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WOMAN ELITE: My daughter I greet you. You are welcome for knowledge upgrade “In principles ‘Democracy’ connotes an inalienable right to participate by means of free in democratic political process in framing the society in which they live by means of freedom, liberties, equality, equity and forging a common destiny for a cohesive community to make informed choice”.
John Gastil et al (1993)
JANI: when you say participation, what exactly do you mean?
WOMAN ELITE: Your ability to involve in planning process of a particular setting for the benefits of an outcome. Example; participation in democracy, in employment, in education, in cultural development. These are enshrined as individual right in the universal declaration of human right!
JANI: Ma, What are the core meaning of democracy?
Participation in decision-making
Respect for alternative views
Protection for minority interest
A willingness to work towards understanding and agreement.
JANI: If the above are core meaning of democracy, what sort of language game are the users of the word 'democracy' are now playing?
WOMAN ELITE: In reality, various have called them self-democratic even when they appear to practice all sort of things that contradict the practice through political subterfuge to undermined national unity which led to inciting hatred against certain groups to divide rather than what bring them together.
JANI: What is their reasons to blunt the core meaning of democracy?
WOMAN ELITE: For quest of power, also meant to consulate their own political credentials but badly damaged the economy and thereby putting the lives of innocent children, young people and elderly people at stalk.
JANI: Ma. How can we avert this danger?
Establish the rule of law to improve people's social justice and welfare through a substantive democracy.
Establish a pluralist democratic system.
Eradicate identity- based divisions by promoting national unity, ethnic and gender equality.
Engage in the quest for solutions through dialogue and social consensus through liberal democracies.
Anastase et al (2005).
JANI: Sorry ma, but when you say substantive or liberal democracy,what do you mean exactly?
WOMEN ELITE: Through substantive I mean equal participation of all groups in society in the political process while liberal democracies is characterize by voters choosing to elect representatives in free elections.
JANI: We are told, for a country to be truly democratic, it must practice procedural democracy?
WOMAN ELITE: As political philosophers like to stress, mere procedures do not make democracy.
JANI: Is it true vast majority of people who live in the cities, town and villages live without adequate education or health care, on the edge of hunger, are preoccupied with survival and have no wish to explore the democracy?
WOMAN ELITE: These days democracy is as much in vogue as sustainable development in area of human survival, development strategies and template survival in the global village. With that, something more than an exercise in humility to participation is required from all, At worst there must be a romantic interest in the democracy process, If not they will still left with the fact that their views would not be incorporated in decision- making more than the turn off from new era to save the democracy.
JANI: Thank you very much for your time. But how can young people survive as opposition party considering the fact that we are venturing into politics to bring about the change we desire? And what will be our roles as opposition to tackle the ruling party?
WOMAN ELITE: You know that democracy is implement through debate and dialogue about the political and economic issues that are essential to run a country. The role of opposition parties as young people is important for the role of the governing party to a stable democracy, provided they are loyal to the interests of the country and disciplined enough to act lawfully.
The opposition should recognized Foucault argument (1979). He said and I quote: That power is exercise through creation of ways of talking and thinking (discourse) that can be used to control people's ideas about the various aspect of social policy, economic policy, sectoral and trade policy through framework of any ground rules to ensure that policies address the concerns of almost all the stakeholders rather than some set of people.
JANI: Ma, what do you think of some party trying to silent or criminalize the opposition speeches consider the fact that we are in democracy and they expressing our views?
WOMAN ELITE: Practice that attacks the fundamental values of democracy cannot be considered valid. But as a well developer what we are facing now in our state is not criticism, but rather hate speeches. And most democracies have laws to prevent inciting hatred against certain groups. Such laws may prevent in restrictions of free speech or censorship.
JANI: But we have been told that 'the solution to bad speech is more speech' meaning that the general population will not swayed by a few people preaching hatred as long as there are enough moderate views also been expressed, none tries to usurp the proper function of another.
WOMAN ELITE: You know it has also been argued that such hatred inciting speech should be criminalize and opposite views encourage that will strive towards the democratic process into good governance.
JANI: Good governance???
WOMAN ELITE: Yeah! Good governance includes citizens expressing their right to voice their opinions to actively participate in decision-making processes beyond that of voting in elections. 'A good society is where citizens know their rights, and know how to react to violation of those rights 'without violating the laws of the land.
PARTICIPANT: You make mention of citizens right, what rights and responsibilities did they possess?
JANI: Citizen's rights include the following:
Own property
Have freedom of speech and association
Choose who governs
Have a minimum standard of living
Gain the protection of the law
Have a fair trail
Have access to public services
Be allowed free movement
Vote and /or participate in electoral or governance processes.
Citizens' responsibilities include the obligation to:
Pay taxes and other legally imposed levies
Obey laws and behave in a socially acceptable way
Respect the needs of others
Uphold individual and group rights
Protect the environment and natural world
Play an active part in citizenship i.e. in local community and also wider involvement and service.
JANI: Since democracy is all about to make informed choice, how can we make genuinely informed choice, to sue our rightful authority?
WOMAN ELITE: You need to be able to:
Engage meaningfully in open dialogue and debate
Access relevant and objective information so that your views are informed
Perceive that your participation in the debate and subsequent decision- making has value
Feel safe
Make a free decision without suffering or fearing harm to yourself or your family.
JANI: Ma how can we combine this view in a democratic process?
. Voting and respect for election results.
. Promoting of liberties and freedoms
.Respect for legal entitlements and guaranteeing of free uncensored distribution of news and fair comments.
(Sen., 1999, pp.9-10)
JANI: Based on the account we have so far, how can we identify the principles that lie at the heart of democratic values?
WOMAN ELITE: Respect for human right, Citizenship, Pluralism/diversity.
JANI: Thank you, Ma.
WOMAN ELITE: Jani I most appreciate your inquisitiveness to gather fresh ideas on policy framework. But Jani what give
s you hope to join the politics of today's consider the fact that there is mistrust within the policy makers and the populace.
JANI: (Smile) without going into rhetoric that is why I'm yearning and hungry for knowledge to groom myself to develop the mind set of self-respect 'integrity' because most of us have lost it in this country. I believe we can rebuild an action plan that will be our catch phrase as honesty government that are free from Nepotism, Corruption and impunity. The fact that we are going to adhere to the principles, it will guaranty the rule of law, transparent and accountable government.
WOMAN ELITE: Jani, are there instance where you compel trust to those you intent to lead and to the world.
JANI: (Smile) a real humanist can be identified more by compelling his trust in people. I believe myself worth I’ll speak to them, not for greed or parochial mind.
WOMAN ELITE: Really! It seem you are so curious in leadership position. In honesty, can you pick a leader in any field of endeavor as your mentor and compared his or her styles of leadership with the template of characteristics qualities of a good leader ever since you were born?
JANI: Ma, you know there is no universal consensus about leadership.
WOMAN ELITE: I mean by virtue of ideal leadership qualities.
JANI: An effective leader has a clear goal or predefined target with a vision. All efforts of ideal leader is geared towards achieving the set objective; also has the ability to set goals for the group being led.
Must possess excellent interpersonal skills, a leader who tries to be a servant of the group with an attitude for service and good- will towards the people in the group.
Effective leader takes care and treat people in a reciprocal manner.
Support the group, understands the goal, and encourages them to provide constructive ideas and tries to be a good listener.
Always motivates the group to achieve the goal, identifies and solves associated problems on the path to fulfilling the goal.
Apart from setting the targets, the effective leader must meet the target and should never depreciate the contribution of each and everyone in the group.
Exactly handles conflicts within the group and is moral, ethical, empathetic, and friendly and communicates effectively.
Must be quick at decision- making and know what is favorable to the preset goal and what is unfavorable. Thus he quickly decides what to do following to achieve the desired goal.
An effective ideal leader set an example for the group to follow.
An effective leader is honest, responsible, transparent, accountable and productive.
The most important trait of an effective leader is that he/ she likes/ loves to see everyone in his/ her organization/ group ultimately become leaders themselves.
In fact, in my community a true leader surround himself or herself with people who are trust worthy, reliable and honesty for 'Building nation’
WOMAN ELITE: You mean 'nation building?'
JANI: 'Yes, it integrally linked educating citizens such that they could actively participate in the government, so that they would form a national boundaries identity, so that their welfare would be jointly linked and so that nation of society included a national focus.
WOMAN ELITE: Your effort is appreciated to recognize some qualities of transformation leader to acknowledge the tension, also the opportunities which existing in a broadly participatory political process. With this I believe you can values the role of conflict mitigation in managing tension and building a nation's capacity for sustainable peace and development. It is from this I believe today you have develop local and national issues for packaging and repacking information that will help improve productivity and services on effective leadership on technical known how for focus activities. Based on the fact that these system of leadership are disappearing in our cultural life. From this you have learn about how power works and how government operates. For young people in particular, this can be direct form of 'learning by doing'.
The more people participate in the political and social affairs of their community and nation, the more skills and attributes of citizenship, and the more everyone benefits from an active and engaged citizenry.
JANI: Thank you ma! But is there differences between transactional leadership and transformational leadership?
WOMAN ELITE: In transactional leadership a leader engage in an exchange process, the leadership process is essentially deal-making guided by the satisfaction of mutual interest through distributive gains.
Gardner et al (1990).
JANI: You mean there is an 'exchange of value things'
WOMAN ELITE: Hm! My daughter don't feel panic, in the classic negotiations schema of social enterprise, this works well when both parties enjoy a rough symmetry of power.
JANI: But! In African contest, this kind of leadership often becomes the fulcrum for tension and unrest leading to conflict in the society where local actors have no means to participate.
WOMAN ELITE: 'Yes! Distinctively, Burn (1978: 20) notes that transformational leadership occurs 'when one or more persons engage with others in such a higher levels of motivation and reality'. In this sense way, transformational leadership involves of innovation, change, growth, and empowerment of self and others. This can bring a mutual sense of security, identity, recognition, development, self- actualization and shape the contours without any agrimony.
JANI: Ma, you make mention of cultural life does that also involved leadership?
WOMEN ELITE: Historically, chronology archeology of your locality can bring a sense of ideas, identity and ideology in a leadership position in order to challenge the status quo be failing any cultural life.
JANI: Time spent with you is well appreciated, your contribution is priceless and your gratitude is infinite. Thank you.
WOMAN ELITE: I give you thumb up! Keep the fire burning, you are good to go. I wish you well in your future endeavor and I summit this closing rhythms to you.
Oh' Jani two pairs of eyes meet!
One another glowing in the right,
To stand beneath the green boughs.
To trawl when all the world seems dabbling!
By ventured out wretched greatly.
Meanings real as day can show,
But we help them quench the bawl.
God blessing on you;
To find faces there!
To stop them roam the world about;
By your divine plucky minds
Oh Jani two pairs of eye meet,
One another glowing in the right.
JANI: Oh my dear elite!
Glad tidings of great joy to the world
To hear what’s true;
To stand against the pelf.
To stop the nuefullest tone and moan,
Not to plodding on the way.
Journey by the smooth path;
To strive for peace around
Is honored for us all;
O my dear elite
I have hear what’s true,
To investigate the situation,
And organize the information into themes.
O my dear elite,
I have hear what’s love,
To work outmodel limits,
And resolving the situation.
O my dear elite,
I have hear what’s true,
To take action,
And change the situation (Praxis)
- Ahmed Shuaib Shaktima
DECISION-MAKING: (Ability of individual's to choose the alternative that leads to the greatest amount of positive benefit on an issue or situation and taking a position on it)
At this stage Jani thought it was time to build her self-esteem and give attention to cultural and humanistic value. In order to advance since she had been informed by the woman elite the needs of cultural development. She decide to alert the order leadership of the community as to what societal blueprint is demanded by forth coming generation. After she must have learn th
e historically part of her community, she was very immerse in her heritage. Then see reason's to use her ability to define her identification and living. Jani than ‘hand in hand’ towards mutual development with other people to informed them about their cultural and linguistic heritage to uphold democracy, peace, human rights, empowerment, equality, development, equity, dialogue and co-operation to pursue identity through nationalism and regionalism.
JANI: Hello and Good morning! I had two things that I wanted to tell you. On one hand I want to share our cultural background. On the other hand I want to talk about young people, from struggle to development. I will try to go through all of it if I can.
Firstly, our background is inextricably sourced in where our ancestors are from. And the lenses through which we consider development of our community are uniquely ours. Our responsibilities are sourced in this background. So are our roles, so is our character. We were instilled with an identity which defines who we are. This notion of identity is an important facet of leadership. Failure to retain our identity means that we have cut out ukodo (umbilical cord).
To lead our people, we must understand and be conversant with our history, and our language. Because if we know who we are, and where we are from, then despite the challenge world. We will never lose our soul or spirit. And to do otherwise would be tantamount to folklore suicide. It is on this note I will stop here to get your reaction before moving further.
PARTICIPANT: Thank you very much for lending us your time, as we all know a nation without identity is a nation without strength and a strong believer of tradition and culture is also a strong believer of religion, I stand to be corrected to match my mission with vision to understand what societal folklore is all about? What are we doing in this country to revive them back?
JANI: Please, lent me your ear to share an abridge version of paper presented by a one day summit with theme: The great Igala conversation on 25th November 2017. Power by Ojuju Agbadufu, Igala Social Cultural Organization.
We must be willing to confront our realities, if necessary, with our tears and blood from the depths of our being.