Mister Manhattan: A Hero Club Novel Read online

Page 7

  “Chloe, I would love to find someone to fall in love with, but that’s not always easy to do.”

  “That’s what my mom says. She actually says men are players, and it’s about time women do it too.”

  Anderson’s eyebrows shot up as his mouth dropped open. I don’t think either of us knew what to say. We didn’t need to, as Chloe continued.

  “When I asked what a player is, both Soraya and my mom said Anderson. What’s a player?”

  “Check, please.” Anderson’s hand went in the air, “Chloe, let’s go get you a Birkin.”

  “Um k.”

  Chloe seemed satisfied without hearing what a player was, but I really wanted to know what she was talking about. Though I didn’t love being in the hot seat for Chloe’s questions, I loved watching her make Anderson squirm. This kid is freaking amazing!

  Anderson nodded, and I turned to find Markus at the door of the restaurant. “Ladies, why don’t you head out to the car with Markus while I take care of the bill. There may be a bit of a surprise waiting for you.”

  Chloe was up and out of the booth, heading for a smiling Markus before I could reply. I grabbed my purse and began to slide out, “I guess we will be in the car.”

  “I’ll be right there.” Anderson winked as the waitress approached with the bill and a flirty smile.

  A twinge of jealousy shot through me as I walked away, hearing him chat with her up. Wow, player is super accurate. And, J, why the hell do you even care?



  “Dad!” Chloe shouted as we entered Graham and Soraya’s apartment. “We’re home!”

  Soraya walked into the living room wearing jeans and a t-shirt, her hair tied back, and a huge grin on her face. “I hear that, kiddo.”

  Chloe ran into her arms and gave her a big hug. “Anderson bought me a new bag. He tried to buy one for Jurnee, but she wouldn’t let him.”

  “Because I don’t need a thousand-dollar handbag.” I readjusted my twenty-two dollar purse over my shoulder.

  “That was very nice of him. Did you say thank you?”

  “She did. Several times, in fact.” Anderson sat down on the sofa, seeming very proud of himself.

  Chloe held out her phone to Soraya, “Will you take our picture?”

  “I can take it, Chloe.” I moved toward my new friend.

  “You have to be in the picture.” She plopped down next to Anderson and patted the sofa next to her. “Sit here, Jurnee.”

  Slowly, I lowered myself down next to Chloe. Anderson crossed his long legs and stretched his arm across the back of the sofa. I glanced over to him, and he tilted his head. “You okay?” His fingers lightly caressed my shoulder.

  Dear God, please help me not fall for this gorgeous man. He will break me.

  I nodded and gave him a smile.

  “Ready? One. Two.” Soraya snapped the picture, and Chloe bounced up when Graham called her from somewhere in the condo.

  Anderson tapped my shoulder, and we looked at each other. It took Soraya clearing her throat before we broke the stare.

  “Listen, you two.” She sat in the chair across from the sofa. “As a thank you for helping with Chloe this afternoon, I’d like to invite you both to stay for dinner. My friend, Delia, is coming over and, Jurnee, I really want you to meet her.”

  Anderson’s phone began vibrating like mad.

  “It must be five o’clock already,” Soraya said as she sat back in her chair.

  I checked my watch. “One minute after five.”

  “Yeah, the world’s clock could be set by Anderson’s phone going off at five.” Anderson shook his head. The vibrating stopped, and I watched him slide his phone back into his jacket pocket. “Have you heard about Anderson’s nightly text rule?”

  “We don’t need to do this now, do we?” He pleaded.

  I giggled, “I’ve heard of his two life rules, but I don’t know about the text one.”

  “Anderson restricts his ladies to contacting him between 5pm and, what is it, 7pm?”

  “Six and not my ladies.”

  “Right. Right. Women are allowed to text him between five and six if they are open to ‘hook up’ for the night. Basically, they put in their application each day and wait to see if he chooses them as the toy for the night.”


  “I wouldn’t exactly explain it like that.”

  Soraya barked out a laugh, “how would you explain it?”

  “To avoid getting texted throughout the day, I request that all texts come between a particular time. And, yes. I may contact one of them back to spend time with them.”

  Yeah, I know I have zero game at reading men. Texting for sex… seriously.

  Graham walked in holding his son’s hand in one hand and two bottles in a wine bucket in the other hand. The two were both dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. The Morgan family, all dressed in jeans and t-shirts, looked like they were preparing for a magazine shoot.

  “Babe, Chloe is going to spend the night at Hannah’s, and her mom is taking the girls out to their early riding lesson. I arranged for Louis to pick her up from the barn and take her to school. And I postponed the Wellington meeting with her coaches.”

  “Hold on. You got me out of a before dawn drive to the barn?” Soraya beamed up at her husband as Lorenzo sat at her feet, taking the train from a basket next to the chair. She winked up to Graham, “I love you so much.”

  “Thanks for watching Chloe for us. Staying for dinner?” Graham placed the wine on the coffee table and ran his fingers through Soraya’s hair.

  “Please stay.” Soraya held a truck up for the smiling toddler.

  “I don’t have any plans and would love to stay.” I looked over at Anderson, “I don’t want to speak for the man that has so many opportunities for the evening.”

  A shiver jetted through my body as his fingers brushed my shoulders.

  “Soraya, I’d love to stay for dinner.” His tone was commanding, and I couldn’t help but turn to look at him. He was staring at me as he continued, “There is no place I’d rather be than here with all of you. Thank you for the offer.”

  A knock at the door startled me and drew Anderson’s gaze away from mine. I released my breath and made my way to the window. There would have been no way I could describe what I saw out the window. My head understood the dangers, but the butterflies that rammed the inside of my stomach when he touched me made it hard to care.

  “This is what NYC postcards are made of,” I whispered out into the Universe.

  “Jurnee,” Soraya approached, followed by a lovely woman with a big smile. “This is my friend, Delia. Delia, this is Jurnee. Anderson, you remember Delia, right?”

  “Of course,” I walked over to shake Delia’s hand.

  “Welcome to the Big Apple.” I giggled at Delia’s comment and caught Anderson’s eye roll. “How are you liking it so far?”

  “Thank you. The city is overwhelming, but I haven’t gotten lost in at least two hours.”

  Both women laughed, Soraya asked, “Does anyone want wine?”

  “Soraya,” Graham called from somewhere in the apartment.

  His wife shook her head and kissed her son on his cheek and gestured to her friend. “Why don’t you pour the wine on the counter while I solve whatever Daddy needs.”

  Delia nodded and headed for the kitchen. Soraya excused herself, making the room seem to shrink. It was just Anderson and me. I returned my attention to the view. His stare was on me like a coat.

  I returned to my seat. His scent had consumed my senses throughout the day as I tried to identify what he smelled like. Oh my God… A mixture of bubbly champagne and an orange soda. I opened my eyes to find him staring at me. Oh my God. You are gorgeous.

  “So, Jurnee, what would you be doing if you were back home in Michigan?”

  “It’s Monday night. That means weekly dinner at my parents’ house, having baked chicken because my dad refuses to use the grill we gave him five ye
ars ago. Then, I’d head back to my place to have a warm autumn cocktail in the backyard with Derrick.”

  “You’re close to your family then.” His tone had a hint of longing that surprised me.

  I tilted my head from my left shoulder and then to my right. “Close is one word.” I immediately felt guilty. “My parents are the best, and my sister is just my sister. She’s a lot.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, she sells real estate, and she has the personality of a real estate agent. I’m incredibly proud of her, but she can just be a lot. I’ve lived in Lansing all my life, and I know like five people. Donna makes it a point to know everyone and be known by everyone.”

  “I get that.” He said in a hushed voice.

  “Do you have siblings?”

  “Two older sisters.” He nodded. “They’re ten years older than me. Twins.”

  “Wow, ten years’ difference. Are you guys close?”

  He thought for a moment. Before he answered my question, Delia returned with large wine glasses for each of us. “I hope white is okay. I guess I should have asked before I poured it.”

  “White is perfect for me. Thank you.” I accepted the offered wineglass with a smile.

  Delia sat in the chair Soraya had occupied. We waved to Chloe as Graham and Soraya walked her through the apartment and down to the lobby. Before I knew it, Anderson sat down next to me and, again, stretched his arm across the back of the sofa. His fingers caressed my shoulder. Everything inside me told me that getting close to Anderson was not a good idea, but my attraction to him had grown during our afternoon together.

  “Jurnee, Soraya tells me you are exploring the dating scene here in the city. How’s that going?”

  Anderson tensed and withdraw his arm from around me. He turned his body to face me and crossed his long leg over one another.

  “Dating in New York… two. Jurnee… zero. I’ve had two dates scheduled and been stood up both times.” Jokingly, I added, “After the second time, I wonder if they are showing up, taking a look at me, and fleeing.”

  “That’s not it at all. Guaranteed.” Anderson asserted angrily.

  Delia watched us over her wineglass as Soraya and Graham returned. Graham handed his wife a glass of wine and placed a baby monitor on the coffee table in front of the love seat where he pulled his wife into him.

  “What about Marco?” Delia’s eyebrows shot up like she had just had come up with a million-dollar idea.

  “I think–”

  “Marco!” Soraya interrupted me, leaning toward Delia. “That’s a great idea.”

  Anderson’s arm made its way to the back of the sofa again. This time his fingers rested on my shoulder. When I stole a glance in his direction, his teeth were clenched. He focused on Delia as she spoke.

  “Tig and I had dinner with him a few days ago.” Delia bounced in her seat with excitement as she continued. “He isn’t seeing anyone at the moment. Soraya, do you think they’d hit it off?”

  Running my fingers through the ends of my hair, I stole another glance at Anderson. “Maybe–”

  “Yes!” Soraya set her wine on the coffee table, ignoring the fact I was trying to speak. “Marco would be perfect for Jurnee. You should invite him over.”

  Graham put his hands in the air to stop the conversation. “First, we are not inviting that guy over tonight. No. Second, you should consider discussing this idea with Jurnee before planning the wedding.”

  Soraya turned her head and planted a quick kiss on Graham. “You’re so cute, Babe. You know I’m more of a ‘let’s get his name tattooed on your ass to celebrate the wedding’ kind of woman.”

  She and Delia cracked up. Graham just stared at Soraya while Anderson was full-on glaring at Delia.

  “Okay.” Soraya regained her composure and turned to look at me as I drank the last of my wine in a gulp, “Jurnee, all kidding aside, Marco is a really nice guy. He is kind, hardworking, and extremely good-looking–”

  “Hey!” Graham interrupted. “I’m sitting right here.”

  “I know, Babe. You are much better looking.”

  “Fine. Continue.”

  Soraya caressed her husband’s hand that rested on her thigh, “Marco is a really nice guy. I’m positive he won’t stand you up–”

  “Maybe we should go out on a date.” Anderson tossed out matter-of-factly. “Sort of like practice dating.”

  I had no idea what to say.



  I didn’t have a history of allowing words to fly out of my mouth before I could filter them. Since Jurnee had crashed into my booth, everything was different. The blush on Jurnee’s face was undeniable. Maybe I’m not off base with this idea.

  “We had fun today with Chloe. I’m not seeing anyone. You said the reason for being on the website was to practice. Why do that with a–” I looked over at Delia, “–stranger?”

  “Are you serious, Anderson?” Soraya asked.

  “Baby.” Graham placed his hand on her chin and turned her toward him.

  “What? We just need to clarify. If Delia texts Marco–”

  “Yes. I am.”

  Graham leaped to his feet and pulled his wife up with him. “Delia, could you help Soraya and I in the kitchen with dinner?”

  “We ordered dinner in,” Soraya whined, but Graham was already leading her toward the kitchen. Delia slowly rose from her chair and grabbed her and Soraya’s wine glasses. Just like that, I was alone with Jurnee.

  “You aren’t saying anything. Should I assume you aren’t interested in going out with me?” I followed her gaze to my pocket that held my phone. “Look, yes, I enjoy the company of women. I’m not seeing anyone right now. I had a great time at dinner with you.” Her silence was killing me. “I’m not good at serious, but I excel at practicing.”

  There was nothing else for me to say to sell the idea. I removed my arm from the back of the sofa and turned to face her. Her beautiful green eyes sparkled, and a smile slowly spread across her face. Jurnee’s smile was beginning to wake parts of me that had been dormant for years.

  “Are you asking me out because you feel bad I got stood up?”

  “Twice.” Her glare made me laugh.

  “Thank you, Anderson.” She turned toward me and slid one of her legs under the other. “Yes, I’ve been stood up twice.”

  “Sorry, and no.” I sighed. “I’m asking you out because you’re fun to hang around with and not bad to look at.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “Come on, Jurnee. Say you’ll go out with me.”

  “I’ll go out with you.”


  “Yes.” She giggled.

  The sound of her giggle sent a bolt of excitement through me. She grabbed her long reddish-brown hair and put it over her right shoulder, leaving the left side of her neck exposed. The thought of my lips gently kissing her neck should have evoked Eric’s reference to me being a pussy. It didn’t.


  Jurnee picked up her phone from the seat next to her. “What was the approved time to text you again? I don’t want to miss my window of opportunity.”

  “Jokes. You’ve got some jokes.” Chuckling, I brushed my fingers down the exposed side of her neck. “You don’t have to text me. I asked you out. When are you available?”

  She threw herself back against the sofa. “I’m in a city where pretty much everyone I know is in this apartment. I’m always available.”

  “Where did you find an apartment?”

  “Brooklyn. It’s on the smaller side.”

  “Most apartments in the city are small.” Retrieving my phone, I ignored the vibration of new text messages coming in and pulled up my calendar.

  “Your calendar is color-coded?” She peered down at my phone.

  “Are you looking over my shoulder?” I moved my phone out of her view.

  She grinned, “Nope.”

  “Color-coding helps ensure I don’t miss anything.” I showed her my
schedule for tomorrow.

  “Is every hour is accounted for?”

  I tilted my head and looked at her. “Yes. The hours of one’s day should be accounted for. Right?”

  Her hands flew into the air. “How do you have time for spontaneity?”

  “I schedule it.”

  “You schedule your spontaneity?” Jurnee smirked. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

  Checking my schedule for what could be moved, I tossed out an idea. “How about we have a spontaneous dinner tomorrow night? I don’t have it on my calendar, so it will be spontaneous.”

  “Sure. Dinner tomorrow, but that doesn’t count as spontaneous.” She flashed a killer grin. “We should go rescue our hosts from the kitchen.”

  Jurnee headed toward the kitchen. It occurred to me as I followed her that I hadn’t stopped following her since I met her. What was going on with this woman? What was she doing to me? I watched her hop onto one of the chairs at the island next to Delia. My thoughts had moved onto tomorrow night’s date and having her undivided attention.

  Eric was right. I am turning into a pussy.



  Reaching for my ringing phone, I knocked my eyeshadow palette into the toilet. Shit! I answered my phone as I stared down into the toilet bowl. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.


  The Michigan State fight song rang out from the other end of the phone. There were a few people who would be playing the fight song to hype up for the homecoming game. Tilting the phone to see who was serenading me, a smile spread across my face when I read the name.

  “Hey, Floyd. Are we ready for this game?” I pressed my eyes shut as I submerged my hand into the cold toilet water for the soggy eyeshadow.

  Floyd sat next to me in my first class at Michigan State. He snagged a job as one of the tutors for the football team and got me on the field for all the home games. Over the years, he became more like a brother. MSU football was our thing.