, stopping and digging my heels into the grass as he pushed me again, causing me to stumble.

  He pulled me roughly to my feet and that’s when I heard it…a low growl. I heard a shout and I turned to see Gavriel and Marc running toward me. I frowned, wondering where they had come from. A scream from Garridan caused me to turn back to him.

  My heart leapt as the largest wolf I had ever seen began to stalk Garridan snapping and biting at him as it did. It’s brown and black fur rose in hackles on it’s back as it circled so close that I could reach out and touch it. It turned to face me and I inhaled sharply. It’s eyes glowed deep green near the centers but the edges were caramel brown. Familiarity swamped me as I stared into the eyes of the wolf. The wolf turned back to Garridan and I felt Marc at my side a moment later.

  “Aurora, slowly back away. Don‘t run,” he said quietly. For a moment, I wondered where Andre was but I shook the thought away. I was just happy for protection.

  When we were past the bonfire pit, Marc whispered, “Do you see my dad?” He asked, softly and I nodded my head, “We have to get to him. Don’t look back. It will make you want to run…just walk slowly.”

  I nodded as I was reminded of the night before my mother and I had moved back here. I h
ad taken a similar trek across a field. At least this time I wasn’t alone because of that it didn‘t seem to take as long.

  We made it to Gavriel who grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into my home. He looked at Marc with his brow creased in worry, “Go get Andre,” he said desperately. Marc nodded, leaving quickly. Gavriel closed the door and turned to look at me.

  “Did he hurt you?” Gavriel asked, concerned.

  I looked down and then, shook my head, “No. I think I hurt him worse.”

  Gavriel sighed in relief, “Thank goodness the wedding is tomorrow,” he said as my mother woke up blinking rapidly and frowning as she found me and Gavriel in the living room, “We won’t have to worry about you sleepwalking anymore.”

  I frowned, “I wasn’t sleepwalking,” I said, defensive and frightened. My mother‘s eyes widened as she realized what had happened, “Garridan came in here through the front door and took me. I couldn’t fight until we were away from here because he threatened to hurt my mother.”

  Gavriel looked at my mother and then, me horrified, “If he is that brave, it is even better that the wedding is tomorrow,” he said, nervously, “We are very lucky to still have you.”

  I nodded my head feeling more tired than ever. Still my thoughts echoed his. Thank goodness the wedding would be tomorrow. Andre would be there to protect me.

  Chapter Eight

  Wedding Bells

  The wolf invaded my dreams for the rest of the night. Unlike my other dreams, these were not frightening. I felt protected…like the wolf was my guardian. He had certainly been my protector against Garridan.

  The dreams continued through the night expelling all nightmares until I woke…leaving me with the image of the wolf’s eyes in my mind. I had only been awake for a few moments when, Mirella came bursting through my door with my wedding dress in her hand, finally pushing away my thoughts of the wolf. I looked toward the window and groaned. It wasn’t even daylight outside yet.

  “Really?” I asked as I stared at her in annoyance, “Can’t the sun at least have a chance to rise?”

  “No,” she said, grinning widely. She reached down and shook my foot, “It’s your wedding day!”

  “Awww!” I said, throwing my arm over my eyes, “Mirella, please. I was attacked last night. Can‘t I have just thirty more minutes.”

  “Get up,” she pleaded, “You’re getting married today. Most brides to be would be up by now. Don‘t you want to look beautiful. That takes time.”

  “Why did my mother let you in so early?” I whined and I heard her giggle.

  “Because she didn’t want to leave you alone,” she said, happily, “She’s already at the church, making sure that everything is in order. Now, get up. You want to be beautiful for Andre, don’t you?”

  I moved my arm and looked up at her and shook my head in defeat. It would do no good to remind her that I was not a normal bride and that I hadn‘t chosen Andre and he certainly hadn‘t chosen me. The image of Katie Ward chose that moment to pop into my mind and I pushed it away quickly. I definitely did not need that image when I would have at least one hundred people staring at me as I walked down the aisle. I winced. I hope I didn’t trip. Maybe I should get up.

  “What time is it?” I asked, through gritted teeth as I looked toward the window again. It was still dark.

  “It’s six in the morning,” she said, so brightly that I wanted to hit her. Her grin widened, “You’re getting married at ten.”

  My eyes closed as I groaned again. I opened them wincing, “Ten in the morning?”

  Annoyance slid up my spine. Why didn’t my mother tell me anything. She had to know. I looked back at Mirella who was bouncing from foot to foot.

  “Yes,” she said throwing her hand out as if it was obvious, “In the morning.”

  “Ah!” I said, angrily and threw a pillow at her. She dodged it laughing, “Why would they make it so early? Couldn‘t they have chosen the afternoon?”

  Mirella was still laughing as she picked up the pillow and threw it back at me, “The church was booked and that was the only time,” she said, simply and then began to whine, “Get up, Aurora. Please…Please…Please.”

  I glared at her and sat up, “Fine,” I groaned, finally standing, “Just remember that when it’s your turn to be forced down the aisle, with whoever your parents chose for you, I’m going to request that your marriage take place at seven in the morning.”

  She grinned, “Fine,” she said and then, laughed, “You’ll be the matron of honor so you’ll be getting up before me.”

  I shook my head and groaned, “You’re not fair.”

  “Not ever,” she said, grinning, “But I am nice. I’ll help you get ready and I’ll do your hair and make-up. You can just sit there until we put on your dress.”

  I pouted as I gave in, “Fine.”

  She clapped her hands, “Yay!” she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet, “When I’m done with you, Andre will think that you are the most beautiful girl in the world.”

  Katie Ward’s face popped up in my mind once again. I sighed thinking that it was highly unlikely that I would ever replace her.


  As Mirella promised, I didn’t have to do anything. Instead, I allowed her to curl my hair, piling it high on my head and then, do my make-up. I was relaxed and I found because of her constant chatter, I could almost feel excited…I could almost pretend that I was getting married because of love and not because I was being forced.

  Mirella finished with my make-up and hair but kept me from any mirrors. Then, she took my hand and helped me step into the dress that lay puddled on the floor. She released my hand and pulled it up, allowing me to slip my hands through the small white straps that held the bodice in place. It seemed to take forever for her to fasten the buttons along the back. When done, she turned me to face her and then, clapped, “You will not believe how beautiful you are!” She said, excited.

  I shook my head, doubtful, “I’m sure that you’re being kind.”

  “Fine,” she said, rolling her eyes, “See for yourself but know that you’re lack of faith in me is hurtful and mean. Also, you will be apologizing.”

  I laughed, “It’s not a lack of faith in you, Mirella” I said, smiling sadly, “But even you…as awesome as you are…can’t perform that miracle.”

  “Aurora, just go to the mirror,” She ordered, exasperated, “And remember the apology when you get back.”

  I grinned at her and then slowly, walked to the mirror. I kept my eyes downcast, watching the full tulle skirt move with each step. I hadn’t put on my shoes yet and could see my toes pointing out from beneath the hem. I stared at the French tips of my toenails for what seemed like minutes before raising my eyes up to the full skirt and intricately beaded bodice that fit perfectly against my body. My eyes rose further to the v shaped neckline that had somehow made my small chest seem bigger. Small white straps the same color as the gown held the bodice in place. My eyes rose even further and I gasped. My make-up was done in such a way that my skin glowed. My eyes had turned to a warm silver and shined out from my face. My lips seemed in a constant pout. I stared up at my hair that was piled high on my head. The loose strands were curled and left to rest gently around my face. My veil surrounded me, falling gracefully down my back. I blinked shocked as I reached out and touched the mirror. I could not believe that it reflected an image of me.

  “Did I do good?” Mirella asked and I turned to her quickly, causing the bottom of my gown to swish around me. I nodded, feeling like a princess.

  “I-I‘m beautiful,” I said, still stunned at my reflection, “I didn’t even know that I could look like that.”

  Mirella grinned widely, “Really?”

  “Really,” I said, feeling my stomach flip, “And just so you know, I apologize.”

  She grinned and I looked back at the mirror, taking in my reflection again.

  I wonder what Andre will think of me, I thought and then, frowned. Where
had that come from? No matter how beautiful I was, what he thought did not matter. Still, I wondered why I had thought of his reaction at all. I shifted as the only reason I could think of came to me but I pushed it away, nervous enough already.

  Mirella’s voice broke through my thoughts, “I’m glad that you like it and hopefully, Andre will too,” She grinned, mischievously, “Thankfully, we don’t have to wait too long.”

  I looked at her dumbfounded, “And why is that?”

  “Because it’s time to go to the church,” she said, grinning, “Get your shoes on. The limo is waiting.”

  I took a deep breath as my stomach began to flip again. I was about to get married.


  Everything was surreal as I stood within the lobby of the church that Sophia had commissioned. The arched double doors opened in front of me as my flower girls and bridesmaids made their way out of the doors and down the aisle. Mirella looked back at me as her turn came and grinned just before exiting with Marc. I trembled as I grasped Gavriel’s arm, waiting just out of sight beside the huge double doors.

  “It’s okay,” Gavriel whispered, smiling as his grip on my hand tightened, “It isn’t as bad as it seems at first. It gets much…much better.”

  I frowned and then, smiled, “Was it horrible at first with Sophia?”

  He laughed, “Yes, she hated me or so I thought, but then, we became friends and then, we fell in love.”

  “You really do love each other, don’t you?” I asked, looking up into his face.

  His eyes softened, “I love her with everything in me,” he said, looking down at me, smiling, “She makes me a better man.”

  I was still studying him as he led me to stand in front of the double doors. Someone had closed them. I could hear the preacher’s booming voice reach through the door.

  “Everyone please stand for the arrival of the bride,” he said, jovially.

  I heard the rustle of clothing and then, the doors were opened. Gasps filled the air and I turned my attention to the chapel. I held my breath when I seen that every single person from the motor home park stood within…with the exception of Katie Ward. I blushed, feeling self-conscience under their stares.