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Wild Sorceress

Fantasy. 122358 words long.
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The Lady Unmasked

For the last year, visions of the disappearing angel Lord Quentin Post danced with and kissed at his brother's Samhain masquerade have haunted his dreams and his plagued his waking thoughts. Convinced that hosting the masquerade once more is the only way to find the girl who got away and unmask her once and for all, Quent enlists the help of his sisters and friends alike. He has thought everything through down to the last detail, except...After returning to Ravenglass it's another girl completely who invades his thoughts at every turn.Miss Lila Southward fell quite in love with Lord Quentin the first moment she met him, and she's loved him every moment since. She is overjoyed when he and returns to Ravenglass and Marisdùn Castle, however her heart is crushed when she realizes he's searching for a mysterious angel he met the previous year, and not for her. Or is he?And when an ancient evil is released inside the walls of the castle, nothing will ever be the same again.*Parts of The...
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Points And Lines

The suicide of a young couple on a secluded and historically famous Japanese beach uncovers a nation-wide crime network.
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Shattered Bone

Shattered Bone: The theft, hijacking, or unauthorized flight of a B-1B bomber loaded with nuclear weapons. Such activity is to be considered a class "A" security violation. The incident aircraft will be destroyed using any and all means available. Its destruction is the highest priority. –Air Force code manual 13-12 A nightmare scenario becomes terrifying reality when the Ukraine calls in an undercover agent from the old Russian regime who has lived in America nearly all his life and is now an elite bomber pilot. Drawn back to his home, the agent is pitted against a Russia ambitious to rebuild its tyrannical power. As his stolen bomber sweeps down on its target, the world braces for nuclear war, and everyone is left to wonder: Who is the renegade pilot working for? Shattered Bone crackles with an authenticity and life experience rarely encountered in techno-thrillers.
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The Mind Pool tmp-1

In the 23rd century, out of all the races of the galaxy, only humanity has discovered the secret of travel between the stars. When a threat to all life arises from non-living cyborgs, suddenly the peculiar human virtues of valor and stubbornness make the despised Earthlings the saviors of all.
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Burning Your Boats

WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY SALMAN RUSHDIEAs well as her eight novels, Angela Carter published four wonderful collections of short stories during her lifetime, and contributed stories to several anthologies. The stories were scattered amongst different publishers, and a couple of the volumes are now out of print. In Burning your Boats they are gathered for the first time; this is a key collection and a major event for Angela Carter aficionados.
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Triple B. Baking Co.

Three years ago a heart broken Merryn Sota got in a SUV and drove away from California. Call it fate or serendipity, but when the vehicle broke down outside of Braden, Iowa she fell in love with the calm and community. Using her skill as a baker she opened up Braden Buttery Bites Bakery which the town lovingly renamed the Triple B. Every confection she makes heals her wounded heart a little bit.Ever since the tragedy, the only way Austin Larsen can cope with life is to have it completely regimented. The Triple B brought schedule to his life. Something to focus on day by day.When a snowstorm hits the small town Austin's schedule is disrupted and old wounds are reopened. Only the hospitality of the Triple B, along with Merryn, can right his world. However, as Merryn and Austin grow closer, their pasts resurface and threaten to destroy their happiness forever.
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"Hut! Hut! Go long, Tiki!" Tiki and Ronde's twelfth summer is winding down -- the nights are getting shorter and the evenings cooler. That means two things: The first day of junior high is just a few days away, and it's almost the start of football season at last. With two championships and an 8-2 season last year, Tiki and Ronde are ready to graduate from the Peewee League and hit the field as starting players for the Hidden Valley Eagles. But junior high is a lot bigger than elementary school. The competition for starting spots is stiff, and seniority rules. If Tiki and Ronde make it past tryouts and cuts, will they get the chance to play, or will they have to spend the season watching from the bench with the other seventh graders? Inspired by the childhood of NFL superstars Tiki and Ronde Barber, Kickoff! is a story of teamwork, perseverance, and what it takes to be a champion.
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Ganache and Fondant and Murder

A fifth cozy mystery installment to die for!A Tasty Kind of AfternoonNot to be indelicate about it, but if Mom made me eat one more bite of cake, I was going to throw up. I'd honestly ingested enough dessert in the last hour to sink a submarine with no end in sight.Don't get me wrong. I loved my mother's baking. But a girl has her limits, and I had finally reached mine, groaning, burping softly around the chocolate, vanilla, red velvet, buttercream and banana that swam on the surface of a variety of other flavors I'd rather not taste again in reverse.With renovations of the new annex to Petunia's in full swing, Fiona's life might be more in order, but her habit of digging into criminal cases hasn't changed one bit. Doesn't help when her mother is on the suspect list, the death of a famous cooking show judge leading Fee into the dark side of bake offs, television and murder.Don't miss a single volume in the Fiona Fleming Cozy Mysteries! Find...
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The Galloping Ghost

Eugene Fluckey was one of the great naval heroes of World War II. His exploits as captain of the submarine USS Barb revolutionized undersea warfare and laid the groundwork for a nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine fleet. He retired as a rear admiral and was awarded numerous presidential, congressional, and military honors, including the Medal of Honor and four Navy Crosses. In the war against Japan, Fluckey fired the first ballistic missiles from a submarine, sank more tonnage than any other U.S. submarine skipper, including an aircraft carrier, a cruiser, a destroyer, and blew up a train after landing submariners-turned-saboteurs on mainland Japan in 1945. Here is the legendary submariner's story, told with the exclusive access to Fluckey's personal papers and based on interviews with him, his family, Barb shipmates, official Navy documents, and the recollections of his contemporaries.
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