Paper Dolls [Book Two] Read online

  Paper Dolls


  Author’s Note

  Welcome to Book Two of the Paper Dolls series. We’d like to take this time to remind our readers that Paper Dolls is by no means a dramaless ride. In this installment of the series there is sex, violence, bad language, and talk of rape.

  This particular book follows the couple, as they return home, after their recent commitment to one another. To be honest, we saved the most cliché part of their journey for this specific book. We did not want to open their story with a coming out journey but now that they’re tasked with growing in a relationship together it’s only right we tackle these more obvious struggles in a second book. All that said, this is definitely their coming out book! Talk of neglect is big in this one and there will be scenes involving Avery’s mother in rehab.

  The last thing we want is to randomly trigger someone in ways similar to Avery’s struggle down the line. Be vigilant in your own quest for appropriate entertainment. If this story is too much for you please pull back and resist the urge to read.

  Thank you very much for your readership and your feedback!

  We do hope you enjoy!

  Love Always,

  E & B

  Book Two

  Finding Home

  Chapter One


  Olivia popped the trunk and I walked around, lifting my big bag out and leaving my tiny travel bags for her. She stood by me, taking anything that was mine and closing the trunk. I looked at her, one long look of hope, and then started for the door. I could tell Dad was home because the blinds in the front window were up.

  Mom couldn’t stand the light most days so it had been dark and depressing in the house for a long time. I went through the open garage. His truck was parked nearest the door, telling me that he’d moved my car. I looked back; making sure Olivia was with me.

  The door stood there when I turned around. It opened smoothly like always and I stepped inside, looking around. Olivia shuffled in behind me and I stood there in the middle of the family room, looking through to the kitchen. He wasn’t there. I went through to the formal living room and then down the hall to my room.

  We could drop off my stuff and I would find him after. “This is it.” I said, opening the door and stepping inside. It was just like I’d left it. Everything was neat until you looked close and saw a shirt sleeve coming from under the bed and my trophies covered in a fine layer of dust. It was a little embarrassing. I didn’t remember it well but I was sure Olivia’s room was perfectly neat and clean.

  “You can throw those on the bed,” I said.

  I set my big bag down and looked around. It was a large room, with built in book shelves along one wall. My bed in the middle and my closet on the other side. Framed posters decorated the walls. Playbills and old films, like Singin’ In the Rain, Rear Window, and Roman Holiday, were crowded in with photos of my family.

  My desk sat at the far wall. An old wooden one my mom found when she was doing her usual weekend antique shopping before Adam. My comforter was older, one I’d had before we moved. Buying things for myself wasn’t really something I did.

  “You were right,” Olivia said, dropping my other stuff and wandering off to the bookshelves to immediately snoop.

  “I was?”

  She was in my room, looking and evaluating. Butterflies flared in my stomach.

  She smiled back at me, finger hovering over the books on one shelf. “You can get a lot of information from what people keep in their rooms,” she teased. Her finger stopped on the worn out spine of something familiar to me and she pulled the book out. “Really Avery? Nicholas Sparks?”

  “Hey, you can’t judge me by that. It’s a guilty pleasure. Remember I know your Glee secret.” I stepped over, grabbing the book from her. “Besides it’s really romantic.”

  “Nicholas Sparks is way more embarrassing than Glee,” she teased matter-of-factly, moving her hands down to the next shelf and pulling out the first of all my Twilight books. “My goodness,” she beamed, face lighting up with intrigue. “This is fascinating.” Her eyes were practically glowing with unexpected amusement and joy. That blush in her cheek when she thought about me.

  “Oh my god, you’re killing me. Look, I actually don’t like Edward or Jacob. I think Bella should be with Alice.” I let it slip out before I realized, what I’d said was more embarrassing than even having the book.

  “Hmm… Okay… Less embarrassing but Rosalie is where it’s at. Can’t you just imagine her and Bella having hate-sex up against that grand piano? I mean, I didn’t much like the books but at the very least they gave me that.”

  “You’re giving me some very interesting role play ideas,” I chuckled.

  “Avery. You’d kill me,” she warned cautiously.

  “You already know I like to be bitten.” I gnashed my teeth in her direction and took the book from her, giving it a longing look and then putting it back. I got close enough to kiss her quickly and then grabbed her hand.

  “That- I do,” she calmed down. She was probably sensing my troubled mood. But I knew by now my touch did tend to sedate her at times.

  “I guess we should go find him.” I sighed, running my free hand through my hair. “He’s probably out back in the shed.”

  “I really don’t have to be here if I’m making this harder,” Olivia reminded.

  “You’re not making it harder.” If I told her that it was the opposite she would feel like she had to stay with me. “But you can go if you want. I won’t blame you for wanting to miss out on the awesome that is Captain Lockhart.”

  “Avery, I’m not worried for me. I’m not. There isn’t anywhere else I’d rather be. I mean, when I go home there’ll be no welcome. Not that I’d even want that,” she laughed.

  “Okay,” I smiled to hide my concern, kissing her again. “Let’s go.”

  We walked hand-in-hand through my house until we got to the back door. I pushed it open and stepped onto the patio. Sounds of clinking and objects moving caught my ear. He was there. My heart sped up and I started walking now, just wanting to get it over with.

  “Dad?” I called to him from outside the shed.

  There was a rustling, like fabric being moved, and a thump, like something heavy being dropped on a wooden surface. After a few moments his head appeared around the side of the door.


  He didn’t smile but he did come out, walking towards us. He hadn’t really changed at all. His dirty blonde hair was close cropped in the same cut he had since I could remember. He didn’t look as tall as he used to look to me. He was wearing a pair of khaki pants and a grey t-shirt with a red flannel button down over it, unbuttoned, of course.

  “Hey,” I said. He reached out and hugged me, harder than I expected. He hung on, his long arms crossing on my back. I just stood there, taking it in, before I reached my arms around him in return and hugged back.

  Olivia stood behind us. I was acutely aware of her presence. She’d let go of my hand when he had come toward us, anticipating the need. I let go of him and he finally released me. “Dad, this is Olivia.” I stood to the side and let him see her. I was grinning like an idiot. “Olivia my Dad.”

  He reached out a hand toward her and nodded. “Nice to meet you Olivia.”

  “Nice to meet you too, I’ve heard a lot about you.” She took his hand and shook it delicately. I could see her considering him, taking him in, his full presence.

  “Have you?” He looked from me to Olivia. “I haven’t heard about you yet. So I’m at a disadvantage.”

  I laughed a little. He was kidding but he came off so dry and serious. “Dad, come on, don’t give her a hard time.” It wasn'
t my fault that he had been gone so long.

  “So, how do you two know each other?” He directed the question to Olivia. He was trying to size her up.

  “We share a school,” she said. “Avery’s kind of amazing.”

  “I am not. You’re biased,” I shot back and looked up at Dad. “She interviewed me for the yearbook so I only told her all the good stuff.”

  “It’s hard to believe you’re graduating this year,” Dad said.

  He’d missed the last three years and now he was bringing up graduation. “Yeah,” I agreed. “I guess it goes fast.”

  He gave me a weak smile. I knew he was thinking about Adam or he wouldn’t have brought up graduation. When he was here it was like this.

  “Are you going to be here for it?” I asked.

  He looked at me. The set of his jaw scared me a little. “Of course I am.” He kept looking at me, pinning me down with his eyes. “I’m here for good. They transferred me to a job with command.” He looked uncomfortable like he wanted to say something. I looked to Olivia. He wouldn’t discuss anything real in front of her.

  I cleared my throat. “Well, I guess we should go back in.” I reached out for Olivia, taking her hand. Making a point. “Come on, babe.” I wanted him to know. He never talked to me, why should I tell him. I would show him.

  We made it to the patio before he said my name. It was low and even. He was mad.

  “Avery, as soon as your friend goes home we need to talk. Dinner at 17:00.”

  I’d turned to look at him but he must’ve done an about face. By the time my gaze turned he was heading back for the shed. I closed my eyes and turned again, shoulders falling. “Sorry,” I muttered to Olivia as we walked back inside.

  “That was bad, right?” Olivia asked, sort of unsure.

  “That was bad,” I answered.

  “But I’m not hiding things from him. I’m shocked he didn’t notice the ring.” If he had he didn’t show it. “It’s okay. The weirdest part was him hugging me like that.” He rarely hugged me. The last time had to be the night Adam died.

  “Avery, you didn’t…” She was going to say something but she stopped.

  “What?” I opened the door for her and followed her in. “I didn’t?”

  “It’s nothing,” she said. “Forget it.” But it was something.

  Forgetting would be impossible. “I can’t,” I pushed. “I hate not knowing what you’re thinking. Especially at times like this.”

  I walked through the house and out the front door. She was following, silent until we got to her car. I knew I couldn’t go with her, and she couldn’t stay, but we had awhile. Some time. “Get in,” I said.

  I slipped in the passenger side and waited for her to get in her driver seat. When she did, I closed my eyes, focusing past the feelings seeing him had brought out. “Okay, tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “Okay… I don’t even want to ask this but, you didn’t… Bring me here for that, did you?”

  “No!” I nearly flipped. I ground my teeth, trying not to say anything stupid. “I brought you because I didn’t want you to leave and I’m stronger with you. I needed the support.”

  “Did you know he was going to act like that? I mean… Obviously, I danced around this,” she said, moving her hands mid-air between us like she might be tugging on an imaginary rope that tied us together. “But you took my hand and called me Babe and it just felt like.. I dunno.. It almost felt like, like instead of being sweet to me you were actually saying Fuck You to him. Not that I’m saying he doesn’t deserve that but- if this... If you’re with me because...” Her voice trailed off. She swallowed hard and I witnessed her temporary mental crisis.

  “No, God. Olivia.” I chewed my lip, trying to figure out how to even talk to her right now. “I’m just not going to hide anything from him. I was doing what I would have done any other day, in front of anyone else.”

  Olivia’s hand grabbed mine and she squeezed it hard before looking over at me. “I’m sorry,” she said. I could tell she was sad now for complicating things further. “You already have too much to deal with in there without having to think about me going crazy out here. I shouldn’t have asked.” She really meant it. I could practically see the remorse drifting off of her like steam.

  “No,” I said, putting my other hand on top of hers. “I’d rather you tell me when you’re worried about something or when I upset you. I may not always handle it just right but I hope we can at least never go to bed angry.”

  I let the last part linger, letting her know that I planned on this whole separation thing, being apart at night, ending as soon as possible.

  “I’m sorry Avery…”

  “Don't apologize, it’s fine.” I smoothed my hand over her cheek. “I’m not sure I can sleep without you now,” I sighed.

  “I don’t even want to think about that,” she said, staring at me openly, her eyes flickering. She tucked her bottom lip into her mouth and forced a half smile. The way she stared sometimes...

  “Would your parents notice if you snuck me in?”

  “Depends,” she shrugged, head tilting a bit as she considered the scenario. “How late would you come?”


  “More often than not they’d be sleeping sound by then or not even home. The only thing that’s ever woken them that late is bad news or my piano playing. Even when they are awake then, they’re rarely near the front door.”

  I nodded, looking away and formulating a plan. “My dad won’t notice that I’m gone and if he wakes up and I’m not there in the morning he won’t get mad as long as I leave him a note saying I’m at a friend’s.”

  “Are you really considering this?” She smiled, her eyes glowing as life seemed to return to her chest and cheeks.

  “Yes, I wasn’t even kidding. We have an entire weekend before school and I will find every way I can to spend it with you.”

  Olivia let out a pained sigh. I watched her body visibly relax itself as her back found its way to the chair and she allowed it to support her. “Being away from you after this will be a lot easier now that I know I might see you tonight,” she whispered. “I don’t like thinking about what’s going to happen in there when I leave.”

  “It won’t be fun but it’ll be okay.”

  Dad wasn’t unreasonable. We just didn’t know each other anymore. I prayed that he wouldn’t press me too hard for details. He’d never done that before.

  “He wouldn’t- He doesn’t… Hurt you, right?” She didn’t even want to ask but I’m glad that she did.

  “No,” I assured her, my head slowly shaking back and forth. “He’s never done anything like that. He gets really angry when he sees something that’s wrong. He would never. He’s just absent or has been for a few years. That’s why I’d be really scared for Ben if Dad ever found out.”

  “Good,” she sighed. Her body language was so stiff. “But fuck Ben. I could care less if he gets attacked. At least we know he’d deserve it.”

  “I’d be more afraid for my dad getting in trouble. If it was bad he’d get court marshaled and then we would be screwed. All the insurance and benefits… Eh, whatever. It’s not even worth discussing.”

  Right now I just wanted to say goodbye to her alone. No, not goodbye; see you later. I would be leaving to go see her. I didn’t care if Dad even noticed. He couldn’t stop me.

  “I’m gonna text you and tell you how the talk goes and then I’ll leave in time to get to your place by midnight. We can figure it out if we need to change the plan.”

  “Okay,” she settled.

  “I love you,” I said, reaching for her.

  “I love you too, Baby,” she whispered all loving yet pained.

  I kissed her, putting everything into it, knowing that it would be awhile before I got to do it again. My hands went to the sides of her face and I slowed it down so that I was dragging our lips apart at the end. “I’ll see you soon.”

  I couldn’t stand anymore. I got out
of the car; rushing to leave because I knew I wouldn’t be able to if I didn’t act without much thought. I made it to the door, stopping there and turning to see her still looking at me from her car. It was sad. The saddest I’d been in a long, long time.

  Then I went inside and prepared to face coming out to my dad for real this time. I had no idea how he would react. Skylar was right about his being weird about stuff like this but I could hope that he’d changed and I could steel myself in case he hadn’t.

  Chapter Two


  The second Avery pulled away from me, physically; I got this sinking feeling in my chest. It didn’t even surprise me when she said: “I’ll see you soon,” and ripped herself away.

  My eyes drifted to a close somewhere in the middle of her fierce breath of life. This was giving in, letting things happen. When we kissed like this we were together, really together. But as soon as I let myself give in it was time for her to let herself pull away and I was left in the wreckage, having to stay, knowing I couldn’t control what would happen in there without me or what would happen in a week or what would happen in a month from now after both of our parents finally got their claws into us and we’d have to shift ourselves to endure it.

  I watched her front door close right after she entered. In my mind I was still following her inside.

  In my mind I could stand by her and listen. I could be invisible. Hold her hand. Give her strength.

  But that was all make-believe.

  I hated to know she was really alone.

  Avery had been right all along. Her father didn’t deserve to be able to judge her. Abandoning your child, for several years, with someone unfit, and right after a death in the family? That’s no match for being a semi-stable teenager who just so happens to be romantically involved with a caring person of the same sex. There is no way for those two things to equal out as “wrongs.”

  Technically, what Avery was doing with me shouldn’t even be an offense. The two of us are lucky to be living in this time and this age. The laws now, in this country anyway, are actually on our side for once. But the laws have no place in a private home where they can become ultimately arbitrary and altogether nonsensical, to say the very least.