I Think Peace and Justice Read online

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  61. Do you believe those who complain about the way the pendulum swing are usually the ones who dropped it?

  62. Do you think Jani used the ancient leader trenchant as joke to make an interesting point, if yes, at what line did she punctuate and reticulate to get her previous direction during the symposium?

  63. Do you think the king threaten the relationship between his subjects to achieve a substantive point? If yes, express the level of his emotional/ outburst, if no explain how he set limits on his behavior in a positive way?

  64. Do you think Ruth already know what Jani wanted to become? Yes/No.

  65. What did you learn from Fati open letter to Jani? Express your view in four sentence.

  66. Do you think any positive letter writing to oneself can give sense of good mental health? Yes / No. If yes, what did you learn from Jani expression and thought to herself? If no, what other better way will she have respond to her friend 'Ruth' criticism?

  67a. what scene did Jani took self-analysis?

  67b. Did Jani understood the power she posses. Yes/No.

  67c.Did she analyse any foe limitations and move forward? Yes/ No.

  67d. Did she have faith in her ability? Yes/ No.

  68. In not less than 50 words, write an encouraging poetic letter to a friend motivate him or her on how they can summoned the pitably challenge of life?

  69. As a leader in your own capacity, can you use the consensus blue print identified by Jani to derive a watertight negotiation agreement with your target group to see how it can be embrace for policy change approach?

  70. Did Jani team members receive fund from any organization than you think? If yes, how do they receive it? If no, what other ways do they raise fund for their activities?

  71. Do you think appreciating Jani by the MD astutely means significant to Jani? If yes, what did you learn from her reinforcements to the MD.?

  72. Do you think the police command had behave professional to both Jani and the Vampire robber? If yes, pin point out their effectiveness and efficiency in their conduct? If no, what area did you think they should improve?

  73a. Do you think the Vampire robber engage in criminal behaviour for fun of it? If yes, explain in two sentence! If no, use Robert K. Merton theory to explain his reason of criminal act in three sentences.

  73b.what lesson did the Command IPO learn from the vampire robber?

  74. Have you learn any new thing from all the story so far? If yes, what is the experience of the impact of each story scene?

  75. In less than 250 words, use the learning experience so far to explore the skills, knowledge, values and practice to change or strengthening healthier democracies for any anticipatory reflexes (to predict possible happening) in your locality?

  76. What were the qualities of justice Jani appeal to the lordship at the end of the piece?

  77. What made others interested, disinterested or disintegrate in polities?

  78. Explain the political subterfuge other politician play in your community?

  79. How does they convince you to trust them?

  80. Do you think Jani had lose her temper to her friend (Ruth) Yes/ No

  81. How does Jani describe her friend (Ruth) attitudes regarding moving forward. (Please explain in three sentence.)

  82. What was the content information of Fati letter to Jani?

  83. What was her main advice? Explain.

  84.What is fati's opinion about how some people levitate as Satan mischief bane still, peeping like a cruel gabies, thrown out pebbles to peddle, Scoot of an effort as ( Copy) Cat.

  85. To what intent does she thought of such?

  86. Do you think consensus template identified by Jani can be used on a national scale? If yes, how can an individual use their sense of connection to strategies it effectiveness. If no, what other best way should the consensus be derived?

  87. Do you think that any of the images the writer portray holds true for local community and wider society that you know today? If yes, do you have any requisite skills to engage any faulty system in your locality? If no, why not?

  Good luck!


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  The primary purpose of this note is to increase participation of men, women, and youth in complementing each other in community development and also to re-educate each readers to direct their own attention to the main ideas of the book within each scene. The main background information has been given in the introduction to prevent reader from adding ideas of their own which are not contained in the book. Other means of presentation, such as the showing of pictures to build up the background has be sought for humorous narrative to the reader. While other pictures are in clarion synthesis for ‘conscientisation’.

  The words of a poem in the book can only be understood if they are referred to the context of the situation, i.e. to the actual situation represented in each scene. Some poems are merely “rhymed jokes’” with no serious intention, but to fount common sense for instinctual mind or psychological development. Others again didactic (conveying a moral), other may be satirical “humorous”, narrative (telling a story) or contemplative (conveying a deep thought, about mankind, God, nature, etc

  Some of these poems are simple in language and content, and need no comment or explanation.

  Attention of the vocabulary has been concentrated on:

  i. Old fashioned words, not in use in modern English.

  ii. Words used in a special poetic sense different from their sense in everyday language. Some words are within the vocabulary of standard. If there are other word of which the readers is not sure, they should be looked up in a good dictionary, so that the full meaning is grasped and the general impression might sink in.

  The technique of set question-and-answer is in the place in the language lesson. The reader should always try to adopt the questions to the aim and purpose of knowledge gain. Even in the intensive study of the book, he or she may chooses abandon the questions in the book altogether and frame their own from the praxis, but if they does this, they must be careful that their own questions do no lead away from the text, because the selection of the answer are in sequential dialogue manner discussions through Socratic question method to help crystalize the issues and to enable conceptually communication structures to synthesize into a whole pattern, using the learning style models to process information weakness to be identified and hang together for supportive detail in a logical order, based on the thematic topics developed from the challenges of each scene.

  Therefore, teacher or tutor should phrase the explanation of the story the story to the pupils recapitulate. Such dyspepsia might serves a worthwhile purpose as good societies thinkers not as mediocre, who often unscrupulous sabotage others effort.

  The name of the actors in the book has been used for group of 'significant other' for mental argument, not for any taunt motif. But whom we learn values and opinions and on whom we model our pervious behavior in order to match any socialization process structure that recognize a ‘good future leader’.

  The obvious thought within all the process were slowly, quietly, and nibbling wrapped up into top-down scope of tidings good to bench-mark responsibility and defaced any boundless obstructed justice with heedful mind.

  - Ahmed Shuaib Shaktima