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Just One Bite Volume 5 Page 5
Just One Bite Volume 5 Read online
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Focus, Neci. I sighed my resignation to professionalism.
Our world got decidedly darker with every step thanks to the tangle of trees, the late hour, and the clouds. About an hour in, a drop of cold rain splashed onto my nose. “Uh-oh.”
Ace looked back at me.
“It’s raining.”
“Then we’d better backtrack to that cave we just passed.”
We’d passed a cave? I stepped aside; he brushed past to lead us in the opposite direction. The heavens opened up at that instant. As the rain pounded me, I sheltered the camera with my body while Ace found the cover for it. With the beams of our headlights bobbing, we managed to slip the plastic over the thing. Ace took it and moved on. I followed, ducking against the downpour that quickly drenched me. In seconds my ponytail hung limply down my back.
When Ace abruptly stopped, I ran smack into him. “Sorry.”
He ignored me and edged forward more slowly. Sure enough, a flash of lightning revealed the yawning entrance of a cave. I stumbled over a rock. Grabbing Ace’s belt, I saved myself from a nasty fall. He glanced back, but didn’t comment. I held on until we stepped inside nature’s shelter. Releasing Ace, I immediately began shucking bags. I rolled my shoulders to ease the cramp in them, a move that stretched my wet khaki shirt over my lush breasts.
Ace’s eyes began to glow...literally. Startled, I blinked away residual raindrops and looked again. A gorgeous guy with normal green eyes looked back at me. “You okay?”
“Yeah, sure,” I answered, oddly flustered. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
That ridiculous question made him laugh. He began unloading bags, too. “Know how to build a fire?”
“Yes.” I looked around. “But there’s no wood.”
“Then you’d better go get some.” He uncovered the video camera and began wiping it dry with a cloth he’d dug up from somewhere.
“Right.” This was my show, after all. I faced the entrance of the cave and took a deep breath, preparing myself for the deluge and a search for fallen limbs that would probably be wet. Accompanied by rolling thunder, I found several that were fairly dry thanks to being sheltered by rocks or larger limbs, as well as some grass that I’d use to start the blaze. I darted back into the cave to find Ace sitting on the rock floor with a glowing lantern next to him.
He glared at me.
I tossed down the wood and walked over. “What’s wrong?”
“I thought you knew how to use one of these.” Ace referred to the camera he held.
I realized that he was reviewing what I’d filmed so far. “I do.”
“Then what the hell is this?”
I looked closer. “Your butt?”
“Exactly. Five minutes of it. You’re supposed to be filming the machete, or the jungle, or even the sky. Not my backside.”
I winced. “Sorry.”
“So why would a pro do something a lame as that?”
“What can I say?” I shrugged. “You have a great ass.”
“And you have nice tits. Doesn’t mean I’m going to film them. You got my fly, too, by the way. Almost a minute of it.”
“Well, it was sort of...out there.”
“Which is all your fault.”
“Is the wood dry enough to burn?”
“Um...oh...yeah. At least I think so.”I shook my head to clear it and got to work stacking the limbs, highly conscious of his hot gaze on me. I arranged the grass, dug a match from my bag, and struck it against the box. The grass went up in flames; I knelt and gently blew on them so they’d spread to the wood. Droplets of rain hissed, but the limbs eventually caught fire. Pleased with myself, I turned to Ace and found him barefoot, shirtless and stepping out of his pants. “What are you doing?”
“Drying off. You should get out of your wet things, too.”
“Oh. Right.” I freed my hair from the ponytail and began unbuttoning my blouse, shrugging out of it in seconds. Wearing only a lacy bra above the waist, I bent to untie my boots. I heard the thunk of Ace’s belt buckle hitting the cave floor. Before I could look to check his progress, he stepped up close behind me.
“Need any help?”
“I...sure.” I faced him, my pussy creaming at the thought of his hands touching me. He smiled as if he knew and began unbuckling my belt. My pants dropped to my ankles. I stepped out of them, which left me wearing a thong and the bra. “What now?”
“You’re the star of this show. You tell me.”
“Why don’t we spread out our things on these ledges? The heat from the fire will dry them while we eat something, and then we can get dressed again.”
Ace growled.
I blinked, surprised by that feral response to my teasing. “You expected another answer?”
“I did, and you probably know what it was.” His eyes began to glow, proving my own eyes hadn’t played a trick on me earlier.
I took a quick step back. “Yeah, but I’m thinking we should stick to business. I did a lot of research in preparation for this gig. Any distraction could compromise the outcome.”
“We can hardly hunt snakes in this weather.”
I glanced uncertainly toward the cave entrance. As if on cue, lightning struck something nearby. Thunder crashed. I jumped, highly aware of the wind sweeping the trees. “You have a point.”
“And an idea. Why don’t you research a future investigation while we’re waiting for the rain to stop?”
“Nasferatu. You can start with this tidbit: we actually have a lot of different names. Vampiro in Italy, vampir in Germany and Romania, vampyr in Denmark.”
I took another step back, which put me against the rock wall. “Are you telling me you’re a—”
“Vampire? Yes.”
“But you don’t have fangs.”
“Myth! Which is exactly why you should do a show on us. Half the stuff out there is pure crap.”
Someone gulped audibly. Surely not Neci Dominga, adventuress extraordinaire. “Please don’t bite me. I like to tan.”
“You don’t burst into flames in the sun?”
Ace chuckled. “We don’t sleep in coffins, either, or die from silver bullets, or cringe from crosses and garlic.”
Intrigued in spite of myself, I relaxed a little. “But you do drink blood, right?”
“We drink it, but not as often as you might think. And there’s a worldwide organization distributing a synthetic plasma product that completely satisfies our cravings.”
“No shit? What else sets you apart from humans?”
“Immortality. We can also see in the dark, hear a bumblebee hiccup from miles away, and fuck forever.”
I licked my lips. “Fuck...?”
“Forever. Yes. Would you like a demonstration?”
“Hell yeah. Er, just for the sake of the series, of course.”
“Of course. May I?” He glanced pointedly at my bra. I turned my back to him so he could unfasten it. As the straps slid down my arms, he slipped his hands around me to cup my breasts and tease my nipples to taut peaks. My heart rate kicked up a notch. His hand moved down my flat belly to ping the elastic of my thong. “These, too.”
I spun around. “I will if you will.”
Ace shinnied out of his blue boxer briefs. With my eyes glued to his amazing cock, I lowered my lacy black thong and kicked it aside. He immediately lifted me onto a natural ledge; I wrapped my arms and legs around him. We began to kiss. I touched my tongue to his teeth, skimming them to check for fangs. There really weren’t any. Almost disappointed, I pulled back a little. Was he lying about the vampire thing? If he had super sight and hearing, I had no proof of it. What if this whole thing was an elaborate scheme to get inside my pants? Men could be such pigs.
But his eyes are glowing and look at that cock...
Ace set me on my feet and went for one of the bags. He dug out a condom, which he put on. In a nanosecond, he stood at my si
de again. A gentle push had me turned around bending at the waist with my fingers splayed on the rock ledge. Did I like that position of vulnerability? I wasn’t sure yet.
He stepped closer. I tensed, highly aware of his proximity and the way his bare body brushed against mine. “This first time will be a little crazy. Love that ass of yours, and I’ve been hard for hours.”
What a sweet promise...or was it a warning?
Ace rubbed his engorged prick from my asshole to my pussy. I trembled, unsure of how he might take me. While I’d fucked many times in my twenty-six years, I’d never taken it in the ass. As if sensing my uncertainty, Ace slid his cock into my soaked pussy and worked it a few times. Every bit as needy as he was, I began pushing back against him. He suddenly withdrew. His fingers probed my pussy next and came out wet. Ace teased my asshole and then slid a couple of those dripping fingers inside it. I tensed.
“Is that a ‘no’?” he asked.
“That’s a ‘go for it, please!’”
The tip of his dick now touched my tiny hole. Holding my body firmly in place, he pushed his cock inside me. I gasped my surprise and pleasure, loving the way he filled me up and then some. Before I could really adjust to him, Ace began to shove hard, each thrust zinging my pussy. My knees buckled, but he held me in place, nailing me until my screams of pleasure rivaled the thunder. Just as my climax slammed me, Ace’s clever fingers found my clit. An explosion of ecstasy rocked my world. I felt his cock jerk release inside me.
When we could breathe again, he disengaged. I turned to face him. Ace’s mouth covered mine. We kissed and kissed, each one deeper, wetter and better than the one before it. I felt like I was a teenager again, making out with my first love. Ace’s hands sliding over my skin negated that image. His expert touch reignited the flames of need and passion. When he finally raised his head, I looked at him in wonder. “You know, if I really do an exposé on vampires, I’ll need something more exciting to talk about than fake blood.”
“G-rated show, then?”
I nodded. “Unfortunately, so tonight’s, um, exercise, could not be mentioned.”
“Then maybe you should write a book on us, instead.”
“Great idea. But I’d have to do a lot more research first.” I glanced out the cave entrance. “How long do these rainstorms last, anyway?”
“Days, sometimes weeks. When are you expected back?”
“I believe ‘whenever’ is the term Eric used.”
Ace grinned. “Excellent. Up for more research?”
I glanced down at his cock, still hard and ready. He obviously was.
“Absolutely,” I said, reaching for it.
The Vampire Next Door
by Lauren Hawkeye
I was ninety-nine percent certain that my neighbour was a vampire.
It had been a week since he’d moved in next door. I’d been home sick with the flu for most of that time, so I’d had plenty of opportunities to be nosy.
I’d only ever seen him at night. In fact, the first time I’d laid eyes on him it had been just past midnight. He had paused with his hand pressed to his door, the pale lemon light of a streetlamp washing over his pale, pale skin. He’d looked right up at my window, where I’d been hovering behind the curtains, as if he’d known I was there.
The second night, as I’d watched surreptitiously from my window, a workman had come and pried away the mirrored tiles that covered one of the walls in his living room—tiles that had once reflected the flames of the fireplace, turning the room into a visual inferno. I’d puzzled over why a workman would come at night... and more than that, why my new neighbour wouldn’t just do it himself. He was a big man, well over six feet, broad and tightly muscled—a modern Viking.
It just didn’t make sense.
Then there was the lack of fire in the fireplace that had been reflected in the mirrors that were no longer there. When the curtains of my living room and his were both open, I had an unobstructed view of his main floor, something I’d discovered when the previous tenants had been in residence. My neighbour’s house boasted a gorgeous fireplace that could roast a large animal, and that fireplace had been a prominent selling feature in the realtor’s ad.
Mr. Vampire Next Door hadn’t gone near it, though the autumn nights had begun to grow cold. No wood had been brought in, either, not even sticks of kindling, nor newspaper to ignite the flames.
There were other things as well. I’d never seen him bring food into the house, never seen him order a pizza. I’d scrutinized the moving van and the cardboard boxes as they were unpacked, and couldn’t detect a single pot, pan or wooden spoon.
As a court would say, my snooping had netted me nothing but circumstantial evidence. Still, I was convinced.
My new neighbour was a vampire.
Having nothing better to do with my time, since I was too weak to do more than skulk about my house, I continued to watch, and grew ever more fascinated. I couldn’t have said why, but I was drawn to the man like I’d never been drawn to anyone before.
I was obsessed. I wanted to know everything about him.
I wanted to touch him, wanted to run my hands through the pale straw hair that caught only artificial light, shining wanly at night.
I wanted to run my hands over the alabaster skin that stretched tightly over a warrior’s body.
On the seventh night, I could take it no more. When the sky was fully dark, and I thought that I could more easily slip into the shadows, I slipped out my front door and danced across the crisp expanse of lawn shadowed olive and grey in the night.
I approached his mailbox cautiously.
I hadn’t seen him yet that evening, and I wasn’t going to take anything.
I just wanted to know his name.
With the old style metal box in front of me I looked left, and then I looked right. With a pang in my gut, I lifted the flap that would reveal the box’s secrets.
It screeched loudly enough to make me cringe before revealing that it was empty. I cursed out loud at my own stupidity—of course it was empty. He was a vampire. He was probably several hundred years old.
He probably didn’t even officially exist.
“It’s Emmett.” My heart leapt into my throat as the words sliced through the thick night air. I hadn’t heard him approach, and now stared wide-eyed, caught in the act.
I was calmer than I should have been, face to face with a vampire.
“That’s what you were looking for, yes? My name?” The Norse god had to tilt his head way down to look at me. He had the faintest hint of an accent, one that I couldn’t quite place. “It’s Emmett. Emmett Kelly. And you are Athena.”
“How did you know that?” He stepped towards me, and I waited for my heart to start hammering in my chest. It didn’t.
It might have been stupid, but I wasn’t afraid.
“I know lots of things.” He took yet another step, and held out his hand for my own. I looked up into eyes the colour of the summer sky that he never saw, and felt compelled to place my cool, dry hand in his own.
He pulled me along the short path to his home, and up the steps of his porch. I felt a wave of nausea and knew that I should be home in bed, but knew also that I wouldn’t give up this opportunity, not even if it killed me.
“Come in.” I felt better as I stepped inside from out. I glanced around the front entryway of his dim house, and saw nothing that disabused me of the notion that Emmett was a vampire.
I also didn’t see anything that told me he was, but that was neither here nor there.
“Would you like a tour?” I perked up at the question and nodded. Maybe I could satisfy my curiosity, maybe I’d find something that would answer my question either way.
I eyed the spectacularly sculpted muscles of my vampire’s ass as I followed him down the shadowed hall, and licked a rough tongue over dry lips. I reflected that in the end, perhaps I didn’t much care either way.
I wanted him, wanted him more than a tall, frosted glass of gl
acial water on a steaming summer day.
I wondered if he wanted me, too.
I got my answer as he led me into the darkness of his kitchen. Before I could even look around the room, I was pinned back against the wall. I felt the miniscule bumps of the cool plaster against my back, a sharp contrast to the six plus feet of hot, hard male flesh that pressed me back.
For a long moment I stood as if frozen, my stare held in the iron grip of his hot blue gaze. Images danced through my head, primal ones of ancient stones, of naked flesh writhing, of inky warrior tattoos and blood.
Then I heard a growl emanate from between my lips, a sound of pure need, and before I could think to wonder where it had come from, my mouth was pressed against his, open wide and exploring with a heat I had never before felt.
I gasped, or he did, as my hands streaked up beneath his black t-shirt and felt the lean planes of muscle there. I explored for the briefest of moments before I found myself unfastening the zipper of his jeans.
His hands filled themselves with my breasts, strummed rough fingers over hard peaks as I palmed the silken steel of his cock. It was erect and weeping at the tip as I stroked my fingers over it, and I released it only long enough to shove his jeans down around his hips.
He murmured into my neck, words that sounded foreign and old. I wondered briefly if he would bite me, then forgot entirely when he swept his tongue over the hollow at the base of my throat.
I twined my arms around his neck as he tugged down the soft cotton of my sleep shorts. I was bare beneath, and he twined his fingers through the softly shadowed curls that lay between my legs before dipping a finger into my moist heat and stroking once, twice.