Ageless Erotica Read online

Page 5

  I sucked my tongue back in my mouth. “I don’t want to strain it,” I said. “Imagine explaining a sprained tongue to your doctor.”

  “You’d be surprised how often people do come to doctors with sprained tongues.” He put my nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it while I massaged his puffy tits with my fingers. We lay down on the bed, drifting pleasurably until he said, “You’ll have to forgive me. I’m very tired,” and he closed his eyes. “Take whatever you want from the drawers. Tell them there’s no charge.”

  I thought of Jaz then, and I longed to get back to him and share my experience. I filled my bag with things he might like: crotchless panties and old-fashioned garter belts; pushup bras and silk camisoles. I took a few of the man’s silk bikinis, imagining how good they’d look on Jaz.

  I realized this man had no intention of leaving his basement. When everything upstairs was gone, he would wait in these rooms for women like me, lured by the promise of valuable stuff, but instead finding a renewed interest in sex. I tossed my worn underwear in the trash can, put on the red silk panties and bra and then the rest of my clothes. I left the notebook on the pillow beside the man’s head and let myself out of the room, softly closing the door behind me.

  Upstairs, Jaz was standing by the cashier at the card table in the living room. “Where were you?” he asked. I was surprised he’d missed me.

  The young man who was taking money added, “He was very worried.”

  I smiled at both of them. “I had a little nap in an empty room downstairs.” I showed the cashier my bag. “I was told there’d be no charge.”

  The young man winked. “Have a good day.”

  “Let’s go home,” I said to Jaz as we walked out the front door. “I can’t wait to show you what I found.”

  He raised his eyebrows. I felt like all my days and nights were going to be good for the rest of my life.


  I.G. Frederick

  Lady Bella arrived at the sprawling campground in a dirty white panel truck driven by her slave’s pet. The engine’s hoarse rattle echoed through the woods as the truck worked its way down the single-lane dirt road. Half a dozen naked males followed the dust cloud.

  Steven sprinted across the grass, beating his competition to the designated campsite. He arrived, panting, in time to open the passenger door before Lady Bella removed her seatbelt.

  “Good afternoon, Ma’am.” He dropped to his knees, back straight in presentation pose with knees open and hands palm up, on his thighs. “How may I earn the honor of serving you this weekend?”

  Lady Bella swung her long legs out and braced one hand against Steven’s head while she lowered her Teva-clad feet to the ground, then slowly pushed herself out of the truck. By now, the others knelt in a half circle around her. Almost six feet tall, she wore a piece of blue and lavender rayon wrapped around her lean figure from just above her knees to where it was tied above her breasts. A wide-brimmed straw hat covered the thick bun of her hair. Wisps the color of iron had pulled free to float around her face. Except for the gray hair and a few wrinkles around her eyes, she didn’t look older than her early fifties, although some claimed she had to be in her late sixties.

  She stuck one foot in front of Steven’s bowed face.

  “Oh, thank you, Ma’am.” He touched his lips to her dusty skin before she pulled it away and offered it to Dennis and Ray.

  “That’s all I need, for now, boys. The rest of you can check in later in the weekend, if you’d like. I may require additional service.”

  She marched off toward the check-in table under the covered picnic area. Her slave, Lyssa, extracted herself from the middle of the truck’s bench seat, and Lyssa’s pet, Roger, opened the back. Steven, Dennis, and Ray jumped up to help him unload the camping equipment, ignoring the others who wandered away with heads hung low.

  It took the four males almost two hours to set up Lady Bella’s campsite, erecting a family-sized dome tent, a small pup tent, an open pavilion, and a canopy. The Lady’s furnishings included a queen-size blow-up bed, a six-foot overstuffed sofa, half a dozen carpets, and a fully equipped kitchen.

  When Lady Bella strode back into her camp, she smiled. “Nice work boys.” She kicked off her sandals and stepped into the carpeted pavilion. Turning her head, she looked from one to the other. All dropped to their knees. “Who wants to wash this road dust off my feet?”

  “Oh, please, Ma’am. Allow me.” Steven didn’t wait for an answer. He grabbed a basin from the kitchen and ran to the water spigot where the road met the grass of the field, returning to find Lady Bella stretched out on her sofa. Lyssa handed him two towels, and he stepped out of his own shoes before entering the pavilion.

  “Thank you, Ma’am.” He knelt, draping the larger towel over his shoulder, and dunked the smaller one in the basin. Wringing it out, he wiped the dust from Lady Bella’s feet, admiring the perfect symmetry of her toes. She kept her nails short, but nicely shaped; unpolished, but buffed to a natural shine.

  Steven cleaned every speck from between her toes, dried each foot with the larger towel, then massaged the balls of her feet with his thumbs. Lady Bella sighed and he smiled. He rubbed the length of both soles, kissed each toe one by one, then, whimpering in ecstasy, licked the silky soft skin on top of her foot all the way to her ankle. Her feet still tasted a little earthy. That helped ground him and kept him from slipping too far into subspace.

  Lady Bella allowed him to suck on her toes and lick her feet until the clang of the metal triangle in the picnic area interrupted him. Although she withdrew her feet from his embrace, she didn’t rise. Steven offered his arm and braced himself so she could use him to pull herself upright. Her dark brown eyes looked him up and down, and he sat back so his ass rested on his heels, keeping his back straight so his belly wouldn’t bulge.

  “Not bad.” She ran one long finger along the underside of his engorged cock. “You like CBT, boy?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. Thank you, Ma’am.” He’d only tried cock and ball torture once. He wasn’t sure he liked it at all.

  “You’ve served well this afternoon. I’ll play with you first after dinner.”

  “Oh, thank you so very much, Ma’am.” Steven couldn’t help grinning. Ever since he’d met Lady Bella, he’d longed to kiss her feet and feel her lash. But she was surrounded by boys vying for her attention at every event. Steven had signed up for this leather camp as soon as he learned Lady Bella held court here.

  He followed her to the covered cement pad filled with a dozen long picnic tables, then ran back to his car to retrieve the cupcakes he’d made for the potluck. When he returned, Lady Bella sat with several other Dommes. Steven found room for his cupcakes before approaching her.

  “Ma’am,” he pointed at the empty plate in front of her, “may I have the honor of filling that for you?”

  She gifted him with a smile that dimpled her cheeks and brightened her eyes. “I like to try just a taste of all the different dishes.”

  He filled Lady Bella’s plate from the table crowded with casseroles, salads, vegetables, fruits, and breads. Steven noticed only three of his cupcakes remained on the separate dessert table, so he grabbed one and set it with the plate in front of her. “I’ll get you a selection of desserts, Ma’am, but my cupcakes are disappearing, and I wanted to give you a chance to try one.” He wasn’t sure if she’d heard him; she was laughing at a story one of the other Dommes shared about a misbehaving sub.

  After serving Lady Bella dessert and making a plate for himself, he looked over the crowded tables. Folks wore leather, latex, denim, or nothing at all. Several women and one man wore the sarongs that Lady Bella sold from her pavilion, but none looked as regal as she did in them. How could he consider himself worthy of her service? Still, he chose a seat where he could see when Lady Bella rose so he could quickly extricate himself.

  After the welcoming speeches, he spotted Roger wheeling the wardrobe trunk Lady Bella used as a toy chest past the picni
c area toward the dungeon set up among the trees. Steven rushed to stand behind Lady Bella, his hands behind his back to make his pecs look more respectable. At fifty, he worked out three times a week and kept his figure trim. He could still fit into his Navy uniform, if he held his breath.

  Lyssa knelt besides Lady Bella, who planted one hand on the girl’s shoulder and rubbed her own back with her other hand. She slowly extricated her legs from under the table and rose to her feet.

  “I want to do a CBT scene with this boy,” she nodded in Steven’s direction. “Go get it set up.”

  “Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.” Lyssa dashed off toward the dungeon.

  Lady Bella turned to Steven. “I’m going to use the privy. I recommend you do so as well.” One corner of her mouth rose, and a wicked glint lit her eyes. “Meet me in the dungeon.”

  Strings of colored lights hanging from the trees defined the dungeon, which included three St. Andrews crosses, an A-frame bondage rack, two spanking benches, four massage tables, and a suspension frame. Hissing propane lanterns lit the play stations. At least two of the trees were also in use for bondage. Steven shuddered at the thought of rough bark pressing into naked flesh.

  He found Lyssa and Roger standing by a massage table near the fire pit. Several drawers had been removed from the trunk and now sat on top of it.

  “Do you prefer being bound during a CBT scene?” Lady Bella’s husky voice whispered in his ear.

  “Yes, Ma’am, at least my wrists and ankles.”

  “Are you a squirmer?”

  Steven bowed his head and held his breath. “I’m afraid so, Ma’am.”

  Lady Bella laughed. “What are you afraid of, boy? I like squirmers. I want to see you suffer. Stoic doesn’t ring my chimes.”

  Steven grinned.

  “Any medical conditions?”

  “No, Ma’am.”

  “Limits?” Lady Bella patted the massage table, and Steven boosted himself up onto it.

  “Haven’t figured that out yet, Ma’am. Only done CBT once before.”

  Lady Bella held out her hand, and Lyssa put a leather cuff across the palm. “High or low pain threshold?” She fastened that cuff around one of his wrists and the subsequent cuffs Lyssa handed her around his other wrist and both ankles.

  “I think I can take a fair amount.”

  Lady Bella nodded. He lay on his back, and she clipped the cuffs to tie points on the table. His breathing quickened. The thought of Lady Bella touching his cock, even to hurt it, made him stiffen.

  She drew one finger along the length of him. “Nice.”

  Lyssa held one of the drawers near Lady Bella’s elbow, just high enough so Steven couldn’t see what was inside. Lady Bella extracted a mesh bag of plastic clothespins. Steven trembled. With gentle fingers, she moved aside his cock, which became rock hard at her touch, and pulled the skin of his scrotum away from his balls. One by one she attached clothespins. They pinched a bit, but he knew the worst was yet to come. She ran a hand over the ends, teasing him with pain, but the lustful gleam in her eye only made him want more. He could take anything to see that delightfully evil smile on her handsome face.

  She reached into the drawer again and extracted a mini whip with a dozen plastic tails. With two fingers, she held his glans while she swatted his shaft. Gradually her strokes became hard enough to sting, and he wiggled his ass, pushing into her hand. She leaned down, the cloth covering her breasts brushing his chest, and whispered in his ear.

  “You like that, boy?”

  “Hurts. So. Good.” He gasped for breath. “Ma’am.”

  She grabbed his earlobe between her teeth and bit down. At first, he barely noticed, but she slowly increased her grip until he squirmed again. Without releasing his ear, she ran her hands across the clothespins. He moaned and squirmed. She rewarded him with a firm slap, bouncing his cock off his belly. He had to clench his ass cheeks to get himself under control. The last thing he wanted to do was spoil this opportunity by coming without permission.

  Lady Bella released his ear and reached into the drawer again. This time she extracted a giant hair clip. She closed it gently around his cock. Plastic nubs that bit into his flesh lined the interior. She pulled out a metal handle attached to a small, rolling pinwheel of sharp little points. His eyes widened.

  “Never had a Wartenberg wheel used on you before, boy?”

  He managed to turn his head from one side to the other, his eyes never leaving the spikes.

  She ran it up his forearm. Prickly, but not painful. On his cock, though?

  Lady Bella tilted her head. He nodded, but then closed his eyes. She held him upright with the clip and ran the wheel the length of the narrow gap where the teeth didn’t meet. The sound from his throat might have been a scream if he could have gotten enough air into his lungs. He became aware of a wondrous fragrance emanating from Lady Bella. Realizing that she was turned on by his suffering made him want more.

  He pushed his hips up again, and she ran the wheel crosswise between the clip’s teeth. He squeaked. Lifting his head, he was surprised to see no blood spilling from a hundred tiny holes in his cock. It only felt as if she’d punctured his skin. Her lips were parted and her breathing came in short, heavy gasps.

  She dropped his cock and wheeled the spikes up toward his chest, pausing before the metal reached his nipple. He clenched his teeth. Her entire face lit up in anticipation. When the metal touched his sensitive nip, he screamed. She leaned over, bit one nipple while running the spikes over the other. Steven squirmed, the pain traveling from his chest to his cock. He needed to come worse than anytime since he jizzed in his pants when Mandy Lester knocked her pencil off her desk and leaned over in front of him, exposing the biggest cleavage in high school. But his hands were still attached to the table and a hair clip imprisoned his cock, so he could only wriggle in exquisite agony.

  Lady Bella lifted her head from his chest and in his mind’s eye, he saw blood on her lips. She put one hand against his cheek and he turned his face into it, reveling in the intimacy. “More?” she asked.

  “Yes, Ma’am, please.” His voice emerged in a hoarse whisper.

  She reached into the drawer yet again. He recognized the white ceramic piece in her hand as a ginger grater, but couldn’t imagine why it was in her toy chest. She ran one hand over the clothespins, reminding him how much they would hurt whenever she finally took them off, and she removed the clip. He whimpered. She dragged his engorged cock over the white grater and he screamed.

  He lifted his head and peered down at his wounded member in the lantern light, expecting to see a raw, bloody mess. It still stood upright against her hand, engorged but intact.

  Lady Bella tilted her head to one side. “Did that hurt, boy?”

  He nodded.

  “Want me to kiss it better?”

  His eyes opened wide, the look in her eyes making him fear even the touch of her lips. But he nodded again.

  “Can I bite it?”

  Steven didn’t want her to bite his cock, but in order to do so, she would have to wrap her lips around it. And biting would keep him from coming, which he knew would destroy any hope of gaining Lady Bella’s long-term favor. Slowly, he brought his chin down to his chest and lifted it again. He watched, mesmerized as she planted soft lips against the side of his ravaged cock. She dragged her lips to his glans and took him in her mouth. He moaned. When he felt her teeth pressing into his flesh, the moan became a groan. Afraid to move his torso, visions of her biting through and blood spurting all over flashing through his mind, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

  She moved her mouth further down, again pressing her teeth into his sensitive flesh. Gently, hard, harder. When she’d bitten him seven times and worked her way halfway down his cock, she closed her lips around him and drew back up. He had to press his fingernails into his palms to avoid coming in her mouth.

  Lady Bella licked her lips. “Such a good boy.” She pulled off the first clothespin and he c
ried out as blood flowed back into the pinched flesh. By the time she had removed them all, they were both panting. She pressed her lips against his forehead. “You’ve been a very good boy. I think you deserve a special reward. She unclipped his wrists and ankles from the table but didn’t remove the cuffs. Roger stepped forward and helped him sit up. Steven felt woozy.

  Lady Bella used Roger’s shoulder to ease herself up next to Steven. Much to his delight, she wrapped her arms around him and his face rested against the heated flesh of her bosom. He wondered if that was his reward. Tentatively, he stuck his tongue out and ran it the length of her breast, searching for her nipple. The cloth fell away, and he wrapped his lips around her nipple, teasing it with his tongue. Lady Bella sighed. She opened her legs, and her arousal penetrated his nostrils.

  Was it an invitation? Did he dare? She’d promised him a reward. Without releasing her nipple, he pushed his hips off the table and positioned himself in front of her. Lifting her breasts away from her chest, he kissed his way down, until he found her sparse, gray pubic hair. He lowered himself to his knees and covered the inside of her thighs with kisses. Her skin tasted of salt and lavender soap. He couldn’t see much in the lantern light, but he didn’t need his eyes to find what he sought.

  Her taste reminded him of rich French vanilla, and he couldn’t get enough of it. He almost got discouraged when it seemed to take forever to get her off, but then she grabbed his hair and pressed him tighter against her lips. He licked, sucked, and licked until she shuddered. He latched onto her clit and tongued and sucked on it at the same time. Lady Bella shook all over. She released his head to grab the sides of the table. He continued until she put one foot on his shoulder and pushed him back.

  “Thank you so very much for the honor, Ma’am.” He sat back on his heels, aware he couldn’t rise to his feet if he needed to.

  “Believe me, boy, the pleasure was all mine. I have two more playdates scheduled this evening, but I think I’ll keep you for later. Are you available for the weekend?”

  Steven leaned forward and planted a kiss on each of Lady Bella’s feet. “Yes, Ma’am. There’s nothing I could possibly enjoy more.”