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  • Kiss Me Again: a Stepbrother Romance (Second Chances) Page 11

Kiss Me Again: a Stepbrother Romance (Second Chances) Read online

Page 11

“Don’t you dare start crying,” I warned her. “You’ll set me off, and I’ll have to do my make-up all over again and then I really will be late!

  “Absolutely breathtaking! Cole won’t know what hit him,” Callie said as she joined our little hugging session.

  I stood like that for a few moments, holding on to each of them desperately beating back the threatening tears.

  They’d all brought me so much joy and friendship over the last few months; I truly wondered how I’d ever gotten on without them. Especially Morgan, who was the most amazing little sister I could’ve ever asked for. I only hoped that one day that she would forgive me for not being a part of her life sooner; I’d missed so much of her growing up, I was determined to be there for her now and forever as a big sister should.

  And then there was Callie, who was technically my boss, but we’d become increasingly close whilst working together. She was my inspiration, a savvy businesswoman with a heart of gold. Not to mention the most amazing singer! Cole and I had managed to twist her arm to be our singer for our first dance, and with her vocal range, she was the perfect person to perform Ella James’ “At Last”.

  “Okay enough of all this soppy girly stuff, we don’t want to crease your dress… plus you have somewhere you need to be!” Alison said as she quickly fastened the last few buttons of my dress. She was my rock. Being there for me when most friends would’ve discarded me without a second thought.

  I nodded. “I’m ready,” I said.

  “God, you don’t look nervous at all,” Callie said. “I was a wreck when Jake proposed, so I’ll probably be a ball of goo on our wedding day.

  “There’s nothing to be nervous of,” I explained, “Cole’s my soul mate. My one and only. I know without question he’s the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with… so why waste energy on nerves?”

  “You said it, sister!” Alison chirped, whilst fluffing the edge of my dress.

  “Come on,” Morgan said impatiently, “Daddy’s waiting.”

  “Okay, let’s go,” I replied ready to face my destiny, as Morgan led me out of the church’s bridal dressing room, pulling as hard as she good. I think she was more excited than me to walk down the aisle. Alison and Callie followed dutifully behind.

  * * *

  My dad stood in his crisp grey suit, waiting patiently by the double doors to the main section of the church. His face transformed as Morgan and I turned the corner and he laid eyes on the both of us coming toward him.

  “My girls,” he whispered. He clasped a hand over his chest as if in pain, and a sudden worrying thought flashed across my mind. After his heart attack, he’d been ordered to take it easy and to adjust his diet to a healthier one, and he’d been doing really well – there hadn’t been any repeat occurrence since.

  He must’ve seen the concern on my face and shook his head. “No, sweetie, I’m fine. You look so beautiful, so much like your mother, it just makes my heart ache.” He kissed me on the cheek and I took a tight hold of his arm.

  A thick lump formed in my throat upon hearing of my mother, and I bit my tongue. I’d tried to go all morning without thinking about her absence, on how she should’ve been there with me; helping me with my make-up, fussing at my hair. But it was pointless to try and block her out. I knew at the very least, she was here in spirit.

  My mom would be there when I walked down the aisle, she would be there when I give birth to her first grandchild; she’d always be by my side, deep within my heart. I’d never lock her out again.

  Callie handed me a soft white handkerchief, and gratefully I took it, dabbing the corner of my eyes.

  “Thanks,” I whispered.

  My mom would be proud I’d found a lasting happiness. And it was time to make my dreams, and hers, all come true.

  The music from within the church changed, and the familiar Wedding March began. My dad led me to the side, away from the double wooden doors as they opened.

  Callie knelt down and whispered in Morgan’s ear, giving her a few words of encouragement, but that little girl, so stubborn and confident, knew exactly what she had to do. She grasped her little flower basket, filled with satin white petals, and with a last look to our father, she smiled and proceeded to march with a purpose down the aisle, scattering the fake flowers as she went.

  A moment or so later, Callie winked at me and followed in Morgan’s wake.

  “Break a leg,” Alison whispered as she disappeared through the doors.

  It was our turn next, and I clamped my hand more securely around my dad’s arm. A whole torrent of nerves decided now was the perfect time to swirl up a storm in my belly. I hadn’t been lying before when I’d said I was cool as a cucumber at the thought of marrying my one true love, but now standing on the precipice of a life altering moment, I faltered.

  We stood at the entrance as countless heads turned towards us. My eyes went as wide as they could; startled and afraid. All those people, friends and family, I thought, are watching me. What if I tripped over my dress and fell on my face?

  A warm hand patted my own. “Don’t look at them,” my dad advised, “find Cole.”

  I understood. My eyes travelled all the way down the aisle before my feet ever did. I tried to ignore all the onlookers on the periphery, searching for the familiar figure at the end.

  And then everything went silent. All the rustles and gasps from the guests were drowned out by the pure look of love in Cole’s eyes.

  Our eyes met, and nothing mattered anymore.

  A calm came over me, as if Cole was wrapping me up into a protective blanket, shielding me from my own anxious thoughts.

  And with his encouraging gaze, Cole slowly reeled me in and I found my feet moving on their own accord. I couldn’t wait to reach him, to be by his side but I also never wanted the moment to end. With our eyes locked, our souls entwining, we were safe in our own bubble, where happiness reigned and sadness was denied entry.

  But then I realized, every day would and could be like this. Staring into the eyes of the man I loved was all I ever wanted or needed.

  My dad gently unwrapped himself from my grasp and led me the final steps towards Cole. I gasped at the sudden shock that he was right there before me already, his hand reaching for mine. The aisle had looked miles long a few seconds ago, as if it would’ve taken hours to reach him instead of mere moments.

  “Wow,” Cole breathed, his voice barely audible, as he threaded his fingers in-between mine. He guided me front and center, we were surrounded an all sides by the people we loved and who loved us. And for a second I thought I was dreaming, that it all couldn’t possibly be real. But the feel of Cole at the ends of my fingertips told me I wasn’t imagining things.

  “Sorry I’m late.” I blushed, as a spark of delight travelled up my arm from his gentle touch.

  “I would wait an eternity for you,” Cole whispered in reply. “I’ve always had faith that we’d get our second chance. And this time, I’m never ever going to let you go.”

  About the Authors

  Alana Hart

  Alana Hart is an American romance writer who decided that writing with friends is better than writing alone. Hartfelt Books brings together a huge group of sweet and steamy romance authors, collaborating on a new line of books that will have your heart pounding.

  When she’s not skyping and sharing her latest collaboration on googledocs, she’s typing away in her local coffee shop with a hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows and extra whipped cream, on hand. She claims it makes her happy ever afters that much sweeter!

  Alana Hart’s newsletter is the absolute best way to stay up to date with new releases, free books and special offers from Alana Hart.

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  * * *

  Emilia Beaumont

  Emilia Beaumont is a full-time writer, originally hailing from England, living in the South of Ireland with her husband and a house full of cats. Surrounded by peaceful emerald fields she always has a pen and notebook to hand ready for when the next saucy idea strikes. Emilia is also an avid comic-book reader, and a wildlife advocate.

  Emilia Beaumont’s newsletter is the absolute best way to stay up to date with new releases, free books and special offers from Emilia.

  Sign up here – http://eepurl.com/bxt61P

  Contact Emilia at [email protected]

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  Romance collaborations from the Hart

  Out Now in the Second Chance series

  The Swap

  Coming Soon in the Second Chance series

  Taken in by the Pack

  Saving Her Bear

  Only For Now

  Never Forgotten

  Love Rerouted

  Bearly a Chance

  …and many many more!

  Keep reading for an exciting excerpt from Emilia Beaumont.


  a Stepbrother Romance

  We stumbled out into the night air, and I mean really stumbled. I almost fell on my face and would have if Devan hadn’t caught my arm.

  “Whoa there, Tiger,” he said and I blushed at the pet name he kept using in place of my own.

  Tiger. I liked the sound of that. His voice was quieter outside, and he picked me up as if I weighed nothing, our faces got close, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath mingled with the warm heady musk of his sweaty body. It was a comforting smell. “Can you walk?” he whispered, and I almost said no, to prevent him from putting me down.

  “I’m fine,” I said, hearing the slur in my own voice. “I’m fine.” I tried it again and got the words to come out more clearly.

  He offered his arm, and I linked mine through it and leaned against him. He was toasty and strong, and god did he smell good, more intoxicating that the alcohol that was sloshing around inside me. I didn’t think I’d ever been this close to him outside of hugging him hello and goodbye. He felt nice, safe and dangerous all at the same time. He’s off-limits, I reminded myself. He’s your married stepbrother!

  “He didn’t hurt you did he?” Dev asked quietly as we walked.

  “Mark? No… I’m fine. Thank you by the way,” I replied.

  I expected him to say that it was no problem, but his whole body seemed to tense up. “The fuck are you doing with a sleaze like him?” he snarled.


  Dev stopped and took hold of my shoulders.

  “You deserve better than the likes of him, Mila.”

  What could I say? I knew he was right. I nodded.

  “He’s just someone I know,” I said weakly.

  Dev shook his head, his jawline pulsing as he said through gritted teeth, “Promise me, Mila, that you won’t see him again. I don’t think I could stand his hands…” Dev stopped himself and looked away.

  “Don’t think you could what?” I asked expectantly, wanting so desperately to finish that sentence.

  He stood and let his eyes travel from mine to my lips and back up.

  “Never mind.”

  * * *

  We took a cab home, and when the driver pulled up to the curb, it was obvious that Monique wasn’t home. The whole house was dark, and her car was still gone from its usual spot in the driveway.

  Devan tipped the cab driver and then closed the door, turning to me. “I’m gonna walk you to your place,” he said surprising me; he’d been quiet the whole ride home.

  “My place is right there,” I said and giggled, pointing up ahead and to the right.

  “Still,” he said, “I want to make sure you get up those stairs okay.”

  Like a true gentleman, he escorted me up the stairs, keeping a tight hold of me and occasionally palming the small of my back to keep me upright when I wobbled. We stopped on the landing outside the door while I fumbled for my keys. I found them, and he took them from me, finding the right one in no time and slipping it into the lock. I turned to give him a hug.

  “Tonight was so fun, well apart from, you know, what happened with Mark. But we should do it more often,” I said, my arms around him. Our chests were pressed together and he squeezed me tight around my waist. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you for everything you’re doing,” Devan whispered. His mouth was right beside my ear, and I felt his lips brush against my lobe as he spoke.

  I breathed in sharply as I felt my body respond to his touch. Locked in the hug, I suddenly found that I didn’t want to let go, and he didn’t make a move to release me, either. In fact, I wanted to be closer to him. Insanity overcame me, and I squeezed him and moved my hips closer to his. I felt something hard against my thigh and knew that he was feeling the same thing.

  “Dev?” I whispered, pulling back, my cheek brushing against his short stubble.

  I glanced up, seeing the fire in his eyes, and then almost at once his lips were on mine. I hardly had the chance to breathe.

  He was still holding me up, which was a good thing because when his lips pressed against my mouth, I was overtaken with a sensation of desire I’d never felt before – not with Mark, not with anybody.

  I kissed him back, knowing full well I shouldn’t, but I ignored any thoughts to desist. I pressed my mouth to his, wanting more. His tongue slipped into my mouth, roughly brushing over my lips, and filled me till I felt my eyes roll back.

  But kissing didn’t seem like enough, and a familiar swirl of pleasure, a pulse between my legs, started to demand more. He dropped his hands to my ass and pulled me sharply toward him, toward the bulge in his pants. I rubbed my body against it through his pants and felt his cock move, his erection gaining strength.

  Devan’s hands were all over me, greedy and wanting. He brushed my hair away from my shoulder, and his hand skirted down to my breast. He squeezed it gently through the fabric of my dress, and my chest pounded with excitement. He thumbed at my erect nipple through my bra. He fiddled with it, rolling it between his fingers, and I moaned into his mouth.

  I found the top of his jeans, then moved my hand beneath his shirt, needing to touch his skin. I moaned again as my fingertips trailed over abs, solid and unyielding, then pulled him closer. All the while we were kissing, kissing, kissing, and I never wanted to stop.

  Each time one of us began to pull away, the other would pull back in. I dropped my hand back to his pants and began to slide my fingers along the shaft of his cock. I wanted to curl my hand around it and take it fully into my palm, but his pants were too tight for that to be an option. Instead, I pressed my palm against his shaft and rubbed. He moaned and reached for my ass again, yanking me in close to him and bringing one of my legs up onto his hip.

  “God, I want you,” he whispered.

  “Me too,” I admitted, and I pressed my body against his, clearly indicating I wanted more.

  “I don’t want him touching you, ever again…”

  “Never,” I breathed in agreement.

  With all thoughts of Mark completely obliterated from my mind I arched my leg higher on Dev’s hip. He lifted me slightly, my pussy rubbed against his shaft, and we both groaned together. I felt off-balance, but I knew he had me; his grip was so strong and solid.

  He’d never let me fall.

  We kissed deeper, more deeply than I had ever kissed anyone, his tongue finding its way to the back corners of my mouth, and it still didn’t feel like it was far enough. I wanted him to consume me. I felt like I was on fire with arousal, and I knew that I was wet. I wanted to kiss him all night long.

  Devan lifted the hem of my skirt, his han
d working its way up my thigh. Touch me, I wanted to yell. I wanted his hand, his fingers directly on me, fondling my wet folds. He traced a fingertip along the edge of my panties, driving me crazy.

  “You like that? My finger there?”

  “Mhm,” I moaned.

  He swirled a digit over my thoroughly soaked panties, and using his hand, cupped my drenched pussy. There was only a thin thread of material between us, and I wanted it gone. I wanted him in me.

  Headlights flashed and bounced as a car travelled down the street. Sensing it as it turned into the driveway, we pulled apart, out of our nearly hypnotic trance. My heart stopped, and Devan let go of me as we looked at each other, not daring to move…