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Mafia Lullaby: A Dark Captive Romance Page 2
Mafia Lullaby: A Dark Captive Romance Read online
Page 2
“Don’t move too fast, it will make it hurt more,” he cautioned, but she ignored him.
Thrusting herself to sit up, she regretted it as a wave of nausea hit her along with another sharp explosion of pain. She groaned, holding her head.
He chuckled. “I told you. Now stop moving around and lie back down.”
She ignored him again, swinging her legs over the side of the bed and shoving off the thick blankets keeping her warm.
He sighed.
“Who are you, and where am I?” she asked, pressing her elbows into her knees and rubbing her fingers against her temples.
“You’re at the House,” he answered simply. Like she should have any clue as to what that meant.
“What House, and who are you?” she demanded with her eyes closed. Another roll of nausea caught her off guard, and she bent over further until the roiling in her stomach subsided.
She heard the chair creak and when the bed dipped, she understood he’d moved to sit down beside her.
“They had to give you a second dose of the sedative because you were fighting them so much when you got here.” He placed his hand on her back, rubbing in gentle circles. “The nausea will stop soon, but your head will most likely pound for awhile.”
“I want to go home,” she said softly. This had to be a nightmare. Punishment for having too many cookies for dinner.
“That’s not going to happen,” he said firmly. “Better you understand that now. Get the idea of leaving out of your head. For your own sake, Ariana.”
She shoved off the bed, away from his touch.
“How do you know my name? Why am I here?” she yelled. Pounding head be damned, she wanted answers.
Blinking a few times, her vision finally focused enough for her to see his neatly combed dark hair, chiseled jawline and fierce eyes.
“I know everything about you, Ariana.” He stood from the bed and folded his arms over his chest. If he was trying to scare her, he was too late. Fear pumped through her veins faster than her own blood. “It’s my job to know so I can take care of you better, so I can train you properly.”
“Train me?” She covered her mouth. She may not have gotten far after high school, but she was smart enough to start putting the pieces together. And the picture the puzzle made didn’t exactly give her the warm fuzzies. Her eyes darted around the room searching for any possible escape.
“Yes. And I can tell from the look on your face, you have a good idea what that means. But it’s a little different here. There’s a specific niche we fulfill.” He opened the drawer of the nightstand and pulled out a pink and purple sippy cup.
Words flooded her mind, but none made it out of her mouth.
“This has your medicine in it. It will be placed on your nightstand every evening and every morning. You are expected to drink all of it. If you don’t, there’s a punishment,” he explained. “You have a lot to learn, but right now you need to accept your fate. You aren’t going home. Ever. You are a little girl of the House now.” He cupped her shoulders and dipped his chin to peer into her eyes.
“What does that even mean?” she asked softly, her gaze returning to the sippy cup.
“You’ll learn that in the next few days. Right now, drink your medicine. It will help your headache.” He pulled her into a hug, but she stiffened and attempted to step away. “Never resist my touch, Ariana.” He placed a small peck to her forehead and released her.
“I don’t understand any of this.” She stepped back from him.
The door opened and a woman, not much older than Ariana walked in carrying a small teddy bear in one hand and a similar sippy cup in the other. Her hair was pulled into two tight ponytails, and she was wearing a short dress.
“Courtney, what are you doing in here?” he asked in a deep voice.
“Daddy told me to get you. He needs you in the playroom,” the woman said, swaying her hips and making the skirt of her dress swish around her legs.
He frowned. “What’s going on in the playroom?”
“I dunno.” She pulled her shoulders up to her ears. “I was with him in his room, but he said he needed to go the playroom and told me to come get you.”
“Okay. I’ll go see what’s going on. Courtney, you can stay here with Ariana until I get back.”
“Okay.” Courtney bounced on her toes.
“Take your medicine.” He pointed a straight finger at Ariana then left the room.
Courtney let out an exaggerated sigh and gave Ariana a long appraising look. “Are you okay?”
Ariana shook her head. Of course, she wasn’t okay. What the fuck was going on here? Why was this grown woman speaking and acting this way? Medicine? Sippy cups? Playroom? Daddy? This had to be a nightmare. A sick and twisted nightmare that she had to wake up from. She didn’t know if it was the sedative or panic, but her ears rang, and her head spun. This couldn’t be real.
This couldn’t be real!
“I need to get out of here.” Ariana rushed to the door but found it locked.
“He probably locked it on his way out. Most Daddies do that when their girls show up at first. Don’t worry, eventually he won’t anymore. Once you start taking all your medicines.” Courtney dropped her teddy bear on the bed and picked up the sippy cup. “You should drink this.”
“What is it?”
Courtney shrugged. “I’m not sure exactly, but it helps make everything easier.” She plopped down on the bed, kicking her feet against the gray carpeting.
“Makes what easier?” Ariana demanded. All of the half answers she was getting made her aching head spin even more than it was.
“Being their little girls,” Courtney said plainly. “Sometimes it’s hard cause the grownups in our bodies don’t want to be little girls. So, they give us the medicine to help us be the little girls we are meant to be.”
Ariana took the sippy cup from her and stared at it. It looked like water. She unscrewed the top and sniffed. No scent, but there had to be a drug inside.
“What if you don’t want to be a little girl?” Ariana asked, screwing the top back on the cup.
Courtney frowned. “You don’t want to know,” she whispered. “It’s really bad.”
“Like how bad?”
“Well, there was a girl a few months ago who didn’t like it here. She stopped taking her medicine and refused to listen to her daddy, so Uncle Frank came and took her away.”
Ariana took a slow breath. Getting information would take patience, but unluckily for her, it didn’t look like she had anywhere else to be.
“Who’s Uncle Frank? And where did he take her? And what are we trained for? And what’s that guy’s name who was just in here?” Ariana rattled off her questions. He could be back any second; it was crunch time.
“You ask a lot of questions.” Courtney sighed. “Okay. Uncle Frank owns the House. He never comes here though unless someone’s in big trouble. Our Daddies teach us to be good girls so we can get adopted one day…” She tapped her finger against her chin. “What was your other question?”
“That guy,” Ariana prompted. Panic built in her chest. She needed to sort all this out.
“Oh. His name is Costello, but you have to call him Daddy until you get adopted, then you’ll call your new daddy, Daddy.” She nodded with a smile.
Ariana’s stomach twisted. Things like that were nightmares for other people. Horrible stories on talk shows and late-night documentaries. They weren’t supposed to happen to girls like her.
“Courtney, where did Uncle Frank take the girl who stopped taking the medicine?” Ariana asked, squatting down to get on the same eye-level as her.
Courtney’s brow wrinkled.
“It’s important. What happened to her?” Ariana pressed, forcing her voice to stay steady. She knew that if she let the panic in her chest leak into her voice, she’d scare Courtney.
The door opened and closed, startling both women.
“Courtney, go to the playroo
m. Your daddy is waiting for you.” Costello’s dark voice shut Courtney down before she could give a real answer.
“Okay.” Courtney hopped up from the bed, grabbing her teddy bear. “Bye-bye.” She wiggled her fingers at Ariana and smiled up at Costello before skipping out of the room.
“Why does she act like that? What’s in this medicine?” Ariana demanded, throwing the sippy cup at Costello. It hit his chest and fell to the floor with a thunk. The top popped off, spilling the contents all over the carpet.
Costello’s gaze settled on the mess the liquid made as the carpet drank it up, then as if in slow motion, he brought his dark, angry eyes to hers. Ariana took a step back, raising her hand to ward him off as though her single palm could keep the anger she saw in his expression from reaching her.
“Well.” His shoulders dropped. “I guess now’s as good a time as any to show you what happens to naughty girls. Come here, Ariana. You’re going to get your first spanking.”
She’d thrown the cup at him! Costello had met dozens of girls in this room. After being abducted and waking up in the House, the girls were usually disorientated, frightened. Most were compliant, doing whatever they could for a chance at escape, to be let free. The drugs they were given during intake helped keep them calm, but Ariana seemed to fight against the sedatives racing through her veins.
“What? No.” She waved her hands in front of her. “Don’t you dare touch me!” she screamed.
“Oh, I’m going to do a hell of a lot more than touch you.” He chuckled, grabbing her forearm tightly.
She yanked back, throwing all her weight downward, trying to get away from him. But there would be no escape.
“Stop!” She kicked her feet at him. Thankfully, they’d already removed her shoes, so her bare foot striking his shin did nothing but irritate him.
He calmly dragged her back to the bed, a narrow twin bed made specifically for the girls of the House. Sitting down on the edge, he gave one quick tug and had her over his lap easily. She squirmed. Given how small her build was, he was surprised by the strength in her. He captured her waist with one arm, pinning her against his body and quickly went to work.
“Fuck you! Let me go right now!”
Bringing his hand down on her ass at first shocked her into silence, but it only lasted a moment. She doubled her efforts to get away from him, but he held her firmly and continued to rain the spanks down over her cheeks.
The thin dress the girls were given to wear couldn’t be giving her much protection, but when she continued to scream and fight him, he decided to remove even that barrier.
“Settle down,” he demanded and yanked the hem of the dress up to her waist, giving him the first look at her luscious curves.
She froze.
With a feather touch, he traced the curve of each ass cheek. Harsh red blotches marred her creamy flesh.
“Stop it.” She sounded as though she were speaking through clenched teeth. “Please.”
“Ah, so you do have some manners.” He patted one cheek, watching the sweet rebound after the soft smack. “Remember to use them from now on and you can avoid more of this.”
“No!” Her hand flung behind her. He rolled his eyes to the back of his head. Easily, he pinned her wrist to the small of her back and continued the spanking. Now with her dress up, he could be more accurate, assuring not a single speck of her ass went untouched.
The squirming resumed but quickly receded as he increased the force of the spanks. Her sobs broke through the repetitive sound of his hand meeting her ass.
Only when her body relented and softened did he stop the spanking. Her shoulders shook, but he paid no attention to her tears.
She’d earned them, and she could keep them.
He rested his hand on her ass, the heat of her flesh matching that of his palm. She wasn’t the only one with a sting to work through; his hand had endured the pain as well. Though his enjoyment of watching her wiggle, and the sweet sound of her cries offset the sting.
“Everything okay, Costello?” Nancy, one of the women in charge of taking care of the girls bathing and dressing when the Daddies were busy, popped her head into the room. She’d no doubt been waiting in the hallway listening for the spanking to end before opening the door. Although Nancy wasn’t allowed to punish the girls herself, she wasn’t shy about tattling on them and sticking around to watch the spanking be doled out.
“Yes. Just a small rebellion.” Costello ran his hand in circles over Ariana’s ass cheeks. Although some girls liked the attention after their asses had been lit up, Ariana tensed. Did she not understand the difference between punishment and a caress?
“Looks like there’s been a spill.” Nancy stepped inside and picked up the opened sippy cup, holding the lid and the cup separately.
“I need the suppository kit,” Costello stated. If Nancy was waiting for the full story of Ariana’s misdeeds, she could wait all day. He wasn’t going to give her any more of a picture for her personal spank bank.
Nancy pulled a small kit from the nightstand drawer and handed it to him. The tip of her tongue peeked out of her mouth and touched her top lip as she took in Ariana’s red, well-spanked ass.
“Thanks.” Costello’s firm voice drew her attention back to him again. “You can go.”
She scrunched up her lips. “You might need some help.”
“I’m fine. Go.” Costello gestured with his chin toward the door.
Ariana’s sobs softened to soft sniffles, but her body remained tight. At least she wasn’t fighting him anymore.
“Fine.” Nancy turned toward the door in her typical huff when not allowed to assist with disciplining or dealing with one of the girls.
“She’s gone.” Costello patted Ariana’s thigh.
Ariana started to push off the bed, but he pressed harder on her back to keep her down. “We aren’t done yet,” he warned.
Ariana strained her neck to look over her shoulder at him. Streaks of tears ran down her red, puffy cheeks. Her eyes sparkled with the unfallen tears, but what struck him hard in the chest were her pupils. Large and round.
“Hmm.” He readjusted his arm around her waist and spread her ass cheeks apart. “That’s what I thought.” He grinned to himself.
“Stop.” She tried to wiggle away, but one quick smack to her ass stilled her.
With a single finger, he swiped through her folds.
“Wet.” He sucked on his finger, licking off every bit of her juices. When he locked eyes with her, his smile widened. “It’s actually very normal for your body to get aroused. And it makes me happy.”
“I don’t care what makes you happy. If you touch me again—” He cut her off by sliding his middle finger into her pussy, all the way up to his last knuckle. She sucked in a long breath, surprised probably, but she couldn’t hide the satisfied moan when he curled his finger.
“Now. It’s late and I have other work to do. So, you’ll take your medicine and get to sleep. When I see you tomorrow morning, you’ll find things to be much easier for you.” He withdrew his finger and went about opening the small box with the suppository.
“Wait! What are you doing?” She twisted on his lap again. “No! Okay, I’ll drink the damn medicine!”
He laughed. “You get one shot at that. Now you’ll have to take it this way.” He pinched the white Lullaby suppository between his fingers and once more pried open her ass cheeks with his other hand, making sure to keep pressure on her back with his elbow.
“No! Please!” Her fight built up again and her legs kicked out, but he was stronger, and he wouldn’t leave her in peace until she’d taken her medicine.
“Relax your asshole to make it easier on you. Easy or hard, this is going in,” he said through gritted teeth. He’d never had such a fighter before. They must not have given her a strong enough sedative laced with the Lullaby when she arrived.
The girls weren’t given a full dose of the Lullaby until after they’d met their daddy, but they were dosed
enough to assure the drug wouldn’t cause a reaction. It helped make them more pliable.
The struggling woman over his lap screaming and swinging her arms back at him was not pliable by any means.
“Fine. Hard way it is.” He shoved the suppository past the tight ring of muscle and pushed it as far into her as his finger would go.
Her scream bounced off the walls.
Keeping his finger right where it was, buried inside her ass, he waited until she started to calm down.
“Just relax, Ariana,” he spoke softly. “Let Daddy take care of you.”
“I hate you,” she responded, though sounded sleepy enough that he removed his finger from her ass and let up on the pressure on her back.
“What did you give me?” she asked when he scooped her up off his lap and maneuvered her onto the bed. Both cheeks were red and wet from all her crying. Her voice hoarse from the amount of screeching.
“Medicine,” he said and pulled the covers over her, tucking them up around her chin. She lay still beneath the quilt, like a board. “Go to sleep. In the morning, I’ll check your ass for bruising, and you’ll take your next dose of medicine the right way, correct?” he asked, leaning over her face. Even after a change of clothes and all her crying, she still smelled of a bakery.
“Leave me alone,” she said softly, closing her eyes and rolling away from him. He watched her for a long moment. The sedative was kicking in, and she’d be asleep shortly.
He flipped off the light on her nightstand and left her to herself. There’d be plenty of new rules and things to get used to in the morning. And after another dose of Lullaby was administered, she wouldn’t be so tough to handle. She’d be easier, more playful.
It would be better for them both that way. Yet, disappointment tugged at his heart as he closed the bedroom door.
She was in a madhouse. That had to be it. Someone had mistakenly brought her to an institution for the insane.
Ariana stared at the girl sitting across from her at the large banquet table she’d been brought to after being forced to bathe and dress. Before she had fully woken up, Nancy had yanked off her blankets and shoved another sippy cup at her. With her hands on her hips and her toe tapping against the carpet, she’d stood over Ariana as she drank the sickening sweet liquid.