Madam Mom Read online

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  “Listen, I owe you an apology for the way I’ve acted today. I’m sorry. I’ve been overwhelmed, and you offered nothing but kindness. I hope you’ll forgive my rudeness.” Her lashes fluttered flirtingly as though they had a mind of their own, and she didn’t try to control them.

  “Don’t give it another thought. I understand. I shouldn’t have butted in. You appeared … well, desperate.”

  “I guess it about sums it up. I’ve been in shock since getting the news.” She couldn’t bear repeating it.

  “I’m sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you’re going through.” It rang sincere.

  “Thank you.” Glad he hadn’t assumed to understand, she hated when people did that. How could anyone know how someone felt? She struggled to get grounded.

  Sam is a nice guy, certainly a handsome one; and he acted interested. He wouldn’t leave her alone.

  He certainly had sex appeal. She longed to run her fingers through the golden locks continually straying out of place and pull the gorgeous lips to hers?

  Maybe a hot tryst with a sexy stranger would help her equilibrium return. She wasn’t fast and loose with men normally, but discretion got her a broken heart more often than she cared to count. She’d never see Sam again. The perfect plan formed in her mind.

  They stepped into the gate and claimed their baggage. “Could I buy you a cup of coffee?” Sam appeared hopeful, and she felt herself falling under his spell.

  She had nothing to lose. Why not go for it?

  “If you need anything while in town, don’t hesitate to call me—really.” Sam handed her a business card which she pocketed without looking at it.

  Her humming horny side likely heated her cheeks instead of the ebbing allergic reaction. “I doubt it. I’m busy and heading home soon as possible. I won’t have a social life while here.”

  He was hitting on her—commendable after what she’d put him through. He acted gluttonous for punishment, but it served her purpose. She dabbed at a tear in the corner of her eye. Would they never stop?

  “I’m sorry. Again I’ve screwed up. I never know when to shut my trap. I didn’t mean disrespect. Growing up in a houseful of females, I can’t stand to see a woman cry. You might need a friend. But of course, you must have lots of friends, having grown up here.” Cute when flustered, he acted distressed blundering around. Tisha felt sorry for him.

  “Not really.” Tisha gazed away wiping a tear. Now or never.

  The guy acted interested, clearly. Men opened to sex without strings. Why not take advantage to bolster her strength? They’d both get laid. No one lost. No harm. No fowl.


  Sam’s extraordinarily bad timing for attraction to the gorgeous, sad, devastatingly beautiful woman, drew him to her. He’d love nothing more than to cuddle her against his shoulder and comfort her. Her being alone during a crisis broke his heart. Where was her man? No kissable woman went long without a lover.

  It didn’t mean she needed Sam. He’d best leave her alone. She didn’t want his attention and considered him a dangerous stalker. He’d pissed her off, made her cry, given her hives, and hit on her during extreme vulnerability.

  He acted like a shit.

  Across the aisle she slept peacefully for the short time. Wildcat or a kitten? He’d never know. Regardless, he felt bad for sorrow in her eyes and embarrassed for his actions. His oddly irresistible urge to protect her wasn’t mutual. She wanted nothing to do with him.


  Sam’s childish grin penetrated Tisha’s broken heart. He acted sweet, kind and giving. The way his smile extended into his eyes made him approachable and sincere. Under better circumstances they might be friends. She might’ve liked it. Even so, she couldn’t trust her instincts with men.

  She should cut him slack. She wasn’t normally as impolite or cruel. She felt horrible for her inappropriate action. She’d handle Sam with tact and grace, leaving him smiling next time.

  Sam walked close by as they exited the terminal. “Are you in a hurry?”

  “Not really. Why?” His eyes expressed intrigue.

  “Follow me,” Tisha strode away pulling her rolling carryon. Sam trailed closely behind. Her beige, cashmere coat fluttered side-to-side with the sway of her hips. She swiftly navigated through the crowded station darting into a Ladies Room at the far end of a hallway. She jerked her head indicating he should follow.

  Tisha led to the back disability stall in the empty restroom. She whipped her coat off and hung it on a hook, placing her bag atop her pull-behind luggage. Sam sat his carryon down and laid his backpack atop it.

  The expression on his face must be the way lottery winner’s look discovering they’ve won. His eyes went wide, and his adorable brow wrinkled, as though he couldn’t believe his luck.

  His back against the white tiled wall, their eyes locked facing each other. Neither spoke.

  She unceremoniously undid her ecru wool pants and slid them off, stepping out of them without removing the four-inch, designer pumps with slick, red soles. Turning her back, she folded the pants neatly and laid them atop her bags, giving Sam view of her bottom divided by a thin slice of white lace thong.

  Tisha eased toward him. He was up for it. His body responded in kind pushing at fabric constraining it. Spreading her legs she put hands to hips in Wonder Woman stance, allowing him to ogle her a few seconds wearing only the ecru, see-through, shell over silky lace. Her breasts strained against the fabric, nipples clearly visible through the two filmy layers. She licked her lips and strode closer.

  Undoing his belt buckle, she leaned against his chest. Her tits squished flat against his hard chest. She eased in for his kiss, but as his mouth opened to accept it, diverted to his neck, nuzzling deep into it. Breathing hot flames of desire against light stubble, kissing and nipping tender skin, rushes of desire and goose bumps formed on her body, and he quivered.

  While she undid his trousers, a hand tangled into his unruly locks. He cupped her buttocks lifting her giving better access to his neck. Tisha’s mouth demanded as she covered the space then sought his ear. Her tongue hungrily circled behind and delved into the outline, plunging into the center then squeezing the lobe. He shivered, kneading her bottom with both hands heated with desire and firing hers more.

  Sliding across butter-soft leather of his bomber jacket, her fingers dove beneath his black tee shirt accessing his bare chest, twining into silky, sparse chest hair. A gush of hot air against his ear caused him to flinch.

  Sitting her onto her feet created a slight space between them. He skimmed beneath her shell searching for the hidden globes. Massaging and kneading soft, pillowed flesh, thumbs tweaked then squeezed firm nubs at the center sending a jolt of flame to her core, wetting her underpants. Busily her hands devoured his chest covering him. She fingered one nipple then the other and delighted. With each tweak, he jeered to attention.

  “Mmm …” She groaned, and he swallowed hard licking his lower lip, as though his mouth watered.

  Lost in her revelry exploring his body, her eyes followed her seeking hands. He allowed her the lead. She worked to his belly delving into his navel and biting his slim hips as she slid his black jeans and boxers to his ankles. His hands rested gently on her shoulders and his manhood stood proud and thick.

  Her hands circled around exploring his ass as she kissed her way along the outside of one thigh and back up the other. His skin tasted delightful. The smooth texture against her tongue of his hard belly, rippled with muscled flesh. His rock-hard erection rested against her cheek. Ignoring it, she skipped to the other side, delaying gratification. She could tell it drove him wild the way his rod twitched.

  Biting, she nipped along the inside of a leg then blazed a torturous route along the other. Reaching the top, she gazed into his lusty eyes and wickedly grinned.

  Ever so lightly she tongued one hanging orb then the other. Slowly, gently, sucking the globe slid into her melding hot mouth, lavishing it with her tongue. His brea
th caught, and he ceased movement. She released it to suckle the other inside. Releasing the delicate skin gently, she demurely smiled. Clearly under her spell, her willing victim’s skin glistened with her moisture.

  Pulling out a condom she’d tucked into her coat pocket, she opened it and licked the back of his shaft, deliberately all the way to the red, swollen tip. Her tongue found the sensitive slit and circled it then with one movement sucked him inside her mouth.

  His groan echoed in the silent room.

  Firmly gripping him she sucked hard, her tongue flicking she brought him near the brink. As she withdrew the pulsing shaft, she pressured the swollen vein with her lip then slid the condom on. She stood.

  Wasting no time Sam didn’t bother removing her thong. He lifted and braced her back against the wall. Legs spread wide she wrapped them around his hips. Spiked heels rested on his ass pressing into baby-softness pulling him against her. His fingers sought her hidden treasure, flipped the slip of silk aside, and rammed into her hungry body. They froze for an instant taking in the sensation.

  She was so hot she might explode. He fit her tight, like he’d been molded with her core in mind. She hadn’t expected being overcome with ecstasy having his cock inside her. A couple of ragged, deep breaths steadied her.

  He drew in a gush of air and smiled, looking like a kid handed a bag of candy. He moved focusing so he wouldn’t come too soon, gauging his tolerance to give her what she craved. The notion filled her with warmth for the man she’d chosen.

  Remember to thank him.

  Not now. Now she wanted to lose herself in the ecstasy of their joining. Damn, it had been a long time since she’d felt as alive.

  His firm pace grew swifter and bolder. Each ram sent tingles through her, filling her completely. Tisha matched stride for stride, gripping with her feet. Her hands locked in his golden tresses.

  Sam’s face buried in her neck. His breath on sensitive skin sent ripples of pleasure up her spine. Her hair stood on edge. Together his woodsy fragrance and hers created a sensual intoxicating scent she’d never forget.

  He appeared lost in bliss, pleasing the wonton woman blatantly offering this lusty interlude. He acted as though essential to please her. The idea he cared endeared the stranger to her. She was closer to him during this single session than she’d felt with Simon having sex.

  She only wanted sex from Sam—didn’t she?

  No matter. All it could ever be—lost to each other after the next few minutes together. No gushy sentimentality.

  Together they rocked in the dance of life with the occasional moan or grunt of passion. Lost in each other, oblivious to the outside world, a door clanged shut as someone entered another stall.

  They froze. Their mouths less than an inch apart, Sam moved full-tilt inside Tisha. Her breasts firmly pressed his chest. Their shirts wrinkled around their necks, pushed out of the way to get skin-on-skin.

  Tisha silently chuckled and jiggled against him as they laughed soundlessly at their predicament. Neither moved a muscle until the tremor ended. Paper snapped removing it from the roll. Flush engaged. Water ran then footsteps exited the room.

  Tisha laughed out loud. Sam snickered. “Think they knew we’re here?” He chuckled, and the vibration tickled her insides.

  “Absolutely.” She giggled like a school girl.

  Back to their rowdy joining, the pounding grew stronger. Her eyes closed, unable to accept vision other than the one in her mind of the man inside her. Approaching orgasm she stiffened. Her behind tightened gripping mightily. With moans of ecstasy she rushed him toward a climax as they simultaneously came together. With a grunt, he gave himself to her in a quiver of spasms continuing to complete fulfillment. She sighed heavily against him.

  Looking exhausted he rested against her spent body heaving hot breath into her neck. It tickled, and she shivered. He licked the sensitive flesh and smiled. It felt good and right, relishing the afterglow still connected. She hated releasing him and brutality of separation. He belonged inside with her legs resting against his slim hips.

  The illusion created from a blissful orgasm wasn’t reality. Truth was vicious. It slapped Tisha’s face, as she longed to lie peacefully wrapped with this strange man—but no. Not now and not Sam.

  She gently pushed against his chest, signaling their parting. He shrugged. What was going through his head? Her feet landed securely on the floor. He backed away. A smile owned his handsome face.

  Tisha ignored him, righting herself. He did the same, but kept keen eyes focused on her. They hastily dressed without words or touching, and their faces where blank.

  She grabbed her pull-behind and smiled. “Thank you, Sam. I needed to be alive. You did it for me.” She grabbed her things and left him alone in the handicapped stall of the ladies room.


  What the hell happened? The stunning, damaged creature needed unemotional, slam-bam sex with a stranger. Alone and afraid of relationships she thinks it’s all she deserves.

  Sam waited a few minutes, giving Tisha time to make a clean get away. She never intended to see him again. Finally emerging, a few passengers milled around the turnstiles with Tisha nowhere in sight.

  Lovely in a strained and pained way, maybe Tisha wasn’t the bitch she appeared at first. A soft spot hid deep below the lady’s iron exterior. He’d gotten a fleeting glance before she buttoned up for the ride.

  Jasmine, peaches and sex lingered on him. His odor on her breath where he’d kissed her tasted erotic knowing the scent came from him inside her mouth.

  When they’d been in the act, he’d felt possessive and at home in her body. A sensation he’d revisit, but a futile whim. Tisha lived behind a stone wall out of grasp.

  Why did he care?

  Clearly a wham-bam-thank you Ma’am encounter, Tisha whatever-her-name-was fled his life. It sucked.


  Ash colored sky common during winter provided a steady drizzle, fitting weather matching Tisha’s mood, stronger after her airport quickie with the kind stranger. It wasn’t the Mile High Club, but it helped stiffen her backbone for facing reality. At least now she could breathe thanks to the sweet guy at the airport.

  She should be ashamed of her actions, but he’d gotten something from it too. Why sweat it? Sam, like other men she’d encountered, sought one thing. Better a quickie-then-depart bypassing opportunity for long-lasting damage. He got benefit of getting off with a stranger and a fitting story to share with buddies. Tisha felt human again without risking her heart.

  All good.

  How long will the high last?

  After the silent ride home, the driver deposited her bag inside the foyer leaving Tisha. A chill sped down her spine, and she shivered. The big house sounded eerie without Mom’s presence, as though mourning her itself. Her onetime home oddly sucked dry of life without Roberta fueling it. Tisha shuddered. She no longer belonged here.

  She needed to get rid of this monstrosity. No use for it now. Gran wouldn’t want to be here alone.

  Patsy Cline crooned Walkin After Midnight from Gran’s first-floor suite down the wide hall. She waited for Tisha. How could she face her last remaining relative?

  They’d been shockingly dependent on Mom. Both their lives had changed in Tisha’s inexperienced hands, with no clue how to handle the responsibility.

  Tisha wandered through the expansive foyer stepping lightly, not alerting Gran of her presence, not ready to see her yet. She paused at the bathroom door where she’d been caught by the maid smoking at the age of thirteen. She chuckled to herself. Mom would’ve been mortified.

  Dad bought the mansion because of the town’s popular school system before he died. Tisha was in first-grade. The well-known community excelled in academics and sports, conveniently located a bridge across the river from Cincinnati. Lovely parks, quaint old-fashioned street lights, quirky neighborhood pubs and eclectic cafes lent character to the virtually crime-free quaint town. Residents strolled tree-lined stre
et and played with children in sprawling yards. Neighbors rode bikes or jogged and waved at passersby in the family-oriented community. Unique houses from four-bedroom classics to majestic antique manors, enormous contemporaries, or German tutors exuded character.

  This particularly distinctive one had a wide veranda fronting the three-story flanked by circular towers crowned with cone-shaped roofs. Thick Greek-style columns supported a side porch on the right. Wisteria covered trellis lined front and back, providing privacy.

  The circular driveway draped around the house like a ribbon. One could conveniently stop to unload a vehicle then park in the detached, four-car garage behind the house. Surrounding trees guarded the back lawn making the three-acre lot completely private.

  In front colorful blossoms from narrow gardens bordering the driveway provided brilliant color from spring to fall. Orange and yellow mums waning as weather changed signaled winter neared. Soon the service would hang glittering holiday lights and heirloom decorations from Mom’s spectacular bounty. She’d taken pleasure working with the decorator on the festive display.

  Who will do it now?

  Tisha wiped a tear. How would they celebrate the season without her? How could they? A lump of dread filled her throat.

  “Funny what you think of when grieving.” Her whisper echoed strangely in the emptiness.

  No decorations this Christmas.

  Would anyone live here when the holidays came? She shrugged, not caring. Without Mom the house meant nothing.

  The enormous entryway showcased original artwork in hardwood flooring created specifically to produce a glamorous atmosphere. The installer, a brilliant craftsman-artist, fashioned a design fitting the home’s grandeur. It hinted of Old English and lemon.

  Stairs spread wide at the bottom curled to a narrow six-foot across rising in the center room to the next level. A bannister spanned the distance to the hallway above. The center four-feet draped with a white ribbon of plush carpeting complimenting gleaming mahogany. It reminded Tisha of the Tara staircase from the movie Gone With The Wind with Mom playing Scarlett.