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"Easton is still toying around with that little band of his."

  "It's not just some little band. East of Addiction just signed to a major record label and is currently on tour. They happen to be amazing. You would know that if you bothered to go see them."

  "Emerson, did you know Parker recently made partner at his father's firm?" My mom asks drawing the conversation on to a different subject when she sees my father squirming in his seat.

  Looking over at Parker I decide to play along as I plaster a fake smile on my face. "Good for you, Parker. What kind of law do you practice?"

  "Criminal law," he responds.

  "Oh. That's right up your alley then. You know, defending rapists and all." I honestly cannot believe I just said that and by my mother's gasp she can't either.

  "Emerson!" she snaps. "What has gotten into you today?"

  "What's gotten into me is every time I come home to see you and Dad you pull shit like this," I say cooly pointing at our guest across the table. "Now if you will excuse me, I've lost my appetite." Standing, I toss my napkin on the table and ignore the stunned look on everyone's face, and for once I am proud of myself. As I make my way out of the dining room and up the stairs, I pull my phone from my back pocket to call an Uber. I'm going home—tonight. No sooner do I make it to my room I get another text from my brother. I know he's checking up on me.

  East: Well?

  Me: Dinner was a nightmare. Mom invited the Stewarts'.

  I'm not surprised when my phone rings two seconds after I press send.

  "Hey," I answer my brother.

  "Was the motherfucker there?"

  Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I sigh, "yes."

  "Son of a bitch! I guess that pussy needs another reminder about staying away from you. I think I'll break both arms this time," Easton grinds out.

  "You don't need to do anything. I'm a big girl now. I can handle pricks like Parker."

  "I know you are, Em, but you're my baby sister. I always got your back."

  "Yeah, I know you do, East. And you're older by only two minutes," I chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

  "Doesn't matter. Older is older," he says and I know he's grinning behind the phone. Seeing headlights shine through the window I look out and see my Uber is here. "Look East, my ride just pulled up. I'm going back home tonight. I'll text you when I get there, okay?"

  "Alright, Em. I love you."

  "Love you too."

  Disconnecting the phone, I grab my overnight bag from the dresser and do a quick work at gathering my stuff from the bathroom. Walking down the stairs, I can hear the murmurs of my parents and their guest still talking in the dining room. I don't bother going back in there to say goodbye. At this point, all I want is to get back to Polson; where I belong.

  Chapter Five


  Liam called last night, and as promised I got myself up this morning and made a run to the other side of town to check out the bike for sale he was thinking about buying. The kid has good taste. A Dyna super glide is an excellent choice for a guy his size. It will make riding more comfortable. Needs work, but the kid is willin' to put in the hours to have somethin' to call his, and you gotta respect that. Nothing like knowing you put the time in to make your ride custom. After helping him load it onto the trailer he borrowed to haul it home, I congratulated him on his new ride and jumped on my own to head back towards the clubhouse. I love mornings like today. The air is crisp with the changing of seasons, and the Montana sky is the perfect shade of indigo blue making the mountains and the sea of green pastures look like a painted canvas as I cruise down the road.

  I'm fuckin' stoked because later today the club is throwing a patch in party for Grey. I think we all knew the moment he started prospecting for us he would make the cut. Once Logan told me that Bella mentioned Emerson would be coming to the party it made the celebration that much sweeter because tonight I'm going to end all this dancin' around. It's time to stop avoiding what we both want.

  The unmistakable sound of a Harley revving its engine from behind me as I hit the industrial area of town has me shifting my attention to my side mirror to catch a glimpse of who it might be. Just about the time I slow my speed to try and get a good look, the fucker guns it, speeding past me so close and so fast it causes the standing water on the edge of the road from last night's rain to kick up, soaking me in the process. I don't recognize the bike and waste no time taking off after the dickhead, but before I can catch up to the ballsy son of a bitch, he swerves around a delivery truck stopped at a flashing railroad crossing. The train whistle blows on its approach as the guy effortlessly dodges the guard rails a mere minute from becoming bug guts on the front end of the locomotive. Damn it. I slow to a stop. Keeping a close eye on my surroundings, I wait for the train to pass. Who the fuck could this guy be? Maybe he's was a young punk out joyriding and decided to be a complete bonehead. I think back to the reason a few of the brothers went to hang out at Charley's the other night. From what they reported it was a pretty uneventful night. Either way, maybe I should say something to Prez.

  When I make it to the clubhouse, I notice the only bike outside belongs to Grey, so I back my bike up alongside his. Besides Rain and Ember, Grey, Austin, and Blake are the only members who live here. For now, the place is quiet, so walking inside I decided to head upstairs and take a quick shower.

  "What happened to you," Grey emerges from his room upstairs as I head down the hall to my room, one half my body wet with muddy water.

  "Some asshat sped past me on my way here," I acknowledge him, pushing my hair from my face.

  "Damn, brother he must have come pretty close to soak you like that."

  "Too fuckin' close," I tell him. "I'll catch you downstairs, man. Gonna clean my ass up."

  Grey nods his head and heads downstairs. I open my bedroom door, walk into my room, and strip out of my wet clothes before I walk my naked ass to the bathroom and start the shower. Not wasting time, I wash the grime off, step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist as I look at my reflection in the fogged-up mirror. Running my finger through my hair, I pull it back securing it with a hair tie. Rubbing my palm over my beard, I debate whether or not to trim it or go for a complete clean shave but I decide to keep it and opt to shape it up a bit before retrieving a pair of jeans from my dresser drawer and get myself dressed.

  Once downstairs, I run into Logan and Reid sitting at the bar, both drinking a cold beer. After walking behind the bar grabbing a cold one for myself, I plant my ass on the barstool to the right of Reid. In the process, I catch the time on the clock on the wall. Hell, Already noon. Things should start picking up soon. "How's it going?" I lift my beer towards my brothers.

  "Can't complain. Heard some dickhead got too close for comfort on your way here earlier?" Logan questions. They probably came in lookin' for me, and Grey filled them in. "Some fucker decided to go all Evel Knievel on their bike down near the old metal fabrication factory on the other side of town. Came this close," I gesture holding two fingers an inch apart, "to being minced meat by a fuckin' train in the process."

  Logan and Reid give me their full attention and Reid asks, "you get a look at the guy?"

  I shake my head, "naw, I heard him first though. He revved his bike before gunning it. Almost like he wanted me to hear him first. He was making himself known. He sped past me and with a face full of muddy water I didn't get a good enough look at the rider before taking off after him."

  "You thinkin' it's just some punk ass kid?" Reid leans against the back of his barstool.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I take a swig of my beer, "not sure. Could have been. The guy was reckless."

  "I have a gut feelin' we shouldn't pass it off as some dick tryin' to showboat. He was behind you and would have seen your cut," Logan's brows furrow. "So, I'm not convinced it's nothing," he downs the last of his beer. "All this aside, we have a party to get ready for. The girls will be showing up soon to help get things ready, so let's get to settin' o
ut tables and fire up the grills," Logan announces chucking his empty bottle in the trash.

  The ladies walk in not long after, with no Emerson. "I thought Emerson was ridin' with you ladies?" I ask.

  "She said she was running late and would drive herself," Alba explains.

  Bella walks up and pats my arm. "Don't worry, she'll be here in about an hour. She got held up at the hospital."

  An hour later, Prez kicks things off with a speech. "Today we celebrate adding a permanent member to our growing brotherhood. Grey started prospecting for our club over a year ago," he motions for Grey to step forward and as he walks past earns cheers and hollers from the entire family gathered here today.

  That's also when I notice Emerson walking around the corner of the building and towards the women. Her captivating eyes meet mine as I follow her across the yard. The brief smile she gives me throws me for a loop and steals my heart from my chest. A clasp on my shoulder loosens the hold Emerson has on me.

  "Claim her later, brother. Let's watch our brother get patched in first," Gabriel redirects my attention, and I reluctantly peel my eyes away from Emerson.

  I listen as Prez continues his speech. "Son, from day one you've earned this cut. You show up to every meeting, finish any and every task given. You've done it all while showing respect to this club and yourself. Time and time again you have demonstrated your commitment to the club and your brothers with pride."

  Taking his prospect cut off and given his fully patched cut, Grey slips it over his shoulders, the grin displaying how proud he is in the moment. He clears his throat. "After being allowed to hang around for a while and getting to know you guys, getting to see the tight-knit family you are, getting to experience the brotherhood you offered, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I knew I was missing somethin' in my life—a family; a brotherhood," he looks down at the patch that bears his name, "I'll wear this with pride and with respect for my club and my brothers."

  The backyard erupts with cheers. One by one we all make our way to congratulate him personally. "How's it feel, brother?" I ask him and hand him a cold beer.

  "Feels great," he takes the beer, and clinks it against mine.

  "You've earned it, man," I smile and raise my bottle.

  The party has been in full force for a few hours now. Night has fallen. Music is playing through the giant speakers set up under the covered patio area off the back of the building, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. My eyes have been glued to Emerson all night, and those tight as fuck jeans she's wearing have caused me to sport a semi the entire night. Noticing she's gone MIA, I decided to go on a little treasure hunt and find her. Once making a loop around front to make sure her car is still here I circle back around to the backyard and make my way through the sliding doors leading to the kitchen. As I'm turning the corner to head down the unlit hall leading to the downstairs bathroom, we collide. Emerson loses her balance, but my hand shoots out wrapping around her slim waist helping her stay on her feet. She sways slightly before her palm comes to rest on my chest as she steadies herself. Emerson has let her hair down tonight and has been thoroughly enjoying herself and maybe has had a little too much to drink by the looks of it. I keep my hands on her. Partly to make sure she doesn't fall, but mostly because I don't want to let go. The soft curves of her waist fits my hands like a glove. "Sunshine, you okay?" I ask her because she hasn't stopped staring at her hand still placed on my chest. "Hey, beautiful," I place my finger under her chin, guiding her eyes to mine.

  "Umm," she blinks a few times, "yeah, I'm okay. Just a little tipsy is all," she tells me as her eyes fall to my lips, then licks hers. The need to kiss her becomes unbearable. "Quinn," she breathes my name, and the soft melodic sound of her voice draws me closer to her.

  "Sunshine, unless you want me to claim those sweet lips of yours I'm gonna need you to stop lookin' at me like I'm your favorite candy," my voice drips with lust as I dangle by a thread.

  "What if I want you to?" Emerson whispers, and I think my heart skips a beat and my cock twitches with her admission. My eyes close, but only for a moment. "Babe, I won't make a move unless you say so," I pull her body flush against mine letting her feel the effect she has on me. "What do you want?"


  I waste no time capturing her lips with mine. I breathe her in like she's my dying breath. She clenches my shirt. Dropping my hands lower I scoop her off the floor, and her legs wrap around my hips. Not breaking the connection, I press her back against the wall and hold her there. I pull back, leaning my forehead against hers. "Fuck, Sunshine. You don't know how long I've waited to taste your mouth." Her hands run through my hair snagging the hair tie in the process as she pulls it free. The way her nails drag across my scalp send tingles down my spine. Her hips rock; rubbing against my raging hard-on. I grin. My woman is feelin' bold. I like it. Leaning down, I run my lips across the sensitive flesh on her neck and kiss my way down over her shoulder. She grinds her hips again creating agonizing friction. The heat I feel from between her legs adding fuel to my fire. Instantly my lips are on hers. Grinding my hips against her, we make out in the dark hallway.

  "Quinn," Emerson pants wanting more of me. Needing to give her want she wants, I drop her feet to the floor and run my palm under her shirt until my thumb caresses the underside of her breast. "You aching for more?" I ask her and tug on her earlobe with my teeth.

  "Yes," she runs her small soft hands under my shirt splaying her fingers across my abs before roaming higher finding my nipple piercings. She bites her lower lip as she lightly tugs on one watching my reaction to the sensation it creates. I pull the strap of her bra over her shoulder and run my palm over her breast as her eyes never leave mine. Imagine my sweet surprise when I discover her pierced nipple and I tug on it. Her head leans against the wall as a moan of pleasure escapes her lips and my cock throbs with excitement. "Fuck. You're full of surprises aren't you, Sunshine?" I pull the hem of her shirt up, dip my head and take her taut pink nipple into my mouth causing a deep throaty moan to vibrate off the walls. Her body is tense. Tense in the way she needs a release, and I'm about to give it to her. I run my finger along the waist of her jeans and gauge her reaction as I unbutton them. Not once does she waver. Her look gives me the green light, and I go for it. I slip my hand down past her panties finding her swollen clit. "You're soaked," I kiss her and block her body with mine in case someone happens upon us. I move my hand further down, sliding my fingers through her slick folds then drag them up and start massaging her clit instantly finding her sweet spot. I build her up to the point her hips start to take over. "You ready to come for me, Sunshine?" I sink two fingers into her tight pussy and rub her clit with the heel of my palm.

  "Oh god," her nails dig into my shoulders, and she buries her face in my chest to muffle her moans.

  "Come for me, beautiful," I whisper across her ear. Her pussy clamps down on my fingers and continues to pulsate as she rides out her orgasm. Claiming her mouth again, I wait for her body to relax into mine before I'm unable to resist any longer. Wanting to taste her, I bring my fingers to my mouth, and suck them clean.

  "Quinn," she says, her voice barely a whisper as she attempts to get her breathing under control.

  I lean against the wall, my arm above her head. I can't stop staring at the beautiful woman in front of me. She has no idea how deep I've fallen for her. I brush the hair from her face with the back of my hand and tuck it behind her ear. "Yeah, babe?"

  "Take me home."

  Chapter Six


  I can't believe I'm going through with this. For one night I'm going to throw caution to the wind and give in to what I have been craving for the past couple of years. Riding on the back of Quinn's bike with my arms wrapped tightly around his waist and my palms pressed flat against his hard abs feels right. It feels like this is where I am supposed to be. Resting my chin on his shoulder, I close my eyes, breathe in his intoxicating scent and enjoy the moment. A shiver runs down my sp
ine when he reaches back and runs his hand up my leg then grabs it pulling me flush against his back, and I can feel the heat of his skin through his clothes. Deciding to be bold I lean in, and brush my lips against the crook of Quinn's neck and my actions have him turning his eyes away from the road as he gives me a heated stare. It causes a familiar tingle between my legs; the same one I get every time he looks at me. When his eyes return to the road, he begins picking up speed, ignoring the red light he just ran. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a thrill out of Quinn wanting me desperately enough he's willing to ignore the laws of the road.

  Pulling up in front of my apartment neither one of us says a word as Quinn parks his bike and we climb off. Taking my hand in his, he leads me from the parking lot and up the stairs to my door. The whole time I feel as if my heart is about to beat out of my chest. "Keys," he says with a husky tone holding out his hand. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my keys and place them in his palm. Still holding my hand, he unlocks my apartment door and leads me in. I don't get two steps inside before my door slams shut and my body is pressed against the wall as Quinn's mouth comes crashing down on mine. Grabbing my ass, he lifts me off the floor, and my legs wrap around his torso. His taste is electrifying. When his mouth is on mine, and his hands are on my body, I lose all senses. All that exists is us, and everything else around us fades away. "You feel it don't ya?" He asks breaking our connection.

  "Yes. I feel it," I admit, my voice barely a whisper.

  Sliding down Quinn's body, I let out a small moan when I feel his impressive erection, and he growls. Taking hold of his hand, I take the lead this time guiding us down the hallway to my bedroom. Once we are standing at the foot of my bed, I gently push against his chest urging him to sit. Allowing me to continue my lead which is something I never do, but thanks to liquid courage I don't hesitate, Quinn complies. I can tell by the set line in his jaw and his clenched fist he is fighting not to take over. With a smirk, I step back and decide to tease him a bit, see how long he can last before he takes what he wants. Grabbing the hem of my shirt, I slowly pull it off over my head exposing my sheer yellow bra that leaves nothing to the imagination. I smile when Quinn's eyes drop to my pert nipples that are visible through the shear material. "Fuck, Sunshine," he hisses. Moving forward I unbutton my jeans and slowly slide the zipper down. I then hook my thumbs into the waist and shimmy my hips while gliding them over my ass and down my legs revealing my matching yellow thong. It's in the exact moment I shed my jeans when Quinn's will power snaps and he can no longer hold back. In a flash, he is up off the bed taking one long stride to stand directly in front of me. Without a word, he begins to undress starting by toeing off his boots. Next, he removes his cut and lays it on top of the dresser directly behind me. Quinn then grabs the back of his t-shirt and pulls it off over his head. By this time my breaths are coming out in pants, and I become even more hyperaware that this thing between us is finally happening. My finger twitches at the need to touch him. As if knowing what I want, Quinn speaks, "Touch me, Sunshine. Take what you want."