Reni's Trial by Fire (Triads in Blue Book 12) Read online

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  There was a slightly choked laugh from Sari. ‘I will try and make sure there are no emergencies for at least an hour, or ten. Blessings on all of you.’

  With the door to their quarters closed behind them, Reni leaned back on the locked door and shut his eyes.

  ‘Beloved? Are you alright?’

  ‘Yes, just happy that we can finally be alone together to bond. It hasn’t really been all that long, but it seems forever …’

  Reni stripped off his clothing, and then found himself picked up in strong arms and held against the strong chest he had once dreamed of, those blue eyes smiling down at him. He started to object, but whatever objections he might have made were lost in a kiss.

  ‘Oh no, my Captain. Once you come through this door, you quit giving orders. You’re not in charge in here.’

  Reni wrapped both arms around that powerful neck and purred. ‘My love. My clever love.’

  His other clever love came up on the other side and kissed his way down Reni’s body, and then slid between his legs. Reni gasped and purred louder as Dena took the weight of his legs on his shoulders, and teased up between them with his long tongue. Their tongues were surely designed for making love, Reni thought, as Dena explored in his slicked up hole with it, probing deeper and deeper.

  Reni felt like he was flying, suspended in air between Donovan and Dena, and the pleasure was almost overwhelming. Delight rippled up and down his body, and Dena laughed as he felt it too. It was the first laugh they had elicited from that one since he had joined them, and the big human invaded Reni’s mouth even deeper, and almost purred himself.

  The bond was developing between them already, and Reni used it to share the intense sensations he was feeling with Donovan.

  ‘Gods, that’s magic, sweet ones. I’m jealous now, that you can feel that and I can’t …’

  ‘Oh, you can come close, beloved, and we’ll show you. These clever tongues lubricate and open up, and we won’t deny you that pleasure.’ Reni managed. ‘We are everything to each other, and for always. A lifetime of loving, and exploring each other, even if we are different species.’

  He heard Donovan’s sudden thoughts, and laughed at him, gently, lovingly. ‘Oh yes, bonds between earth humans and Ceruleans are fertile, and yes, you too can become bearing, if the universe decides to make it so.’

  ‘My beautiful blue ones, and we will have beautiful babies, and spend a lot of time rolling around in bed while we’re practicing. We might have to practice a lot, you think?’

  Reni was trying to answer, but Dena was driving him crazy with that clever tongue and the hungry mouth, and all he could do was hang on until passion won and he climaxed into Dena’s mouth. As before, Donovan insisted on sharing the seed, and hummed happily when he realized that the two of them didn’t taste the same.

  ‘Silly,’ Dena smiled up at him. ’We are different individuals, of course we taste different. So you can tell us apart in the dark.’

  Donovan gave up on trying to find a clever answer, and just maneuvered them all towards the big bed. Dena slid out from under Reni’s legs, and Reni found himself being laid down on the bed, quite happy to be an offering to his two beautiful lovers. Beautiful babies indeed.

  He could feel Dena hesitate, but the soft feel of Reni’s body and the slickness of his ready hole won him over. He rolled between Reni’s legs and probed gently at his hole, and Reni writhed happily in welcome. He had no needs other than Dena’s in that moment, and Dena needed to feel the tenderness and love inherent in this first coupling of their bond.

  Dena slid into him, cautiously at first and then with more enthusiasm, finding love and home in Reni’s body. They both gasped as Dena drove in as far as he could and his barbs released, holding them together, with Donovan bracing Reni, and all three moving as one.

  ‘Gods, yes, beautiful …’ Reni cried, but with happiness for a change.

  Dena found release deep inside his lover, and when he was empty they both lay there, locked together, rocking each other joyfully. Donovan stroked both of them, apparently happy to be part of the sharing, not needing anything more for himself for the moment.

  Dena buried his face in Reni’s throat. ‘I didn’t know it could be so good, wonderful, you’re wonderful…’

  ‘No, you’re wonderful …’

  Donovan managed a laugh. ‘You’re both wonderful, I think …’

  Dena kissed Reni and reached over him to kiss Donovan, then gently shifted Reni to one side, and stroked the human’s throbbing erection.

  ‘I know, I heard, that you blame yourself for what happened to me, but it was never your fault, my love. Please, find pleasure for both of us in me …’

  Donovan looked shocked, and then uncertain. ‘I don’t want to be hurting you, beautiful …’

  ‘I am an adult, and this adult wants to have you inside of me. We both need to put those memories to rest.’ Dena shifted to straddle Donovan’s hips and teased at his own slicked up hole with the tip of the human’s shaft.

  Donovan moaned in need and tried to keep his hips still.

  ‘Gods, it isn’t that I don’t want you, beautiful …’

  ‘Sssh. I’ll be in control.’ And Dena gently lowered himself over that beautiful length, easing his body down a little bit at a time, rocking back and forth. Reni slid in behind Dena, rubbing against him and wrapping his arms around him, half in reassurance and half for his own pleasure from the contact.

  The three of them rocked back and forth and all three felt the formal bond beginning to lock into place, and Donovan climaxed into Dena, all three crying out at once as he did.




  ‘We need to seal the bond,’ Reni managed, and Dena, with surprising aggression, bent over and bit into Donovan’s neck, and then twisted to do the same to Reni. Reni nicked Dena, and all three shared blood and then licked the small wounds clean before collapsing into a happy pile on the bed.

  Reni couldn’t think of anything to say, or anything that needed saying, and just curled up with his beloveds, feeling happy and complete for the first time in a long time.

  ‘Yes, me too,’ Dena echoed his thought.

  ‘I didn’t know what I was missing,’ Donovan admitted.

  Reni work up throughout the night sometimes held tenderly in loving arms, and sometimes rocked by passion as they explored the many ways of bringing pleasure and fulfillment to each other. He wondered vaguely if this was how Oki had survived and come out the other end smiling – having so much love to keep him strong. Then he fell asleep again, purring.

  The invasion, when it came, was unexpected, as was the point of attack.

  Pounding on the connecting door between his quarters and those of the children woke them all up, along with some childish screaming.

  Donovan rolled out of bed naked and flung the door open, but the sight didn’t seem to faze his street kids. One message made its way through the jumble of hysterical shouts and cries.

  “Poppy’s having puppies!”

  Donovan scratched his head and sighed, while Dena and Reni admired the rear view and smiled at each other.

  “And what am I supposed to do about that?”

  “We need Leah, we need you to get Leah!”

  ‘Just when you think you’re indispensable, it turns out that you’re only a messenger boy,’ Reni commiserated.

  Donovan turned around to glare, and Reni tried to wipe the smile off his face.

  ‘She’ll be in Medical,’ he offered, but was contradicted by Sari, who was trying not to laugh at what he could hear going on.

  ‘Sorry, sir, I didn’t see that interruption coming. Apparently I can’t read puppies’ minds. Leah is already on her way.’

  Donovan pulled a tunic on and threw a couple more at his lovers, and they made their way next door to try and affect damage control. Poppy, as the puppy had apparently been named, didn’t seem to be as distressed as the children. She was pan
ting and curled up in a nest of dirty laundry in one corner of a room that seemed to be wall-to-wall dirty laundry.

  It was Reni’s turn to sigh. “We didn’t tell you about the laundry system, did we?”

  The children just stared at him, not having even been aware of any such need. Donovan stared, too. “There’s a laundry system?”

  “Ship. Dirty laundry, return to these quarters when clean.”

  A panel slid open, and Reni pointed to it. “All dirty laundry in there, please, empty the pockets first.”

  They made some half-hearted attempts, which stopped when Leah and her new friend came through the door. The big man was leaning heavily on her, and sat down on the closest bed to catch his breath. The children launched into a great and excited account of what was happening with Poppy, which Leah interrupted with a look around, and then, “Laundry”.

  Reni was caught by Dena’s sudden stillness, and worried why he was staring at the gray-eyed man. If this was one of the ones who had hurt his beloved …

  Dena stared at the man in disbelief, and then cried, “Doctor?”

  That probably kept Donovan from launching his own assault on the man who, by definition, wasn’t good enough for Leah, who was still one of his kids.

  The man looked surprised, then overjoyed. “Dena! You made it, you’re alright! And Tani? He’s alright, too?”

  He hugged Dena, and both of them were smiling and trying not to cry.

  “Gods, I was so worried about you, but I didn’t know what else to do. I was heading out to work at a refugee camp right away – I’m with Doctors Across Worlds, or I was – I didn’t know what to do, how to help you best. All I could think of was to get you out of that evil place and to Tani’s house, hoping you’d be safe there.”

  Reni suspected there was more to the story than that, but everyone was safe and healing now. That was good enough.

  By the time the introductions had been made all around, patches of the floor were showing in places, and Leah had assisted with the delivery of the first puppy. It was rapidly followed by three more, and then Poppy was happily washing them all and nuzzling them in to nurse on her. She looked pleased with herself, and Reni couldn’t help but share the pride, seeing as he was the one who had rescued her, and was – technically – her guardian.

  When fights started breaking out over what to name the puppies Reni and Dena pulled Donovan back into their quarters, and locked the door behind them.

  ‘Where were we?’

  No-one could remember, so they started at the top again.

  Chapter 7.

  They reassembled on the bridge the next morning, with their new friend the doctor leaning on Leah, and Tani and Dena both smiling at him.

  “What will you do now, Doctor? Go back to your organization?”

  “Call me Gianni, please. If I may, I’ll stay with you. Nisa and I have been talking about how much we can learn from each other, and from Leah. Nisa, Reni and Leah all contributed to save my life – maybe jointly there is something we can contribute, advances we can make to help others.”

  Donovan, who hadn’t had time to really examine the bridge before, wandered over to survey the star map on the wall. He looked over the web of colored lights, clearly impressed.

  “This is what you told me about, Captain, the map of where the other Lost Children are?”

  Gianni raised his eyebrows, and Reni filled him in.

  “It’s an algorithm based mapping system, which helps us to know where to look for our Lost Children, and hopefully find the ones at highest risk first. They’re scattered throughout the universe, but we won’t stop until we’ve found all of them.”

  They all surveyed it quietly, the yellow and red lights of urgency fewer than they had been years ago when the ship first launched, but still too many. Dena reached out to touch one red light, and Sari murmured agreement, with Tani held tightly against him.

  “This is where we go next?”

  “We’ll clean up our loose ends here, and then yes, that’s our next stop.” Reni smiled over at Sari. “It’s been a rough few weeks, but it won’t all be like that, I hope!”

  Sari smiled back. “Never boring, sir. I’ll plot a course.”

  Reni smiled. For now, they were all united, holding onto each other, and in relative harmony. Donovan continued to glare at Leah’s new friend (‘She’s too young for him!’) and Dena was still healing, but they were moving forward. Maybe his crew would be the one to bring home the last of the Lost Children? They would certainly bring some of them home, and help other lost souls while they were doing it. Would they put an end to all suffering? No, of course not, he thought. But every bit helped, and doing something was always better than doing nothing.

  “Yes, plot the course, please, Sari. We’ve places to go … ”

  The end.

  Thank you for reading!

  The adventures of everyone’s favorite blue aliens continue, and will do so into the foreseeable future.

  Each triad has their HEA wrapped up in their own book, although some characters will continue to pop in and out of other being’s adventures. So far, in order of publication, but mostly readable in any order:

  1. Zack’s Little Darling

  2. Jacob’s Pair of Hearts

  3. Norin’s Wild Thing

  4. Caleb’s Web

  5. Javen’s Dream

  6. Kaji’s Challenge

  7. Atu’s Education

  8. Quin’s Fresh Start

  9. Maru’s Surrender

  10. Deven’s Leap of Faith

  11. The Ambassador’s Reprieve

  12. Reni’s Trial by Fire

  Vara’s Snow Monster - tba

  Note – these stories contain explicit scenes of sex, in varying degrees of steaminess, between consenting multiple adult males of different species (i.e. triads, aka menages). Note - Quin’s Fresh Start is the only story so far which involves a pair and not a triad.

  No cliffhangers; all happy endings.

  Thank you!
