Desire Read online

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  As Emily peeked over the edge of the wall, Graham Kok suddenly turned around. She was sure he must have seen her. He seemed to be staring straight at her, or at her body. It was as if he could stare through walls. Maybe he could see what she was up to? Maybe he was staring at her tits again? Then Emily realised, there must have been a mirror on his side of the wall. He looked at himself for a moment and shook his head having decided they weren’t for him. Emily’s finger rubbed her clitoris in tight little circles as she watched him. She pushed her foot further away from her on the back of the chair, spreading her legs against the fabric of her itchy, grey work skirt, and then, just as she was feeling the first red flush of orgasm, Graham Kok reached down and eased himself out of the disappointing shorts. Emily had to stop herself groaning aloud at the sight of his thick, solid dick, swinging there temptingly. She dipped her finger between her legs and brought it back, covered with her own sweet, sticky juices, to rub over her aching clit. Graham stood for a moment, admiring his lean naked body in the mirror and it was then, as she fingered herself to a breathy climax, that Emily nearly fell off her chair. It wobbled dangerously as her mind swam with fantasies. She was sitting on his cock, letting it completely invade her as her pussy juices dribbled down his balls. He was stood, looking down at her, his cock in his hand, cumming over her uniform, her tits, her neck, her chin. Then she was kneeling over his face as his tongue lashed at her clit, eating her out.

  Emily came.


  “Well, sir, did you get everything you wanted?”

  “I did. Thank you so much for all your help.”

  Emily handed Graham Kok a pair of huge plastic bags bulging with new clothes.

  “The pleasure was all mine,” she said with a knowing smile. And this time she meant it too. “Please, come again, any time.” I know I will, Emily thought.

  Chapter III

  “Where have you been, I’ve been looking all over for you?” It was Kate Baxter.

  “Nowhere, just…”

  “What have you been up, Emms?” Emily looked away, keen to change the subject, worried Kate could somehow tell she’d been playing with herself in one of the changing cubicles. “Okay, well never mind. I’ve got something to show you. You’re not going to believe this, come on.” And Kate was dragging Emily across to the other side of the enormous department store and through a set of double doors reserved solely for the staff. They walked quickly past the coffee bar, past the toilets and to the end of the corridor and a room that Emily had never noticed before. On the door the word “Security”. Kate gave the door a sharp wrap and it swung open. Emily looked over her friend’s shoulder at banks of close circuit television screens and suddenly she had the most horrible sinking feeling that she was about to see herself with her skirt around her ankles, hand in her pants, shuddering to a glorious black and white climax.

  The man who sat in the revolving chair in his shades of grey uniform was called Ken. He was jolly and pasty and slightly overweight in a way that immediately made Emily think of Santa Claus. He clearly didn’t get outside much, instead, Emily guessed, probably spending all day glued to the banks of screens with their shots of customers and staff.

  “Hello, girls. Now, what can I do for you?” Ken asked in a tone that suggested he already knew exactly why they were there.

  Yep, definitely, a good store Santa, thought Emily, although she wouldn’t have sat on his knee, not for all the toys in China.

  “Come on Ken, show Emms.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ken replied coyly. Kate shot Emily an exasperated look and then turned on Ken.

  “Come on Ken. Emms is about the only one in the store who hasn’t seen it yet. I’ve been trying to find her half the day to show her. No idea where she’s been or what she’s been up to. What have you been up to? Oh, never mind. Please?”

  “Okay. As it’s you.” He started fiddling with the vast console of knobs and buttons. “But Kate, this’ll be the, what, the fourth time you’ve watched this?”

  Emily had never seen her friend look embarrassed before.

  “Maybe? I don’t know. Who’s counting?” Kate said trying to laugh it off.

  “Well me, clearly,” Ken replied.

  “Just put it on will you and stop toying with us.”

  Emily watched as the central screen in the bank of nine momentarily went blank. Ken pressed a couple more buttons and the screen flickered back to life. A grainy image quickly cleared up to reveal the loading bay hidden several floors beneath them in the building’s basement. Emily allowed herself a sigh of relief. Standing next to a pile of pallets and packing cases, a clipboard in one hand, pen in the other was Jerry from transit. He appeared to be examining the boxes and crates and checking them off on his list. Ken looked back at Emily and raised an eyebrow. Fuck off Santa, Emily thought, trying to ignore him. On the screen, Jerry suddenly swung around, clearly surprised by something off camera and then, there was the bitch Tracy from carpets tottering into the shot with her long platinum hair, massive probably fake tits and high heels. Emily noticed immediately how Jerry was checking her out. They spoke silently and her head rocked back as she laughed at his joke. She stretched out a hand and ran it along his arm. Ken was looking at her again.

  “We’ll skip this bit, shall we?”

  Yeah, come on Santa, cut to the chase you fat old fart.

  He jabbed at a button and the black and white pair twitched and shimmered until Ken was happy they had arrived at a more interesting point in the recording. Now Kate was looking at her too. Tracy from carpets was standing much nearer to Jerry. She leant in close to him, or as close as her tits would allow, and seemed to whisper in his ear. Whatever it was she said amused Jerry, and a wide beaming smile broke out across his face. Then Emily watched at Tracy took his clipboard and carefully laid it down. She started to undo Jerry’s overalls, pushing them back and over his broad shoulders as each fresh button was undone until they hung loosely around his waist. Underneath he was wearing a skimpy white vest. Emily had sold some of those just that morning. Ken and Kate were looking towards her as the bitch Tracy from carpets, slid to her knees in front of Jerry and undid the last two buttons. She pushed his overalls over his bum and they fell in an untidy heap around his ankles. Tracy made short work of his boxers and Emily found herself staring at Jerry’s not insignificant penis. Christ, two in one day. But no wonder half the girls in the store would have traded places with Tracy in a heartbeat. Jerry was hung like a horse. Ken was grinning from ear to ear and Kate seemed oddly transfixed too.

  Tracy readjusted her position and then began to lick and kiss along Jerry’s huge cock.

  “Oh, dear god,” Emily heard herself say as she felt the now familiar tingling sensation between her legs.

  “I know. Pretty impressive, eh girls?” Ken was saying with more than a hint of reflected glory.

  Kate didn’t say anything.

  They watched in silence as, under Tracy’s kisses, Jerry’s dick continued to grow to its full size. Then she popped it in her mouth, rearranged her hair and started to suck it for all she was worth. Although Emily was in a room with two other people, one of whom was an almost complete stranger, apart from his resemblance to Santa Claus, she was finding herself more than a little turned on. She could feel the heat increasing between her legs as she watched Tracy’s hand join her mouth. She felt the need to find another quiet spot and finger herself again. God, what was it with this job? When she’d taken it on Emily had thought she’d be bored rigid. Now she seemed to be spending almost as much time masturbating as selling shirts and ties. Jerry’s head tilted back and he started to move his hips in time with Tracy’s mouth, pushing his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. Faster and faster. He slipped from her and she wanked him off for a moment, catching her breath until Jerry insisted she sucked him again. Emily felt a familiar twinge. This was all making her extremely horny. Then Jerry’s cock slipped from her mouth again only this time he was happy
to wank himself off. Tracy threw her head back, her tongue out, waiting to receive Jerry’s load. His hand moved faster and faster up and down the shaft of his cock until his whole body twitched and shuddered, his back arched and ribbons of juicy spunk were shooting through the air covering Tracy’s tongue, her cheeks, and her chin. She licked her lips and he spurted again showering her neck. Then Tracy leant forward and one last time took him in her mouth. Emily thought she might cum too she was so turned on. Bloody bitch. Tracy ran her mouth over him, licking up his fresh juices and then, as quickly as it had begun, it was all over. She got to her feet, straightened her skirt, produced what looked like a tissue and wiped her face clean, gave Jerry from transit a peck on the cheek and disappeared. Emily realised that both Kate and Santa were staring at her, awaiting her verdict.

  “Did he just... did he just wink at the camera?”

  “That’s our Jerry,” Santa said, suggesting he’d seen this display before.

  Emily was just about to ask to see the climax of the video again, but perhaps on her own and in slow motion, when she heard the door handle turn. As quickly as the door swung open Ken closed down the middle screen leaving it blank and black. In the doorway stood Mr. Ramsbottom. God, he was fit, in his charcoal grey business suit and flecked purple tie. Emily realised she was drooling.

  “What’s going on in here?”

  The guilty trio all stared at their shoes and Ken mumbled an unconvincing excuse about staff training.

  “It hasn’t gone unnoticed that this seems to have become the busiest room in the building recently. I don’t know what you’re up to Kenneth, but please let these young ladies get back to their work. Miss Perkins, Miss Baxter, I don’t expect to see you in here again, do I make myself understood?”

  “Yes Mr. Ramsbottom,” they chorused, like a duet of naughty schoolgirls.

  Chapter IV

  The following day and reassured by Kate that she had cleared it with the girls in lingerie, once the store had closed and the last of the staff had left, Emily took the service elevator down two floors to ladies’ wear. She had gone through her knicker drawer that morning and a quick rummage had revealed a collection of grey and tired looking garments, many in dire need of replacement. Initially Emily had thought she might just stock up on the basics, but then once the girls had started to wander around the empty department and with Mr. Ramsbottom’s bulge still very much in her mind, she’d begun to wonder about getting something a little more risqué, a little sexier than the usual matching bras and panties she normally bought.

  Emily took in the cotton thongs and bralettes, the lacy bikinis and racerbacks before finding herself in a section of the department she would never have normally considered. Basques and bodies, camisoles and bustiers, corsets and baby dolls. She lifted a couple of items down from their hooks tentatively holding them up against herself, trying to imagine how they might look on. Emily was the first to admit she didn’t really have the figure for the red and black basques, but a body? That could be fun. She found a few, one in a reddy pink which she quite fancied, another frilly white one which was so insignificant as to seem hardly worth the bother. What would Mr. Ramsbottom like? she pondered. Black. I bet he’s the kind of guy who would like me in a simple, yet sexy black lace body.

  “Kate.” She would ask her friend what she thought before leaving it next to the till for the girls to discount the following day. “Kate?” Emily looked around the department, peering over the tops of the cylindrical display racks in search of her friend. She turned a corner, half expecting to see her at tights and stockings, but no, there was no sign of her anywhere. Just when Emily was starting to panic that Kate had abandoned her in the huge store, she heard a noise from the changing rooms. Then Kate was emerging. But not a Kate Baxter Emily recognised. Not a Kate Baxter Emily had ever seen the like of before. Kate had wasted no time. She half walked, half danced out of the changing rooms in a sexy black and green bra and matching panties.

  “God Kate you look... amazing,” Emily said trying desperately not to stare. She had never really noticed before but there was no denying now that Kate’s breasts were larger than hers. They were threatening to spill out of the balcony bra. Emily sneaked a peek a little lower. Kate’s waist was trim and slender. The perfect hourglass figure, her long dark hair falling over her shoulders and breasts. Emily quickly glanced at the matching panties, imagining what they might hide. She looked up, flushed with embarrassment. The other girl giggled.

  “Go and find something. Go on.”

  “But what if we get caught?”

  Kate was already rifling through a rack of lacy white underwear.

  “That’s part of the fun. Anyway, we aren’t going to get caught. There’s no one here, remember?”

  “Okay?” Emily didn’t sound so sure. Kate held out an impossibly skimpy lace thong.

  “You’d look great in this. What size?”

  Emily took the lace in her hand, still not convinced. “Are you sure there’s no, you know, cameras?” she said, imagining sweaty Santa Ken in his grotto of surveillance screens beating himself to a frenzy.

  Kate gestured about her, sensing her friend was coming round to the idea. “Not in here.”


  “Not allowed. Invasion of privacy. Take a look around.”

  Emily glanced at the ceiling. There was no denying that where, on all the other floors hung huge, sinister, silver balls which Emily knew to be bristling with the latest surveillance cameras, here there appeared to be none. “Come on, what are you going to try on?”

  She went back to the wrack of bodies, found a black size ten and held it up for Kate to inspect. “What do you think?”

  “Go for it.”

  Emily went to the changing rooms at the rear of the department, drew the curtains, and hung the body up on a hook. She looked at herself in the long mirror on the back wall. What are you doing, Emily?

  She could hear Kate crashing around outside, presumably going through more outfits. Emily smiled to herself. Taking a risk, Emily Perkins, that’s what you’re doing. Going for it. Come on, it’s just a bit of fun.

  Emily undid the tiny buttons on her cream blouse. She unzipped her ugly grey work skirt and happily let it fall to the floor. When she looked in the mirror now she saw tired, old, grey knickers and a bra that wasn’t such a great fit anymore. She grinned and reached behind her to undo the strap.

  Kate was sizing herself up for an outrageous red bustier, complete with suspenders, and knickers which were so small they hardly seemed necessary, when she heard the curtain move behind her and turned to see Emily leaving the changing rooms. Kate had always been perfectly happy to admit that she found women’s bodies more aesthetically pleasing than men’s, but she had never found them sexier. Not until now. Petite little Emily, in her tight black lacy body, with her short blond hair, her little button nose, her pert little tits and legs that were long and slender, was not just pretty, she was impossibly sexy. And what made her even sexier was that she appeared not to realise or care one little bit.

  She turned neatly on the spot so that Kate could inspect her firm little bottom.

  “Well? What do you think?”

  Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, was what Kate was thinking, amongst other things.

  “You look okay,” she said moving lazily towards Emily.

  “Okay? I love it. Look,” she ran a finger through a thin black strap, adjusting an upturned breast, “it fits so well and it’s in the sale.” Her hand travelled across her chest. Kate was transfixed. Emily smoothed her hands down her slender waist to the tops of her thighs. “Isn’t it great?”

  Kate didn’t know where to look next or what she was doing. She reached out a hand and ran it down her enthusiastic young friend’s flank. She could see Emily’s belly button winking at her through the sheer fabric. This would be easier than they’d thought. Her hand grazed the top of Emily’s naked thigh and she pulled it away quickly. “Does it look okay at the back?” Em
ily continued, turning slowly. Kate stared at her friend’s beautiful backside, firm and perky, the skimpy black fabric barely covering her cheeks. She lay her hands gently on Emily’s hips and drew her near, all the while aware of how close she was to touching her perfect bum.

  “You look amazing,” Kate breathed in her ear. Emily twisted in her arms, facing her friend.

  “Do you think so, really?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Thanks, Kate. Listen, about earlier. Are you okay, you know about…”

  “What watching that bitch Tracy suck Jerry off? Sure, why not? I mean don’t get me wrong, I’d love to have had the chance, and I’ll tell you something else, I’d do a much better job than that cow. All teeth and tits,” Emily smirked in agreement, “but it’s just one of those things. And anyway, there’s plenty more fish in the sea: Bigger fish.”

  Kate’s dark brown eyes met Emily’s and it seemed the most natural thing in the world when she leant forward and gently kissed her. And then there followed a brief moment of realisation.

  “Oh my god, I’m sorry. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  Emily surprised herself with her answer. “It’s all right. It was nice.” She was going for it. She was going to live life a little, just for a change.