D J Owen - [Erotic Greeks 02] Read online
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didn’t let me down”. He looked at Kalis, “you even share my name and even after I give you the means to fulfil your wish and kill those who took from you, you still do not know me?”
“I know you Ares god of war” kalis said without looking up. I felt you arrive, just as I felt you arrive when the red fell over my vision and I lost my mind”. Ares smiled, “You are going to be amazing, killing foes left and right, carving a bloody swath through your enemies”. “And if I don’t want to be amazing?” Ares laughed musical discordant notes that filled the air, “before you make up your mind why don’t I show you both what you can achieve with my guidance”.
The river bank had disappeared and Alexa and Kalis were in a bedchamber filled with fine silks and finery the likes of which neither had seen before. A huge four poster bed dominated the room with red velvet curtains hiding the bed from sight. Bowls of fruit stood on a table to one side along with flagons of wine. On the walls were various tapestries showing various battles and victories. The whole room spoke of an opulence that they just couldn’t imagine.
“You see” Ares voice came floating from the bed, “I gave both of you the skills to do great things. All this is in your future”. They went to the bed and pulled back the velvet curtains revealing Ares in bed, lying on his side and propped up on his elbow eating an apple. “Join me and I will give you all you desire”. Alexa looked at Kalis, her mind swirling, “I have to be at Athens, I have a peace to negotiate”. Ares looked at her, “I can send you straight there tomorrow. Peace can be a useful tool if used properly. Peace between the amazons and the Athenians would give you time to consolidate your position. His dark black eyes bored into hers and she felt her breath catch at the naked implicit desire there. Something within her responded.
Alexa found herself walking towards the bed. Kneeling on it she leant forward to kiss Ares and her side stabbed with quick light pain where she had been cut. Ares hand came up and caressed her side and the pain went away. “I can be a very appreciative partner” he whispered. Alexa looked up at Kalis and saw the indecision in his face. Holding out her hand to him “come join us” she said, “yes, she could always do with a good second in command” Ares added with arrogance oozing from every word. Kalis took a step forward and touched his hand to Alexa’s. Their fingers touched and then alexa stepped back off the bed and with her eyes firmly on Ares she started to undress.
Ares made the apple disappear, leaned back onto soft plump cushions and laced his hands behind his head, enjoying the sight of Alexa undressing. There was no artifice to it, no attempt to tease, just a need in her to be as naked as Ares was himself. When she was done she walked over to the bed and pulled the sheets off roughly, showing Ares in all his nakedness. A smooth bald chest that rippled with muscles greeted her gaze and as it travelled downwards she saw a thick jutting cock already engorged and heavy, rising from a smooth groin and large muscled thighs. She clambered onto the foot of the bed and started to climb Ares body.
Alexa felt her nipples, already hard from the situation, rubbing along Ares thighs which produced a pleasurable friction. She looked back and saw Kalis hadn’t moved. She loo ked at Ares and nodded back at Kalis, “Make it worth my while” he said. Alexa moved forward and nuzzled at his cock and started to place little kisses over it. Taking it in her hand she pushed it forward and dipping her head she let her tongue move over his balls. Normally
these would be covered in coarse hair but the smoothness of them gave her a thrill she couldn’t explain. Alexa started to slowly massage Ares cock and then gently sucked his balls into her mouth one at a time, letting her tongue explore them whilst they were in her mouth. “Is that what you want” she said in between licks.
“I want all of you” she heard. Raising her head she pulled his cock towards her and then enveloped the head in her mouth, feeling the warm silky skin she let her tongue swirl around it. The taste and smell were unlike any other she had felt and she started to move slowly back and forwards letting her lips slide easily over his cock. She felt a hand on the top of her head and the body underneath moved slightly allowing the cock to go deeper into her mouth. Rocking backwards and forwards she took the cock as deep into her mouth as she possibly could and heard a sigh from the god she was pleasuring. She felt hands on her ass and then a wetness between her legs as a tongue started to explore her. Her body became a playground for feelings, male hardness filling her mouth whilst a tongue explored her wet cunt from behind.
Her jaw was starting to ache but she didn’t want to stop. Pushing her head back she let Ares hard maleness pop out of her mouth. Taking it in hand she started pumping it up and down whilst taking the very tip of the head into her mouth, tonguing the very tip of it. Her hand blurred up and down slipping over her saliva and occasionally hitting herself in the mouth. She felt Ares start to buck trying to push his prick into her mouth and then suddenly it was filled with warm saltiness as his cock erupted. She swallowed each mouthful as if it was the last meal she would ever have. Letting his cock fall from her lips she kept massaging it and was pleased to find he stayed hard. Moving forwards she crept up his body and then engulfed him in another warm wet place.
Kneeling astride him she felt full, fuller than she had for a long time. Rotating her hips she started to fuck him, all the time his hands never left the back of his head, still he reclined whilst she bucked on him. Alexa felt wanted but her orgasm was staying annoyingly out of sight. Reaching behind her she held out her hand for Kalis and he came running. Moving up the bed she saw he was naked and grabbing his head she directed his mouth to her breasts letting him lick and suck whilst her hand moved between his legs to fondle him. Ares reached up his hands finally and placed them on her hips and then he started to move, thrusting his cock into her with a ferocity that amazed her. She felt it strike against her and it felt good. Little jolts of pleasure started to climb over her and she felt her skin grow hot. Pulling Kalis’s head up to her face she kissed him, warring with his mouth with her tongue whilst her hand pleasured him.
Still she wasn’t at that precipice. She needed something more, something forbidden. She grabbed kalis’s hand and moved it to her buttock. He looked at her blankly and she pushed it closer to what she wanted, to that place between her buttocks. She moved her head to his ear, “I want you to use your finger in my most intimate place” she said “gently”. He nodded and there was a moment of resistance, of her body being unwilling, and then his finger entered her. Alexa closed her eyes and melted into her body, into all the feelings she was experiencing. Then with a suddenness that surprised her she came, her muscles tightened and gripped both Ares hard cock and Kalis’s finger grinding down on both as if she never wanted to let them go. She felt something warm and sticky shoot over her hand and she opened her eyes. Looking down she saw Kalis’s cock twitching and his seed oozing out
from the tip, some of which had latched onto her hand as it moved. Letting his organ fall she felt Ares cock fall from her cunt and rolled to one side falling onto her back. Sighing she let her body stop twitching enjoying the last shots of pleasure before they disappeared.
There was a clink and Alexa looked up at Ares standing by a table drinking from an exquisitely made silver chalice. Raising an eyebrow he said between sips “want to continue and seal the deal? Only one more thing to do after all and all this could be yours”. He gestured with his hands to include everything around him, “all this for one intimate small thing”. Alexa locked her eyes on his face, “come then god of war, take me between my buttocks and give me all that I desire”. Her voice was as dangerous as he had ever heard and it made Ares smile.
Ares walked over to the couple on the bed. Indicating Kalis he looked at Alexa “Don’t you think your second should have some fun? Get on all fours and swallow him”. Alexa shrugged and did as she was asked. She pulled Kalis down to the bed and pushed him onto his back. His cock was limp from the recent explosion of seed that he had produced so she proceeded to lick it, cajoling it to hardness.
Slowly, surely she used her mouth to bring him back to life and when he was ready, she took him into her mouth remembering the taste and smell of him from last night.
She felt the foot of the bed rock and then something nudged between her nether lips. She pushed backwards and felt Ares enter her again, for all his size, sliding easily into her. She felt hands on her hips controlling her and she went with it. Sometimes being pulled back hard onto his cock so that it went as deep as possible into her and sometimes being pushed forward so she could take as much of Kalis into her mouth as possible. Backwards and forwards she was urged as she felt her body being filled up by heat. She groaned at the thought and soon another orgasm rushed its way through her. She felt Ares lift one hand from her hip, the other still there to control her movements and then felt something nudge at her ass, the place she only used when she needed that extra naughtiness.
Pulling her head from Kalis cock she begged “gently please” before taking it back in her mouth. So slowly she wasn’t even sure he was doing anything Ares pushed his finger into her, moving it in time with his own cock. He smiled when she pushed back to try and get more of him and he allowed his finger to go deeper. Alexa felt herself fuller than she had been before, every orifice filled with something there were so many feelings she didn’t know what to concentrate on. Her mouth was filled with the scent and taste of Kalis whilst her cunt and ass was full of Ares. She didn’t know what she wanted most and that choice confused her.
Following the commands of her body she let go of kalis cock from her lips and moved forward so she was completely empty. Then moving upwards she grabbed hold of kalis and pushed it into her. On all fours with Kalis inside her incredibly wet cunt she reached behind her and pushed her ass cheeks apart, the invitation to the god of war obvious. She was afraid and yet knew this was what her body wanted. She waited with baited breath as Kalis started to move inside her, his hands on her breasts pulling and teasing them, then feeling another pair of hands on her buttocks she knew what was going to happen. Placing her hands on the bed she relaxed as the tip of cock nudged at her puckered opening and then her breath was taken away as it pushed into her, slowly and gently enough not to hurt but insistent enough so she knew that she couldn’t stop this now.
She felt hands on her hips and on her breasts. Below her waist she was full of male hardness, both rubbing against each other through the thin membrane inside of her. Her skin went hot and she felt dizzy. She begged Kalis for his lips and he met her mouth with his own pushing his tongue into her as hard as he could. She was completely full again and she loved it. Her body started to move, pushing back and pulling forward, taking control of the rhythm so that she could feel as much as possible. Rotating her hips allowed her to pleasure herself as much as possible as the nerve endings surrounding the orifices being fucked now started to be stimulated.
She felt another orgasm beginning to wrack her body and she let it come. Her head came back and she shouted her joy which the two men took as a sign to begin pushing into her harder and faster. She felt kalis underneath her begin to buck and she pushed forwards with her hips so he could get deeper into her. Something hot entered her cunt and she felt his cock spasm and shivers ran up and down her body as he grunted his own orgasm. Ares sped up and she knew he was close as well but she was surprised when she felt his hands on her shoulders pulling her against him and she felt him go deeper into her back passage then she had felt before. A sudden grunt and then he was spurting his sticky seed into her back passage. The feeling of both of them twitching inside of her sent more shivers across her.
Alexa fell across Kalis and closed her eyes. She was so tired but her body still twitched from the pleasure she had experienced. Kalis had his eyes closed already, sweat cooling on his naked body. Ares looked at them both. Yes he thought I will change those two into my perfect generals, and then when the time is right I will give the Amazon a child to extend my kingdom to the entire planet.
Helena & Aphrodite
Helena had closed her eyes giving herself over entirely to her other senses, the feel of skin under her fingers, the sound of sighs coming from Pandora, the taste of sweat on her tongue, the scent of apple and the woman above her combined. Kissing her way up her lovers thigh she explored the entirety of them, getting to the end of one she switched and when she had kissed her way up that one she found the sensitive muscle at the top and gently bit it, pulling the flesh slightly and then letting it spring back. Small moans of pleasure met her exploration but that wasn’t enough. She wanted Pandora to scream as she had screamed earlier.
She felt the heat of Pandora’s folds on her face and opening her eyes she saw the contours and pink flesh closer than she ever had her own. Her nose was tickled by hair; droplets of moisture on them wet her face as she brought her mouth up and slowly, gently explored every inch of flesh that her partner offered up to her. She called one hand back to open her friend up more, separating those intimate folds to her probing mouth. She had never tasted another person before and the taste that met her was not unpleasant. She worked her mouth up and in one quick movement she stuck her tongue inside Pandora, the effect was electric, a gasp and a slight push against her face that she found exciting. She swirled her tongue around, in slow lazy circles, teasing her just as she had teased her lips earlier and then she pulled back tasting the very essence of her lover.
Gently she moved with small kisses to the nub of her friend, sucking it in to her mouth gently and prodding it tongue and gentle teeth and then letting it go and whispering to it, letting her breath blow over it brought shudders from Pandora. So involved was she with exploring her friend that she missed the sound that came to her ears for a second. Pandora was whispering “please” and Helena smiled. “Please what my love?” she asked. “Use your hands, make me come” she heard in a hushed anxious tone.
Eager to please she brought her hand together on the buttocks above her. Sliding them down she slid at first one and then finding the orifice pliable two fingers inside her lover. Whispering “use me for your pleasure” she fastened her tongue on her friend’s nub and licked. Fingers moving slowly in and out in time with her tongue she heard Pandora groan loudly and felt her rear back slightly pushing herself against the mouth and fingers working at her. Helena grabbed one hip with her free hand and roughly pulled her closer, wanting to be as close as possible and mumbled “more” between licks. She added a third finger to her friend, intent on being inside her and felt her friend begin to tremble and moan.
Helena lost track of herself so intent was she on what she was doing to Pandora. She felt the heat, the wetness of her, she smelt and tasted her scent, heard the groans of joy coming from her mouth and all she knew was she wanted this moment to continue. Pandora started to move her hips, started to make love to the mouth and hand underneath her and she knew she was close. Helena’s hand on her hip urged her to move more, faster, harder, against her and Pandora obliged grinding herself onto Helena face. With a deep groan she felt Pandora go over that edge. Her thighs trembled and Helena fingers were trapped, squeezed in a hot, wet vice like grip. Her mouth filled with the taste of her and she swallowed gladly, eagerly. Pandora fell forward, letting go of Helena fingers and she brought them up to her lips eager to suck as much of her friend as she could into her mouth whilst she could. Pandora looked
round to see her licking her fingers clean with an eager smile on her face and turned to grab her hand, stopping that last finger from disappearing into her charges mouth. Bringing it to her face she sucked it, enjoying her own spicy scent before dipping to kiss Helena deeply, eagerly, hungrily
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D J Owen
Connect with me at [email protected]
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