Pay Day Read online

Page 11

  Chapter 24


  I didn’t know why I thought I would get answers from my aunt, Ora. In her eyes, Darnell - her miracle baby when she was 46 years old – was right up there on the rolls with St. Peter. Forget the fact that he was always getting into trouble, petty trouble like fighting, vandalism, drinking and driving, but trouble nonetheless. According to Aunt Ora, everything Darnell did wrong was because someone was out to get him. But I hoped the fact that I was family would convince her to help me find Darnell.

  “Hey, baby,” my aunt said, swinging open her screen door and motioning for me to come inside her small wood frame home. I’d decided to go by her house after a sleepless night. I was now convinced Darnell had skipped town with my money. Now, I just needed to find out where he’d gone. “How have you been? I see you’ve been eating good,” she said, patting my hips as I passed.

  In my family, you had to have thick skin because they called it like they saw it. I always knew it was done in love, so I was cool with that.

  “Just trying to see if you’ve seen Darnell?” I sat down on her sofa. The crunch of the plastic caused me to shift as I tried to get comfortable.

  “Not in a couple of days.” Aunt Ora shook her head as she sat down in her tattered recliner. “He was over here last week with that harlot he calls a girlfriend. Chile got three kids and four baby daddies.”

  I didn’t even bother asking my aunt how that was even possible. She was forever spewing some off-the-wall rationales.

  “I really need to get in touch with him,” I said.

  It was then that I noticed a mink stole hanging on the coat rack.

  “Wow, Auntie, what’s that?”

  “Ooooh,” she said with a big smile as she jumped up, then walked over and picked it up off the rack. “Isn’t it nice?” She wrapped it around her shoulders and stroked it like it was the softest thing that she’d ever touched. “I told Darnell I don’t have anywhere to wear this but my baby said I deserve the finer things.”

  I gritted my teeth. It wasn’t that I was against buying Aunt Ora anything, but I couldn’t appreciate Darnell buying folks gifts with my money. And a mink stole in Houston was a waste of money, especially for my aunt who wouldn’t set foot outside if the temperature dropped below fifty degrees.

  “How did Darnell afford a mink stole?” I asked, wondering what lie he’d told his mother. Darnell knew like I did. If he told her about the lotto money, she’d tell everyone dating back six generations.

  “My baby got a promotion,” Aunt Ora said. “They made him vice president of that furniture company.”

  If I wasn’t so mad, I would’ve burst out laughing. Darnell didn’t even have a GED. How my aunt thought he’d be a vice president was beyond me.

  “Do you know where he is, how I can get in touch with him?” I asked.

  “He said they were sending him to the Bahamas for training,” she proudly replied.

  “The Bahamas?”

  “Yes, he’s so important. You know they send their important folks away for training. He’s been there all week.” She gently hung the stole back on the coat rack, petting it like it was some kind of animal.

  I was seething. Darnell didn’t even have the decency to tell me that he was going out of town.

  “Did he say when he’d be back?”

  “He didn’t, but he promised to take me to the eye doctor on the 16th,” she replied. “These cataracts shole been bothering me. I was trying to watch ‘Deal or No Deal’ and that Wayne Brady was a big ol’ brown blur.”

  “Okay, Auntie,” I said, cutting her off before she continued running down her list of ailments. “If you talk to him, please tell him that I really need to get in touch with him.”

  I wanted to tell her the truth, that he’d stolen my money, but number one, I’d have to explain what money. Number two, I wasn’t completely sure that Darnell had stolen anything. My cousin would kill for me so I was having a hard time believing he’d steal from me. More likely he was caught up in the lifestyle the money brought. At least I hoped so. And number three, it wasn’t like Aunt Ora would believe anything bad about Darnell anyway.

  “You still at Clearcast?” she asked. “You want me to see if Darnell can hire you? I told your mama, God rest her soul, that I would watch out for you. And I just think you were destined for something better than sitting up there answering telephone calls. No disrespect to an honest day’s work, but you should go for a management position like Darnell.”

  And on that note, I knew it was time to go.

  “All right, Auntie. Just please if you talk to him, let me know.”

  It took me another ten minutes, of declining food, trying to interrupt her and listening to the latest neighborhood gossip, before I could get out the door.

  I had just gotten back in my car when my phone rang. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone, but I saw Angelique’s name pop up and I hadn’t talked to her in almost three weeks.


  My greeting was met with tears. It took a few minutes, but I finally calmed Angelique enough to decipher what she was saying.

  “What do you mean he’s gone?” I asked.

  She took a deep breath as if she was trying to pull herself together, then Angelique filled me in on everything about her cheating, Marcus finding out and ultimately leaving her. I felt bad that she’d been going through all of that and I had been so wrapped up in my own drama that I hadn’t noticed.

  “I’m so sorry, Angelique. I had no idea.”

  “Can we just talk about something else?” she finally said. “I can’t deal with this anymore. What’s up with you?”

  I debated filling her in on my drama. Angelique had warned me to be careful with my money, but I’d assured her that Darnell wouldn’t mess over me. “You might have been right,” I said. “I think my cousin has screwed me. I can’t find him and he’s stopped answering my calls and texts.”

  “Are you kidding me?” she exclaimed.

  Before I could reply, my other line beeped and I glanced down to see Owen’s number on my caller ID.

  “Owen is calling me,” I groaned.

  “What does he want?”

  “I don’t know. You know he came over, all but threatening me if we didn’t give him any money.”

  “You didn’t confirm that we won did you?”

  I pushed the Decline button and continued talking. “Girl, no. But he’s been playing Sherlock Holmes and digging around. He even knows about the trust, but I told him he was crazy.”

  “Come to think of it, he left me a couple of messages,” Angelique said.

  “Well, he threatened to tell Tony.”

  “Do you think he will?”

  I shrugged like she could really see me. “I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Right now, I’m just praying there will be some money left when I finally find my cousin.”

  Chapter 25


  It had been four days since Marcus had come to get the rest of his belongings and not one time had he attempted to call me. I didn’t know where he was staying and it was driving me crazy to know that the man who’d loved me more than I loved myself had walked out of my life.

  I’d called, sent text messages, and I even left a few voice messages apologizing to him. If the roles were reversed, I probably wouldn’t have spoken to him either. I could understand his pain. As far as I knew, Marcus had been honest and faithful to me. I’d messed up a good thing.

  It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t felt so alone. Antonio and I hadn’t spoken since we’d left New Orleans. I’d received a missed call from him Monday after Marcus had come back to gather his things. But, when I called him back, I got no answer even though it was only thirty minutes later. I knew if I didn’t answer when he called, I’d have to wait until his schedule cleared to talk to him again. The pattern had been the same since the beginning. Of course I had been sending text messages, but he didn’t bother responding.

  Although it was early, I decided that I would go home and curl up in my bed. Netflix and wine were about to become my new best friends.

  Raquelle’s son had come home from the hospital yesterday. And thankfully it looked like he was going to be just fine, but I knew nothing would convince her to leave his side. Janine was dealing with her own drama trying to find Darnell. I told her that was crazy for her to be giving anyone that kind of power over her money. Family or not, greed had a way of trumping everything. Since I didn’t have anyone to hang out with, I decided to just spend another evening alone. Maybe I’d get lucky and Antonio would call.

  I had gone to grab a bite to eat and as I cruised home, Toni Braxton’s velvety voice surrounded every inch of my car’s interior. As she crooned “Another Sad Love Song,” I batted my eyes as fast as I could. I even turned the air conditioner on full blast to help me fight back the tears.

  When my phone rang, I glanced at the caller ID and eagerly yanked it off the charger and cleared my throat. “Hello?”

  “What’s up?” Antonio’s voice changed my mood instantly.

  “Nothing my way. What’s up with you?” For the first time in days, a smile crept on my face.

  “Aw, nothing much. Just chillin’ at the crib. I was wondering if I left my watch in your hotel room Sunday night.”

  “No, I didn’t see it.” I wanted to add that he wouldn’t have thought he’d forgotten anything if he hadn’t rushed off. It was a disappointment to know that he’d only called to ask about a stupid piece of jewelry after we hadn’t spoken in several days. “I thought you might have been calling to let me know how much you missed me.” I awaited his response.

  He chuckled. “Of course I miss you, Baby. I’ve just been busy, that’s all. I know you understand.”

  “Yeah, I do. I can’t wait to see you again, though.” My heart fluttered just thinking about Antonio’s tongue working it’s magic.

  “The feeling is mutual. Trust me. You know how it is when we get together. I’ll make it a point to see you before this week is over.”

  “Sounds great. Maybe I can cook dinner for you one night.”

  “That sounds like a plan to me. But, hey, let me hit you up later. I’m at home about to get my workout on.”

  “I wish I was there to see you flexing,” I said flirtatiously.

  “I wish you were here, too, Babe.”

  “I could be there in twenty minutes.” I didn’t want to appear desperate, but I really didn’t want to sit around the house and think about all that I’d lost. I wanted to be with Antonio. I wanted to feel like my loss was not in vain.

  “Ah, well, you know, if …” His words trailed off.

  In the short time I’d been with him, I’d never known Antonio to mince words.

  “What? If what?”

  “You know what?” he said, that usual cockiness returning. “Why don’t you come on and roll through? You’d be the icing on my cake tonight.”

  That brought an even bigger smile to my face. “On my way. Can’t wait to feel those lips,” I said.

  “Yeah. I can’t wait either.”

  I don’t know why, but he sounded more excited than ever. Maybe he really missed me, too. Maybe I could salvage something with Antonio so I wouldn’t have lost Marcus for nothing.

  When I hung up, I turned the radio back up and bounced to the music. It was amazing how that phone call lifted my spirits.

  I was almost at home, so I decided to dip in and change. I ran into my house and jumped in the shower. I slipped into the sexiest lingerie I had, then wrapped my knee length pea coat over my body. I would have never had the courage to do anything like that prior to my surgery.

  What are you doing? This isn’t even you? As I stood staring at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but ask myself that question. Unlike Terrance, the money hadn’t made me lose my mind, but the weight loss had. The weight loss had turned me into someone willing to risk it all for something that really hadn’t been worth risking.

  During this past week since Marcus had been gone, I’d had some really sad moments when I’d wished I had never won the lottery money. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to afford the surgery and Marcus wouldn’t have left me. He would have had no reason. I wouldn’t have had to tell a lie about going to the game because I knew that if it hadn’t been for my weight loss, Antonio would have never given me a second glance.

  But now I was smack dab in the middle of a game I no longer knew if I really wanted to play.

  So, you just lost Marcus for nothing?

  That little voice in my head that kept asking that question finally made me erase all doubt. I’d made this bed, so I needed to lay in it. And no better to person to lay in it with than Antonio.

  I sprayed some perfume behind both of my ears, then I went down the front of my body. I noted some areas I was going to have to have even more lipo in, but this three-hundred dollar lingerie tucked everything in in just the right places, so for now, I knew he’d approve of my outfit.

  I fought back the uneasy feeling in my gut. Part of me just wanted to sit in a corner and cry over Marcus, but I needed Antonio. Being with him was the only thing that would heal my hurting heart.

  “Yep, this is gonna be good for us both,” I told myself all the way to his house.

  Chapter 26


  I was back in front of the building I swore I’d never set foot in again – trying to set foot in it. But the Hulk Hogan security guard wasn’t having it.

  “Come on, Dante. Let me in,” I said. “I just need to talk to my wife.”

  Dante stroked his goatee. “Yo, let me see. What were your words after you told Mr. Perry to kiss your crack. Oh, yeah. ‘I’m rich, bitch’. And if I remember correctly, you told me to ‘keep working my minimum wage job and pumping my steroids and maybe one day I could come work for you’. Weren’t those your exact words?”

  “I, ah, I ah…” I didn’t know what to say. I had gone out like a champ. The day after we returned from Austin, I came up to the job and showed out. That wasn’t even my nature, but it was funny how money gave you juice you never had before.

  “I, ah, I ah,” he said, mimicking me. “Yeah, those were the exact words.”

  I glanced around at many of my co-workers, who were no doubt heading back from lunch and now wondering what I was doing back here. “I need to see my wife.”

  Dante laughed at that. “Oh, no I heard you were so full of yourself that your wife was the second thing you dumped after your job.”

  My first instinct was to cuss him out, but since I needed something from him, I said, “Look, brother.”

  “Nah, you look, brother. Since I want to keep my minimum wage job, I’m not gonna stomp you right now, but I am gonna tell you to get off these premises.” He pulled out his cell phone. “Or, I’m calling the cops.”

  I recognized one of Sheray’s coworkers headed toward the elevator, so I yelled, “Martina, can you get Sheray? Tell her I’m down here and need to talk to her. Please?”

  Since that embarrassing day at the restaurant I had literally been pining for my wife. I didn’t want to date. I didn’t want to party. I just wanted Sheray. And since she wouldn’t take my calls and I had no idea where she was staying, my only option was to come to the job. “Please, Martina!” I called out again.

  Martina rolled her eyes at me and stepped on the elevator.

  Dante moved closer to me and lowered his voice, “Dude, don’t make me sucker punch you in front of all these white people.”

  “I don’t want any trouble. I just want to talk to my wife.” I couldn’t believe that I was doing this. But my heart was aching for Sheray. I’d messed up and I’d do whatever I had to do to make it right. “Son, move out of the way.” I pushed Dante. Of course, his 350 pound frame didn’t budge. But he did grab me and pull me into a chokehold.

  “You know,” Dante said, as my arms flailed around and I struggled to break free, “this is so not a good look for a
millionaire bachelor.”

  I had to pause at those words. I held my hands up. “Okay, okay, man. I’m cool.”

  He paused to make sure that I was calm, then he slowly loosened his grip, and when he saw that I wasn’t going to fight, he pushed me away. “Dawg, if the money got you buggin’ out like that, I don’t even want it.”

  I ran my hand over my face. Why was I bugging out? I was the one that wanted out. I was the one that didn’t want to be married. She was giving me what I wanted – my single life back, so why was I dying to see her?

  “Go home, Terrance,” Dante said.

  I was just about to sulk away in defeat when I saw my wife step off the elevator. I must’ve been a sad sight as I stared hopefully at her.

  “Terrance, what are you doing?” she asked as she approached me.

  Dante had the nerve to step protectively in front of her.

  “It’s okay, Dante. He won’t hurt me. At least not physically. He can’t break my heart any more than he already has.”

  Those words tore at my heart.

  “I need to talk to you. Baby, I’m so sorry. I need you. Please come back to me,” I said, reaching for her.

  For once, I didn’t care who saw me. I didn’t care who thought I was weak. Since that day in the restaurant two weeks ago, I hadn’t been able to function. I had no idea how much I loved Sheray – until she was gone. There truly was nothing like absence to make you miss someone’s presence.

  “What do you want from me?” she asked, pointedly.

  “I want you back.”

  “Go home, Terrance.”

  She said it but the way her voice quivered, I knew that it wasn’t what she truly wanted.

  “Not until you forgive me and come back home,” I said.

  “Come back home? For what? You made it very clear that you don’t want to be married.”

  “The only thing I made clear is that I’m a fool,” I replied. “I don’t feel whole anymore. I miss everything about you, your smile, your touch, your quoting Steve Harvey.” I expected her to laugh. She didn’t, but I seized the silence and stepped forward.