The Faerie Glen Read online
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Bree was a large girl, too much of her favourite chocolate, but she was still only one.
They both growled in unison. Their eyes scanned the area, and they sniffed the air as only shifters could. I groaned inwardly and outwardly. Like they could ever pick up the scent of a Faerie unless she wished it.
“So let me go and no one will get hurt. Namely you.” I pointed to the one on the ground and tugged my leg, trying to loosen his grip, not really expecting it to work, but still slightly hopeful.
“Maybe I’ll take my chances….” I felt his hand move upwards over my bare skin as he slowly rose to his knees. There was a tingle that travelled on, upwards, even when his had stopped.
Then there was the kind of shiver that ran through my body and had nothing to do with a chill in the air, mainly because there wasn’t one. I tightened every muscle in my body hoping to keep it at bay.
I reached down and slapped at his hand, but he only reached out with the other and snagged my wrist. Damn, I hadn’t seen that one coming.
I’d had enough of this game- I could have blasted him with my magic. I could have done a multitude of things then and there, but I decided that it was time to get my wings out…
Ka-ching! Payday. They fanned out behind me and felt so good in the heat of the sun.
‘Oh my God, Jazz- your wings…!’ Bree’s shocked tone made me shoot a look back over my shoulder, and I almost swallowed my tongue whole when I saw them. They glowed with every colour of the rainbow…
“That’s- not- good.” I swallowed down hard.
“What’s not good?” The shifter tethering me to the ground, to him, frowned.
‘He can’t be, can he? A shifter!’
While I appreciated Bree most of the time, right now, I just wished she’d shut up. If she didn’t speak then my brain might just start to work again… I needed to think…
Nope, it wasn’t happening for me. Thinking was just a pipe dream. There were a million thoughts chasing through my mind, but not one of them explained why my wings had changed colour- and not one of them stuck for longer than a few seconds at a time.
“Help me, Bree…” I bit out on a whisper.
‘Ok.’ Nothing happened. ‘Err, to do what- exactly?’ Bree asked sheepishly, and I bit down on the need to hit someone, something…
‘What the heck happened here?’ Piper’s voice rang out and I was momentarily lost within the misery of having both of my best friends witness my downfall, literally.
‘Hit him, Jazz.’ Bree piped up, finally coming up with a good idea and jolting me out of my madness.
‘Yeah, punch his lights out.’ Piper joined in. Although, I expect she didn’t really have a clue why.
Not that they were a bad influence on me or anything, but I decided that was a damn fine option, knock his fangs down the back of his throat. I flapped my wings as hard as I could and knocked that sucker a good one!
And they say beware of swans! Pah! My wings can start a storm, and that’s when I’m normal sized, Faerie sized- imagine what I could do now.
Mr Puppy dog eyes flew backwards through the air… the only trouble was… he didn’t let go of me.
I went sailing along with him. It took me a moment to understand what was happening, but then I was readying myself for another collision with his hard, unyielding body, and as he hit the ground, and I hit him… Ouch!
‘Jazz, are you ok?’ Bree was in one ear…
‘Jazz, can you get up?’ and Piper was in the other.
“Y-o-u…” I ground out between clenched teeth as I slapped my palms down on his chest to get some leverage, and I pushed my upper body upwards away from his.
“You like the rough stuff…” he growled even with the sound of amusement in his tone.
As I dragged my eyes up his contoured chest to his face to get a real honest to goodness death glare going, eye to eye with the damn man- I saw that sexy smile again and I nearly forgot to be as mad as hell… I said nearly, it took me a moment to get my mojo back and to get back into the swing of things, and then- there it was, all fire and death glare.
“I should break you!” I hissed as I pinched with both of my hands against his flesh and managed to get just enough skin between my fingertips to make his body convulse in on itself- not to mention the hearty yelp that exited his mouth and gave me great satisfaction…
It could never have been that easy. Both of his knees came up and hit me in the backside at once, and I ended up sprawled back over his broad chest, turning my cheek just in time so as not to break my nose on his rock hard muscles.
Oh, did I hate him right then!
“I don’t know you that well, but if you need a hug…” his voice was teasing and playful, taunting the anger that was rising inside of me like a forest fire, and it was more than wrath like in nature.
“Pain. Wrath. Fire and brimstone. A she-demon of the worst kind… Fae vengeance.” I ground out the words as I lifted my head again and brought my eyes to his. “Take your pick, wolf, because- I’m going to kill…”
“You wouldn’t kill your mate now, would you?” he grinned…
I… almost died of a damn heart attack.
‘Breathe, Jazz…’ Bree was buzzing from one side of my head to the other and back again. In her panic she was making me feel decidedly dizzy, maybe even dizzier than when I’d been rolling across the ground earlier with the wolfman.
Piper on the other hand was just fluttering there in mid-air inspecting her fingernails.
‘Thought so, the minute I saw your wings…’ Piper said and she had that Miss Superior thing going on again. She always got it when someone else was the centre of attention.
Hey, if she wanted to swap damn places with me, I was all for it…
‘In with a breath… and back out- s-l-o-w-l-y.’ Bree offered her wisdom.
“I know how to breathe, Bree!” I snapped. I was kind of doing ok, at least I hadn’t passed out yet.
“Jazz…” the wolfman placed both of his warm hands against my cheeks and cupped them. Something shot through my body like wildfire, and it wasn’t a breath… “Calm down,” he soothed me, actually soothed the breath right back into my lungs…
Well, we’ll see about that!
How dare he? If I choose to breathe or not was of no concern to him.
“Let go, get off…” I reared back on my knees and slapped at his hands, catching myself on the nose in the process and groaning inwardly. But I did manage to get his touch off of me.
I practically threw myself back away from him, and proceeded to land smack bang on my cushioned pride again. I needed more cushioning. When I got home I was definitely going to eat the entire contents of Bree’s chocolate stock.
“Now- now, don’t be so… Fae,” he offered back, “I’m Seth, and this is Robert…”
“Oh, I’ll know what to put on your tombstone after I kill you.” I snapped as I pushed up to my feet and stretched my wings out, testing them to make sure that they weren’t damaged by his idiocy.
“I’ve never met a Fae with rainbow coloured wings before…” he said. Then he pushed up to his full height once more and he towered above me. Even in my human form I was only five foot, no odd, just five foot nothing, and he must have been well over six feet tall… I hated giants.
‘That’s because they’re not normal…’ Piper hummed in a sing-song voice- thoughtfully reminding me of my damn wings again.
“Met many Faeries, have you?” I demanded, putting my hands on my hips and flicking my wings to show him my displeasure.
“One.” He answered, and I narrowed my eyes on him. “You.” He offered with another sexy grin that annoyed me so, just as much as it thrilled me. Right down to my traitorous little toes.
“Well, forget that we ever met and end this conversation.”
I went to take a step away from him and he was there, blocking my way with his big
, muscled, giant- man body.
‘You had to know it wasn’t going to be that easy.’ Piper chuckled and grated my last nerve under her amusement.
‘He’s her mate. She can’t just leave, can she?’ Bree sounded surprised and wary.
I still wanted to hurt someone- him- I wanted to hurt him.
“I think not.” Seth grinned, thinking that he had the upper hand here, and showing me his fangs again.
“You know- if you’re going to get those out, you have to know that I’m going to hurt you in ways that you can’t imagine.” I lied again.
Yes, I’d had my share of scrapes when I was younger, the usual, kicking, thumping, slapping, biting, eye gouging… but, I’d never deliberately set out to maim anyone before. This time- would probably be different.
“Are these bothering you?” He lifted his hand and motioned to his fangs. Mr Smug.
I lifted my fist and punched him hard in the face.
Seth’s head didn’t really move. Although, a moment before the pain screamed through my hand and up my arm, I did notice that he blinked on impact…
“Son of a…” I yelped and shook my hand out; trying to dull the pain, shake it away- yeah, whoever thought that one up was a damned idiot- that pain wasn’t going anywhere, and I could shake that hand until it fell off, which might then have alleviated the pain- somewhat.
“Are you insane?” He growled as he reached out and tried to grab my wrist.
I growled like a she-wolf. I hissed like a madwoman, and I lifted my knee and got him right in the balls…
Seth dropped like a sack on stones to the ground. Rolling in agony and gasping for air…
‘B-r-e-a-t-h-e, Seth…’ Bree offered, even though he couldn’t hear her.
I had to laugh at Bree. Even through my pain, his pain- and I had to admit that his pain looked way worse than mine. I guessed a knee always does the trick.
Robert took a long step forward and I snapped my attention towards him.
“Don’t be a hero, or do, and see where that gets you.” I hissed at him.
I wasn’t playing; my damn hand was killing me, my knee throbbed, and I still wanted to hurt someone, maybe even more now than I did before.
Robert did the smart thing, especially for a wolf- he held his hands up to his chest in surrender, and I scowled at him anyway.
Bloody males.
‘I guess you didn’t want baby Fae-wolves then.’ Piper offered and I rolled my eyes in my head.
“Don’t try to find me.” I informed my less than coherent mate on the ground, and then I jumped, quite simply jumped into the air, and transformed back into my compact size.
“Feel better?” Piper gave me the once over.
“Yes, it’s always good to bring tears to someone’s eyes when they’ve really annoyed you, don’t you think?” I tried for casual, even if my heart was pounding and my head was spinning with everything that had happened.
“I think that when the Faerie Godmother gets a look at your rainbow wings…” Piper started.
“Don’t say it.” I ground out between clenched teeth. “I’ll cross that Faerie Bridge when I come to it.”
“Which will be sooner rather than later, because you know what happens to a faerie mate that denies her split-apart…” I could quite well believe that Piper was enjoying this.
“Yes, I know. You don’t have to say it.” I ground out again.
“No more wings for you…”
Ok, so I guess that she did have to say it.
I might have been able to put my wings away when I was human, but in my Faerie form that didn’t happen. There they were- behind me- like two rainbow sails fluttering out for all to see, and see they did. Everyone looked as I walked towards home…
I wanted nothing more than to be a damn bear and hibernate for the winter. Not that it was winter yet, but what the hell, I could eat my weight in chocolate and hope for the best…
“Jasmine…” And there it was. My mother’s voice drifting in shocked tones down towards me as I strolled under the upstairs window of our home.
“Yes, mother.”
I knew what was coming.
“Your wings…” she said.
Talk about state the damn obvious.
“Yes, mother.”
I didn’t have the will to be sarcastic.
“They’re a rainbow…” she gushed.
Ok, maybe I did have a little fight left in me.
“Damn, I asked for tartan.” I bit out. Stomping into the house and slamming the door behind me.
Buzz, our pet ant, was lying legs up on the rug; his usual prone position after my mother had fed him too much. He did a double take at my wings- geez was everyone so damn judgemental?
Couldn’t a Faerie have rainbow wings without there being a reason- like a mate?
Mother flew down the stairs, literally, coming to a graceful landing at the bottom, and letting her wings fold back up behind her. She eyed me long and hard.
“And who is the lucky boy?” She had that look in her eyes, the teasing, happy look that said she was about to burst with sugar and spice and all things Faerie dust… probably already planning the handfasting ceremony.
Yeah, I was about to kill that good mood.
“He’s a shifter wolf named Seth, and no I’m not going to mate him.” I let her have it and watched the hope die and the light go out in her eyes as her face dropped, and then so did she, right on her pride on the rug beside Buzz.
“Oh…” Was the sum total of what my mother managed to get out before she turned a lovely shade of green.
“Yep.” I tossed up a hand and strolled into the kitchen, leaving her to mull that one over. I kind of guessed that I really should have broken it to her in a more gentile manner, but what the hey- what’s done is done.
Reaching up for the cupboard, the one at the very top, the one that contained everything chocolate and sugar loaded. I scooped probably a good ninety percent of it down into my arms before I turned and dropped it all on the table like a heart attack inducing, hip widening buffet of goodness…
Then I reached for my favourite, a double whammy chocolate sliced cake with chocolate cream filling, chocolate chips, and melted chocolate that was drizzled on top… mother slapped my hand down…
“What the…?” I scowled and reached for it again. Again, she slapped my hand away. “Come on!” I hissed. Did she have any idea how much I needed that chocolate fix?
“You’ll want to fit into your mating night lingerie now, won’t you?”
Mother hand a fake smile etched onto her lips. I have to say it looked kind of scary, like someone had stretched her face against her will.
“If the wind changes your face will stay like that.” I got my own back for the denial of chocolate and her face dropped instantly.
“That’s...” she cleared her throat. Then shook her head. “So, Seth…” she changed the subject.
I reached for the cake with my other hand and snagged it, peeling the wrapper off at lightning speed- and as my mother reached for it, I turned my back on her, shoving the whole thing into my mouth in one go, and turning back to show her my victory happy smile, and cheeks like a squirrel at harvest time. She huffed.
“Wolf.” I chewed and savoured, but she was giving me that expectant look, along with those death glare eyes, and talking with my mouthful was… stupid- I could lose some cake, but I didn’t think she could wait.
“Y-e-s,” she mulled that one over. “What pack?”
“Know many?” I did at least cover my mouth with my hand this time. Regretting stuffing the whole thing in in one go as I tried to chew and swallow little bits as fast as I could.
“No. Just the one over in the next glen,” she eyed me.
“Guess there then.” I swallowed a little at a time, not wanting to choke so that she could say I told you so, desperately wa
nting to spit it out into the bin, and yet I wouldn’t be defeated.
“This could be awkward.” Mother groaned.
“You don’t say.” I offered back, getting more desperate by the second to rid myself of the gooey mess in my mouth now. I guess that was cake Karma coming back to bite me in the cushioned butt.
“Are they coming to us or are we going to them?” She asked, and I’m sure my eyes flashed out on stalks and pinged back into my eye sockets again.
Was she crazy?
Had I pushed my mother over the edge into insanity?
Could I please get rid of this damn cake?
“What part of not mating don’t you understand?” I swallowed again, and again- as she mulled it over.
“If you don’t take your mate…” she held up that one pointy finger of rebuke and I sighed inside.
I knew a lecture when I saw it, and I’d seen it so often growing up. My mother started with a lecture, moved into a story of when she was a young girl, and finished with another lecture.
I couldn’t stomach it, especially after the damn cake.
“I know. I know. I’ll lose my wings…” I shrugged my shoulders.
What was a girl to do?
Who in their right mind would want to be mated to a shifter, and a wolf one to boot…?
“And that is bad…because?” She gave me that expectant look, and I felt the dread of the lecture coming on.
“I’m not five years old. I know the ramifications of losing my wings.” I scowled at her like a petulant child, which I was, especially when she got into lecture mode.
“Well then…” she left that one open for me to ponder as she turned away from me, and I took the opportunity to spit the rest of the cake that I hadn’t been able to swallow into the dustbin.
I heard her turn quickly back, probably hoping to catch me in the act of getting rid of that stupid cake, and I spanned my wings so that they would mask my deed, and so that they wouldn’t catch on the back on the chair as I turned and sat down. More huffed down, but I don’t like to think of myself as a sulker.