Race for Freedom Read online

Page 13

  “I just hear God say, ‘Jordan, hold up now.’”

  “In words like that? He spoke out loud?”

  “Not this time,” Jordan said, as if he had no doubt that God could. “This time He keep it secret-like, kind of deep inside.”

  “No voice?” Libby asked. “But what? How did you know?”

  “I just knew.”

  When Libby threw up her hands, Caleb grinned.

  As Jordan started on again, Libby spoke quickly. “No, wait. It’s important. How can I hear God the way you do?”

  Jordan’s smile spread across his face. “You gots to let Jesus git you, Libby. Then you hear Him talk.”

  The afternoon sun warmed Libby now, and she changed her heavy sweater for a lighter shawl. Though they followed a valley with an easy slope, her legs and feet ached with every step.

  “Keep going,” Caleb encouraged her. ”According to your pa, we’ll soon come to Wacouta.”

  When they reached the edge of town, Libby saw two hotels built on the heights above Lake Pepin. Instead of walking straight into the settlement, Caleb stayed within a line of trees.

  “Bullard’s Trading Post is at the head of a creek,” he told them. “The creek empties into mud flats next to the river.”

  Beyond the hotels, Caleb led them to a place overlooking the mud flats. On the low ground was a trading post that had to be Bullard’s.

  “Wait here while I check things out,” Caleb said. “If we need a danger signal, call like a crow.”

  Starting down hill, Caleb ran from tree to tree using branches for protection. As Libby looked beyond Caleb to the trading post, a tall blond fellow stepped around a corner.

  “That’s the bully who chased you!” Libby told Jordan.

  Moments later a brown-haired fellow followed the first. “He chased you too!” Libby exclaimed. “They’re both from the Christina.”

  “And they both be slave catchers now,” Jordan answered. “But Caleb can’t see what we’re seein’. He is headin’ into a trap.”

  Crouching down to hide himself, Jordan called out. “Caw, caw, caw!” The sound was so real that Libby could hardly believe it wasn’t a crow.

  Again Jordan called. “Caw, caw, caw!”

  From farther away in the woods, a crow answered. Caw, caw, caw!

  Jordan grinned and called back. This time an owl responded.

  Libby stared into the trees, trying to spot the owl. Not far beyond them, it perched high in a tree. As though staking out its territory, it warned away invaders.

  When Caleb returned, he had been running. As soon as he caught his breath, they started walking again.

  Caleb led them toward a bluff. “Your pa said it’s too hard to cross on the wet flats. We’ll have to try the bluff.”

  Climbing higher, they searched for a way across. Before long, they came to a ravine—a deep, narrow valley between steep hills. Cut into limestone or sandstone, the ravine was made of jagged, step-like rocks. Where normally there would be no water, melting snow filled the ravine to overflowing. Swirling through narrow openings, water swept over the ledges.

  A tree had fallen across the rushing stream, and Caleb and Jordan used the trunk as a bridge. When Libby followed, she looked down and felt afraid. Though Pa had taught her to swim, she could only think about the rocks below and the coldness of the water.

  By the time Caleb stopped next to another runoff ravine, Libby was panting with her effort to keep up. Sinking down beside Caleb, she drew deep breaths. Jordan became the lookout, searching the area below them.

  For Libby the trip was starting to feel endless. “Are we ever going to reach Doctor Sweney?” she asked. “Elsa needs help now.”

  “We’re doing pretty well,” Caleb encouraged her. “Once we get past this stretch, we’ll make better time.”

  Libby sighed. Taking off her shoes, she rubbed her sore feet. Nearby, ice edged the limestone banks of the stream. In the shadow of the great bluff above them, more ice held back great pools of water.

  Caleb pointed to a wedge of ice that lay across the ravine. “Let’s hope we’re not under one of those if it lets go.”

  Libby gazed up at the ice dam, then pulled her shoes back on. When they started out again, they used another fallen tree to cross the stream. As Libby followed the boys, the trunk trembled. Again she stared down at the rocks and rushing water. Afraid to go on, she dropped to her hands and knees.

  “Hurry up!” Caleb called as she started to crawl.

  Instead, Libby inched forward. Finally she jumped onto solid ground.

  Minutes later they came to the biggest ravine yet. With this stream there seemed no easy way to cross. At the same time, the ravine was less filled with water than most.

  Caleb scouted around, trying to find a way. “The stream empties into a creek,” he said when he came back. “It’s probably the creek that goes past Bullard’s. We don’t have any choice but to cross here.”

  “Maybe there are stepping-stones across the stream.” Libby felt relieved that she didn’t have to use another fallen tree.

  Just then Caleb noticed a ledge in the bluff above them.“I’m going up to see how we’re doing,” he told Libby and Jordan.

  Careful not to set off a shower of rolling stones, Caleb started up the hill. Along the stream, Libby and Jordan kept searching for a place to cross. As they climbed higher, close to the steep wall of the bluff, the ravine grew steeper and the stream narrower.

  When they reached a place with jagged flatter rocks, Libby climbed out on one of them. Between the rocks, the water swirled with a greater current than Libby had ever seen.

  “We can jump from here to there,” she said, pointing to a rock a short distance away. Beyond that lay another stone like a step, and yet another. “The water isn’t deep.”

  “But it’s fast.” Jordan sounded doubtful. “If you take a tumble, you shoots right down the whole ravine.”

  Looking around, he searched for a better way. Along the sides of the stream lay sticks and leaves washed downhill when the stream was higher. Here and there, scattered tree branches lay whitening in the sun. None of them looked large enough to set in place for a bridge.

  As Libby studied the rocks again, she heard the call of a crow. “Caw, caw, caw!” At first she didn’t pay any attention. Then Libby remembered. The danger signal!

  “Caw, caw, caw!”

  Libby looked up. Above them, Caleb had reached the ledge and crawled out. Lying on his stomach, he raised an arm, pointing in the direction from which they came.

  Palms up, Jordan held out his hands as if asking, “What should we do?”

  Caleb pointed to him and Libby, then across the stream. His hand moved quickly, as if telling them to hurry.

  “We gots to go,” Jordan said. Again he eyed the jagged stones, as if not trusting them. “You first,” he said when Libby hesitated. “I stays between you and the catchers.”

  From the rock on which she stood, Libby made her first jump. From there she leaped to the next flat rock. Beyond was still another step-like stone. When she landed safely, Libby glanced back, looking for Jordan. Instead, she saw three people walk out of the woods.

  Libby stared at them. The first two were the bullies who had chased Jordan. But the third—

  Even from this distance, Libby saw that he was better dressed than the others. Wearing a brown suit and a beaver hat, he had glasses perched halfway down his nose.

  A sound escaped Libby’s lips. “It’s Doctor Hutton!”

  As Jordan leaped to the rock beside her, Libby moaned. “I trusted him! He even offered to keep me safe!”

  But Jordan gave her no time to talk. “Keep goin’, Libby,” he warned. “You gots to keep goin’.”

  Libby’s next jump was wobbly. Hutton! Of all people, it had to be him? Deep down, Libby felt betrayed.

  Trying to push aside her anger, she jumped again. Two more leaps, and she would make it. But suddenly she froze. The next rocks were too far apart.

she tried to think what to do, Jordan caught up. “Hurry! They’s breathing down your back.” Using nearby rocks, he leaped past her and landed on the far side of the stream.

  With growing terror, she stared at the way Jordan had taken. With her shorter legs the leap was too great.

  “Go there!” Jordan pointed downstream to other stones.

  Instead, Libby whirled around. Hutton and the two slave catchers hurried toward the ravine.

  “I see you!” Hutton shouted. “Stop!”

  Libby’s heart raged. He fooled me! He’ll take Jordan back into slavery! He’ll have proof that Pa hid a runaway slave!

  From the far bank, Jordan again pointed to the stones Libby should take. Instead, panic washed over her. Choosing the nearer path, she leaped.

  As Libby fell short, the shock of cold water ripped through her body. When she tried to touch bottom, the current rushed against her, pushing up her feet.

  I can swim, Libby thought as the water tore away her shawl. With all her strength, she fought for a handhold. Instead, the current tossed her against a rock.

  Suddenly she heard the sharp crack of a large piece of ice giving way. A roaring sound filled her ears.

  “Libby!” Jordan shouted. “The ice dam broke!”


  Jordan’s Choice

  Libby heard the terror in Jordan’s voice. Then a mighty wall of water washed over her. Like a rag doll, she was tossed one way, then another. When she tried to breathe, her mouth filled with water.

  With every instinct Libby fought for the surface. As she gasped for air, her shoulder struck a jagged rock. Moments later the water swept her against another stone. This time her leg caught the blow.

  Libby’s panic grew. My head. The rocks!

  Reaching out, she tried to shield herself. To catch something. To hang on. But her hands slipped away.

  The rocks, she thought again. They’ll knock me out. What can I do?

  With her last bit of strength, Libby managed to lift her arms, clasp her head, stretch out her legs. In the next swirl of water, something changed. As the torrent carried her, Libby shot feet first down the ravine. As if sliding down a stairway, she rode the current.

  The rounded tops of stones hit her back. Jagged rocks along the side tore her arms and shoulders. Her feet struck other rocks, and she almost flipped around.

  For one brief instant, Libby saw Jordan running along the stream. In the next moment, he stumbled and was gone. Then the current brought Libby to the end of the ravine. As she felt herself dropping, she screamed. “Help!”

  Carried by water, she splashed down into the creek. Pushed under, she fought to the surface. Again the current swept her downstream.

  Instinctively Libby raised her arms, tried to swim. But she was numb now. Numb with fear and cold. Too tired to swim.

  Her head felt light, her breath gone. Her body started to go limp.


  From far away she heard the cry. Once more Libby fought, stroking down with her hands. Just then she bumped against something.

  Struggling to breathe, Libby grabbed hold. Pulled herself up. Gasped for air.

  The branches of a fallen cottonwood held her. Relief poured through Libby. I’m safe!

  Then the branches wavered. The current pushed at Libby, as if trying to sweep her and the tree downstream.

  How long? she wondered desperately. How long can I hang on?


  Turning her head, she saw Jordan standing in the creek. With water around his waist, he held out a strong branch.

  “Grab hold!” he called.

  Clinging to the tree with one hand, Libby reached out with the other. Jordan’s branch was too far away.

  Walking deeper into the water, he called again. “Grab it!”

  Again Libby reached out. Still the branch was too far.

  Clutching the wood with both hands, Jordan walked still deeper. The icy water reached his shoulders, then touched his chin. Terror filled his eyes as he struggled to hold the branch between them.

  Three feet still lay between Libby and the end of the branch. As the current swirled around him, Jordan wavered, almost going down.

  In that instant Libby found her feet against the trunk of the cottonwood. With all her strength she pushed herself toward Jordan. When she caught hold of the branch, he stepped back.

  “Hang on!” he called, moving back again.

  Libby clung to the branch. As the current pounded against her, Jordan drew her toward shore.

  When at last Libby’s feet touched bottom, the branch guided her in. Only when Libby stumbled onto land did Jordan stop.

  Safely above the raging creek, Libby fell onto the ground. With great, long gasps she struggled for breath. Her heart still pounded when she felt the cold air on her wet clothing. Desperate again, Libby pushed herself up and looked around. Through a haze she saw Jordan kneeling on the ground.

  His arms stretched high above his head, he gazed up at the sky. “Thank you, Lord! Praise you, Jesus! Hallelujah!”

  As if she were still living it, Libby remembered the terror in Jordan’s eyes, the water up to his chin. “How did you get here?” Libby asked through chattering teeth. Already she felt chilled to the bone.

  “I run with all my might.” As though just feeling the cold, Jordan started shaking.

  Still unable to take in all that had happened, Libby stared at the bluff above them. Where the ravine emptied into the creek, water poured over straight-up-and-down rocks. Did I fall that far?

  Then she saw the steep hill next to the rocks. Jordan ran down that and lived?

  “We gots to move, Libby.” Jordan struggled to speak. “We gots to move, no matter what.”

  Libby’s wet clothing clung to her. When she took her first step, she felt bruises in every part of her body. As she looked down, she saw blood oozing from jagged cuts on her arms. But the blood seemed to belong to someone else.

  Then Libby remembered. “Where’s Caleb?”

  Jordan shook his head. His helpless shrug said more than words.

  Libby moaned. Maybe the chunk of ice hit Caleb’s head. Maybe he was right in front of that wall of water. Maybe he was washed downstream.

  Forgetting all the times she and Caleb hadn’t gotten along, Libby only wanted to be sure he was safe. But her mind felt numb with shock.

  Then through a growing haze, Libby saw a boy making his way down the steep hill. Hanging on to small trees and bushes, he dropped rapidly from one level to the next. Still feeling confused, Libby finally realized it was Caleb.

  When he reached them, he stared at Libby as though unable to believe what he was seeing. “Are you all right?” he whispered. A strange mixture of fear and relief filled his eyes.

  Quick tears welled up, blurring Libby’s vision. Caleb had never looked better. As her tears spilled over, he spoke.

  “I saw everything from above. I’m mighty glad you’re still with us, Libby.”

  “You too,” she answered when she could speak.

  Caleb clapped Jordan on the back, helped him to his feet. “Thanks, my friend,” Caleb said simply. “I wouldn’t have liked the job of telling Libby’s pa.”

  Quickly Caleb glanced around. “C’mon,” he told Jordan and Libby. “I found a cave. I’ll make a fire.”

  Taking Libby’s hand, Caleb drew her arm across his shoulders. Giving her support, he angled his way up the steep hill. Staying close by, Jordan staggered so he could barely walk. More than once, Caleb waited to encourage him on.

  Libby’s shoes sloshed with water. As though she were walking on a thousand needles, her feet prickled. But soon the climbing grew worse. Clutching at bushes and small trees, Caleb helped her up, then stretched out his free hand for Jordan.

  In the rubble of the limestone hillside, Libby’s feet sank in. When she slid and would have fallen, Caleb clung to her hand. Pain shot up Libby’s arm. Step by step, her misery grew.

  As though looking for patches of gr
ass or flat rocks for footholds, Caleb paused often. Then, tugging and pulling, he drew Libby on. Gradually she felt warmer. When the hill grew even steeper, she started to perspire. Turning around, she looked for Jordan. Climbing not far behind them, he, too, looked warm. Beads of sweat stood out on his forehead.

  The moment they reached the cave, Caleb lit a match and checked inside. Then he drew Libby into the darkness. As she started to fall, Caleb caught and lowered her to the ground. Kneeling down, he pulled off her shoes. From the bag on his back, he took out dry clothes.

  “Take off your wet clothes and use these,” he said. “When you come out, I’ll have a fire.”

  The moment he left, the cold again struck Libby. After her warmth during the climb, the cold air seemed even worse. As it crept into her inner being, Libby fumbled with buttons and fingers too numb to work.

  Trembling in every bone of her body, she pulled off her wet clothing. Again she saw the blood on her arms and legs. Yet she couldn’t take in what the bruises and cuts meant.

  When at last she finished dressing, Libby had only one thought. Caleb promised a fire!

  Near the entrance of the cave, he had it going. Feeling dazed, Libby sank down next to the flames. Caleb wrapped a dry blanket around her.

  Already Jordan huddled as close to the fire as he could get without being burned. Caleb had given him his jacket and cap and every dry piece of clothing he had left.

  In spite of the fire, Libby felt she would never be warm again. As her numbness started to wear away, her bruises came alive. Only then did she see the scrape marks on her hands.

  Using the small pail he had carried, Caleb was heating a chunk of ice. When the water was hot enough, he poured it into tin cups. The warm liquid flowing down Libby’s throat made her feel better, but her teeth still chattered.

  Across the fire, Jordan also shook with cold. Seeing him, Libby remembered what he had done. As though living it again, she saw his terror, the water up to his chin, the branch he held out to her.

  “Jordan?” Libby struggled to speak. “You don’t know how to swim, do you? You waded out to save me, and you don’t know how to swim.”

  As though it were nothing, Jordan shrugged. But the shrug ended with his whole body shaking.